
Mexican Spitfire's Elephant (1942)

IT'S THE LAST GASP IN LAUGHS! MAMMOTH FUN! Lupe and Leon trapped between T-Men, gem-runners and a misplaced pachyderm!

장르 : 코미디, 로맨스

상영시간 : 1시간 4분

연출 : Leslie Goodwins
각본 : Charles E. Roberts


A pair of shipboard smugglers have a large diamond hidden inside a small elephant statuette, which they plant on absentminded Lord Epping to get it past customs. Now, his lordship is visiting Uncle Matt Lindsay who looks just like him. Thanks to flirtatious Diana's efforts to get the elephant back, the comic confusion proliferates, with 'spitfire' Carmelita (now a blonde) playing a prominent part.


Lupe Vélez
Lupe Vélez
Carmelita Lindsay
Leon Errol
Leon Errol
Uncle Matt Lindsay / Lord Basil Epping
Walter Reed
Walter Reed
Dennis Lindsay
Elisabeth Risdon
Elisabeth Risdon
Aunt Della Lindsay
Lydia Bilbrook
Lydia Bilbrook
Lady Ada Epping
Marion Martin
Marion Martin
Diana De Corro
Lyle Talbot
Lyle Talbot
Luis Alberni
Luis Alberni
Arnold Kent
Arnold Kent
Jose Alvarez, dancer
Don Barclay
Don Barclay
Mr. Smith of the Elephants
Eddie Borden
Eddie Borden
Villa Luigi Waiter
Jack Briggs
Jack Briggs
Ralph Brooks
Ralph Brooks
George Cleveland
George Cleveland
Chief Customs Inspector
Neely Edwards
Neely Edwards
Ship's Bartender
Bess Flowers
Bess Flowers
Harry Harvey
Harry Harvey
Ship Steward
Vinton Hayworth
Vinton Hayworth
Parks, Hotel Regal Manager
Lloyd Ingraham
Lloyd Ingraham
Stage Doorman at the Villa Luigi
Tom Kennedy
Tom Kennedy
Joe the Villa Luigi Bartender
Marten Lamont
Marten Lamont
Agent Arnold - U.S. Customs
Keye Luke
Keye Luke
Lao Lee - Chinese Magician
Ronald R. Rondell
Ronald R. Rondell
Customs Officer
Brent Sargent
Brent Sargent
Mary Stuart
Mary Stuart
Villa Luigi Hat Check Girl
Ann Summers
Ann Summers
Lindsays' Maid
Max Wagner
Max Wagner
Villa Luigi Headwaiter


Leslie Goodwins
Leslie Goodwins
Charles E. Roberts
Charles E. Roberts
Charles E. Roberts
Charles E. Roberts
Leslie Goodwins
Leslie Goodwins
Bert Gilroy
Bert Gilroy
Harry Marker
Harry Marker
Albert S. D'Agostino
Albert S. D'Agostino
Art Direction
Feild M. Gray
Feild M. Gray
Art Direction
Harley Miller
Harley Miller
Set Decoration
Darrell Silvera
Darrell Silvera
Set Decoration
Costume Design
Ruby Rosenberg
Ruby Rosenberg
Assistant Director
Jack MacKenzie
Jack MacKenzie
Director of Photography

