
Bholaa (2023)

Ek chattaan aur sau shaitaan.

장르 : 액션, 스릴러, 범죄

상영시간 : 0분

연출 : Ajay Devgn
각본 : Sandeep Kewlani, Aamil Keyan Khan


An ex-convict endeavours to meet his daughter for the first time after leaving prison. However, his attempts are interrupted due to a drug raid planned by an Inspector.


Ajay Devgn
Ajay Devgn
Diana Joseph
Amala Paul
Amala Paul
Sanjay Mishra
Sanjay Mishra
Gajraj Rao
Gajraj Rao
Devraj Subramaniam
Vineet Kumar
Vineet Kumar
Deepak Dobriyal
Deepak Dobriyal
Tarun Gahlot
Tarun Gahlot
Abhishek Bachchan
Abhishek Bachchan
Kiran Kumar
Kiran Kumar


Lokesh Kanagaraj
Lokesh Kanagaraj
Original Story
Ajay Devgn
Ajay Devgn
Ajay Devgn
Ajay Devgn
Bhushan Kumar
Bhushan Kumar
Krishan Kumar
Krishan Kumar
S. R. Prakashbabu
S. R. Prakashbabu
S. R. Prabhu
S. R. Prabhu
Kumar Mangat Pathak
Kumar Mangat Pathak
Vikrant Surinder Sharma
Vikrant Surinder Sharma
Aseem Bajaj
Aseem Bajaj
Director of Photography
Dharmendra Sharma
Dharmendra Sharma
Paul Naveen
Paul Naveen
Visual Effects Director
Sriram Kannan Iyengar
Sriram Kannan Iyengar
Production Designer
Sujeet Subhash Sawant
Sujeet Subhash Sawant
Production Designer
Ramazan Bulut
Ramazan Bulut
Fight Choreographer
R.P. Yadav
R.P. Yadav
Fight Choreographer
Navin Shetty
Navin Shetty
Costume Designer
Radhika Mehra
Radhika Mehra
Costume Designer
Divya D'Souza
Divya D'Souza
Costume Designer
Dharmendra Sharma
Dharmendra Sharma
Assistant Director
Ravi Basrur
Ravi Basrur
Original Music Composer
Irshad Kamil
Irshad Kamil
Ganesh Acharya
Ganesh Acharya
Himanshu Nanda
Himanshu Nanda
Rahul Nanda
Rahul Nanda
N. Vinoth Ganesh
N. Vinoth Ganesh
Visual Effects Producer
Intekhab Mahmood
Intekhab Mahmood
Visual Effects Supervisor
Yatin Bhave
Yatin Bhave
Visual Effects Supervisor
Sohel K. Shaikh
Sohel K. Shaikh
Visual Effects Supervisor
Sunny Singh
Sunny Singh
Digital Intermediate Colorist
Sandeep Kewlani
Sandeep Kewlani
Aamil Keyan Khan
Aamil Keyan Khan
Ankush Singh
Ankush Singh
Sriidhar Rajyash Dubey
Sriidhar Rajyash Dubey

