Tetsurō Tamba

Tetsurō Tamba

출생 : 1922-07-17, Tokyo, Tokyo Prefecture, Japan

사망 : 2006-09-24


Tetsurō Tamba (July 17, 1922 - September 25, 2006) was a Japanese actor.

프로필 사진

Tetsurō Tamba
Tetsurō Tamba

참여 작품

The Exotic Locations of 'You Only Live Twice'
Tiger Tanaka (archive footage)
Maud Adams narrates a tour of the locations of You Only Live Twice.
Teruo Ishii Fan Club
A documentary on Teruo Ishii, the Japanese "King of Cult"
Demon Pond
The modern-day story of a man searching for a friend who has mysteriously disappeared, with a magical tale involving strange creatures, a heartbroken princess, and a pact that can't be broken. Conflicts between faith and skepticism, and between social obligation and personal desire drive the narrative toward a dramatic conclusion where the worlds of the real and the surreal inevitabl
The Thousand Year Fire
Having lost both his mother and father, an 11-year-old city boy is sent to live with his grandparents in a small seaside village. Feeling responsible for his father's accidental death, he becomes increasingly introverted and finds himself unable to make friends with the local kids. Then an eccentric elderly doctor takes him under his wing, and tells him of an ancient ceremony where a sacred flame must be brought back from a remote island by a lone swimmer.
극도공포대극장 우두
야쿠자 조직의 중간 보스인 오자키는 최근 정신이 이상해졌다. 길에서 우연히 마주친 차나 애완견을 보고 야쿠자 공격용으로 만들어진 것이라고 주장하며, 주위를 불안하게 만든다. 마침내 조직의 보스는 오자키의 심복인 미나미에게 그를 죽이라고 명령한다. 오자키와 함께 나고야 부근을 여행하던 미나미. 어느 순간 오자키는 사라지고, 미나미에게는 온통 이상한 일들과 기인한 인간들이 그의 앞에 나타난다.
Yakuza Demon
Seiji and Yoshifumi are the only members of the Muto branch of the Date Family. The two respect and love their leader, Mr. Muto, like a father and the three share a firm bond. But their fate is sealed when the Family is involved in a conflict. Muto is unable to pay his share of funds for the oncoming battle but tells executives of the Family that he would fight at the front line instead. In the wish to protect Muto, Seiji has him arrested by the police. Ignoring the Family executives' mocks of "Muto escaped to prison", Seiji prepares for the battle and attacks like a demon on behalf of his boss...
A Case of Murder by the Atami Station Taxi Stand
20세기 초 중국 상하이를 배경으로 벌어지는 모험 활극으로 국내 배우 손창민이 오다 유지와 공연했는데, 그는 조선인으로 나온다.
Best Ever Bond
Tiger Tanaka (archive footage) (uncredited)
Roger Moore presents the ten best sequences ever to have appeared in the James Bond series, and cast members recall their favourite moments.
본드 걸, 그 영원한 매력
Tiger Tanaka (archive footage) (uncredited)
Through vintage film clips of past Bond movie epics, and with the participation of several former "Bond Girls" as interviewees (among them Dr. No's Ursula Andress and Diamonds Are Forever's Jill St. John), the documentary traced the evolution of the typical James Bond heroine from decorative damsel in distress to gutsy (but still decorative) participant in the action.
황혼의 사무라이
Tozaemon Iguchi
하급 무사인 이구치 세이베에는 가족들을 돌보기 위해 일과가 끝나면 동료들과 어울리지도 않고 곧장 집으로 돌아간다. 친구들은 이런 그를 황혼의 세이베에라며 놀리지만 그는 아랑곳하지 않는다. 그러던 어느 날, 세이베에는 옛친구인 이이누마와 재회하고 그의 여동생인 토모에가 친정에 돌아와 있다는 사실을 전해듣는다. 그리고 우연한 기회에 토모에의 남편과 결투를 하게 된 세이베에는 그를 간단히 제압하여 이름을 알리게 된다. 남편의 학대를 받고 살아오던 토모에는 이 일을 계기로 세이베에와 가까워지는데...
Deadly Outlaw: Rekka
After Kunisada's Yakuza leader and father figure is brutally murdered, he and his best friend go on a two-man mission to avenge his death, killing other Yakuza leaders leading to a final confrontation by the old man's killers.
고양이의 보은
Cat King (voice)
17살의 평범한 여고생 하루는 매일 따분하기만 하고 즐거운 일이 하나도 없다. 어느 날 우연히 트럭에 치일 뻔한 고양이를 구해주면서부터 그녀의 일상은 변화를 맞는다. 하루가 구해준 고양이가 고양이 왕국의 룬 왕자라는 것. 그날 밤 하루의 집에 찾아온 고양이 떼는 자신들의 왕자를 구해준 보답으로 룬 왕자와 결혼해달라는 요청과 함께 앞으로는 행복한 일들만 일어날 것이라는 이상한 말을 남긴 채 사라진다. 얼마 후 고양이 왕국으로 초대된 하루는 고민 바쁜 일도 없이 즐거운 일만 고양이 왕국에 점차 매료되지만, 고양이 왕국의 대왕이 하루를 며느리 감으로 생각하고 룬 왕자와 결혼시키겠다고 하자 고민에 빠지는데...
신 의리의 무덤
Tetsuji Tokura
1940년대~1950년대에 신주쿠역(新宿駅) 동쪽 입구에 거대한 세력을 쌓았던 "와다파(和田組)"의 전설적인 야쿠자( 丹, 조폭) "이시카와리키오(石川力男)"의 격정적인 생애를 그린 왕년의 걸작 "의리의 무덤(仁義の墓場, 1975년)"을 시대설정을 현대로 바꿔 리메이크한 작품으로, 감정에 인생을 내맡긴 채 그대로 폭주해서 자멸해 가는 한 사내의 모습을 가슴 아프게 표현하고 있습니다.
카타쿠리가의 행복
Granpa Jinpei Katakuri
회사에서 퇴직한 카타쿠리 마사오는 도로가 건설될 것이라는 말만 믿고 가족들과 함께 산장 경영을 시작하지만 손님이 들지 않는다. 그러던 어느 날, 드디어 산장에 첫 손님이 들지만, 그는 다음날 아침 방 열쇠에 목이 찔려 숨진 채 발견된다. 이 일이 소문나면 더 이상 손님이 들지 않을 것이라고 생각한 카타쿠리 가족들은 손님의 시체를 유기하는데..
Shura Group
Remake of The Story of a Man Among Men (1984)
Ino Tadataka: Meridian dreams
Biographical story, based on life of Ino Tadataka, a Japanese measurer and cartographer. Ino Tadataka travelled the length and breadth of Japan on foot for 17 years from the age of 55 to perform his surveys. The accuracy of his maps also owed much to the fact that he was the first surveyor in Japan to combine measurements on the ground with observations of the heavens. Ino started the work as a private individual but earned the confidence of the Shogunate and it eventually turned into a national project. His maps were later used for many years as the foundation for maps made by modern survey techniques.
The Making Of The Katakuris
In this contemporary documentary, the cast and the crew share their experiences of making the film.
Blind Beast vs Dwarf Killer
A blind masseur kidnaps young women and kills them and then make sculptures of them, while a mysterious dwarf spreading severed body parts around. Detective Akechi Kogorô investigating crimes.
사쿠야 - 요괴전설
Old Master
도쿠가와 막부가 세력을 떨치던 에도 시대, 후지산의 분화로 결계가 파괴되면서 요괴들이 쏟아져 사람들이 사는 세계로 내려온다. 막부의 명령을 받아 요괴 토벌에 나선 사카기는 요검 무라마사를 앞세워 요괴를 물리친다. 그러나 무라마사는 사용할 때마다 주인의 혼도 함께 소모시키는 검이었다. 결국 사카기는 숨을 거두게 되고, 그의 외동딸인 사쿠야가 무라마사를 물려받게 되는데...
A Class to Remember 4: Fifteen
Tetsuo Hatake
Bored with school, 15-year-old Daisuke Kawashima embarks on a pilgrimage to visit the 7,000-year-old cedar tree on distant Yakushima Island. Through his journey, Daisuke meets a number of interesting people, including friendly truck driver Sumire and a mysterious mountaineer girl.
The Stupid Teacher
Utaemon Baba
Film director Mario Baba meets a mysterious gentleman, and realizes he is a important man from his boyhood. The two chase each other around, causing a lot of commotion.
Tajiro Kawakami
아사히중앙은행(ACB) 본점은 마루노증권의 이익공여사건으로 거물 총회꾼(소수의 주를 소유하고 주주총회에 참석하여 말썽을 부리거나 금품을 받고 의사진행에 협력 또는 방해하는 것을 업으로 삼는 사람의 속칭)이 체포되면서 300억엔이라는 ACB의 부정융자 의혹이 드러나고 마는 큰 사건에 휩싸인다. 그러나, 회장을 비롯한 임원진들은 위기감을 느끼지 못하고 있다. 그런 상부의 자세에 반기를 들고 은행의 재건을 위해 나선 것은 중견간부 4인. 이윽고 도쿄지검의 특수부에 의한 은행 본점의 강제 수사가 시작되고, 임원들은 책임을 회피하려고만 한다. 중견간부 4인은 이러한 태도에 격분하고 본격적인 투쟁에 들어간다. 부패한 ACB를 재건하기 위해선 임원들의 총사퇴 뿐이 없다고 생각한 기타노 기획본부 부부장은 TV아나운서의 힘을 빌려 일을 추진한다. 결국 계속되는 임원들의 체포 속에 은행의 두뇌부는 손을 들게 되나, 마지막으로 남은 사사키 상담역의 처리가 최대 문제로 남는다. 홀로 사사키 상담역과 결전을 벌이러 가는 다카노. 그러나 실은 사사키 상담역은 다카키의 장인이었고, 다카노는 회사개혁과 가정이라는 양극의 상황에 봉착, 고뇌에 휩싸인다.
Japanese Hell
Asu Shino
From the king of the Japanese cult movie, Teruo Ishii! A controversial film in which actual cases that rocked modern-day Japan—including the sarin gas attack by the Aum Shinrikyo Cult—are dramatized with gruesome detail as their perpetrators stand trial in Hell. An angst-ridden girl, Rika, is carried off to Hell by an old woman she meets in a neighborhood park. There she gets a first-hand look at the excruciating agony of those found guilty—by Lucifer himself—of committing heinous crimes during their time on Earth.
It has been two years since unsuccessful cartoonist Tsube started to live with Kuniko casually in a small apartment.