비슷한 영화

코끼리 소년 투메이
Robert Flaherty and Zoltán Korda shared best director honors at the Venice Film Festival for collaborating on this charming translation of Rudyard Kipling’s “Jungle Book” story “Toomai of the Elephants.” A harmonious mix of the two filmmakers’ styles, Flaherty's adeptness at ethnographic documentary meeting Korda's taste for grand adventure, ELEPHANT BOY also served as the breakthrough showcase for the thirteen-year-old Sabu, whose beaming performance as a young mahout leading the British on an expedition made him a major international star.
Billy Rose's Jumbo
The daughter of a circus owner fights to save her father from a takeover spearheaded by the man she loves.
Goliath and the Dragon
A warrior returning home to his country must battle giant bats, three-headed dogs and a vicious dragon to save his wife, and his people, from the machinations of an evil ruler.
공룡 지대
인디언들과 서부의 카우보이들의 숨막히는 추적과 싸움을 담은 쇼를 보여주며, 놀라운 서커스까지 보여주는 세비지 쇼단은 순회공연중 리오 그란데에 오게 된다. 이곳에는 노천극장이 있어서 투우사의 쇼와, TJ(Theresa Juanita 'T.J.' Breckenridge: 질라 골란 분)라는 여인의 쇼를 선보여 관객들의 열띤 환호를 받는다. 그런데 TJ를 계속해서 따라다니는 미남 키비(Tuck Kirby: 제임스 프란시스커스 분)는 서부의 카우보이다운 야성미를 지닌 매력적인 사나이. TJ도 그의 이 매력을 무시 할 순 없었다. 요번 공연에도 예외없이 TJ를 따라 이곳에 발을 들려놓게 되는 키비. 단원 중의 한 사람인 투우사 칼로는 우연히 야불로라는 이상한 말을 얻게 된다. 이 말은 보통 말과는 다른 아주 작은 크기의 마로 단원들이 새로운 쇼를 구상할 수 있는 소재를 마련해 주었다. TJ는 이 비밀스런 짐승을 키비에게 보여주는데, 키비는 이것을 공룡 전문교수에게 몰래 보여준다. 학구열과 명예욕에 불타는 교수는 이 말을 훔치기 위해 마을의 집시들과 모의를 해서 빼내오는데. 집시들은 이 말을 전설처럼 내려오는 그들의 믿음대로 풀어주게 되고, 교수와 쇼 단원들은 야블로를 되찾기 위해 이상한 계곡에 들어서게 된다. 놀랍게도 그곳에서 그들은 선사시대에나 존재했었던 공룡과 대면하게 되는데.
Tarzan Escapes
White hunter Captain Fry tries to take Tarzan back to civilization, caged for public display. He arrives in the jungle with Jane's cousins, Eric and Rita, who want Jane's help in claiming a fortune left her.
코끼리왕 바바
어린 코끼리 바바는 사냥꾼이 쏜 총에 엄마를 잃고 도망친다. 도망친 곳은 도시. 그곳에서 한 귀부인을 만나 인간의 생활 양식을 익혀간다. 그러던 중 코끼리 친구들이 도시로 찾아오고 바바는 다시 고향으로 돌아간다. 고향으로 돌아간 바바는 왕이 되고 왕비를 맞아 아이들을 낳는다. 왕이 된 바바는 코끼리들에게 옷을 만들어 주고 집도 지어주며 멋진 코끼리 왕국을 만든다.
Bonnie, a nine-year-old single child, is part of a family of three living in the Netherlands. They have a love of elephants, passed on by Bonnie's grandfather's grandfather who worked on a game reserve in Africa, and Bonnie feels that she instinctively does things like an elephant as a result. Her single mother, Lis, is bi-polar and at times spends days on end without even getting out of bed. Then there are other times when she will manically do wild acts, such as impromptu dancing in public. As a result, Bonnie's sturdy and stable grandmother must hold the family together by doing all the cooking, etc. After her grandmother is killed by a car, Bonnie becomes the most responsible family member and struggles with preparing meals and getting her reluctant mother to take her medication. She also must dodge Jorien, a social worker who is attempting to place her in a foster home.
워터 포 엘리펀트
갑작스런 부모의 죽음으로 모든 것을 잃은 수의학과 청년 제이콥(로버트 패틴슨)은 일자리를 찾아 우연히 ‘벤지니 서커스단’의 기차를 타게 된다. 그곳에서 제이콥은 서커스단 최고의 스타이자 단장의 아름다운 아내 말레나(리즈 위더스푼)를 보고 첫눈에 반하게 된다. 동물에 대한 해박한 지식을 이용해 서커스단의 막일꾼이자 동물 관리인으로 일하게 된 제이콥은 서커스단과 함께 순회공연을 다니며 새로운 인생을 시작한다. 변덕스럽고 폭력적인 남편과의 관계에 순응하며 살고 있는 말레나는 제이콥을 통해 활기를 되찾게 된다. 서커스단의 스타이자 말레나의 쇼 파트너인 코끼리 로지를 돌보며 특별한 우정을 만들어 가던 제이콥과 말레나는 더욱 깊은 사이가 되어가고, 두 사람의 관계를 눈치 챈 남편 어거스트(크리스토프 왈츠)는 거세게 둘 사이를 방해한다. 남편의 폭력이 강해질수록 말레나는 인생에 단 한번 찾아온 사랑에 모든 희망을 걸게 되는데…
Whispers: An Elephant's Tale