비슷한 영화

The Mad Room
Ellen Hardy gets a rude awakening when she discovers that her brother and sister are scheduled to leave their mental institution. As children, they were put there after killing their parents. Ellen, who now lives in the house of an old widow, Mrs. Armstrong, takes them in. But if their secret gets out, it could jeopardize Ellen's plans to wed Mrs. Armstrong's stepson. She struggles with anxiety -- until Mrs. Armstrong suddenly turns up dead.
The Girl from the Marsh Croft
A farm boy betrothed to a socialite falls in love with his maid - an impoverished girl from the marsh.
The Sunshine Boys
Two aging comedians who acrimoniously dissolved their act eight years earlier must overcome their differences when they have the chance for a lucrative movie comeback.
The Bad Seed
Rachel is a 9-year-old girl who is perfection itself - unless she's crossed or challenged. Several disturbing recent incidents have led Rachel's mother Christine to suspect that her child is a latent murderess. Upon discovering that she herself is the daughter of a convicted killer, Christine becomes convinced that sweet little Rachel is a "bad seed" - an inherent killer who feels no remorse because she doesn't know any better.
Saturday's Children
An inventor and his bride get testy in the city as they try to make ends meet.
포드 브로디는 어렸을 때에 일본 내 원자력 발전소에서 방사능 피폭사고로 어머니를 잃는다. 15년 후 포드의 아버지 조는 사고의 원인이 자연재해가 아닌 다른 것이라고 믿고 계속해서 조사를 하지만 금지구역에 들어갔다가 결국 포드와 함께 붙잡히게 된다. 비밀 연구소로 옮겨진 그들은 정부가 감추고 있던 괴생명체의 고치를 보게 되고, 때마침 고치에서 부화한 무토는 그곳을 빠져나가 인간들의 도시를 파괴하며 난동을 부리기 시작한다. 한편 무토가 뿜어내는 신호를 듣고 거대한 괴수가 쓰나미를 일으키며 나타나는데...
Bhale Dongalu
Remake of Hindi Hit Bunty Aur Babli. The story begins when Ramu, having ditched yet another job interview, coming home to his angry father. His father berates him, and in the process, Ramu reveals that he does not want an "Udyogam", rather, he want to do "vyapaaram" (he wants to do business rather than have a job). After his father vehemently rejects the idea, he runs away from home at night. On the other hand, Jyothi wants to be a model, and make her big debut in a beauty pageant in the city. She tells this to her mother and father, but her grandmother, the head of the house says a strong no, and she has already fixed for a potential suitor to Jyothi to come to the house the next day. Jyothi refuses, but her grandmother ignores her, and her parents are helpless. In order to make her dream come true, she runs away at night, and boards a train, the same one Ramu happens to be on and together, they begin their lives of crime.
Playing Cards
Three friends are playing cards in a beer garden. One of them orders drinks. The waitress comes back with a bottle of wine and three glasses on a tray. The man serves his friends. They clink glasses and drink. Then the man asks for a newspaper. He reads a funny story in it and the three friends burst out laughing while the waitress merely smiles.
타임트랩 워
미 정부는 포크너 박사 팀과 손잡고 비밀 연구 프로젝트를 통해 전함을 불가시화하는 은폐 장치를 개발하는 데 성공한다. 하지만 성공의 기쁨도 잠시, 제2차 세계 대전 당시 자취를 감췄던 미 해군 전함 '엘드리지'가 다시 눈앞에 나타난다. 포크너 박사와 생존자 빌은 시공을 초월한 엘드리지를 과거로 돌려보내 일을 바로잡으려 하지만, 미 정부는 어떻게든 증거를 없애기 위해 엘드리지를 폭파시키려 하는데...
The story revolves around Puli , who is a local rowdy and the son of a math teacher Prakash Raj. Prakash Raj hates his son for being a rowdy and for not being proficient in Mathematics. As part of a flashback it is shown that young Puli was very good in Physics but being a math teacher his father wanted him to excel in Math which he was unable to do so. As a result of repeated physical and mental abuse the young boy takes up the wrong route to grow up. In the mean time, rival gangs and police try to kill Puli but is accidentally saved by his step sibling, a daughter from an affair that Prakash Raj had. Puli helps his step sister in return for her unexpected help and vouches for her safety. The rival gangs kill Pulis step sister and put the blame on his father. How Puli brings the truth to limelight and unites with his family completes the rest of the movie.
The Kid from Brooklyn
Shy milkman Burleigh Sullivan accidentally knocks out drunken Speed McFarlane, a champion boxer who was flirting with Burleigh's sister. The newspapers get hold of the story and photographers even catch Burleigh knock out Speed again. Speed's crooked manager decides to turn Burleigh into a fighter. Burleigh doesn't realize that all of his opponents have been asked to take a dive. Thinking he really is a great fighter, Burleigh develops a swelled head which puts a crimp in his relationship with pretty nightclub singer Polly Pringle. He may finally get his comeuppance when he challenges Speed for the title.
