
Waste Not (2011)

A different view on recycling and the environment

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 26분

연출 : Ruth Hessey


Waste Not is a film about where your garbage goes, who sorts it for you, and what it is worth if it isn't just tossed into landfill. It's easier and cheaper to retrieve gold from old computers for instance, than to dig it up. Organics can be used to create fertiliser and green electricity and yet each Australian sends half a tonne of food waste to landfill each year where it is contaminated with chemicals and e-waste. We recycle only 50% of all our waste. There is an alternative to environmental apocalypse and we don't have to wait for the politicians to make it happen. All we really need to do is be creative and use our imaginations to turn this waste into wealth again. Waste Not talks to scientists, workers at waste depots, environment campaigners, gardeners and even a famous chef about how easy it is to save the planet by simply recycling properly.


Bisso Revigo
Bisso Revigo
Bianca Nogrady
Bianca Nogrady
James Bradfield
James Bradfield
Narelle Mantle
Narelle Mantle
Michael Mobbs
Michael Mobbs
Jeff Angel
Jeff Angel
Colin Jawora
Colin Jawora
Luke Powell
Luke Powell


Ruth Hessey
Ruth Hessey
Sophie Alstergren
Sophie Alstergren
Ruth Hessey
Ruth Hessey
Ruth Hessey
Ruth Hessey
Aden Young
Aden Young
Bonnie Elliott
Bonnie Elliott
Director of Photography
Dan Miau
Dan Miau
Zan Tabart
Zan Tabart
Peter Fenton
Peter Fenton

비슷한 영화

북태평양의 미드웨이 섬에는 수만 마리의 레이산 알바트로스 새끼들이 죽어서 땅을 덮고 있다. 시체들은 플라스틱으로 꽉 차 있다. 영화는 끔찍하고 슬픈 광경으로 우리를 안내하며 충격적인 상황과 그것에 공모하고 있는 우리 자신의 모습을 정면으로 마주하게 한다.
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