A nameless baby elephant-steer was just getting used to life in the herd, when poachers kill his mother, so he runs and gets lost. He's found by a grouchy female, Groove, the sister of an alpha-female, who walks off disgusted with life in her herd. Not exactly wholehearted, she still takes the orphan under her wing, 'til we find your herd', but fails to find his herd, or a new home with males—who find him disrespectful and mouthy—or her own herd, which nicknames the kid Whispers since his trumpeting is so weak. Meanwhile the fear of poachers and (in the movie) lions drives them north over the great river, a long and dangerous journey...
Elmer Elephant
Little Elmer Elephant has a crush on Tillie Tiger and his affection is reciprocated. Trouble is, the pint-sized pachyderm is beset by bullies who ridicule his trunk and make his life miserable. Then a conflagration breaks out at Tillie's tree house.
Krazy Kat, Bugologist
Krazy Kat and Ignatz set out for the wilds on Krazy's bike; Krazy's promises to teach Ignatz about bugology. After crashing the bike into a tree, they come upon a bee (Krazy says it's sleeping, Ignatz says it's dead) and an elephant. Krazy works his magic on one of them, Ignatz on the other.
Working for Peanuts
Chip 'n Dale live next door to a zoo and spot the elephant's stash of peanuts. They go after them, but both the elephant and his keeper, Donald, are too clever. Then the boys realized the visitors throw peanuts, so they put on a song-and-dance act. Then they paint themselves white and pose as albino chipmunks.
Hannibal: Rome's Worst Nightmare
It is 200 years before the birth of Christ and Rome is the new superpower of the ancient world. She believes she is invincible - but one man is destined to change that. He is a man bound by oath to avenge the wrongs inflicted on his home and, in pursuit of revenge, he will stop at nothing. Hannibal explores the man behind the myth, revealing what drove the 26-year-old to mastermind one of the most audacious military moves in history. With 40,000 soldiers and 37 elephants, he marched 1,500 miles to challenge his enemies on their own soil. It was an act so daring that few people believed it possible.
Chang: A Drama of the Wilderness
Elephants disrupt the lives of a family deep in the jungles of Northern Siam, and an entire village.
Mickey's Elephant
A friend shipped Mickey a baby elephant named Bobo as a playmate for Pluto. Pluto's first introduction is to Bobo's trunk, through a fence. He's not thrilled, and marches away. The playful Bobo grabs Pluto's tail and follows. Pluto's devil self tells him he's being replaced, and tells him to attack with red pepper.
The Impossible Elephant
Tormented by a giant bully and dealing with the loss of his mom, young Daniel wishes for a special pet to have by his side. After discovering Lumpy-a real, live elephant-in his backyard, it's as if his wish has come true...until his dad ships Lumpy off to the local zoo. Vowing to free his new found friend, Daniel embarks on the adventure of a lifetime, reminding us that some friendships are unexpected, magic is real and nothing is impossible!
Jerry and Jumbo
A baby elephant rolls off the circus train and right into Tom's bed. He quickly allies himself with Jerry, and with a rolled-up trunk and some paint, passes himself off as a giant mouse. The two then keep trading places to the bafflement of Tom.
Sunny and the Elephant
The story of a young city boy wanting to become the mahout, the elephant driver. Despite his master's belief that only karen tribe people are born to be mahouts, the lad finally wins his heart and becomes a real mahout.
The story revolves around a mahout and his trained elephant.
A Carthaginian general attempts to cross the Alps with an army of elephants in order to conquer Rome.