The Peking Man
In 1929 the fossil of a 500,000 year old man is discovered in China. In 1941 the Japanese army confiscates this find, but during the war the remains disappear. Based on these factual events, this movie takes off with a science fiction story involving a space rocket which places a satellite in orbit containing a secret cargo. The satellite crashes on a remote island and footprints are found in the sand leading away from the crash site. A story of how an ancient primitive cave-dwelling family contends with the scientists who want to study them.
Psychic: Traveler to the Unknown
Hikaru, an ordinary man, discovers a way to unleash the supernatural powers hidden inside his soul, allowing him to cure others with his newfound “ki” healing power.
Pseudo-documentary sequel.
Taira no Kiyomori
The tale of Taira Kiyomori who started as a young inexperienced warrior who led the Heike into the battle against the brutal pirates on Setouchi.
Minamoto Yoshitsune
During the late Heian era in Japan a famous duel took place between the warrior monk Musashibo Benkei and a slender young man of high rank named Shanao. This was the battle at Gojo Bridge, and while Benkei had taken 999 sword from his vanquished opponents, he was soundly defeated by the young flute-playing samurai. Swearing allegiance to the superior swordsman, Benkei became his loyal vassal and accompanied the young man who went on to fame as Minamoto Yoshitsune, the general who defeated the Taira clan at the Battle of Dan no Ura thus leading the Genji over the Heike as the most powerful clan in the nation. With superb performances by some of Japan's greatest stars, including Satomi Kotaro and Tanba Tetsuro, history comes to life in this action-packed production.
The Tale of Genji
TV movie based on the novel "The Tale of Genji" by Murasaki Shikibu, which tells about the life of Prince Hikaru Genji, who was nicknamed "Shining" by people for his dazzling noble beauty. In 1991, to commemorate the 40th anniversary of TBS' founding, it was released with a total production value of around 1.2 billion yen and aired in two parts.
대막부 전쟁
The early days of the Tokugawa shogunate are brought to light in this exciting historical tale of broken vows and violent swordplay. In an ambush reminiscent of Miike’s 13 Assassins, although pre-dating that incident by 160 years, the heir to the shogun’s seat is brutally cut down by those who hope to install the emperor’s 5th son as military leader of the nation.
Yakuza Warfare
Two childhood friends find themselves caught in the midst of an all-out turf war between rival factions in the yakuza-stained region of Kyushu.
Master Zhang
서기 2001년 자본주의국가는 모든 정부기관을 민영화하고 교도소마저 민영화가 된다. 살인죄로 교도소에 수감된 하역왕은 엄청난 힘을 가진 자로 교도소에서 마씨를 괴롭히던 산묘를 혼내주다가 교도소의 동서남북을 관리하던 실세인 사대천왕과 얽히게 된다. 하역왕은 싸움꾼인 명해가 죽자 슬퍼하던 명해의 양아들 아사를 위로하다가 교도소에서 양귀비를 키운다는 사실을 알게 되는데 그 후 아사가 비밀을 발설한 죄로 죽임을 당하자 이에 분노해 양귀비를 전부 불태워버린다. 여행을 다녀온 교도소 소장은 하역왕이 양귀비 밭을 불태웠다는 보고를 듣고는 분노해서 그를 죽이려 들고 양귀비의 주인이 소장이라는 것을 알게 된 하역왕은 마약범들에 의해 죽음을 당한 여자친구를 떠올리며 분노하는데...
The Hitman Blood Smells Like Rose
A woman is being attacked by the yakuza of the Mitsuyoshi group ... A man with a pistol appears dashingly and shoots the yakuza without question now the yakuza want him dead
Kim's War
After shooting a gangster in self-defense, Kim Hui Ro takes refuge at a hotel and takes the guest hostages. Realising his position, he invites the press inside and explains why he was driven to his crime.
Heat Wave
Denkichi Tsuzaki
Rin Jyoshima lost her father to death-by-gambling; years later, she's grown up in the Kosugi household and has fallen victim to gambling herself.
Female Neo-Ninjas
Time Patrol leader
Three cute, sexy ninjas, around the age of 20, have been in training, building their powers for some vague future threat. Their destined mission becomes apparent when a handsome ninja from 400 years past drops from the sky into the hot tub of on of the girls. He comes with news of a grave threat: an evil industrialist has apparently joined forces with UFOs to take over Japan. The only solution, it seems, lies in the special talents of the three girls - notable as much for their martial arts as their skimpy costumes.
1750 Days of Turbulence
After the death of previous Boss, a gang war lasts for more than four years.
School Be-In Bully
Ryotaro Sakurazawa
The prestigious private Sakuraryo Gakuen, which has a 90-year tradition, has now lost its glory to the ground, and the back organization of the athletic club, the male “Black Warriors” and the female “Red Warriors”, have made use of them. One girl, Oda Yoko, who has transferred to such a school, sneaks into the principal's room to find out the truth of the death of her best friend, Atsushi Katayama
13 Assassins
In between the original 1963 13 ASSASSINS film and the 2010 remake by Miike Takashi, Fuji TV produced a version for TV. Starring Nakadai Tatsuya and Natsuyagi Isao, with strong support from Tanba Tetsuro and Tanaka Ken, this is the ultimate tale of samurai justice carried out in a historical masterpiece. The shogun’s half-brother, Matsudaira Naritsugu has been slated to join the Roju Council of Elders as a senior adviser even though he is criminally insane. His outrageous acts cause one of his top retainers to commit ritual suicide in protest over his lord’s crimes. Alerted to these crimes, Roju Councilor Doi asks Inspector General Shmada Shinzaemon to assassinate Naritsugu before he can be seated on the council. Gathering a band of 13 (including himself), Shimada sets out on a death-defying journey to cut down the lord before he can reach Edo. Can a band of 13 samurai defeat the vile Naritsugu’s 200 man entourage and enact justice against his cruelty?
The year is 1945. After the horrific fire-bombings of the Pacific War levels Japan to the ground, the government decides to consult spiritual psychics to aid them in winning the war. Unfortunately, the resentment and agony of the souls of the fire-bombing victims culminate together to revive the evil Onmyoji, Yasunori Kato. Only a young, psychically imbued apprentice of the priests will dare fight against the evil magic user. However, can this lone man possibly contend with Kato's overwhelming power?
Four Days of Snow and Blood
Jinzaburi Shinzaki
Based on the "2.26 Incident", an attempted coup d'état in Japan 1936, launched by radical ultra-nationalist parts of the military. Several leading politicians were killed and the center of Tokyo was briefly held by the insurgents before the coup was suppressed.
야쿠자의 아내들 : 3대 누님
Takeo Sakanishi
간사이에 거점을 둔 사카니시파 3대 두목 '사카니시 타케오'가 쓰러져 입원한 뒤, 그의 아내 '하즈키'는 1만 5천여 명의 조직원들을 이끌어 나가고 있다. 간부급 조직원인 '테라다'가 4대 두목 자리를 노리고 있던 어느 날, 사카니시파를 위해 목숨까지 내다 버릴 각오가 되어 있는 '아카마츠'가 출소하고 본격적인 주도권 싸움이 일어나려 하자 '하즈키'는 어떤 결심을 하는데...
Hotta Masamori
에도(지금의 동경) 막부의 3대 장군인 도쿠가와 이에미쯔는, 자애로운 군주로서 명망을 얻고 있었다. 그러나 말년에 술과 여자에 취해 정세판단력 마저 흐려져 끝내는 본 부인에게 얻은 첫째 아들 다께치요를 없애고 첩에게서 얻은 자식을 자신의 후계자로 올릴 생각을 하게된다. 이에 이에미쯔는 다께치요를 없앨 생각으로, 가관식을 빌미로 한 음모를 꾸미기에 이른다. 한편, 사쿠라 일문의 수장인 호타 마사모리의 저택에서 지내고 있던 다께치요에게 가관식을 치르기 위해 에도로 급히 돌아오라는 장군의 명령이 내려지고, 다께치요를 친자식처럼 보살피고 있는 호타는 장군의 명령이 의심스럽지만 장군의 영을 거역할 수 없어 할 수 없이 보내기로 한다. 대신에 다께치요를 경호할만한 무사 7명과 호타의 아들인 마사토시와 그의 병사들 그리고 유모 야지마 등을 같이 붙인다. 그러던 어느 날, 한 광산 근처에서 하룻밤을 머물게된 일행은 장군의 사주를 받은 로주 아베의 군대에게 공격을 받는다. 이때 처절한 혈투 속에 대다수의 병사들이 죽게되고 다께치요와 마사토시 그리고 7명의 사무라이들과 유모만이 살아남아 간신히 도망을 친다. 계속 되는 쫓고 쫓기는 적들의 공격에 7명의 무사들은 한 명씩 최후를 맞이 하게되고, 계속 다가오는 포위망 속에 높은 절벽과 깊은 계곡, 험한 산 속에서 과연 그들은 에도에 도착할 수 있을는지.
Daireikai: Shindara dou naru
Daireikai: Shindara dou naru
General Manager
Daireikai: Shindara dou naru
Daireikai: Shindara dou naru
도쿄 팝
Mr. Dota
미국에서 활동 중인 록밴드의 멤버 웬디는 팀에서 소외감을 느낀다. 그런데 마침 그녀의 앞으로 일본에서 온 엽서가 도착하고, 웬디는 충동적으로 도쿄로 떠난다. 도쿄에 도착해 무명 록밴드의 리더 히로와 새로운 활동을 시작한 그녀는 ‘외국인 컨셉’으로 인기를 얻기 시작한다. 하지만 시간이 흐를수록 낯선 땅의 낯선 문화는 그녀를 지치고 힘들게 한다.
A Taxing Woman's Return
Ryōko Itakura returns as the tough-as-nails government taxing agent. This time she must figure out a way to expose a fanatical religious cult lead by a corrupt sociopath.
Known as the ”Last Samurai” Saigo Takamori was a stout giant of a man with a huge head and a neck like a bear. As the leader of Satsuma’s anti-Western faction, he was instumental in establishing the Sat-Cho Alliance dreamed of by Sakamoto Ryoma. After the fall of the Tokugawa, Saigo rose to major prominence before falling in disfavor. In 1876 Saigo Takamori resigned from his government post and went back to Kagoshima. He founded a local military school and dissatisfied samurai gathered around him in large numbers. In late 1876 it came to an open conflict when samurai rebels raided and occupied ammunition and weapon depots of the central government. The samurai rebels urged and proclaimed Saigo Takamori as their leader. While the Tom Cruise movie fictionalized Saigo’s life story, this is history come to life in the most exciting rendition with an all-star cast that is not to be missed!
