재혼의 기술 (2019)
"안녕하세요, 혹시 재혼이세요?"
장르 : 로맨스, 코미디
상영시간 : 1시간 25분
연출 : Cho Sung-kyu
호적상 ‘이혼남’인 것만 빼면 나름 완벽한(?) 남자 ‘경호’. 어느 날 그의 앞에 아끼는 후배이자 영화감독 ‘현수’가 나타나면서 외롭지만 순탄한 일상을 이어가던 그의 삶에 변화가 생기기 시작한다. 영화 시나리오처럼 경호의 인생을 다시 써주려는 ‘현수’ 이름하여, ‘재혼 프로젝트’가 시작되는데...
남편의 바람기 때문에 이혼을 하고 두 번째 결혼을 앞두고 있는 상류층 여인 트레이시. 그러나 전남편인 덱스터는 아직 그녀를 사랑하고 있다. 덱스터는 스파이 매거진이 트레이시 아버지의 연애사건을 폭로하려는 걸 알고 이를 막기 위해 기자 마이크의 도움을 구하는데...
서로를 더 이상 믿을 수 없게 돼 결혼이 위기에 처한 어느 부부. 제리(Jerry Warriner: 캐리 그랜트 분)는 플로리다에 갔다 왔다고 아내 루시(Lucy Warriner: 아이린 단 분)에게 거짓말을 하고 인공 선탠을 해가며 일주일 동안 친구들과 시간을 보낸다. 하지만 그가 알리바이를 위해 친구들을 동원해 집에 왔을 때 그를 반기는 건 텅빈 집뿐. 루시는 이틀째 집을 비운 상태였다. 조금 후 발성 교사인 알만드(Armand Duvalle: 알렉산더 다시 분)와 나타난 루시는 이내 제리가 플로리다에 가지 않았다는 사실을 눈치채고, 반면, 루시와 발성 교사와의 다정한 모습에 흥분할 대로 흥분한 제리는 두 사람의 관계를 추궁하기에 이른다. 이내 거실은 공격적 인 분위기가 되고 손님들은 두 사람을 남기고 다 돌아가는데, 흥분한 두 사람은 급기야 이혼을 하기로 결심한다. 하지만 강아지 Mr. 스미스의 양육권 때문에 두 사람은 얼굴을 계속 부딪치게 되는데. 제리의 질투심을 유발하기 위해 알만드를 계속 만나던 루시는 우연히 만난 텍사스의 석유왕인 리슨(Daniel 'Dan' Leeson: 랠프 벨라미 분)과 데이트를 하고 그의 프로포즈를 받는데 왠지 제리를 져버릴 수가 없다. 제리를 향한 자신의 사랑이 아직도 그대로인 것을 깨달은 루시는 제리가 사교계 명사, 바바라(Barbara Vance: 몰리 라먼트 분)를 좋아하게 되자 바바라의 파티에 쳐들어가 술에 취한 척하며 말썽을 부리는데.
A singer marries his biggest fan, but his uncle plans to kill him in order to gain his money.
Amanda and Elyot are one another's former spouse. Elyot remarries to Sibyl, Amanda weds Victor. Unexpectedly, both honeymooning couples arrive to a hotel on the same day and are put in rooms with adjoining terraces. Things go well until Amanda sees Elyot on the adjacent terrace.
In a small city of Brazil, Flor (a very good looking woman) marries Vadinho, a very handsome and erotic man. Once married she finds he is a good-for-nothing. She works teaching cooking to her neighbours but he takes all her money to gamble. One day he dies. Flor misses the goods of the marriage so she marries again with a very correct gentleman – the owner of the drugstore (Teodoro). Now she’s very happy with her man, but misses the erotic moments with her previous husband. Then the ghost of Vadhino comes to earth to chase her.
Two years after the death of his beloved wife, Pat O'Brien summons his children back to their homestead in the west of Ireland. Fionn travels from New York, Gareth from London, and daughter Una returns from Dublin, fearing the worst. Pat is not the only family member bearing the burden of a secret. The O’Briens is a modern comedy about a dysfunctional Irish family and the town they grew up in.
When a woman finds out that her husband is being unfaithful to her, she decides to give him a dose of his own medicine, making him jealous with another suitor.
The Our Gang kids worry that Darla's new stepmother will be an evil stepmother like of fairy tale fame.
Mabel is a successful pilot who hates sensational media, but falls in love with Jack, a womanizer journalist with conservative views on gender. When the two of them get married, they make a deal: Mabel will cease to fly as long as Jack doesn't interview any more women. But how long can they keep their pact?
Kansas, 1910. Widowed farmer Jacob Witting finds that taking care of both his farm and two children, Anna and Caleb, is too difficult to handle alone. John takes out an ad in a newspaper for a mail-order bride, to which the "plain and tall" Sarah Wheaton answers, soon traveling from Maine to Kansas to become John's wife. Despite the love that grows between Sarah and the family, Sarah finds herself homesick, and she must ultimately choose whether or not to stay.
Paula Tobias, a Holocaust survivor who has suffered the ultimate personal tragedy of losing her spouse and children during the Nazi occupation of World War II. Now re-married and living in America during the late 1960's with husband David, they build a new life together with sons Ben and Jake. One evening, Paula receives a phone call which assures her that her son, Alec, is actually alive and in New York. This brings up painful memories from the past for everyone involved, including Ben and Jake, who force their father to talk about the Holocaust. Paula rushes to New York only to find that it was a mistake - Alec was never found. She falls into a dramatic depression, as the family confronts their fears and tries to stay together.
After getting out of prison, Ma returns home to find his wife Ji Ha remarried and his son apparently dead. He kidnaps Siu Ching, Ji Ha's new son, and takes him on a trip through China.
Struggling to come to terms with the death of her mother, Kim suddenly has to deal with a new mother in her life. Choon, Kim's father, brings home a woman one day and announces his decision to marry her. A series of mysterious and terrifying incidents start to occur at the family home after their return. Could it be the jealous spirit of Choon's dead wife that has come back to show her displeasure at being replaced? Or is there something more sinister? What unravels is a tale of unspeakable evil that threatens to destroy the family. What deep, dark secret is Na, Choon's new wife, hiding from them? Can Kim help save her family from complete destruction?