The Winter Guest (1997)
Come In From The Cold
장르 : 드라마
상영시간 : 1시간 48분
연출 : Alan Rickman
It's winter in a small Scottish village near the sea, and multiple lives intersect in a day. Frances has just lost her husband to an early death, so her mother, Elspeth, travels to Frances' house to reconnect with her daughter and grandson, Alex. Meanwhile, old women Chloe and Lily go to a funeral, youngsters Sam and Tom cut class, and Alex gets a crush on tomboy Nita.
The young girl Olga Vasilyeva grew up in an orphanage. She never knew her mother and wants to find her. The only trace she has is a preserved letter from her mother from her personal file, which she managed to get from the administration of the orphanage. For a short vacation at her factory school, she travels from Sverdlovsk to Moscow following the unreliable traces of this letter. Yelena Alekseyevna — the woman she finds when she arrives at the address turns out to be a teacher in a ballet school, the wife of an ordinary senior teacher at the Moscow Technical Institute (who didn't defend his dissertation and is complacent about this) and an old-Moscow intellectual. She kindly meets her, but she is not the person Olga is looking for, she only has the same last name and first name and consonant middle name. She is kind and hospitable, ready to help the girl find her real mother and offers Olga to visit her house during a short stay in Moscow.
A bullied young boy befriends a flying, talking moose that crashed through his ceiling after a test-flight with Santa went terribly awry in this holiday film for the whole family. But later, just as Mr. Moose and Beril strike up a friendship, the young boy's nefarious landlord Mr. Pannecke decides a mounted moose head would make a fine new addition to his trophy wall. But Santa has other plans for Mr. Moose, and when he turns up looking for his lost pal, Beril is faced with the prospect of losing his one and only friend.
Sweeney Todd, a barber, and Maggie Lovett, a baker, join forces to commit a series of brutal, gory murders in London with a little help from Tobias Ragg, an employee of Maggie's bakery. They abduct a number of customers from the barber shop and kill them, baking them into meat pies which are sold to the public.
Saucy screwball comedy wherein lovely Madeleine falls in love with flier Fred despite interference from her fiancee and his ex.
Niskavuori's Aarne (Arne från Niskavuori) is a Finnish drama film from 1954. It is based on Hella Wuolijoki's play Niskavuori's Bread. In chronological order of the Niskavuori series, the film is the fourth. Aarne has married Ilona and left the house in Niskavuori, which he hosts, where his former wife Martta still lives, while the old mistress is holding the reins. Aarne and Ilona live in Helsinki, but Aarne has not been able to completely break away from Niskavuori, but keeps secretly in touch with the headmaster and gives instructions on the farm management.
Someone is killing off LA's most vicious criminals and the police are powerless to do anything about it. As the commissioner enlists the help of his top lieutenant, Roger, to solve the case, Roger begins to suspect that the mysterious Executioner might be his old friend from Vietnam.
Strong women take care of the property while the men focus on chasing women.
When Juliet, of noble Capulet birth, falls madly in love with Romeo, a zombie, the streets of fair Verona explode in an ancient feud. As the star crossed lovers struggle to overcome the prejudice toward their unholy union, Juliet's best friend Mercutio fights to win her heart back from Romeo's rotting grasp. As this timeless tragedy unfolds into a fresh new comedy, Mercutio finds that he may have to choose between Juliet's happiness and his own life.
The last black-and-white film in the Niskavuori series of movies.
London, England, November 5th, 1892, Guy Fawkes Night. The famous playwright Oscar Wilde and his lover Lord Alfred Douglas discreetly go to a luxury brothel where the owner, Alfred Taylor, has prepared a surprise for the renowned author: a private and very special performance of his play Salome, banned by the authorities, in which Taylor himself and the peculiar inhabitants of the exclusive establishment will participate.
Americans investigating the results of nuclear radiation discover a man-eating monster on a remote island.
Ephraim Cabot is an old man of amazing vitality who loves his New England farm with a greedy passion. Hating him, and sharing his greed, are the sons of two wives Cabot has overworked into early graves. Most bitter is Eben, whose mother had owned most of the farm, and who feels who should be sole heir. When the old man brings home a new wife, Anna, she becomes a fierce contender to inherit the farm. Two of the sons leave when Eben gives them the fare in return for their shares of the farm. Meanwhile, Anna tries to cause some sparks by rubbing up against Eben.
This documentary short examines the special train on which mail is sorted, dropped and collected on the run, and delivered in Scotland on the overnight run from Euston, London to Glasgow.
Prince John was enraged, and used his time in prison to devise a plan to get his revenge. Convincing the king's son (Richard II) into letting him out, he soon assassinated the king, betrayed Richard II, and imprisoned Robin Hood. Learning of Robin Hood's imprisonment, a new band of Merry Men with Little John as their leader must once again overthrow Prince John an return peace to Nottingham.
요정의 나라인 픽시할로우는 팅커벨과 그녀의 친구들이 살고 있는 따뜻한 지역과 겨울 요정들이 살고 있는 추운 지역으로 나누어져 있다. 이 곳에서는 서로 분리된 지역을 넘나드는 일은 금지되어 있지만 호기심이 많은 팅커벨은 추운 지역을 탐방하러 간다. 그곳에서 팅커벨은 우연히 페리윙클이라는 요정을 만나게 되고, 서로의 날개가 반짝이는 것을 발견한다. 알고보니 팅커벨과 페리윙클은 쌍둥이 요정이었던 것. 팅커벨과 페리윙클은 서로의 지역을 넘나들며 교류를 하지만 이 사실을 겨울 지역의 왕에게 들키고 만다.
Andy Warhol’s screen adaptation of Burgess's "A Clockwork Orange”.
Based on the Ukrainian vaudeville by Mykhaylo Staritsky, the famous Ukrainian writer. The leading character, Svirid Petrovich Golokhvosty had his own barbershop in town and a reputation of a dandy. Once, after losing everything he had at cards, he decided to remedy his financial situation by a profitable marriage. A rich but ugly girl named Pronya Sirko fell for the illustrious suitor’s courtship...
Stock car racer Tommy Callahan is forced to join Pete Madsen's thrill circus after his blackouts cause a fatal accident that gets him thrown off the circuit.
악명 높은 도둑이면서 상류 사회의 신사이기도 한 가스통은 베니스에서 아름다운 귀부인 릴리를 만난다. 그런데 릴리 역시 귀족 행세를 하지만 정교한 실력을 가진 소매치기였다. 서로의 실력에 반한 두 사람은 사랑에 빠지고, 함께 파리로 건너가 유명 향수 회사를 소유한 콜레 여사의 금고를 털 계획을 세운다. 그런데 콜레 여사가 신분을 위장한 가스통에게 관심을 보이고, 가스통 역시 여사에게 특별한 감정을 느낀다. 릴리는 금세 두 사람 사이의 이상 기류를 눈치채고는 질투심에 사로잡히는데...
지적이면서도 우아하고 유쾌한 농담이 빛나는 ‘루비치 터치’가 돋보이는 에른스트 루비치의 대표작이며, 로맨틱 코미디의 원형이라 할 수 있는 작품이다.