There Goes Benio, the Smart Girl
Benio, a peppy tomboy, is surprised to learn that she has been secretly betrothed by her grandfather to a young officer named Shinobu Ijuin. Because of his family’s noble status, Benio must first undergo rigorous training to learn how to be a proper bride and wife before she can marry. However, because of her vivacious personality, this proves to me more challenging than anyone imagined.
Twilight of the Cockroaches
Grandpa (voice)
The cockroaches of Saito's apartment live in peace with their human host, who gives them lots of space to breed and plenty of leftovers to munch on. In the midst of these high living times, Naomi and Ichiro plan to get married and start a family. But when a hard-bitten stranger roach named Hans appears with news of war with the humans across the lawn, it foretells disruption-not only of Naomi and Ichiro's relationship, but of the hive's entire way of life.
You're My Destiny
Naomi, a corporate heiress from Japan, vacations to Hong Kong with her two colleagues. Bored, she sneaks out to visit the city and befriends a local rock band and, appreciative of the company, later helps the members with their debit issues. Meanwhile, Naomi's colleagues received news that the big boss of their company succumbed to a heart attack and that Naomi must sign a document to prevent the company from being turned over to a corrupt executive. The colleagues try to locate Naomi, just as a relationship develops between her and the band leader.
Shinran: Path to Purity
In the 12th century, Buddhism was still a relatively new religion in Japan. At that time, one school (Shingon) offered extensive training in complex and very demanding practices which might eventually bring about spiritual purification and realization. Various Zen schools offered students a lengthy path, literally composed of a blank wall and unceasing meditation. Yet another school (Tendai) emphasized complex metaphysics and the study of philosophical systems. Basically, all of them were designed to cater to the few who were able to give up everything else in their lives and focus on liberation, such as scholars and noblemen. In this historical and biographical drama, this is the situation that the young Shinran (1173-1263) discovered when he began exploring Buddhism as an alternative to the violence and ceaseless civil wars that racked Japan at the time.
Night Train
Isaburo Tamura
A woman faces betrayal, which tests her love.
Be Free!
Keizo Hasegawa
Adventures of a young high school teacher and his oddball students.
April Fish
Panapora Chief Handa
A Francophile filmmaker in a creative rut tries to pass off a free-spirited young actress as his movie-star wife in order to fool a chief from the South Seas.
Yakuza boss
A young jazz musician's desire to advance in his career runs afoul of organized crime in this thriller from Haruki Kadokawa. After a saxophonist starts playing at a particular nightspot, a thug from the Yakuza adopts him as a special friend for no greater reason than he plays one of his favorite songs well. As the dangerous life of the gangster intertwines with that of the musician, it brings harm to the musician's girlfriend, who is raped. This changes the young saxophonist's attitude about his patron, but his Yakuza "friend" is still too embroiled in his own problems to worry about anything else.
Vendetta of Obligation
This is the story of the 47 ronin of the Ako clan who rose up to avenge the brutal death of their beloved master Asano Takumi-no-kami after his failed attack on the vile Lord Kira led to his being ordered to commit ritual suicide in a garden on the grounds of the shogun's palace.
The Last True Yakuza
A made man during the height of Hiroshima's yakuza turf war must maneuver through the violence and betrayal inside the criminal underworld.
Lonely youth Shinji meets Hatsue, a pretty pearl diver, on the beach and the two fall in love. But Shinji has a rival for Hatsue's affections, Yasuo. Yasuo spreads unpleasant gossip about his rival, and Hatsue's father forbids her to see Shinji. But when the boy saves the passengers on a boat owned by Hatsue's father, his luck in love begins to change. —Jim Beaver
Love: Starting on a Journey
A girl suffering from an incurable disease get in a coma, while her boyfriend visit her to the hospital, she visits the beyond.
Nezumi Kozō kaitō den
Japanese comedy film.
수라의 무리
토쿄 암흑가의 절대강자였던 이나가와 세이조 본명 이나가와 카쿠지(1914년~2007년)를 모델로 한 실화바탕의 영화. (aleistair님)
Fireflies in the North
Set in the icy wilderness of Hokkaido during the early days of the Meiji era, where the brutal warden of Kabato Prison terrorizes convicts sentenced to forced labor to build the roads needed to open up the territory.
Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto
Two young men are recruited into the Japanese air force just before outbreak of WW2 by the test pilot of Japans new super fighter - the Zero. The movie is told in reverse from the point of one of the young men who don't qualify for the pilot training and instead joins the ground crew. It chronicles the entire history of the famous fighter from the first prototype test flights all through the war.
The life and times of Kûkai, a Japanese monk who studies Esoteric Buddhism in the far reaches of India, China and Tibet, then uses their combined influence to establish the Shingon school during the Heian period in early 9th Century AD.
Choshichiro's Edo Diaries: The Yagyu Conspiracy
Yagyu Munefuyu
Rumors are circulating that the shogunate is losing control of some feudal domains. Lord Yagyu Munefuyu is assigned to deal with the problem and the rebellious clans will be crushed! Meanwhile, a former vassal of the Kazama clan is shot and killed. Moments later a second man is killed by a mysterious master swordsman. Matsudaira Choshichiro and his companions arrive at the crime scene and find a new type of repeating gun. The carved seal on the gun stock belong to the Saiga; a ninja clan abolished by the shogunate many years ago. The blame for the murders is placed on the Kazama clan. Are they guilty or is this a wise cunning plan by Lord Yagyu to be able to destroy the Kazama clan? Choshichiro sets out to reveal the truth and try to save the doomed Kazama clan! In his way are the Owari, Lord Yagyu and his ninja assassins, and the mysterious master swordsman! Will Choshichiro prevail against impossible odds...?
Murder case.
A Madcap Corporation
A comedy of a yakuza family that goes into show business.
The Tale of Saikaido
Set in the Kyushu area of the Edo period. This is a large-length bizarre story that incorporates elements such as mysteries and adventures surrounding hidden gold mines.
Kochi Notable
Yokiro was the most successful Geisha house in Western Japan during the first half of the 20th century and remains open to this day. At its peak, it was home to over 200 geisha, however behind the fabulous facade, there were many battles - between family members, men and women, and with the Yakuza. Momokawa was sold to Yokiro at age 12, and despite being the top geisha, her many complicated relationships provide unending challenges throughout her glamorous but turbulent life.
Battle Anthem
The story of Japan's victory in the battle of Tsushima Strait.
To Trap a Kidnapper
Hideyuki Mitamura, a student at a private school near Osaka, is kidnapped on his way home from school.
Kanetaka Okamura
비 오던 어느날 밤, 한 자동차가 부두를 질주하다 그대로 바다로 돌진해 빠져버리는 사고가 발생한다. 차에 타고 있던 것은 늙은 남자와 젊은 여자였고 그 중 젊은 여자만 간신히 목숨을 건진다. 하지만 그녀는 결국...
The Imperial Japanese Empire
Hideki Tojo
Story of three people, a barber, a Christian and a graduate of the Tokyo Military Academy during the 2nd World War.
The Villain from Edo Kochiyama Soshun
Kotiyama is a swindler and extortionist, the head of a whole gang of crooks, usually posing as a poor monk; once he really took vows, but he was kicked out of the monastery long ago. He is enterprising, smart and not too cruel, so his accomplices love him. Posing as an envoy from the abbot of the Kennei Temple, Kotiama plays a show in front of Lord Matsue with an income of 150,000 koku, and extorts money from him. The film is based on the famous play by Kawatake Mokuami.
기류인 하나코의 일생
Uichi Suda, The Big Boss
마쓰에는 고치현의 두목, 기류인 마사고로(鬼龍院政五郞)의 양녀가 되어 기류인 일가에 들어간다. 안채에는 마사고로의 정실 부인이, 건너편에 첩, 보탄과 쇼치쿠가 살고 있는데, 마사고로가 집에 들어오는 날을 두 첩에게 전달하는 것도 어린 마쓰에의 일이었다. 어느 날 마사고로는 여자와 부하들을 데리고 고치현의 명물인 투견을 보러 가고 그곳에서 어부 가네마쓰와 아카오카의 두목 스에나가 사이에 일어난 싸움을 중재하게 된다.
한밤중의 초대장
Keiko Inagawa (Asami Kobayashi) pays a visit to neurologist Aizawa about her fiancé Tatsuo Tamura (Kaoru Kobayashi). A mysterious case involving the disappearance of Tatsuo’s three brothers, one after the other, is yet to be resolved and now Tatsuo, seized with the idea that he too may disappear, has had a nervous breakdown. Aizawa suggests that Tatsuo recount his dreams as a means of solving the mystery, since human beings have an instinct that foretells the near future in the form of a dream. Keiko and Tatsuo eventually discover that the three disappearances have a strange connection…
Jisaburo Ozawa
A lavish retelling of the true story of the final voyage and ultimate destruction and sinking of the battleship Yamato, Japan's greatest flagship during the Second World War.
The Wild Daisy
Gozaburo Saito
Saito Masao reminisces on the days of his youth more than 50 years ago and his forbidden love of his older cousin Tamiko. When he was 15, Tamiko moved in to take care of his sickly mother. The two quickly fell in love with each other but were inevitably forced by their family to live separate lives.
The Bushido Blade
Lord Yamato
A steel samurai blade that was to be given to the American ambassador by the Emperor of Japan is stolen. American sailors and Japanese samurai are sent to find it.
1638년, 시마바라의 난. 기독교 신자들에 대한 박해에 대항하는 마지막 몸부림. 도쿠가와 막부는 3만 7000몀의 농부에 대해 12만명에 달하는 군대를 동원한다. 아마쿠사 시로를 필두로 한 기독교 집단의 요술에 대한 두려움이 일으킨 과민반응이 었다. 100일에 거친 살육이 끝났을 때 그 땅에 살고 있던 모든 사람들의 머리는 잘려 있었고 그곳에 신은 없었다.
