
The Love Butcher (1975)

He Wants More Than Your Love

장르 : 공포

상영시간 : 1시간 25분

연출 : Don Jones, Mikel Angel


The twisted tale of Caleb, and his alter ego Lester. After being pushed around too far, Caleb transforms into Lester and returns to those who have wronged him.


James Lemp
James Lemp
Caleb / Lester
Kay Neer
Kay Neer
Jeremiah Beecher
Jeremiah Beecher
Robin Sherwood
Robin Sherwood
Richard Kennedy
Richard Kennedy
Don (as Edward Roehm)
Louis Ojena
Louis Ojena
Marilyn Jones
Marilyn Jones
John Parker
John Parker
Minister (as John Stoglin)


Don Jones
Don Jones
Mikel Angel
Mikel Angel
Mikel Angel
Mikel Angel
James M. Tanenbaum
James M. Tanenbaum

비슷한 영화

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When a stranger enters a quiet, country town and is seduced by a sensuous married woman he unwittingly finds himself at the centre of a storm of sexual guilt and murder.
In 1957, Dorothy and Edmund Yates were committed to an institution for the criminally insane, she for acts of murder and cannibalism and he for covering up her crimes. Fifteen years later, they are pronounced fit for society and released. However, in Dorothy's case the doctors may have jumped the gun a bit. Edmund and eldest daughter, Jackie, try to discover just how far Mother's bloodlust has taken her. Meanwhile, youngest daughter Debbie begins to explore the crazy roots of her family tree as fully as possible.