
The N.Y. Friars Club Roast of Jerry Stiller (1999)

장르 : 코미디

상영시간 : 48분

연출 : Paul Miller


The annual roast of the Friars Club, a fraternal organization for comedians, is a big honor - and yet can be a major embarrassment. The roastee being honored is Jerry Stiller, who played Arthur Spooner on the CBS sitcom King of Queens. Attendees included two at one point named New York City mayors, Police Commissioner Howard Safir, The Golden Girls' Bea Arthur, Dr. Ruth, The Brady Bunch's Florence Henderson, and comedian Janeane Garofalo.


Jerry Stiller
Jerry Stiller
Himself (Roastee)
Jason Alexander
Jason Alexander
Himself (Roastmaster)
Kevin James
Kevin James
Susie Essman
Susie Essman
Jimmy Kimmel
Jimmy Kimmel
Ben Stiller
Ben Stiller
Freddie Roman
Freddie Roman
Himself (Dean)
Sandra Bernhard
Sandra Bernhard
Jeff Ross
Jeff Ross
Patton Oswalt
Patton Oswalt
Florence Henderson
Florence Henderson
Anne Meara
Anne Meara
Bea Arthur
Bea Arthur
Ruth Westheimer
Ruth Westheimer
Janeane Garofalo
Janeane Garofalo
Chris Noth
Chris Noth


Kimber Rickabaugh
Kimber Rickabaugh
Executive Producer
R. Paul Miller
R. Paul Miller
Executive Producer
Lauren Gray
Lauren Gray
Executive Producer
Ken Greengrass
Ken Greengrass
Jean Pierre Trebot
Jean Pierre Trebot
Paul Miller
Paul Miller
Jeff Ross
Jeff Ross
Cisco Henson
Cisco Henson
Executive In Charge Of Production
John Yeck
John Yeck
Production Designer
Greg Brunton
Greg Brunton
Lighting Design
John McDaniel
John McDaniel
Michael Markowitz
Michael Markowitz
Consulting Producer
Risa Thomas
Risa Thomas
Production Supervisor
John McCann
John McCann
Production Manager
Geoff Diehl
Geoff Diehl
Production Coordinator
Nancy Severinsen
Nancy Severinsen
Music Supervisor
Jerry Mitchell
Jerry Mitchell
Debra Drimmer
Debra Drimmer
Hank Gallo
Hank Gallo
Chris Young
Chris Young
Kathyjo Boss
Kathyjo Boss
Sharon Taylor
Sharon Taylor
Henry Neimark
Henry Neimark
Stage Director
Meryl Jaffe
Meryl Jaffe
Stage Director
Demetri A. Pappas
Demetri A. Pappas
Script Coordinator
Paul-Michel Pierre-Benoist
Paul-Michel Pierre-Benoist
Associate Producer
Felicia Brokaw
Felicia Brokaw
Associate Producer
Jenny Cadena
Jenny Cadena
Associate Producer
Cristin Cricco
Cristin Cricco
Associate Producer
Gary B. Encarnacion
Gary B. Encarnacion
Associate Producer
Gregory Gates
Gregory Gates
Associate Producer
Eric Guzinsky
Eric Guzinsky
Associate Producer
Lewis Hobgood
Lewis Hobgood
Associate Producer
Jessie Klein
Jessie Klein
Associate Producer
Walter Painter, Jr.
Walter Painter, Jr.
Associate Producer
Luigi Ricchio
Luigi Ricchio
Associate Producer
Mark Ryle
Mark Ryle
Associate Producer
Wendy Spero
Wendy Spero
Associate Producer
Steve Thompson
Steve Thompson
Associate Producer
Ginger Williams
Ginger Williams
Associate Producer
Christina Youry
Christina Youry
Production Coordinator
John Bradley
John Bradley
Richie Wirth
Richie Wirth
Technical Supervisor
Terry Kulchar
Terry Kulchar
Sound Mixer
Paul Ranieri
Paul Ranieri
Video Assist Operator
Robin McGee
Robin McGee
Costume Designer
Booey Kober
Booey Kober
Liz Blumenkranz
Liz Blumenkranz
Jody Eisenstein
Jody Eisenstein
Producer's Assistant
Jill Dorfman
Jill Dorfman
Coordinating Producer
Corinne Schultz
Corinne Schultz
Production Assistant
Oscar Riba
Oscar Riba
Production Assistant
Michael Caputo
Michael Caputo
Production Assistant
Mark Shatsky
Mark Shatsky
Production Assistant
Alison Grambs
Alison Grambs
Production Consultant
Andrew Smith
Andrew Smith
Production Consultant
Barry Dougherty
Barry Dougherty
Production Consultant
Jeffrey Gurian
Jeffrey Gurian
Production Consultant
Nicholas Scibetta
Nicholas Scibetta

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