Flames of Blood
The story is set in Bakumatsu and revolves around the Bunta Sugawara character, a yakuza (of course :) but instead of a modern yakuza/gangster, he's a gambler/bakuto). After he kills someone and gets wound, is saved by a blind woman (Mitsuko Baishô), who took care of him. They has a happy time under the protection of the Tomisaburo Wakayama character, an oybun. But of course, happy time doesn't last long. The story is also related to Okada Izo and the Shinsengumi (w/ Kondo Isami played by Makoto Sato)
닌자무예첩 모모치산다유
Tozawa Hakuunsai
토요토미 히데요시의 장군 시라누이(소니 치바)에 의해 막부의 리더 모모치가문은 몰살당한다. 구사일생으로 중국으로 도망친 어린 아들 타카마루(사나다 히로유키)는 몇 년간 쿵푸를 수련하고 복수를 위해 일본으로 돌아온다. 아버지의 유품인 칼 속에 숨겨진 금의 지도를 탐내는 쇼군 히데요시의 오른팔이자 실권자인 시라누이와 유명한 닌자 가문의 지도자 핫토리 한조 또한 타카마루를 쫓는다. 귀환해서 닌자 사부에게 인법을 배우는 타카마루, 옛 모모치 가문의 추종자들과 중국에서 온 소녀 아이린, 어릴 적 여자 친구이자 핫토리 한조의 여동생 오츠와 힘을 합쳐 쇼군에 대항한다
Drive for the Future
Akiji Nishikawa
203 고지
Gentaro Kodama
영화는 러일전쟁이라는 시대적 사건을 배경으로, 그 안에서 살아가는 다양한 인간군상들의 고통과 애환을 그리고자 하였으며, 가상인물의 대표인 코가 타케시와 실존인물의 대표인 노기 마레스케를 통해 각각 병사들과 사령관의 입장에서 전쟁을 통해 그들의 심경과 고통, 애환과 변화, 사연을 그려낸 수작이다. 인간 드라마 못지 않게 전쟁영화로서의 스케일도 당시 일본 최대를 자랑하였으며, 뤼순 요새와 203고지를 재현하기 위해 이즈오오시마(伊豆大島)에 대규모 요새 세트장을 건설하고, 당시 사용된 총기와 군복, 공성전의 백미인 280mm유탄포를 정확하게 재현해냄으로써 밀리터리에서도 높은 평가를 받았다.
The Sand Boat
A Young couple find a boad buried under a beach,and are taken to another world where they must face a Deadly cult who want to sacrifice them.
The Sand Boat
A Young couple find a boad buried under a beach,and are taken to another world where they must face a Deadly cult who want to sacrifice them.
The Sand Boat
A Young couple find a boad buried under a beach,and are taken to another world where they must face a Deadly cult who want to sacrifice them.
The Sand Boat
Executive Producer
A Young couple find a boad buried under a beach,and are taken to another world where they must face a Deadly cult who want to sacrifice them.
The Way to The Gold Medals
President Sakakibara
About Soviet and Japanese volley-ball players who are both rivals and friends. The events cover the period from the 1976 Montreal Olympics to the eve of XXII Olympics in Moscow.
Battles Without Honor and Humanity: The Complete Saga
Tatsuo Akashi
The 224-minute compilation edition of Battles Without Honor and Humanity compiles these four movies: Battles Without Honor and Humanity, Deadly Fight in Hiroshima, Proxy War, Police Tactics
The Shogun Assassins
Kato Kiyomasa
This is a film about a real person. Sanada Yukimura fought a war against Tokugawa Ieyasu.
Dead Angle
Elite college graduates commit perfect financial crimes though loopholes in the law during the 1950s.
어둠의 사냥꾼
Okitsugu Tanuma
Yataro Tanigawa, a one-eyed hired assassin, impresses yakuza boss Gomyo Kiyoemon with his skill. Gomyo hires Tanigawa as his bodyguard, or yojimbo, to protect him during an inter-clan conflict. Tanigawa quickly rises in stature in the clan, but finds his boss's enemies almost overwhelming.
An epic drama about Nichiren's life. Nichiren was a Buddhist monk who lived for 60 years during the Kamakura period (1185-1333) in Japan. Nichiren taught devotion to the Lotus Sutra as the exclusive means to attain enlightenment. Because of his devout belief, Nichiren is met with opposition throught his travels, with life on the line, can Nichiren accomplish his goal?
The Fall of Ako Castle
This is the story of "The Forty-Seven Ronin." Based on historical events in 1701-2, the movie tells the tale of the Asano clan's downfall and the revenge of its former samurai on the perpetrator of the catastrophe. Lord Asano was goaded, or tricked, into drawing his sword inside the Shogun's palace -- a crime which carried the death penalty. The newly installed Shogun was furious at Asano and ordered all his clan's assets seized, meaning some 20,000 samurai and commoners were unemployed and landless at a stroke. Forty-seven of these ronin (masterless samurai) banded together to take attempt revenge on Lord Kira, who had goaded Asano into drawing his sword.
August without Emperor
Army General Mikami
Taking the Chilean coup as an example, a group of young officers plan to overthrow the Japanese government on V-J Day. They aim to abolish the post-war constitution, restore the national army and revive the traditional spirit of Japan. As the conspiracy is exposed, the coup squadrons are wiped out one by one. The remaining squadron takes over a night train bound for Tokyo.
Bandits vs. Samurai Squadron
Kumokiri Nizaemon, a former samurai warrior, has abandoned his class to become the leader of a gang of thieves. He leads his outlaws in an attempt to rob the castle of his former clan.
Lawyer Kikuchi
아츠기 시에서 스낵바를 운영하던 23세의 하츠코가 어느 날 산림에서 시체로 발견된다. 며칠 후 경찰은 19세의 히로시라는 소년을 체포하는데, 그는 하츠코의 여동생 요시코와 몰래 집을 나와 요코하마에서 동거하던 중이었다. 재판이 시작되고 소환된 증인들로부터 잇달아 의외의 사실들이 밝혀지는데...
우주에서 온 메시지
Ernest Noguchi
평화로운 제루시아 행성은 야만스러운 가바나스 제국의 침략에 의해 완전히 폐허가 된 상태. 간신히 살아남은 사람들의 앞날은 위태롭기만 하다. 현명한 지도자는 8개의 성스러운 리아베 씨앗을 우주에 뿌린다. 이 씨앗들은 우주를 떠돌며 자신의 주인으로 합당한 영웅들을 선택해야 한다. 과연 제루시아 행성의 운명은 어떻게 될 것인가. (2003년 제7회 부천국제판타스틱영화제)
Shogun's Samurai
Ogasawara Gensinsai
Following the death of the second Tokugawa shogun, it is revealed that he was poisoned by retainers of his son Iemitsu in hopes of gaining him the shogunate despite the stammer and birthmark which undermine his respect. Iemitsu and his brother Tadanaga become bitter rivals for the shogunate, and the land is split into factions, eventually erupting into warfare. Iemitsu's mentor, his fencing instructor Yagyu, is fixated upon securing Iemitsu the shogunate and ends up betraying everyone, even his own family, in pursuit of the goal.
Sugata Sanshiro
The story of Sanshiro Sugata, a young man who wants to learn the new art of judo. A wise teacher reveals to Sanshiro that judo is not merely a means of combat nor a demonstration of physical skill, but an art which reveals the artist to himself.
High Seas Hijack
Captain Munekata
Terrorists hijack an oil tanker and threaten to blow it up unless Japan meets their demands.
Mount Hakkoda
Colonel Kojima
Two infantry regiments of the Imperial Japanese Army—210 men overall—tackled Mt. Hakkoda in the winter of 1902 to prepare for war with Russia.
Flickering Flames
In the early hours of April 13th, a five year old hemophiliac child was kidnapped by someone from Tanemura General Hospital in Tokyo, Setagaya. Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Inspector Kitahara, who received the report, goes quickly to the Tanemura home, along with other police to speak to the family of the child. Then, suddenly, the phone rings. The kidnapper wants money.
The Alaska Story
A Japanese sailor finds a colony of Eskimos in the Arctic and decides to stay with them. He comes off at a certain moment to look for his luck in the gold rush in Alaska. But he does not forget them.
Nīto Kouken
A cowardly samurai is sent as an official executioner targeting the clan's former sword instructor, a man whose sword and spear skills are second to none.
Zero Fighter
Captain Saito
The Corporation
Drama and intrigue about defense contracts and corruption.
The Classroom of Terror
Yusaku Matsuda plays an ex-boxer who killed an opponent during a fight. He is brought into a school to deal with a gang of disruptive students led by Hiroshi Tachi.
Human Revolution II
Dramatic story of one man trying to make a difference.
Operation Plazma in Osaka
Amidst Japan's postwar economic boom, yakuza factions in Osaka fight for survival when Japan's largest crime syndicate plans a hostile takeover.
The International Gang of Kobe
In 1947, in Kobe, Japan, a local street gang fights for their survival when its turf is overrun by United States occupation forces and international gangs.
Company Buggers
Hiroshi, a small-time racketeer, makes a name for himself extorting vulnerable companies and their directors for financial gain.
The Explosion
Captain Munekata
Thriller about hijackers taking control of an oil tanker and threatening to blow it all up in Tokyo Bay.
신칸센 대폭파
약 1,500명의 승객을 태운 하카타(博多=후쿠오카)행 "히카리 109호"는 9시 48분 정각에 도쿄역(東京駅) 19번 홈을 떠난다. 열차가 도쿄역에서 약 50여km 떨어진 사가미하라(相模原)에 이르렀을 때 국철(国鉄)※본사의 공안본부로 109호열차에 폭탄을 장치했다는 전화가 걸려온다. 특수장치가 내장된 이 폭탄은 열차의 속도가 80km 이하로 떨어지면 폭발한다고 하면서, 그 증거로 삿포로(札幌) 근교의 화물열차를 폭파해 보인다. 이 완벽한 폭파계획은 불황으로 도산한 정밀기계공장의 경영자였던 "오키타 테츠오(沖田哲男)" 일파에 의한 것으로, "오키타"는 국철본사에 5,000만 달러를 요구하는데...
수호전2 - 탕구지
Lu Chun I
Based on one of China's enduring epic novels, written in the 14th century, "All Men Are Brothers" continues the patriotic story of righteous warriors battling despotic leaders, featuring mythic characters familiar to every Chinese, and with a cast that has achieved an equally celebrated status among Shaw Brothers devotees.
직격지옥권 대역전
When a priceless jewel owned by rich heiress Sabine is stolen, along with her daughter, Professional thief and hired killer Ryuichi Koga and his gang are hired to retrieve both. At a ransom exchange, the team save the girl but lose the money and the jewel. When Sabine decides to deal directly with the thieves and obtains the jewel on her own by paying the ransom, Koga, having been stiffed of his fee by Sabine, steals the jewel. Little does he know, it’s a fake. Now, Koga and the team must break into a high security bank to steal the real jewel.
모래 그릇
Detective Imanishi
Two detectives are tasked to investigate the murderer of an old man, found bludgeoned to death in a rail yard.