마더스 데이
꿈에 그리던 집으로 이사 온 베스 부부(제이미 킹, 프랭크 그릴로)의 집들이 파티 분위기가 무르익어갈 즈음, 난데없이 자신들이 집주인이라고 주장하는 불청객이 들이닥친다. 이들은 은행 강도 행각을 벌이고 도주 중인 삼형제로 경찰을 피해 엄마(레베카 드 모네이)의 집으로 숨어든 것. 하지만 집은 이미 수개월전에 팔렸고, 엄마는 이미 다른 곳으로 이사를 간 상태다. 삼형제는 베스 부부와 친구들을 지하실에 감금하고, 몇 시간 후 삼형제의 연락을 받고 도착한 엄마는 자신의 말만 잘 따르면 모든 것이 잘 해결될 것이라고 얘기한다. 하지만 친절과 무자비함을 극단적으로 오가는 그녀로 인해 상황은 더욱 악화된다. 절체절명의 상황에서 베스 부부는 탈출을 감행하지만 실패로 돌아가고, 규칙과 약속을 어긴 이들에 대한 엄마의 분노는 더욱 커지는데..
Hell Raiders
In Italy during World War II, an American headquarters is evacuated when German forces break through the front lines. A demolition squad is sent back to the abandoned headquarters to destroy valuable records that were left behind before they fall into German hands.
The Blacksmiths
While his aide continuously turns the handle of the bellows, keeping hot a small furnace in front of him, a blacksmith is pounding a piece of metal on an anvil, then plunges the shaft into a tub of water, causing a cloud of vapor in the process.
How To Be Very, Very Popular
Two strippers on the run hide out in a college fraternity. Director Nunnally Johnson's 1955 musical comedy stars Betty Grable, Sheree North, Robert Cummings, Charles Coburn, Tommy Noonan, Orson Bean, Fred Clark, Alice Pearce, Rhys Williams, Willard Waterman, Leslie Parrish and Jesslyn Fax.
디보스 인비테이션
기독교인 마이크는 독실한 유대인 집안이 운영하는 레스토랑에서 일하다가 사장의 손녀인 딜런과 사랑에 빠진다. 마이크는 포경 수술까지하며 유대교인으로 개종하고 딜런과 결혼에 골인한다. 마이크는 뛰어난 사업 감각으로 레스토랑의 프랜차이즈 사업 계약을 위해 투자사를 알아보다가, 첫 사랑 알렉스와 재회하게 된다. 알렉스와의 감정이 깊어져서 기어이 딜런에게 이혼을 요구하지만 절대 이혼하지 않겠다는 딜런. 마이크는 과연 이혼에 성공할 수 있을까?
화녀 '82
서울근교 양계장 근처에 동식과 명자의 시체가 열두곳의 칼자국이 난채 발견돼 수사진은 강도살인으로 판명하고 수사하게 된다. 어느날 양계장 집에 명자(나영희 분)가 좋은대로 시집갈 조건으로 무보수로 식모로 온다. 작곡가 동식(전무송 분)은 가수가 되려는 혜옥과 사이가 가까워지자, 명자가 끼어들어 동식과 관계를 갖고 임신하게 된다. 양계장을 운영하는 동식의 부인 정순(김지미 분)은 명자의 애를 떼게 한다. 명자는 분풀이로 동식의 아들 창순을 독살한다. 정순도 명자를 쥐약으로 독살하려다 명자의 음모에 걸려들어 곤궁에 처한다. 명자의 애인 형철과 동식이 다툼끝에 형철이 부상을 입는다. 부상을 치료하던 명자는 형철의 급작스런 겁탈에 형철을 죽여 그 사실을 동식에게 뒤집어 씌운다. 정순은 증거를 찾아명자를 궁지에 몰리게 한다. 끝내 명자와 동식은 쥐약을 먹고 죽게 된다. 동식은 가족을 위해 강도 살인으로 위장하기 위해 정순으로 하여금 시체에 칼자국을 내게 한다.
서부의 거친 사나이 스티브와 버지니안은 오래전부터 둘도 없는 친구로 지내온 사이. 하지만 둘의 성격은 판이하게 다르다. 스티브는 참을성 없이 쉽고 편하게 세상을 살려고 하지만 버지니안은 법을 지켜야 한다고 생각하며 목장에서 열심히 일하며 살아가는 인물이다. 노름꾼들에게 한번 공격을 당한 이후 항상 총을 가까이 두고 사는 버지니안은 스티브에게 메디슨 보우 근처의 목장일을 주며 열심히 노력하며 살아갈 것을 권유하지만 그는 그것을 받아들이지 않는다. 그러던 어느 날 그들은 메디슨 보우에 막 도착한 동부 출신의 여교사 몰리 우드를 만나게 되고 동시에 반하게 된다. 몰리 우드는 생전 처음 겪는 서부의 거친 생활 방식과 사람들의 태도가 낯설기만 한 상황에서 충격에 휩싸여있는 상태. 그러던 어느 날 그녀는 한 파티에서 버지니아의 호의를 접하고 서서히 그에게 서서히 호감을 갖기 시작한다. 한편 스티브는 무자비하고 몰인정한 갱단의 두목인 트램퍼스와 손잡고 도적질로 돈을 벌려고 한다. 버지니안은 그에게 범죄의 삶에서 빠져나올 것을 경고하지만 스티브는 코웃음 칠 뿐 들으려하지 않는데...
If a Body Meets a Body
Curly learns that he is named in the will of his rich uncle, so the boys head for the uncle's mansion to attend the reading of the will. They arrive on a dark and stormy night only to find that the lawyer has been murdered and the will and the body have disappeared. All the relatives must stay in the spooky house while the police investigate and the stooges are given the bedroom where the uncle was murdered. After a series of misadventures with a walking skull and the uncle's body, which keeps turning up in strange places, the stooges unmask the butler and maid as the killers and recover the will. Then they learn that Curly has only been left sixty seven cents.
Money Money More Money
Four small time crooks, turn towards kidnapping for some quick money. They kidnap a millionaire's daughter, and they demand money (1 crore). They are forced to barge into the home of a vegetarian family of 35. Their stay in the house gets extended when they learn than the hostage's father has gone abroad and they have to wait until he returns. The kidnappers are forced to take more hostages to keep their identity secret and prevent the kidnapping venture from failing. Eventually other people are stuck in the house, such as: pizza guy, a police constable, a guy who wants money from the goon, real estate guy What follows is a "mad-mad comedy of errors", along with a sales girl who is dragged into the fray when she arrives in the house in order to sell them shampoo.