
Nowhere Mind (2018)

A little meditation never hurt anyone.

장르 : 스릴러

상영시간 : 1시간 45분

연출 : Ben Nissen


Ivan uses experimental meditation to induce out-of-body experiences that might make it possible for him to escape a mysterious illness. His training takes an unexpected turn when he finds himself getting between the marital engagement of two old friends, Emily and John. Unaware of Ivan's secret relationship with his fiancé, John invites Ivan to go on a hiking trip with him. In order to keep up appearances, Ivan agrees to go along. On the trip, John grows ever more suspicious of Ivan's intentions with Emily. A dangerous game of cat and mouse ensues that might provide Ivan an unexpected route to a cure.


Patriac Coakley
Patriac Coakley
Ivan Marshall
Armando Reyes
Armando Reyes
Detective Martinez
David Scott Crawford
David Scott Crawford
The Philosopher
Peter Nerad
Peter Nerad
Joette Waters
Joette Waters
Anna Marshall
Casey Searles
Casey Searles
Emily Fisher


Ben Nissen
Ben Nissen
Ben Nissen
Ben Nissen

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추천 영화

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