Michael Aloni

Michael Aloni

출생 : 1984-01-31, Tel Aviv, Israel

프로필 사진

Michael Aloni

참여 작품

Love you, Charlie
A nerdy director and his crazy crew are filming for a reality show a glittery singer who stays for a week at the house of Charlie, the head of a brutal crime family. The world of entertainment meets the world of crime. Charlie and his family manipulate the camera crew and the young star and drag them into their dark and deadly world.
플랜 A
세상에 드러나지 않은 가장 충격적인 복수극 히틀러와 괴벨스가 자살하며 제2차 세계대전이 끝나자, 살아남은 유대인 일부는 ‘나캄’(히브리어로 복수)이라는 비밀 결사를 조직한다. “눈에는 눈”이라는 구약의 가르침을 따르는 그들은 나치가 학살한 600만 명의 유대인에 대한 복수로 600만 명의 독일인을 살해할 계획을 세우는데...
LA의 호화로운 저택. 부유한 사업가 부부 ‘요시’와 ‘시갈’의 초대로 저녁식사를 위해 9명의 이웃과 가족이 모인다. 친밀한 듯 아슬아슬한 분위기 속, 예상치 못한 사고가 터지면서 평온했던 식탁은 대혼란에 빠지고 상황은 걷잡을 수 없이 돌아간다.
해안가의 처녀들: 인어
Teenage Lana is languishing in her run-down hometown on Israel’s sun-soaked north coast—until an older, attractive writer arrives with tales of a mermaid sighting off the shore of the declining resort town.
Then She Arrived
Dan Freilich (30), a handsome and dozy nerd, was sure that his life were all planned out for the next 50 years. pretty soon he was also supposed to get married, to his high school sweetheart. That's all you need, isn't it? Apparently not.
Joshua, an 80-year old Holocaust survivor, discovers one morning, that a cellular antenna was installed on the roof of his house. It turned out that his neighbor has rented his part of the rooftop to a cellular company. Joshua feels a terrible injustice was done. He starts believing that all his diseases and pains are caused by the antenna's radiation. Joshua obsessively starts feeling the radiation everywhere and develops a persecution disorder which risks his life. He goes to war against his neighbor. His wife Sarah, and his 3 adult sons are dragged unwillingly into this vortex. The crisis reveals the personal problems of each of his sons, and they are forced to deal with their father's dark shadow.
A Place in Heaven
A young officer returns to his base after a daring mission. The cook's assistant, a religious Holocaust survivor, is envious of him. He believes that there is a place in heaven reserved for the brave officer who endangers his life for the sake of his Jewish brethren. The officer, in the spirit of the Zionist ethos, is secular and a non-believer. At the moment, he is so hungry that, for a plate of shaksuka, he is prepared to sign a contract transferring his secured place in heaven to the cook. Some forty years later, the present time of the movie, the tables have turned - the officer, now a retired general, is on his death bed in the hospital. His son who, to his father's horror, has found religion, is in a race against time. Before his father dies, he has to find that cook's assistant who, forty years earlier, bought his place in heaven. If and when he finds him, the son has to nullify the contract. If he doesn't, his father will go to hell.
아웃 인 더 다크
Roy Schaefer
이스라엘에 살고 있는 팔레스타인 청년 ‘나이머’는 더 나은 삶을 위해서 해외로 나가는 것을 꿈꾸는 학생이다. 어느 날 게이클럽에서 그는 이스라엘 청년 ‘로이’를 운명적으로 만나고, 그와 사랑에 빠진다. 둘의 관계가 깊어질수록, ‘나이머’는 그의 성정체성을 거부하는 팔레스타인 사회와 팔레스타인인 그의 국적을 배척하는 이스라엘 사회의 냉혹한 현실을 실감한다. 그는 자신의 가장 가까운 친구중 하나가 텔아비브(이스라엘 수도)에 불법체류를 하다 발각되어 웨스트뱅크 쪽으로 강제추방이 되고, 동성애자라는 이유로 잔혹하게 살해가 되는 것을 목격한다. 이러한 여러 위기를 겪으면서 ‘나이머’는 자신이 꿈꿨던 해외에 나가서 사는 삶을 살지, 로이와 함께 이스라엘에 남을지 선택을 해야하는 상황을 맞이한다.
A group of soldiers need to secure an area in Gaza while their colleagues collect the remains of Israeli soldiers who have been killed in an ambush.
A member of an Israeli anti-terrorist unit clashes with a group of young radicals.
A tragical-comedy film story that follows a young non-combatant platoon with defective fitness. Set in "Bahad 4" in the 50's, the movie focuses mainly on two characters: Alon (Oz Zehavi), who believes he was accidentally sent to Bahad 4 and will soon be sent to join the Paratroopers. Avner (Guy Adler), believes that the army is the last thing that interests him.
Three teenage murderers escape to a secluded ruin where they must deal with the huge gap between the ideological romance that had planned the act and the dark reality which suddenly engulfs them.
Out of Sight
Tomer the Lifeguard
Ya'ara, a blind PhD candidate in Mathematics at Princeton University, hears of her cousin Talia's suicide. Ya'ara rushes back to Israel. They were best of friends and twin spirits. Talia saw for both of them, and was always the one who believed and led Ya'ara to believe, that in spite of her blindness, Ya'ara could see everything. Ya'ara joins Talia's family for the traditional 7-day mourning period and there, she discovers the secrets of Talia's life and embarks on an investigation trying to discover the reason that led Talia to commit suicide.
Unto the Son
Based on actual events, Unto the Son follows a young man and his family's journey following the mysterious disappearance of his gangster father.