Karafuto 1945 Summer
The film is set in Karafuto after the radio broadcast of the Imperial Rescript on the Termination of the War. On August 15, 1945, Soviet forces invaded Karafuto. On August 20, the postal telegraph office in Maoka suspended operations and nine of the twelve telephone operators committed suicide by taking potassium cyanide while the city was being invaded.
Secret Prophecies of Nostradamus
A documentary about the 1974 film Prophecies of Nostradamus, released to coincide with the latter's release. It featured several prophets and experts on meteorology and food ecology giving their respective takes on the 1999 apocalypse which Nostradamus predicted. Performers Hiroshi Itsuki, Shizue Abe and Linda Yamamoto appeared as well as the film's stars, Tetsuro Tanba, Yoko Tsukasa, Toshio Kurosawa and Yumi Kaoru.
Prophecies of Nostradamus
Dr. Nishiyama
Professor Nishiyama, after studying and interpreting the prophecies of Nostradamus, realizes that the end of the world is at hand. Unfortunately, nobody listens to him until it is too late. As the effects of mankind's tampering of the earth - radioactive smog clouds, hideously mutated animals, destruction of the ozone layer - rage out of control, the world leaders hurtle blindly toward the final confrontation. The film sparked controversy in Japan and was subsequently pulled out of circulation, with no official video release of the uncut film.
제로과의 여자: 붉은 수갑
경시청 소속 여형사 레이는 독단적으로 친구 에미를 살해한 외교관에게 복수를 하고 그 사건으로 외교문제를 우려한 윗선은 레이를 유치장에 가두게 된다. 한 달 뒤, 유력 정치인 나구모의 딸 쿄코가 납치당하는 일이 일어나자 레이는 유치장에서 풀려나 쿄코의 극비 구출을 명받게 된다.
Violent Streets
Shimamura Kansai
With a Kansai syndicate setting their sights on Tokyo, a former yakuza boss gets dragged back into a world of violence.
Prime Minister Yamamoto
일본열도를 뒤흔든 거대한 지진으로 인해 연쇄적인 화산폭발이 일어나고 이로 인해 일본 전역이 바다 속으로 침몰해가는 엄청난 참사를 생생하게 그려낸 초대형 재난 블록버스터
Wild Cop 2
Based on the comic Gokuburi Deka.
The Ando Gang Documentary Film
This biopic of notorious yakuza-turned-actor Noboru Ando focuses on the days leading to his arrest after the shooting of businessman Hideki Yokoi.
의리 없는 전쟁: 대리전쟁
Tatsuo Akashi
Shozo Hirono has managed to separate from the Yamamori family and create his own small family, and extend his circle of acquaintances. These new friendships include a powerful underboss of the Muraoka family, Noboru Uchimoto.
The Human Revolution
Japan's Top Gangster
A boy born in a poor village in Tokushima spends his days idly until a chance meeting sets him on the road to becoming boss of Japan's largest gang.
The School Deviate Waru
Quarreling with Yakuza
Set loose in a postwar world with no rules, an ex-juvenile delinquent begins building the most powerful gang in Tokyo's glittering Shibuya ward.
포르노 시대극 망팔무사도
에도 시대 성매매사업이 잘되자 경쟁자들 사이에서 이를 독점하기 위해 암투가 벌어진다. 망팔무사는 사무라이 시로를 암살자로 고용하여 경쟁자들을 처단하고 사업의 우위에 서게 되지만 시로가 더이상 필요없게되자 정부와의 뒷거래를 통해 그를 죽이려고 하는데...
Informal Dress
샤도우 헌터스: 운명의 메아리
The great Daimyo enlists the aid of the three Shadow Hunters in ensuring the delivery of an illegal cannon in this sequel to Toshio Masuda's bloody adaptation of the manga by Takao Saito. Despite the Shadow Hunters's remarkable skill, this mission is no walk in the park, and in order to survive they must face a relentless army of ninjas and female warriors willing to sacrifice their lives to disrupt the delivery and claim the cannon for themselves.
Yakuza Skirmishes
In the gaudy world of 1930s Shinjuku, a violent youth known as Bakudan Match tangles explosively with prostitutes, politicians and the police.
New Abashiri Prison Story: Honor and Humanity, Ammunition That Attracts the Storm
Shōwa Gokudōshi
샤도우 헌터스
Set during the declining years of the Tokugawa shogunate, Shadow Hunters details the questionably noble exploits of three ronin who act as "Shadow Hunters". These three ronin are not your normal ornery ruffians who are looking for a drink, a broad and someone to jab a sword into, but are in fact former samurai who, rather than follow their destroyed fiefs and murdered masters into death via seppuku, have dedicated their combined sword prowess to stopping the government from raping its daimyos for valuable resources.
Organized Crime: Killer's Glory
A professional lone-wolf hitman comes to his blood brother's aid when his boss is brutally murdered by an unknown yakuza faction.
Jade Unicorn, Lu Chun I
부조리한 관부를 상대로 일어선 양산박 영웅들의 활약상을 담고 있는 이 작품은 강대위, 적룡, 곡봉, 약화, 하리리, 우마 등 홍콩 영화계의 굵직한 배우들이 열연하고 있다. 양산의 조 천왕은 대명부의 상황을 살피러 갔다가 증두시의 사문공에게 치명상을 입고 숨을 거둔다. 이에 양산은 조 천왕의 복수를 결심하지만 경계가 삼엄하고 군사가 많은 증두시를 치기엔 역부족임을 느낀다. 결국 사문공의 동문 사형인 노 원외를 끌어들이기로 하고 양산의 책사인 오용이 급파된다.
군기는 똥구덩이 아래에
Sergeant Katsuo Togashi
종전 30여년의 세월이 흘렀음에도 불구하고 뉴기니아 전선에서 살아 돌아오지 못한 남편의 불분명한 마지막 행적과 죽음을 둘러싼 진실의 실체를 생존한 전우들의 증언을 통해 추적하는 전쟁미망인의 이야기
Cristóvão Ferreira
Two Jesuit priests encounter persecution when they travel to Japan in the 17th century to spread Christianity and search for their mentor.
Troops of Darkness
A disgraced yakuza member, framed for the murder of his boss, emerges from prison eight years later with revenge on his mind.
The Armed Organization
Violent Gang Re-Arms is a rousing tale of friction in yakuza and labor interactions with Koji Tsurata as a yakuza supervising a dockworker's union. He finds himself between a rock and a hard place, at odds with both the dockworkers' leader (Tomisaburo Wakayama) and sadistic, unprincipled bosses (Fumio Watanabe and Tetsuro Tamba).
Genryu Asakura
야쿠자 조직의 3인자이면서도 한발짝 뒤로 물러서 고독만 씹고 있는 남자를 그린다. 참고 참고 또 참는 야쿠자이지만 마지막 대혈투에선 참지 않는다.
격동의 쇼와사 오키나와 결전
Lieutenant General Isamu Cho
태평양전쟁 말기 오키나와. 병력 증강은 꿈도 꿀 수 없는 상황에서 강력한 미군상륙부대와 맞서 싸우는 병사들. 군병원에 들어온 '히메유리'의 아가씨들, 철혈근황대(鉄血勤皇隊)가 된 학생들. 무고하게 희생된 수많은 사람들이 흘린 피가 흐르는 태평양전쟁 참극의 극전지 '오키나와'. 오키나와전의 전모를 오카모토 기하치 감독이 고발한다! (2011년 한국영상자료원 - 오카모토 기하치 감독전)
Porno Emperor
The Gambler's Counterattack
Chief Inspector
Aiba is a gang boss who has just got out of jail, and finds everything has changed. His old gang has broken up, and only a few people still respect him. So he becomes a consultant to another gang who are about to be clobbered by a much larger gang moving in from out of town. Aiba proves a crafty tactician, and does very well at playing gangs off against each other in order to save the smaller gang. His advice is not always taken by those he tries to help, but he is generally proved right.
Postwar Secrets
Everybody's chasing a diamond in Sadao Nakajima's crime/action/drama. It was a based on a novel by Tsusai Sugawara, who was a Japanese writer and political figure campaigning against drugs, prostitution and sexually transmitted diseases.
Cherry Blossoms in the Air - The Suicide Raiders - Oh, Buddies!
In 1943 Japan is facing defeat. This makes Shinkichi, a straight, selfless student-patriot, ever more restless. He can no longer stand his soft "behind-the- gun" role of munition factory worker. School-mates one after another are going to the front, where he feels he should be. The last straw is an official report of his father's death in the Battle of Attu in the Aleutian Islands. He rushes to the naval air corps training camp at Tsuchiura along with his close school-mates Naito, Yamada, Saito and Tagawa as Volunteer pilot trainees leaving his mother and sweetheart weeping and helpless.
The Scandalous Adventures of Buraikan
Soshun Kochiyama
An outlaw pushes the residents of Edo's red light district to rebel against a growing number of stifling, moralistic laws.
Crimson Bat - Oichi: Wanted, Dead or Alive
Oichi the Blind helps a woman escape the clutches of a high government official to go off with the man she loves. The official puts a reward on her head of fifty gold pieces and soon a menagerie of bounty hunters are after her skin. Three of them band together to accomplish this, one an expert swordsman, another a huge judo master and the third is deadly with a chain. To escape, she heads for the fishing town of Itso but soon comes face to face with Sankuro, the swordsman...
Rise and Fall of Chivalry
A reformed gangster agrees to help a former yakuza member.
Japan's Violent Gangs: The Boss and the Killers
An honorable yakuza syndicate deeply rooted in Kyoto fights for survival when a new breed of gangsters threaten their very existence.
The Five Man Army
At the behest of local revolutionaries, a mercenary enlists four specialists in various combat styles to help him rob a Mexican Army train carrying $500,000 in gold.
Red Peony Gambler: Biographies of a Gambling Room
Junko Fuji returns as Oryu the Red Peony, a wandering female yakuza on a soul-searching journey after the death of her father. After collecting her sickly follower from jail, she is taken in by a fishing village. Feeling indebed to their generosity, she stays to work for the village and promises to leave her yakuza ways behind. When a dispute breaks out for the gambling rights to a local festival, the villagers are harrassed by a gang of thugs. When the harrassment turns violent, Oryu must decide wither to keep her promise or protect the villagers.
Lone Rebel
Nomi-gumi, who plans to control Tama City, has begun to hurt Takase-gumi. Muraki, an executive, was entrusted with the destruction, but he was a brother of Takase-gumi's substitute, Tsukada. Muraki, who missed Tsukada and the old days at Tsukada's wife Shizue's shop, took the future of turning to the enemy painfully.
