수년 전 약속을 지키면서 개인적인 복수심에 사로잡힌 교도관의 감정적 여정은 과거를 청산하기 위해 수감자들을 모집하여 부패와 불의를 밝히는 터무니없는 범죄를 저지르고, 그에게 예상치 못한 재회가 찾아온다
An ex-convict endeavours to meet his daughter for the first time after leaving prison. However, his attempts are interrupted due to a drug raid planned by an Inspector.
An atheist archaeologist turned believer must race against time to prove the true existence of the legendary Ram Setu before evil forces destroy the pillar of India’s heritage.
The Chola kingdom is under threat from forces both internal and external, and with crown prince Aaditha Karikalan, his younger brother Arunmozhi Varman and the emperor, Sundara Cholar separated by situations, it is up to a messenger to ensure the safety of the kingdom. Can he succeed in his mission, especially with Karikalan's former girlfriend, Nandhini, plotting to bring down the entire Chola empire?
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Lala Kedarnath is blessed with 4 sisters. But his only worry is to find suitable grooms for each of them, as only then can he marry his childhood love. To what lengths will he go to succeed?
꾀임에 속아 유곽에 팔려 간 소녀. 지하 세계의 인맥을 이용해 한때 볼모로 잡혀있던 세상에서 당당하게 힘을 되찾는다.
A honest cop tries to track down the brain behind a series of robberies and murders, but things turn personal when his family become pawns in the criminal's game.
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When professional ambitions clash with personal feelings for a modern-day couple, a love story from a bygone era may offer some wisdom.
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Two rival dance groups from India and Pakistan who are always competing against each other, join forces when it comes to competing at an international dance competition.
A student must overcome bullies and hardships, both academic and romantic, in order to win his college's coveted Student of the Year trophy.
길 잃은 신들의 쉼터이자 순례자들의 천국이라 불리는 곳, 케다르나스. 그곳에서 짐꾼으로 일하는 무슬림 청년 ‘만수르’(서샨트 싱 라즈풋)는 힌두교의 가장 높은 계급에 속하는 브라만 자제 ‘무쿠’(사라 알리 칸)와 우연히 마주친다. 티격태격했던 첫 만남 이후, 서로의 꾸밈없는 모습에 이끌린 두 사람은 종교와 신분의 차이를 뛰어넘어 운명적 사랑에 빠지게 된다. 하지만 ‘무쿠’는 이 사실을 알게 된 아버지로 인해 다른 사람과 정략결혼을 하게 되고, ‘만수르’ 역시 다시 돌아오겠다는 약속만을 남긴 채 마을에서 쫓겨난다. 그리고 ‘만수르’가 마을을 벗어나는 순간, 전대미문의 대홍수가 케다르나스를 집어삼키고 ‘만수르’는 ‘무쿠’와의 약속을 지키기 위해 위험에 빠진 마을로 발길을 돌리는데...
바시가란 박사와 (라지니칸트) 그의 안드로이드 조수 닐라는 (에이미 잭슨) 불가사의하게도 첸나이 사람들의 손에서 휴대 전화가 날아가기 시작하자 도움을 요청받는다. 비시가란은 새의 형태로 나타나는 파크시라잔의 (악쉐이 쿠마르) 초능력을 물리치기 위해 믿음직한 로봇 치티를 (라지니칸트) 소환한다.
Romance blossoms between young Sushrut and Michelle when they meet during the festival of Navratri. When Michelle returns home to the United Kingdom, Sushrut embarks on an adventurous journey through a strange land to win back the woman he loves.
A war drama based on the Indo-China War of 1962, JP Dutta's "PALTAN" focuses on the hard-hitting truth of India's relations with China, and how it is important to acknowledge that China, an enormous power in world politics, poses to be a huge threat to India.
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A war drama based on the Indo-China War of 1962, JP Dutta's "PALTAN" focuses on the hard-hitting truth of India's relations with China, and how it is important to acknowledge that China, an enormous power in world politics, poses to be a huge threat to India.
