
Tjoet Nja' Dhien (1988)

장르 : 드라마, 전쟁, 역사

상영시간 : 2시간 7분

연출 : Eros Djarot


Set in 1896, "Tjoet Nja' Dhien" celebrates one of Indonesia's great heroes who fought for independence from the Dutch. The pious Muslim people of Aceh, a city that had flourished since ancient times as a trade port, enter into a fierce war with the Dutch. Tjoet Nja' Dhien, the widow of a rebel leader operating in Aceh in Sumatra, assumes the leadership when her husband Teuku Uma is killed in an ambush. Dhien's charismatic presence and power of survival motivate the locals to join and later continue their opposition to the Dutch. Despite personal obstacles, she remained in the thick of the struggle for ten years.


Christine Hakim
Christine Hakim
Tjoet Nja' Dhien
Slamet Rahardjo
Slamet Rahardjo
Teuku Umar
Piet Burnama
Piet Burnama
Panglima Laot
Rita Zahara
Rita Zahara
Nya' Bantu
Roy Karyadi
Roy Karyadi
Voorneman (Dutch Officer)
Ibrahim Kadir
Ibrahim Kadir
M. Amin
M. Amin
Teuku Leubeh
Rudy Wowor
Rudy Wowor
Captain Veltman
Huib van den Hoek
Huib van den Hoek
Van Heutzs (Dutch Officer)
Rosihan Anwar
Rosihan Anwar
Habib Meulaboh
Hendra Yanuarti
Hendra Yanuarti
Tjoet Gambang
Agam Kecil
Fritz G. Schadt
Fritz G. Schadt
Vetter (Dutch Officer)
Willemijn van Rijekevorsel
Willemijn van Rijekevorsel
Mrs. Van Heutsz
Syarifudin Benhur
Syarifudin Benhur
Pang Karim
Tuanku Djalil
Tuanku Djalil
Baron Achmadi
Baron Achmadi
Young Officer
Hermin Chentini
Hermin Chentini
Herald Meyer
Herald Meyer
Portuguese Merchant
Johan Moosdijk
Johan Moosdijk
Dutch Officer
Robert Syarief
Robert Syarief
Dutch Officer
John Iskandar
John Iskandar
Joes Terpase
Joes Terpase
Eko Handoko
Eko Handoko


Eros Djarot
Eros Djarot
George Kamarullah
George Kamarullah
Director of Photography
Karsono Hadi
Karsono Hadi
Benny Benhardi
Benny Benhardi
Art Direction
Idris Sardi
Idris Sardi
Music Director
Sound Designer
Eros Djarot
Eros Djarot
Eros Djarot
Eros Djarot
Handi Muljono
Handi Muljono
Eros Djarot
Eros Djarot
Alwin Abdullah
Alwin Abdullah
Alwin Arifin
Alwin Arifin
Salmon Boyke Roring
Salmon Boyke Roring
Assistant Director
Suprianto Djarot
Suprianto Djarot
Assistant Director
Satari S. K.
Satari S. K.
Assistant Director
Sentot Sahid
Sentot Sahid
Assistant Editor

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