Less Than Sun God (2008)

장르 : 드라마

상영시간 : 1시간 4분

연출 : Razibul Hossain


Young photographer Khaleed Saikat once decided to go for a journey into the unknown. He took his laptop, camera, and some money with him. But no destination remains unknown at its end. Khaleed landed a small village market where he met the ‘Orao’ Youngman Arun Khalko and his constant companion Shukra.


Mehdi Moinul
Mehdi Moinul
Runa Khan
Runa Khan
Shomu Chowdhury
Shomu Chowdhury
Joy Raj Nawsher
Joy Raj Nawsher
Raquibul Hossain
Raquibul Hossain


Razibul Hossain
Razibul Hossain
Razibul Hossain
Razibul Hossain
Director of Photography
Sameer Ahmed
Sameer Ahmed
Habib Zakaria
Habib Zakaria

비슷한 영화

The Cursed Village
Region of Castilla La Vieja, Spain, early 20th century. In Luján, a village ravaged by drought, Juan, a humble farmer who survives with his wife and son, confronts a local loan shark and is imprisoned as a result.
끝없는 참호
A small village in Huelva, Andalusia, Spain, 1936. Higinio and Rosa have been married only for a few months when the Civil War breaks out. Higinio, being afraid of possible reprisals from the rebel faction, decides to use a hole dug in his own house as a temporary hideout.
시골 유권자들의 표가 필요한 정치 전략가. 한 영상에서 애국 시민의 소신 발언을 듣고 그가 사는 마을로 날아간다. 그리고 그를 시장 후보로 만들며 시골 마을 선거를 뜨겁게 달구기 시작한다.
Jesús, a middle-aged man, finds out that he suffers from a venereal disease. Feeling guilty, he abandons his pregnant wife and flees to the countryside. In Pozoamargo, a small village lost in the middle of nowhere, he works as a grape harvester, living a simple existence, until he meets Gloria, a peculiar young woman.
North by Current
Filmmaker Angelo Madsen Minax returns to his rural Michigan hometown following the death of his infant niece and the subsequent arrest of his brother-in-law as the culprit. Using the audio-visual approaches of essay film, first-person cinema vérité, staged actions, and decades of home movies, Madsen navigates a town steeped in opioid addiction, economic depression, and religious fervor, while using the act of filmmaking to rebuild familial bonds and reimagine justice. Posing empathy as a tool for creating a more just world, North By Current does not seek to investigate a crime, but creates a relentless portrait of an enduring pastoral family, poised to reframe and reimagine narratives about incarceration, addiction, trans embodiment, and ruralness.
O Sítio da Mulher Morta
He has everything that the destiny wanted and that he has been able to expand: fertile lands as far as the eye can see, cattle, exceptional wines and cigars matured in the long voyages of the boats coming directly from the Caribbean, more precisely from Cuba. He enjoys all this in his rich rural house, with his wife and two children, whom he very much likes, but which sometimes interrupt him to enjoy these pleasures. The disenchantment of the passionate routine always reminds him of the fabled memories of a moment in the past when, unexpectedly, he discovered in a handmaiden the surprising elevation of passion. Until the harlot appears to her at the Estate, untouched by the past fifteen years, purer than before and, even in her eyes, rejuvenated. But married, to a dangerous man.
파이어 윌 컴
방화로 감옥에 갔던 아마도르는 석방 후, 그의 어머니가 세 마리 소와 함께 살고 있는 갈리시아 산간 마을 돌아온다. 자연 속에서의 일상은 평안하게 흘러가는 것처럼 보인다.
사일런트 워
내전에 패배한 공화군은 정부 수복을 선언하고 디데이에 앞서 기간시설 파괴작전에 돌입한다. 다리 폭파 작전은 정부군의 함정으로 전대원이 사망하고 대폭발로 청각을 잃은 유일한 생존자는 숲으로 숨는다. 정부군의 필사적인 추적과 잔혹한 사냥에 맞서 생존을 건 독한 게릴라 전쟁이 시작되는데… 무자비하게 되갚아준다!
루킹 포 베네라
베네라는 코소보의 한 작은 마을에 살고 있다. 집에서든, 밖에서든 항상 가족과 이웃들의 감시하는 눈초리 때문에 사생활이라곤 없는 그녀. 이런 것이 더더욱 자신만의 길을 가기 어렵게 한다. 그러던 그녀가 반항적인 소녀 도리나와 친구가 되고 마음의 위안을 얻는다. 이 두 소녀가 확신할 수 있는 딱 한 가지가 있다. 그것은 바로 자신들의 엄마처럼은 되지 않겠다는 것이다. 베네라는 외친다. "부모님께서 키스하는 것조차 본 적이 없다니까요!"
