The Land (1942)

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 43분

연출 : Robert J. Flaherty


Documentary showing the poor state that American agriculture had fallen into during the Great Depression.


Robert J. Flaherty
Robert J. Flaherty
Narrator (voice)


Robert J. Flaherty
Robert J. Flaherty
Frances H. Flaherty
Frances H. Flaherty
Additional Writing
Robert J. Flaherty
Robert J. Flaherty
Russell Lord
Russell Lord
Pare Lorentz
Pare Lorentz
Additional Writing
Richard Arnell
Richard Arnell
Original Music Composer
Robert J. Flaherty
Robert J. Flaherty
Director of Photography
Helen van Dongen
Helen van Dongen
Douglas Baker
Douglas Baker
Production Manager
Frances H. Flaherty
Frances H. Flaherty
Assistant Director
Albert Dillinger
Albert Dillinger
Sound Engineer
Reuben Ford
Reuben Ford
Sound Engineer
Douglas Baker
Douglas Baker
Camera Operator
Floyd Crosby
Floyd Crosby
Additional Director of Photography
Floyd Crosby
Floyd Crosby
Camera Operator
Charles W. Herbert
Charles W. Herbert
Camera Operator
Irving Lerner
Irving Lerner
Additional Director of Photography
Irving Lerner
Irving Lerner
Camera Operator
Fritz Mahler
Fritz Mahler
Lamp Hart
Lamp Hart
W.H. Lamphere
W.H. Lamphere

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