The Private Police
After the war, Kijima (Bunta Sugawara) returns to Tokyo where he meets Ôba (Noboru Andô), an Ex-Kamikaze pilot, and the two ruffians gather hooligans to join their group. In Ginza, the Togawa gang have taken over Sakurada's territory. After several fights Kijima and Ôba gain control of the territory by chasing out the notorious Togawa Group in the name of Sakurada. But Kijima is arrested for assaulting an American soldier. A few years pass. Kijima has served his prison term and the sears of war have been erased from Ginza. Ôba is now president of a company specializing in collection of bad debts, cheque frauds and everything that means money. People call their organization the “Private Police,” and Kijima begins to work for Ôba. Now the Takegami gang waits a chance to seize the Ginza territory.
Penitentiary Brothers
Authentic action drama of modern gangsters.
Sky Scraper!
A film about the construction of the Kasumigaseki Building, the first high-rise building in Japan.
Rokugo Tatewaki
A guilt-haunted samurai warrior attempts to stop a massacre taking place.
검은 도마뱀
A detective tries to outwit a jewel thief who has kidnapped the daughter of a jeweler to get to an exquisite diamond.
Snake Woman's Curse
An old man dies of heartbreak when a cruel landlord is about to repossess his land. The old man haunts the landlord from the grave. Since the man died in debt, his wife and daughter are indentured servants and are forced to work in the landlord's factory.
The Young Eagles of the Kamikaze
The film is dedicated to the souls of flight school graduates killed in World War II. Young boys dream about becoming pilots and apply to flight schools. However, the flight schools have extremely demanding, harsh training, and once they finally become pilots, they must become suicide bombers and give their lives for their homeland.
The Bad Boss
The first in what would become Toei's most successful, longest-running bosozoku film series. It lasted from 1968 till 1972 through sixteen films.
협박은 나의 인생
캬바레 보이로 일하는 무라키 하야오는 밀주 거래 이야기를 듣고 뭇매를 맞는다. 화가 난 하야오는 옛 동료들과 짜고 야쿠자를 흔들어 돈을 뜯어낸다. 돈맛을 본 이들은 성매매 조직이나 깡패를 상대로 교묘한 작전을 세워 본격적으로 공갈을 시작하는데...
The Code of Man
Tetsuya Watari, a modern youth idol, co-stars with Tetsuro Tamba for the first time, and a young man who survives freely is an action giant who swings down the iron arm of justice and anger toward evil
Gambler's Farewell
Tetsuji Kasai
The story of men devoted to the yakuza lifestyle and their struggles during a time of fading yakuza power.
Army Intelligence
Lieutenant Colonel Akiyama
Kazuo, a Japanese army intelligence agent, reveals a foreign intelligence network in Japan and then sent to Borneo Island with a special mission.
The Return of the Filthy Seven
A 1967 crime film
Game of Chance 3
Bungo, fulfilling his duty as a yakuza, kills a man from a rival gang. Since then, he has escaped the clan's vengeance by staying on the road with his son Kenichi. Tired of running, the two settle in a mountain town. Bungo finds work as a lumberjack for the Iwasaki family and Kenichi becomes a student at the local elementary school. Regrettably, their good fortune doesn't last. The yakuza boss, Tomitaka, wants control of the town's lumber and is willing to destroy the Iwasaki to get it. Natsue, Kenichi's estranged no-good mother, returns wanting to take part in the boy's upbringing. And shortly thereafter, a mysterious stranger arrives in town to lay claim on Bungo's life...
King of the Gang
The 11th and final film in the Gang series. Most of the films had different directors and cast, and were only connected by the title and Toei's marketing department. Unlike the early entries, which were jazzy capers, this final entry is a prototype jitsuroku yakuza film. Just back from the war, Noboru Ando leads a gang of war vets turned gangster in the US occupied streets of Tokyo. They get into a conflict with a Chinese gang as well as the military police. Tetsuro Tamba appears as a police chief trying to bring peace to the streets; 1st wave pinky violence star Masumi Tachibana is a girl grieving his dead gangster father.
Organized Violence II
Police Inspector Kitagawa
Portrait of Chieko
Kotaro Takamura
Takamura, a poet and sculptor, marries a budding artist named Chieko who dreams of becoming an oil painter. When a series of hardships befall her family, she finds herself unable to confide in her husband, and the pain she carries within begins to weigh heavily on her sanity...
007 두번 산다
Tiger Tanaka
케이프 케나벨에서 발사된 미국의 로켓이 우주에서 정체불명의 우주선에 납치된다. 미국과 소련은 긴장하게 되고 영국이 중간에서 사건을 해결하기로 한다. 007은 좀더 편한 신분으로 활동하기위해 살해당한 것처럼 위장을 하고 괴우주선이 착륙한 지점으로 의심이 가는 일본으로 간다. 일본지부의 도움으로 정보를 얻던 007은 오사토 화학 회사가 중국으로부터 로케트의 연료인 액체 산소를 가져온 것을 알고는 확신을 얻게 되는데 그 와중에 아키가 살해당하고 만다. 007은 의심이 가는 섬부근의 어부로 행세하기 위해 키시와 위장 결혼을 하는데...
Once and For All
Film concerning warring yakuza families.
Gamblers: The Dragon Tattoo
The second part of the Gamblers series.
Abashiri Prison: Duel in Hokkaido
Dissolution Rites
Sawaki is released from prison after serving eight years for murdering a rival gang leader in order to obtain the land rights to a landfill for the Kotaki clan and he discovers that the world has changed significantly in that time. The police have forced the disbanding of all yakuza groups in and around Tokyo and most of the former yakuza have moved on to legitimate jobs. Sawaki is disgusted that his yakuza brothers have abandoned their codes of honor and are abusing their newfound power in the legitimate business world to exploit the poor. Sawaki feels partly responsible for making them so powerful and enabling their corruption, so he decides to follow his traditional code of honor to save the residents of a small town where his former lover lives.
Organized Violence
A war breaks out on the streets between rivalry Yakuza clans.
Spycatcher J3: SOS Close Shave
J1 (TULIP Japan Branch Chief)
TULIP (The Undercover Line of International Police) is a New York-based international police force in direct opposition to the criminal organization TIGER (The International Group of Espionage and Revolt). Shunsuke Dan is agent Spycatcher J3 of the TULIP Japan Branch. Spycatcher J3 stands against TIGER's machinations.
The Kii River
Shintani Kosaku
Epic saga of an idealistic land-owning family dealing with militarism, war, social change and economic reform.
Greatest Boss of the Showa Era
Somewhat unique as it appears to be one of the very rare appearances of master thespian Itô in a yakuza role.
Sazen Tange and The Secret of the Urn
Lord Tsushima Yagyu
Loyal samurai Samanosuke is attacked, mutilated, and left for dead while carrying out a mission for his clan. He recovers but has lost an eye and an arm. Taking a new identity as Tange Sazen, he searches for a stolen urn which has hidden significance to his clan. But Tange Sazen has his own reasons for seeking the urn.
Thirst for Love
Kosuke Aso
Natsuko, a Tokyo bar proprietress, and Yuki, a Kyoto Ryokan owner, vie for the affections of an advertising professional.
Blood and Law
Based on the autobiography of Noboru Andô .
The Domain: Kanto Legends of Chivalry
Third part of Nihon Kyokakuden series is set in Kanto in 1924. Ken Takakura playing a ship's mate befriending fish shop owners harassed by yakuza.
The Gambler
A crime film released in 1965
사무라이 스파이
Sakon Takatani
Years of warfare end in a Japan unified under the Tokugawa shogunate, and samurai spy Sasuke Sarutobi, tired of conflict, longs for peace. When a high-ranking spy named Tatewaki Koriyama defects from the shogun to a rival clan, however, the world of swordsmen is thrown into turmoil. After Sasuke is unwittingly drawn into the conflict, he tracks Tatewaki, while a mysterious, white-hooded figure seems to hunt them both. By tale’s end, no one is who they seemed to be, and the truth is far more personal than anyone suspected. Director Masahiro Shinoda’s Samurai Spy, filled with clan intrigue, ninja spies, and multiple double crosses, marks a bold stylistic departure from swordplay film convention.
Blood of Revenge
Yutaro Nomura
Osaka, 1907: Asajiro lives between a rock and a hard place: he has to keep his business clean and running, tame his late oyabun’s hot-blooded son and suffer the throes of his impossible love for beautiful geisha Hatsue.
Abashiri Prison
Abashiri Prison is located in the coldest place in Japan. Two men, handcuffed together have escaped from the prison, one a yakuza, the other a petty criminal, and although they hate each other they must work together if they are to evade capture in this harshest of climates.
Tale of Ninja Duty
Mumyo Tsunataro
Mumyo Tsunataro killed his betrayed fiance Orie and He flees to Utsunomiya. On his way he happens to saves Chisaka Hyobu's daughter Oyu (She is exactly like Orie) be attacked by ninja. Thus he stays Chisaka's residence in Yonezawa. Chisaka was just trying to stop Forty-seven ronin's revenge against Kira Kozukenosuke by female ninja's sexual entrapment. Chisaka asks Tsunataro to lead female ninja. Tsunataro accepts the request on condition of marriage to Oyu.
Warrior (segment "Miminashi Hôichi no hanashi")
고이즈미 야쿠모의 괴기담 중에서 4편의 에피소드를 영상으로 옮긴 옴니버스 영화. 출세를 위해 아내를 버리고 떠났던 무사(‘흑발’), 눈보라 속에서 설녀를 만나 목숨을 건진 청년(‘설녀’), 귀신을 피하기 위해 불경을 몸에 써넣는 맹인 악사(‘귀 없는 호이치’), 찻잔 속에서 기묘한 얼굴을 본 무사(‘찻잔 속’)의 이야기가 오싹한 공포와 함께 펼쳐진다. 환상적인 색채와 표현적인 세트를 이용한 뛰어난 미술과 촬영이 돋보이며, 다케미쓰 도루의 실험적인 음악 또한 탁월하다. 에 이어 두 번째로 칸영화제 심사위원특별상을 수상했다.
Gamblers and Racketeers
Komatsu Takioka is boss of a Yakuza group rival to Masakichi Kijima boss of the Kikuya group which supports the town vendors unlike Takioka, who will stop at nothing to undermine the vendors and take over the territory. Masakichi will do all he can to protect and support the people. Ryutaro Kijima is senior son to Masakichi, though disowned, he keeps interest in the family from a distance. He will be there for his father and his hot tempered younger brother Katsuo, if they should need his loyal help.