The Little Switzerland
The discovery of the tomb of William Tell’s son in a town in the Basque Country spurs the village's cantankerous citizens to lobby for Swiss annexation.
중국의 가난한 농부 왕룽(폴 무니 분)은 노예 출신의 여자 아란(루이즈 레이너)과 결혼한다. 기근이 닥치자 왕룽은 가족들을 데리고 일자리를 찾아 도시로 이사한다. 아란은 왕룽과 함께 힘든 생활을 견디고 혁명을 겪지만 돈을 모아 가족을 이끌고 다시 고향으로 돌아온다. 토지를 조금씩 사들여 드디어 부자가 된 왕룽. 그러나 그는 조금씩 방탕해지고 드디어 젊은 여자를 첩으로 맞아들이며 집안은 혼란에 빠진다. 왕룽의 집안은 젊은 첩과 장성한 아들로 인해 불화가 끊이지 않지만 왕룽의 아내 아란은 결코 흔들리지 않는다. 그 와중에 메뚜기 떼가 마을을 습격하여 왕룽 일가를 궁지로 몰아넣는데…
디 인크레더블 슈링킹 위켄드
Navarra, Spain. Alba has just turned thirty and is about to enjoy a weekend with her boyfriend and her friends in an isolated country house, but soon she will notice that this particular weekend is not at all like any other that she has lived before.
The Night of the Sunflowers
Two speleologists, Esteban and Pedro, travel to a mountainous area located in northern Spain, near a small village, to study a newly discovered cave and determine if it is of scientific interest, while Gabi, Esteban's wife, awaits their return on a lonely road at the foot of the mountain.
Bécquer and the Witches
In 1864, the Spanish poet Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer (1836-70), suffering from health problems, retires to the monastery of Veruela. Far from the noise and worldly activity of the capital, he immerses himself in the landscape of the mysterious Moncayo mountain. There, he discovers a new world full of legends that converge in a small village located at the foot of the mountain: Trasmoz, the Village of the Witches, the only officially cursed village in Spain.
Alentejo, Portugal, 1950. In a desolate region, where the wind seems to speak, where misery and hunger reign over poorest, a desperate man takes his revenge on those who caused his ruin during the darkest night, unable to get honestly the bread needed to feed his family in the daylight.
Praise of the Distance
Province of Lugo, Galicia, Spain. A year in the life of A Fonsagrada, a rural region whose inhabitants live both near and far from urban civilization; a praise of the distance that crosses the four seasons of the year, whose inevitable passage transforms both the natural environment and the existence of people, a simple, dignified and peaceful existence.
La ruta de don Quijote
A poetic journey through the paths and places of old Castile that were traveled and visited by the melancholic knight Don Quixote of La Mancha and his judicious squire Sancho Panza, the immortal characters of Miguel de Cervantes, which offers a candid depiction of rural life in Spain in the early 1930s and illustrates the first sentence of the first article of the Spanish Constitution of 1931, which proclaims that Spain is a democratic republic of workers of all kind.
죽음의 종소리
가리스멘디 농가에서 묻혀있던 해골이 발견된다. 부부는 아들 네스토르를 불러 이 사실을 경찰에 신고하지만, 경찰이 도착했을 때는 이미 해골이 감쪽같이 사라진 후다. 바스크 지방의 한 농가를 배경으로 전개되는 독특한 스릴러에서 유골의 발견은 한 가족의 오래된 상처와 어두운 비밀을 끄집어낸다. 네스토르의 쌍둥이 형제 에이토르가 오래전 비극적인 사고로 죽었다는 사실이다. 아버지는 지금 아무것도 하지 않으면 그들이 다음 희생자가 될 거라고 아들을 설득한다.
디스 이즈 낫 어 베리얼, 잇츠 어 레저렉션
In a small village surrounded by mountains somewhere in Lesotho, the 80-year-old widow Mantoa waits for the return of her only surviving relative: her son, who works in a South African coal mine. It is Christmas and he would come home. Messengers, however, bring the sad news: her son died in a mining accident.
What I Didn't Say
Following a violent earthquake in the Lazio hinterland, Sebastiano is forced to go for a short stay in the large house of his aunt Lavinia and his cousin Milo, in full knowledge of himself. Coexistence will lead the two to relive past experiences, in a hostile and provincial reality.