인도가 영국으로부터 독립한 이후 하키로 올림픽에서 최초의 금메달을 따기 위해 고군분투하는 한 남자의 여정을 다룬 영화
Soorma, a comeback story of the hockey legend Sandeep Singh is a biopic that chronicles the life and times of the famed hockey player.
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Kalindi, Avni, Sakshi and Meera are childhood friends. Kalindi and Rishabh are getting married, and the four gal pals come together for their veere’s wedding. But of course, there can be no shaadi without showsha and a lot of drama. This wedding celebration brings out skeletons from the closet, unspoken truths and some harsh realities as well.
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When Dev finds about his wife's affair, he starts blackmailing her and her lover but the blackmail game backfires on him.
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Upon realizing the extent to which women are affected by their menses, a man sets out to create a sanitary pad machine and to provide inexpensive sanitary pads to the women of rural India.
세계 2차 대전이 한창이던 때, 인도의 국민 배우 줄리아가 버마로 향한다. 그녀의 임무는 치열한 접전이 벌어지는 국경에서 위문 공연을 하는 것. 하지만 그땐 몰랐다. 전장의 포화 속에서 거짓과 배신으로 얼룩진 사랑의 포로가 될 줄은.
The musical drama is a sequel to the 2008 blockbuster 'Rock On' that tells the story of four friends and their passion for music. This time around, the film centers around the regional conflict prevailing in the North Eastern states of India.
카트리나 카이프)와 제이(시드하스 말호트라)는 커서 결혼을 약속한 사이가 된다. 그리고 결혼식 준비에 한창이던 그때, 캠프리지로부터 수학과 조교수 임용전화를 받게 되는 제이. 그는 결혼과 자신의 성공을 놓고 고민하던 중 잠이 들게 되고, 잠에서 깬 지금 결혼 후 10일이 지났다는 것을 깨닫게 된다. 하지만 그것도 잠시, 또다시 잠을 깨자 이번에는 2년 후, 더구나 디야와의 사이에서 아이까지 갖게 된 제이는 뭔가 잘 못 되었다는 것을 깨닫게 된다. 그러면서 펼쳐지는 이혼과 죽음, 그리고 교수로서의 생활. 과연 제이의 인생은 어디서 꼬여버린 것이며, 그것을 해결하기 위한 방책은 무엇일까? 지금 참다운 사랑을 찾기 위한 제이의 시간 탐험이 시작된다.
A pair of reformed gangsters try to find a husband for their newly discovered sister, but complications arise due to mistaken identities.
Two blundering terrorists with lofty ideologies, but ordinary talent, on a mission to change the world.
독실한 힌두교 신자인 파반은 어머니를 잃어버린 다섯 살짜리 벙어리 파키스탄 소녀를 돌보고 있다. 어머니를 찾기 위한 파반과 소녀의 여정은 펀자브와 라자스탄, 올드 델리와 카쉬미르 지역까지 이어진다. 그리고 종교와 국경을 초월한 사랑의 무한한 힘을 보여준다.
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Two strangers meet in Manhattan on New Year's Eve, and both of their lives are forever transformed in this romantic Bollywood drama. Even as they try to preserve their current relationships, neither can resist falling head over heels for the other.
An elite counter-intelligence unit learns of a plot, masterminded by a maniacal madman. With the clock ticking, it's up to them to track the terrorists' international tentacles and prevent them from striking at the heart of India.
집(우주)으로 돌아갈 리모콘을 도둑 맞은 외계인 피케이(아미르 칸). 되찾을 수 있는 방법은 오직 신만이 알고 있다? 각종 종교 의식을 행하며 신을 찾아 헤매는데.. 우리를 만든 신! 우리가 만든 신! 당신이 믿는 신은 누굽니까? 9월 3일, 신에 대한 발칙한 도발이 시작된다!
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복수를 위해 다이아몬드를 훔치려는 도둑. 댄스경연대회가 열리는 두바이의 한 호텔에 잠입할 작정으로 어중이떠중이들을 모은다. 하지만 이들의 급선무는 춤을 배우는 것.
