Amorira (1932)
장르 : 드라마
상영시간 : 2시간 15분
연출 : Simon Buis
Christian mission propaganda film about 'a slice of heathen life, with the bamboo bush people of Borado-Likowali'. Keli is forced to marry Wesa but has a lover in another village. This causes war to break out between the two villages and Wesa is killed. Wesa's father Meo now wants Keli to marry his other son. Keli refuses and the hostilities continue. Just when the authorities have locked up a number of troublemakers, Father Jacobs arrives. The missionary tries to win the confidence of the locals but becomes embroiled in the conflict. An assault by Meo's men leaves him dangerously wounded. The villagers stop fighting and Meo asks the dying missionary's forgiveness.
1965년 시드니의 ABS 방송기자 해밀턴(Guy Hamilton: 멜 깁슨 분)은 첫 해외 근무지인 인도네시아의 자카르타에 도착한다. 극심한 빈곤과 좌우익의 이념의 대결로 수카르노 정권이 위기를 맞고 있을 때 신참 해외특파원 해밀턴은 노련한 타회사 특파원들 틈에서 고전을 면치 못한다. 프리랜서 사진기자인 난쟁이 콴이 해밀턴에게 호의를 보이며, 공산당 최고 지도자와의 인터뷰를 성사시켜 준다. 이 특종 하나로 해밀턴은 단번에 일류 특파원으로 인정받고 다른 특파원들의 시기의 대상이 된다. 콴은 영국대사관 직원 질(Jill Bryant: 시고니 위버 분)을 해밀턴에게 소개해 준다. 불같은 정열과 얼음 같은 냉철함을 갖춘 미모의 지성인 질. 두 사람은 첫대면부터 사랑을 느끼고 갈 수록 뜨거운 관계로 발전한다. 해밀턴은 콴한테서 공산당이 중국의 지원으로 바란을 일으킬 것이라는 정보를 입수하고 보도하면서 요주의 인물로 지목된다. 수카르노를 영웅으로 생각하던 콴은 수카르노의 장지집권과 부정부패에 회의를 느끼고 반정부 프래카드를 호텔에 내건뒤 자살한다. 드디어 공산당이 반란을 일으키고 시내는 혼란에 빠진다. 해밀턴은 혼란 속에서 더이상 자신이 설 곳을 찾지 못하고 간신히 빠져 나와 비행기에 오른다.
1965년 인도네시아, 쿠데타 당시 군은 ‘반공’을 명분으로 100만 명이 넘는 공산주의자, 지식인, 중국인들을 비밀리에 살해했다. 40년의 세월이 흐른 현재, 대학살을 주도한 암살단의 주범 '안와르 콩고’는 국민영웅으로 추대 받으며 호화스런 생활을 누리고 있다. 그러던 어느 날, 자신들의 ‘위대한’ 살인의 업적을 영화로 만들자는 제안이 들어온다. “당신이 저지른 학살을, 다시 재연해보지 않겠습니까?” 대학살의 리더 안와르 콩고와 그의 친구들은 들뜬 맘으로 직접 시나리오를 쓰고 연기도 하며 자랑스럽게 살인의 재연에 몰두한다. 하지만 촬영이 진행되면서 대학살의 기억은 그들에게 낯선 공포와 악몽에 시달리게 하고, 영화는 예기치 못한 반전을 맞는다. 전대미문의 방법으로 인간의 도덕성을 뒤흔드는 충격의 다큐멘터리!
Twenty-year-old Joseph and his sixteen-year-old sister Suzanne live in the merciless conditions of an intemperate foreign land with their widowed mother. Their mother attempts to exert a hold on her children by involving them in the family's run-down rice plantation. However the siblings seek liberation, and look for this in their romantic lives. Suzanne becomes involved with Michael and Joseph finds a love interest in Claude.
The film weaves around four stories all happening in metropolitan, dehumanizing Jakarta. In fact that is what it is about, the quality of meaninglessness of living in a place that turns people into zombies. In a place where meaning must be invented, these kids turn into the only place, the only culture they see worth tuning into: television and movies. Thus they slowly degenerate into the abysmal reinterpretation in a sort of sickening anti-hero, anti-social statements that goes absurdly a wrong turn.
After meeting at a party, two Indonesian students studying in the US embark on a project to create a science fiction epic that will captivate the masses.