Samurai from Somewhere
Young Lord Takenaka stands to succeed his father until a series of violent actions lead his retainers to think that he has gone mad with blood-lust. Never offering any explanation, he continues his seemingly unprovoked attacks until he is sent away from his domain.
The first film with Tetsuro Tamba as a detective. An exciting drama about the pursuit of a criminal, which takes place in Yokohama. Tamba enthusiastically plays a police inspector who pursues a criminal who kidnapped his sister.
This tragic drama shows a young man fettered by Bushido, the way of the Samurai, who tried to escape the chains of his position, but was being forced to die. When the Tokugawa Shogunate ruled the land, Tatsuno castle in Wakisaka Clan's home of Harima held an established custom, the inspection of the arms warehouse. The Government Inspector Okuno Magodayu found a slight bit of dirt on the point of a spear and mentioned it with disdain. Ezaki Shinpachi heard it and started an argument with him. Magodayu then sent a a letter of challenge to him because he felt insulted by a low-ranking underling without a title. As it turned out Magodayu was killed. Since then, Shinpachi and the Okuno family have had continuous revenge duels. The tension mounts as this story builds to an extremely violent climax, when blood must pay for blood if the clan is to survive!
The Great Duel
In this gritty tale of gamblers battling in the samurai era, Okawa Hashizo gives perhaps his greatest performance as a gambler returning to his home town. Swearing allegiance to his fiancée’s father, a decent boss, he had taken to the road after a gang fight until things cooled down. While honing his sword skills in his travels, everything in the town had changed and he descended into a virtual hell of violence. Opponents were being slaughtered by a former samurai ‘Bodyguard’ played by Tanba Tetsuro at the height of his amazing career. While these two master swordsmen are fated to meet, before that can even happen they must survive one of the longest, bloodiest swordfights in movie history!
적과 백
Political and personal intrigues surround a group of characters in Malaya, after the close of the Second World War.
Hachiro Kiyokawa
Assassination begins with the events of 1853 when "four black ships" anchored at Edo Bay, sparking civil unrest and the major political manoeuvring that saw the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate. At a time when assassination had become a disturbing political tool, Shinoda's film follows Hachiro Kiyokawa, an ambitious, masterless samurai whose allegiances drift dangerously between the Shogunate and the Emperor.
The Shogun's Vault
Okawa Hashizo is 'Red Peony' Hanji who is thrown into a prison cell where he gets involved in a plot to steal government gold from the Shogun's vault. A tough fighter, he has to show his ability in order to keep from getting himself killed by the prisoners, too. Co-starring some of the biggest name in movies at the time, including Kataoka Chiezo and Tanba Tetsuro this film is loaded with surprises. From the opening moments when prisoners carry out their own form of justice, killing a crooked ex-constable, it is clear that this is the work of a visionary filmmaker.
Samurai from Nowhere
Gunjuro Ohba
Misawa Ihei (Nagato) is traveling with his wife Tae (Iwashita Shima) who abhors the practice of sword fighting for prize money. Tae is the daughter of the clan's chief counselor who married the low-ranking Ihei to avoid becoming the clan lord's mistress. Into the mix comes Oba Gunjuro (Tetsurō Tamba), a mysterious ronin who will do anything for money. This leads to a fitting climax as the forces of hate and love converge while the couple attempt to break through the border!
3인의 사무라이
3인의 사무라이는 방앗간이라는 한정된 공간을 중심으로 이야기가 진행이 된다. 지주의 딸을 납치한 소작농들은 뒷일이 어찌 될지도 모르는 단순 무식한 사고에서 자신들의 처우 개선을 요구한다. 목숨을 담보로 한 처절한 투쟁이었지만 그들은 힘도 지혜도 없다. 단지 그렇게 하지 않고는 더 이상 살아 갈수 없는 처절한 환경 속에서 나름대로 방법이라고 찾은 게 지주 딸을 납치하여 그 딸의 생명을 담보로 잡고 자신들의 생계가 걸린 조항들을 요구하는 것 이었다. 물론 관철시켜 주면 딸을 풀어 주려고 하지만 지주 계급은 이들의 저항을 일거에 무시해 버리고 무력으로 진압하려 한다. 며칠 뒤 영주의 순시가 있을 예정이어서 그 이전에 이 반란 아닌 반란을 진압해야 한다는 강박 관념까지 앞서서 그들은 무리하게 감옥에 수감되어 있던 죄수들에게 미끼를 던져 그들을 해치우게 하는 전략을 쓰지만 투옥되어 있던 죄수 중 하나가 소작농의 처지를 알게 되고는 오히려 그들 편으로 돌아선다. 한편 방앗간을 우연히 들렀던 나그네 무사는 여인을 인질로 잡은 그들을 오해하여 공격하려 하다가 그들의 이야기를 듣고는 참여도 방관도 못하는 입장에 처하지만 딱한 그들의 앞일을 염려하여 떠나지 못하고 합세하게 되고 만다. 보냈던 자객들이 소작농과 무사에게 무참하게 당하고 말자 이번엔 소작농의 가족을 볼모로 그들과 맞서지만 소작농의 가족은 스스로 자결하여 이들의 투쟁을 돕는다. 결국 서로 물러설 길이 없어진 두 세력 간에 화합점이 나온다. 인질을 풀어주는 대신 소작농에게 죄를 묻지 않겠다는 것, 그러나 처벌을 받아야 한다는 것. 그 처벌은 태형 100대였고 소작농에게 가세했던 무사는 싸워봤자 결국 소작농들이 모두 죽고 말 것 이라는 걸 알고 대신하여 그 처벌을 받겠다고 자진하여 나서지만 지주 계급은 무사를 처벌하고 나머지 주동세력을 모두 사살한다. 이에 회의를 품은 지주 측의 고용 무사가 이들에게 반기를 들고 소작농 측으로 가세하여 3명의 무사가 결성되고 이들은 지주가 불러들인 당대의 무사와 대결을 하게 된다.
3인의 사무라이
Sakon Shiba
3인의 사무라이는 방앗간이라는 한정된 공간을 중심으로 이야기가 진행이 된다. 지주의 딸을 납치한 소작농들은 뒷일이 어찌 될지도 모르는 단순 무식한 사고에서 자신들의 처우 개선을 요구한다. 목숨을 담보로 한 처절한 투쟁이었지만 그들은 힘도 지혜도 없다. 단지 그렇게 하지 않고는 더 이상 살아 갈수 없는 처절한 환경 속에서 나름대로 방법이라고 찾은 게 지주 딸을 납치하여 그 딸의 생명을 담보로 잡고 자신들의 생계가 걸린 조항들을 요구하는 것 이었다. 물론 관철시켜 주면 딸을 풀어 주려고 하지만 지주 계급은 이들의 저항을 일거에 무시해 버리고 무력으로 진압하려 한다. 며칠 뒤 영주의 순시가 있을 예정이어서 그 이전에 이 반란 아닌 반란을 진압해야 한다는 강박 관념까지 앞서서 그들은 무리하게 감옥에 수감되어 있던 죄수들에게 미끼를 던져 그들을 해치우게 하는 전략을 쓰지만 투옥되어 있던 죄수 중 하나가 소작농의 처지를 알게 되고는 오히려 그들 편으로 돌아선다. 한편 방앗간을 우연히 들렀던 나그네 무사는 여인을 인질로 잡은 그들을 오해하여 공격하려 하다가 그들의 이야기를 듣고는 참여도 방관도 못하는 입장에 처하지만 딱한 그들의 앞일을 염려하여 떠나지 못하고 합세하게 되고 만다. 보냈던 자객들이 소작농과 무사에게 무참하게 당하고 말자 이번엔 소작농의 가족을 볼모로 그들과 맞서지만 소작농의 가족은 스스로 자결하여 이들의 투쟁을 돕는다. 결국 서로 물러설 길이 없어진 두 세력 간에 화합점이 나온다. 인질을 풀어주는 대신 소작농에게 죄를 묻지 않겠다는 것, 그러나 처벌을 받아야 한다는 것. 그 처벌은 태형 100대였고 소작농에게 가세했던 무사는 싸워봤자 결국 소작농들이 모두 죽고 말 것 이라는 걸 알고 대신하여 그 처벌을 받겠다고 자진하여 나서지만 지주 계급은 무사를 처벌하고 나머지 주동세력을 모두 사살한다. 이에 회의를 품은 지주 측의 고용 무사가 이들에게 반기를 들고 소작농 측으로 가세하여 3명의 무사가 결성되고 이들은 지주가 불러들인 당대의 무사와 대결을 하게 된다.
An Outlaw
Assassin Nanjo goes on a solitary mission to take revenge on the man who trapped him into a complicated drug deal.
Destroyer Yukikaze
Yutaro Kida, a worker at the Sasebo Naval Arsenal, volunteers for the navy but finds himself a cook's mate in the galley of a gunboat. But his dream is eventually realized when he is transferred to the new and powerful destroyer Yukikaze which he helped to build. When the Pacific War breaks out Yukikaze performs valiantly in the South Pacific, and while on shore leave, Kida meets and falls in love with Yukiko, younger sister of his commander.
The Kingdom of Jirocho 3
The third part of the story about feudal boss Jirocho and his underlings.
Jakoman and Tetsu
In a village subsisting on its herring fishery, a one-eyed criminal named Jakoman terrorizes the inhabitants. One of them, the son of the head of one of the fish companies by the name of Tetsu, decides to overthrow Jakoman and his cohorts.
Tokyo Gang Vs. Hong Kong Gang
13인의 자객
Doi Ōkō Toshi
A sadistic Daimyo (feudal lord) rapes a woman and murders both her and her husband, but even when one of his own vassals commits suicide to bring attention to the crime, the matter is quickly hushed up. Not only will there be no punishment, but because the Daimyo is the Shogun's younger brother, he will soon be appointed to a high political position from which he could wreak even more havoc. Convinced that the fate of the Shogunate hangs in the balance, a plot is hatched to assassinate the Daimyo. The two most brilliant strategic minds of their generation find themselves pitted against each other; one is tasked to defend a man he despises, and has a small army at his disposal. The other is given a suicide mission, and has 12 brave men. They are the 13 Assassins.
Tange Sazen
In 1730, the Tokugawa Shogunate orders the Yagyu Clan to repair a huge shrine. Since it cannot refuse the Shogunate's request, the impoverished Yagyu Clan tries to raise funds by obtaining a sword which holds the key to a wondrous, hidden treasure. After learning the sword's secret, Tange Sazen sides with the Yagyu Clan, but his motive seems to be more than just pure interest in the treasure...
