Ewen Solon
출생 : 1917-09-07, Auckland, New Zealand
사망 : 1985-07-07
Monsieur Demaurault
A Russian ballet dancer defects from the USSR, emigrates to England, and joins a ballet company run by a powerful, wealthy lady (Joan Collins).
(Archive Material)
Writer and Director Mike Leigh discusses the techniques used to create his plays.
Italian Tank Commander
20세기 초기에 벌어졌던 이탈리아와 리비아 사이의 20년 전쟁이 이 영화의 소재이다. 이 영화는 실화이며 등장인물도 역사적 실존 인물의 실명을 그대로 활용하고 있다. 20세기 초, 당시 끊임없이 벌어졌던 강대국의 제국주의 전쟁은 아프리카에서도 예외가 아니었다. 영국은 이집트를, 프랑스는 튀니지아를, 스페인은 모로코를 점령했다. 그런데 이탈리아는 1910년부터 리비아를 침공하였으나 29년까지 교착상태에 빠진다. 그러자 무솔리니는 새 지후관 그라치아니를 파견한다. 한편 그의 상관 베드윈족의 지도자 요마르 무크타르로서 전직은 교사이며 적을 물리치는 것만이 평화로 가는 유일한 방법이라는 코란의 정신을 이어받아총을 들고 나선 탁원한 전술가이다. 이탈리아군에 의한 무자비한 양민학살이 지속되지만 무크타르는 사막전과 산악전에서 뛰어난 전술로 현대병기로 무장한 이탈리아군을 계속 패퇴시킨다. 평화라는 미명하에 작전상의 협상이 벌어지고 전쟁은 계속된다. 결국 이탈리아군은 리비아 사막 수백 마일에 4천 명의 인부를 동원해 수천 톤의 철조망 작업을 행하영 베드윈족 5천명을 강제 수용소에 수용하고 무크타르를 생포해 공개리에 교수형에 처함으로서 1931년 9월 16일 전쟁을 종결한다.
Commander Ford
An American ex-con who is trying to go straight is persuaded to be the inside man for an audacious bank job in central London.
A NASA spacecraft proves Einstein right when, traveling faster than light, it ends up near King Arthur's Camelot. On board are big-hearted Tom Trimble and Hermes, the look-alike robot he built. Tom immediately makes friends with pretty Alisande while becoming enemies with the evil knight Sir Mordred. It seems Mordred has joined up with the Sorcerer Merlin and they are both up to no good. It is now up to Tom to try and use 20th century technology to foil their plans.
Geoffrey Livingston
A 'machinegunner' (West Country slang for a debt-collector) turns amateur sleuth, but finds himself in hot water with local criminals.
Picking up a distress call from the edge of the known universe, the Doctor and Sarah Jane find themselves on Zeta Minor where a geological team has run afoul of some strange goings on...
The TARDIS has arrived on a far-distant and seemingly idyllic world. Yet the Doctor, Steven and Dodo learn it hides a terrible secret: the apparently civilised Elders maintain their advanced society by draining and transferring to themselves the life-force of the defenceless Savages.
Don Fernando
드라큘라와 프랑켄슈타인 시리즈를 간판으로 내걸었던 해머가 새롭게 수혈한 장르. 유니버설사의 (1941)을 변형한 이 영화는 인간에서 늑대인간으로 변하는 청년의 비극적 사랑을 그린 괴수물이다. 선천적으로 늑대인간의 저주를 받고 태어났다는 설정이 과는 다르다. 인상적인 괴수 분장은 물론 긴장감을 조성하는 분위기 연출이 뛰어나다.
Tang How
In 1910, Hong Kong, under the rule of the British Empire, is a prosperous and bustling city, but, hidden in the shadows of its many narrow streets, the hideous members of the Red Dragon gang, a branch of the evil Chinese secret society of the Tongs, lurk and murder those who oppose to their tyranny, which thrives on vice, crime and the fear of the weakest.
In the Australian Outback, the Carmody family--Paddy, Ida, and their teenage son Sean--are sheep drovers, always on the move. Ida and Sean want to settle down and buy a farm. Paddy wants to keep moving. A sheep-shearing contest, the birth of a child, drinking, gambling, and a racehorse will all have a part in the final decision.
After the Banton family rob a store is a small village and kill the local police constable, Tarzan captures one of them, Coy Banton. He decides to return him to the authorities so that the dead policeman's family will benefit from the $5000 reward. The head of the clan, Abel Banton and his two sons have no intention of letting Tarzan deliver Coy and burn the river boat they were to use. Several of the passengers are now stranded forcing Tarzan to take them along on a trek through the jungle. Abel Banton trails them intent not only getting his son back but getting rid of Tarzan.
Sir David Rogers
A serial killer is murdering women in the Whitechapel district of London. An American policeman is brought in to help Scotland Yard solve the case.
'배스커빌가의 사냥개'는 셜록 홈즈의 원작 자체도 추리에 크게 신경을 덜 쓴 느낌의 작품입니다. 셜록 홈즈가 보통 왓슨에게 일부 단서만 알려주다가 범인을 늦게 밝히는데 이 원작에서는 비교적 빨리 범인을 왓슨에게 바로 밝힙니다. 범인이 누구냐가 중요한 내용이 아니라 전설속의 마견의 정체에 더 관심을 쏠리게 하는 내용이니까요. 해머 영화사의 이 작품에서 사실 마견의 활용을 꽤 기대했는데 마견의 등장분량은 굉장히 짧습니다. 그래도 39년 영화와는 달리 헨리 경을 덮쳐서 목을 물어뜯을 뻔한 장면을 만들기는 하죠. 그런데 실루엣으로라도 좀 보여주고 그랬더라면 좀 더 음산한 느낌을 주었을텐데 그렇지도 않습니다. 그냥 끝에 잠깐 등장하고 있지요.