인생 역전의 한 방을 노리는 ‘케니’(매튜 맥커너히)는 최대 규모의 금광 발견을 꿈꾼다. 그런 그에게 모두가 코웃음을 치지만, 자신의 신념 하나만 믿고 지질학자와 함께 인도네시아 정글로 탐사를 떠난다. 끝이 보이지 않을 것 같던 그 순간, 170억 달러 규모의 금을 발견하는 데 성공한 ‘케니’. 금광 발견이라는 성취감에 빠져 있던 그에게 전세계를 뒤흔드는 예상치 못한 사건이 일어나는데…
치히로는 삶에 대한 의지가 나날이 희박해져 가는 마음의 병을 앓고 있다. 그는 계속해서 죽음을 염두하고 있으며 그러한 죽음에의 의지를 주변 사람들에게 아무 거리낌 없이 알림으로써 주변 사람 모두를 불안에 휩싸이게 한다. 유리와 치히로 부부는 치히로의 여동생 쿠미가 살고 있는 발리로 여행을 오고, 유리는 발리 여행을 계기로 치히로의 증상이 나아지기를 기대한다. 그러나 발리를 여행하는 동안 발리는 두 사람에게 있어 치유의 섬이 아니라 치히로의 증상이 좀 더 악화됨과 동시에 유리와 치히로의 사이를 최악으로 만드는, 고통의 섬이 된다. 그러는 사이 유리는 낯선 남자와 새로운 열망에 빠져들고 쿠미는 출산이라는 일생일대의 이벤트를 겪게 된다. 치히로와 유리, 그리고 쿠미가 결국 발리에서 확인하게 되는 것은 그들의 각기 다른 욕망을 역시 각기 다른 방식으로만 추구할 수 있다는 거리감일 뿐이다. 영화는 이제 인물들 사이에 남아 있는 것은 소통의 가능성이 아니라 단지 불화의 가능성만인 것은 아닌지 질문하고 있다. (박진희_2014년 제19회 부산국제영화제)
An evil witch kidnaps people and turns them into zombies. Two young warriors, a pretty girl and an old master fight against the witch and her helpers / monsters.
After the destructions that where caused by the tsunami, the insulars of an Indian archipelago are rolled over by another surge of ruination: the flood of international aid organizations, which pluck this premodern civilisation into the 21st century. The film depicts the partially heroic attempts of the Nicobareses, to live in this world without drowning.
Two weeks after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in August 1945, Indonesian Independence leaders proclaimed “Indonesia Merdeka!” ‘Freedom for Indonesia’ and an end to Dutch colonial rule over the Netherlands East Indies. Internationally renowned Dutch filmmaker Joris Ivens, in Australia as Film Commissioner for the Netherlands East Indies government in exile, resigned his position in protest against Dutch policy, which sought to re-impose its colonial rule. In collaboration with Indonesian activists, Chinese, Indian and Australian trade unionists, and local artists and filmmakers, Ivens made Indonesia Calling, a film documenting the crucial role of Australian trade union support in the establishment of the new Republic of Indonesia. Ivens’ film was an activist documentary; it actively contributed to the events it depicted. All those who worked on it became ‘adversely known’ to the security services.
Darman, his daughter Ida, and Slamet the servant, go into the woods to hunt. Ida was lost when Darman and Slamet are chasing a tiger. Ida ends up in Tarsan's hut. They become close though at first, Tarsan has problems speaking the Indonesian language. Then he agrees to go to the city and learn how to be an urbanite. It is not easy as he is even harassed by Ida’s friends who do not like him.
Feelings slowly grow between an eccentric writer and an aspiring painter until circumstances — and other people — cause them both to drift away.
Eight young people from various reasons and motives coincidentally rob a bank at the same time. They had to work together to find answers to the puzzles, and find the best solution for all.
From Cinehound user Kothar: "Two Girls, Mayang and Sekarsari, are trained by an old master. One day her teacher told them that they were adopted by him. 'Your real parents were killed years ago as Gobang also known as Lowo Ijo, was attacked with his men their village and almost all the inhabitants were murdered.' Mayang and Sekarsari want to find Gobang and take revenge for the death of their parents. They receive from their teacher special swords. He also warns Mayang her sword must not fall into the hands of another person. If it is violated by their own sword, she would immediately paralyzed."
The people of a small Indonesian village believe they have an evil creature called an Impaktita living among them.
Linda is a young woman of Chinese heritage whose mother converted to Christianity after gaining some fame as a badminton player. Her friend Cahyono is tired of anti-Chinese prejudice and now tells people he’s from Japan. Together, they try to make sense of their place in the Indonesian society.
While working on a project together, two friends face the feelings they've long had for each other. Now, however, they're both seeing other people.
Released directly to video, this action film features John Phillip Law as Ted Barner, a low-level employee of a corporation in Indonesia who is charged with testing a new laser weapon. Accompanied by an engineer who works for the corporation and a friend, Barner heads out to the test site with the laser in tow. Before the three can get very far, they must outrun an evil Texas industrialist who intends to grab the laser for himself. They are joined by a female reporter and end up at the site of the test, where their problems are just beginning.
A dramatisation of the struggles of Sheikh Haji Muhammad Saleh, known as Tuanku Tambusai (Tuanku, an honorific; Tambusai, a nameplace), against the Dutch colonialists (and their factional traditionalist Sumatran collaborators) in Sumatra, during the Padri (Priest, the Dutch moniker for Muslim scholars) Wars of the 1830s. Tuanku Tambusai is officially honored as one of the National Heroes of Indonesia for his part in Indonesian history.
Denias lives at the foot of Jayawijaya Mountains. He goes to school in a cottage on the hill run by Pak Guru (or Teacher), who comes from Java. Pak Guru convinces Denias to continue his education because he believes that the boy is clever and could become a mathematician. Maleo the soldier also encourages Denias to go across the mountain where a good school lies. Then Denias goes on a 10-day expedition to find the school all by himself. His sleeping bag washes away in the river and he also passes out of exhaustion. Then he has to struggle to be accepted in the school as the Freeport Company that owns it, only allows children of the chiefs or the nearest tribes to be admitted.