Seenu loves Sunaina but they're chased by a stalking cop, an infatuated beauty and her mafia don dad - can Seenu's heroics work?
Sriram Venkat is the most shallow guy on earth who doesn't value relationships, family, friends, life or the country. Not necessarily in that order. Because he couldn't care less about the order. This makes him the clear 'black' sheep of the family.
The paths of four dream-chasing college friends cross with an array of colourful characters, from a tough-talking Punjabi female don to a Jugaad Baaz college watchman. Mayhem ensues.
A bandit leader kidnaps the wife of the policeman who killed his sister, but later falls in love with her.
천재들만 간다는 일류 명문대 ICE, 성적과 취업만을 강요하는 학교를 발칵 뒤집어 놓은 대단한 녀석 란초! 아버지가 정해준 꿈, ‘공학자’가 되기 위해 정작 본인이 좋아하는 일은 포기하고 공부만 하는 파파보이 파르한! 찢어지게 가난한 집, 병든 아버지와 식구들을 책임지기 위해 무조건 대기업에 취직해야만 하는 라주! 친구의 이름으로 뭉친 ‘세 얼간이’! 삐딱한 천재들의 진정한 꿈을 찾기 위한 세상 뒤집기 한판이 시작된다!
윌스미스 주연의 영화〈Mr. 히치〉의 인도판.
Dr Shivani Dutt living and working in a hospital in London, notices some of her colleagues delving in organ trafficking. Before she can expose them she is involved in an accident, leaving her on a life support machine.
Half-caste bandit Omkara Shukla abducts his lady love, Dolly Mishra, from her family. Thanks to his cleverness, he gets away with the kidnapping. A conspiracy, however, forms against him when he denies his right-hand man, Langda Tyagi, a promotion. Ultimately, this plot threatens not only his relationship with Dolly, but their lives and those of their associates as well.
평생을 함께하고픈 운명의 여자를 만났다. 그런데 라이벌이 너무 막강하다. 분노 조절 장애에다 결혼할 운마저 없다는 내 팔자에 웨딩마치는 정녕 욕심인가?
Indian (Sohail Khan), or I, as he goes by, is distraught when he must move to London with his father in order to live with the rest of his family, who have been living in England for a while. Once there, I begins to realize that many of the minority families are being bullied by white skinheads, and he decides he must get involved in order to stop the cycle of hatred.
태아상태에서 교통사고를 당해 지적장애가 있는 청년이 과학자인 아버지가 만든 컴퓨터를 통해 외계인을 만나 힘과 지성을 얻고 사랑까지 쟁취한다는 극영화
Widowed Mrs. Saraswati Batra (Waheeda Rehman) has brought up three sons with a lot of care and love. Her eldest son Om (Anil Kapoor) is very honest and diligent; her two other sons Jai (Fardeen Khan), and Jagdish (Abhishek Bachchan) also live in the same house. this is their story
Esha and Rahul start a letter based friendship that blossoms into love. They don't exchange names or pictures. Her parents would like Esha to marry Akshay who's eager to tie the knot, so Esha is forced to make a decision...
TV reporter Shivajirao gets a chance to be the Chief Minister of Maharashtra for a day, after being challenged by incumbent Chief Minister Balraj Chauhan. After his successful one-day stint, he attempts to get back to his normal life, but it is not as easy as he thought it to be, with the lives of his near and dear ones now in danger on account of his honesty.
A woman tries to win back her husband when she discovers he's keeping a model for a mistress.
A young man named Satya comes to Mumbai from South India in search of a job. Jailed for something he did not do, the once-honest young man meets an underworld boss, Bhiku Mhatre in jail and joins his gang.
After completing his studies in London, England, Shakti Thakur returns home to India in a small town where his family resides.
A poor young woman, who dreams of Bollywood fame, is caught in a love triangle between her childhood friend and a famous actor.