Gang Loyalty and Vengeance
Gu Shimizu
A modern gang version of Chushingura, chronicling almost scene for scene the Brave 47 Ronin story, transposed from the Genroku Period to the Showa Era.
Futari dake no toride
Futari dake no toride
Tokyo aantachibiru: dasso
Goro Kawamoto
Gang and G-Men Part 2
A gang plans to steal twenty billion yen by safecracking tactics; however, they discover that one of the gang members is an infiltrating cop.
Eleven Gangsters
Operation Diamond
Kazuo Kasami
Umineko ga tonde
Gang vs. G-Men
Toru Tezuka
Two rival gangs of gangsters clash for dominance of a neighborhood.
Tokyo Untouchable
Goro Kawamoto
Hell's Kitchen
A Flame at the Pier
Takashi Fujiki stars as a rebel in this drama about life on the Yokohama waterfront by New Wave director Masahiro Shinoda. The rebel works as an errand boy for a shipping company and vents his frustrations by plucking on the guitar. His interpretations of popular trends in music are sometimes right-on, and sometimes not exactly. Bereft of his guitar, the rebel's modes of expression are not as effective in generating interest as the Yokohama docks themselves, a fascinating world in their own right.
Hikokuro Omodaka
사소한 잘못으로 상부로부터 할복 명령을 하달받은 사무라이가 그것에 저항하는 이야기. 인습과 전통에 대해 순응하는 일본 사회에 저항하는 메세지를 담은 작품.
Gang vs. Gang
The plot opens with the hero (Tsuruta) leaving prison, having served time through taking the blame for a fellow gang member’s crime. However, his former gang boss seems to have gone to seed, with people now killing each other and dealing in drugs. The hero then teams up with a lone operator (Tamba) who specialises in shaking down gangsters.
Four Sisters
Masao Igarashi
A story about the lives of four sisters and their manipulative mother who must come to terms with each of their decisions in life.
G-Men in the Pacific
G-men challenge a jewelry smuggling ring. The chase starts in Kyushu and continues to Kobe to Yokohama.
The Challenge
Journalist Kuroki is investigating clandestine arms sales to Southeast Asia. He discovers that the point man in an arms trade was also involved in the cover-up of a murder on an American base during the Allied Occupation. The film rolls along as a suspenseful thriller while offering a critique of political corruption, hypocrisy, and journalistic cowardice in postwar Japan.
All Rascals
Ishihama is planning a casino robbery with his wife and mother-in-law. They meet a man named Tsuneda who is planning the same robbery and agree to work together.
Tales of Young Genji Kuro 3
In the third, and final chapter of this epic tale, handsome swordsman Genji helps a vulnerable princess who is in search of a missing scroll that belongs to the Shogun. This is one of the most highly regarded trilogies featuring a youthful Nakamura Kinnosuke in one of his best roles. This was Kinnosuke at the height of his career, with charm, honor and a vicious sword. If you enjoyed the first two films in the series, you can't miss the exciting conclusion. Even without know-ledge of the first two films, this movie stands on its own with great action throughout!
Kuro to aka no hanabira
Crime film distributed by Taiho.
1962 Japanese movie
Greed in Broad Daylight
After a successful robbery the culprits, from very different backgrounds, at once turn on each other.
Bridge to the Sun
Tells the true story of Gwen Terasaki, who falls in love with, then marries a Japanese diplomat. When war breaks out they find animosity and trouble from both sides.
Dai shinrin ni mukatte tatsu
Strife between competing lumber mills.
The Yellow Climate
Based on the mystery novel of the same name by Seichō Matsumoto.
Mist and Shadows
Yusuke Komiya
Home drama about tin craftsmen and their families in downtown Tokyo. Though poor, they do not lose their cheerfulness or give in to oppression.
돼지와 군함
Slasher Tetsuji
야쿠자들이 미군 기지에서 나오는 잔반으로 돼지를 길러 일확천금을 노린다는 설정의 희극이다. 주인공은 그런 야쿠자 조직의 말단으로, 이 새로운 사업이 성공했을 때 지급될 예정인 15만엔의 보너스를 받기 위해 돼지 기르기에 열심이다. 그러나 야쿠자와 미군 사이에 끼어든 수상한 브로커로 인해 예상 밖의 자금들이 추가로 들어가기 시작하면서 그 사업은 순조롭게 진행되지 못한다. 급기야 브로커가 거금을 횡령해 달아나자 그들은 좌절에 빠진다.
Daredevil in the Castle
Sadamasa Ishikawa
During the raging war between the Toyotomi and Tokugawa clans, the swordsman Mohei (whose family has been completely decimated) is recruited by Toyotomi to overcome the seat of power, Osaka Castle. Mohei's daredevil skills will be put to severe tests.
Get 'em All
Gang of robbers quarrel about the loot, but when one of them gets killed, his younger brother seeks them out to ice them one by one.
The Gambling Samurai
Fumizo Mitsuki
Chuji Kunisada returns to his home village to find that Jubei Matsui, the corrupt magistrate, has been responsible for virtually destroying Kunisada's family. A final tragedy leads Kunisada to join with a band of rogues living in the forest in robbing from the rich and giving to the poor, always with an eye toward avenging himself on Magistrate Matsui.
Zero sen no jorô gun
Japanese crime film
Female Slave Ship
The year is 1945, months prior to Japan's ultimate defeat in WW2, and military lieutenant Sugawa is sent on a critical mission to deliver micro-fiche war plans to Tokyo from his base in Malaysia. But while flying over Chinese waters his plane is shot down and he is taken aboard a ship bound for Shanghai to deliver its merchandise - a ship filled with Female Slaves kidnapped from Japan. Will he abandon the women to pursue his main objective? Or will he fight foes, spies and pirates to save these women against all odds?
Japanese comedy film.
Japanese crime film.
Rajo to satsujin-meiro
Japanese crime film.
The Pacific War and the International Military Tribunal
In 1941, overpopulated Japan faces an economic boycott and its armed forces push further to the south. And despite negotiations between Japan and the U. S. A. war is declared with the attack on Pearl Harbour. Victories follow for Japan on land and sea and her forces push forward to the borders of India. But gradually the tide turns in favour of the Allies and after the atom bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan is compelled to accept the Potsdam Declaration and by the order of the Emperor agrees to unconditional surrender. Under the supervision of the occupation forces the International Military Tribunal opens in Tokyo to try the Japanese war leaders. Established in the cause of justice, and to prevent future aggressive wars the trials drag on for two and a half years. And on December 23, 1948, General Tojo and six other war leaders mount the thirteen steps to the gallows at Tokyo's Sugamo prison.
Japanese film, originally released in two parts.
Underwater Murder
The film marked Yōko Mihara's debut as the star of Shintoho's series of ama films, a role she took over from Michiko Maeda.
Quick on the Trigger
Early pinku.
독부 다카하시 이야기
Ihei Ôsawa
메이지 시대, 희대의 독부로 불리운 여자가 있었다. 그녀의 이름은 다카하시 오덴! 남자와 헤어진 후 빠져들게 된 악행 속에서 슬프고도 애욕적인 그녀의 파란만장한 삶이 펼쳐진다.
Emperor & Empress Meiji and the Sino-Japanese War
Keisuke Otori
Queen of Asia
Japanese war film based on the true story of Yoshiko Kawashima, played by actress Miyuki Takakura in her film debut.
The Ghost of Kasane
Jinjûrô Ômura
A blind masseur visits a samurai to request the return of a loan. The samurai kills him in anger, then has his servant dump the body in the Kasane swamp. However, the ghost of the masseur returns to haunt the samurai, who kills his wife by mistake and then goes to the swamp and drowns himself. 20 years later, the masseur's daughter unknowingly falls in love with the samurai's son who has been brought up to be a servant. After she is horribly disfigured in an accident, he plots to run away with another woman, but the path of their escape lies by the Kasane swamp...
Emperor Meiji and the Great Russo-Japanese War
Rear Admiral Shimamura
Meiji Tenno portrayed the ramp up to the Russo-Japan War. In addition to showing the political events that led to war, it also showed the era from the story of a farm family in rural Japan who sent their son off to war. As such, it could be considered an anti-war movie, showing how, while war is devised by governments, the people do not really understand what war is, and it's combatants often do not know what they are fighting for.
An exciting historical drama in which a beautiful woman secretly solves the family problems of the Owari clan. Hibari Misora plays two roles: a charming princess and a dashing youngster, performs songs and dances throughout the film until the big decisive battle.
The Ceiling at Utsunomiya
Kurozumi Tenzen
Ryutaro is a spy employed by the shogun Tokugawa Iemitsu, who is the target of assassination attempts that aim to hand power over to his younger brother Tadanaga. Before learning of these plots, Ryutaro discovers himself in a predicament of his own when he rushes to the defence of a local girl who is caught between her boyfriend and a greedy businessman. The situation results in many violent one-on-one skirmishes between Ryutaro and the businessman’s many samurai defendants, one of whom enigmatically refuses to reveal his face or use more than just the one hand. Before long, Ryutaro’s top priority is not protecting Iemitsu as it should be, but rather unearthing the true identity of the mystery samurai.
Japanese comedy film.
Admiral Yamamoto and the Allied Fleets
Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto leads the Combined Fleet of the Imperial Japanese Navy to defeat the American Fleet.
Kingoro's Soldier
Japanese comedy film.
Speed King
Japanese film about motorcycle racing.
The Fencing Collegian
Japanese sports comedy film about kendo.
Twilight Saloon
Takes place in one place, a beer hall, over the course of one evening. Uchida employs this concentration of setting and time to fashion a microcosm for a group portrait of Japan. One by one, the regulars of the bar appear: the pianist who dreams of becoming a composer but has disappeared from the music world after a knifing; a stripper who had planned to be a ballet dancer; an elderly painter trying to make a living at pachinko, and who rues his art having been used for militarist propaganda during the war; a young waitress considering elopement; a colonel turned real estate broker who attempts to rouse the crowd in military song until he realizes the tune has been transformed by marchers in the street into a leftist chant. The "twilight" is more than just a time of day; here, it is a state of being, a suspension between past and present, between the camaraderie of the saloon and the harsh world outside.
Mysterious Pygmy
Horror film about a killer dwarf.
The Sacrifice of the Human Torpedoes
Submarine Ro Hasn't Surfaced
Japanese war film.