Detective in Pub
Petty thief Willie Frith steals a suitcase full of bank notes, only to find out that they have been given all the same serial number. But this is only the start of his troubles, now he has to find a way of changing the notes, so he can impress the barmaid of his local pub.
Willowdale Captain
The Mediterranean, 1941/42 - Axis forces are using frogmen and manned torpedoes to attack previously impregnable harbours. The Allied forces need to come up with something to answer this threat, which they find in the form of Lt. Lionel "Buster" Crabb.
British B-movie adventure.
Detective Inspector Marshall
Police find that everyone had a motive for the murder of a wealthy woman.
ERA Williams
While sailing lawfully up the Yangste in 1949, the British warship Amethyst found its return to the open sea blocked by Communist Chinese shore batteries that unexpectedly opened fire. In charge, Lietenant Commander Kerans was not however prepared for his crew and his ship to remain as a hostage for the Chinese to use as an international pawn.
Sergeant Arthur
During the mid 1860s, brothers Dick and Jim Marston are drawn into a life of crime by their ex-convict father Ben and his friend, infamous cattlethief Captain Starlight. Making their way to Melbourne with the proceeds of a recent raid, the brothers meet and romance the Morrison sisters, Kate and Jean, whom they eventually marry; but just as they are poised to start a new life in America, Captain Starlight and his gang arrive in town, planning a raid at the local bank.
Superintendent Faro
Newspaper reporters compete with London police to solve a murder.
Outer Party Orator
In a totalitarian future society, a man whose daily work is rewriting history tries to rebel by falling in love.
Bus Inspector (Uncredited)
U.S. Embassy employee Lee Cochrane and his wife, Sue, receive a shock when they discover that their 18-month-old son, Simon, has disappeared in London. He was last seen with their nanny, and the couple seemingly have no leads that might help police Detective Craig in his investigation. The media sensationalizes the incident, causing an unnecessary distraction as the couple prepares to confront the culprit face-to-face.
At the racetrack, cleaner, Willy Joy is tricked into buying Lindy Lou, a useless greyhound, who's not too healthy either. While getting the dog back in shape, Willy crosses paths with a gang of crooks who's specialty is fixing the races with doped dogs.
Flight Sergeant G. E. Powell
2차 대전 중 독일의 루르 댐을 성공적으로 폭파시킨 이야기를 다룬 전쟁 영화. 1955년 아카데미 시각 효과상 노미네이트.1942년 봄, 월리스 박사(마이클 레드그레이브 분)는 독일의 루르 댐을 폭파시키기 위한 폭탄을 개발하기 위해 심혈을 기울인다. 잠도 안 자 가면서 실험을 하지만 번번이 실패를 하고 만다. 하지만 몇 번의 실패 끝에 결국 폭탄을 개발하는 데에 성공하게 되고 깁슨 중령(리처드 토드 분)은 그 폭탄을 가지고 독일을 향해 날아간다. 실험엔 성공했지만 이 폭탄이 루르 댐을 성공적으로 폭파시킬지는 아무도 모르는 것이다. 공군 부대가 출동한 후 관계 당국과 월리스 박사는 초조하게 소식을 기다린다. 월리스 박사가 개발해낸 폭탄으로 루르 댐을 성공적으로 폭파시킨 후 공군 부대 전체가 무사히 귀환할 것인가.
Edward, Prince of Wales, son and heir to his father King Edward III of England, leads an English army to the French province of Aquitaine to protect the inhabitant from the ravages of the French. After defeating the French in battle, the defeated French plot to kill the prince. Failing in this, they kidnap his lady, the lovely Lady Joan Holland. Of course Prince Edward has to ride to the rescue, adopting numerous guises to save his paramour, which ultimately end in him leading his men into one final climactic battle against the French. (Also known as "The Warriors" and "The Black Prince").
Having been given enforced retirement due to his age, Mick-Mack creates strain upon his extended family.
Tells the story of Mary Tudor and her troubled path to true love. Henry VIII, for political reasons, determines to wed her to the King of France. She tries to flee to America with her love but is captured when she is "un-hatted" on board ship. In return for her consent to the marriage with France, Henry agrees to let her choose her second husband. When King Louis of France dies, Mary is kidnaped by the Duke of Buckingham. He tries to force her to marry him but she is rescued by her love in an exciting battle on the beach.
Sgt. Jenkins
A greedy woman tries to poison her nephew's bride in a dark mansion.
Merrie Man
Young Robin Hood, in love with Maid Marian, enters an archery contest with his father at the King's palace. On the way home his father is murdered by henchmen of Prince John. Robin takes up the life of an outlaw, gathering together his band of merry men with him in Sherwood Forest, to avenge his father's death and to help the people of the land that Prince John are over taxing.
Radio Operator
An unexpected bond develops between a fugitive killer and a runaway orphan on an odyssey across England.
Det. Anderson
A Norwegian scientist builds a device that can convert sound waves into electrical energy. However, the machine is stolen by the scientist's wife and assistant, who head across the frozen tundra towards Russia. A police inspector and a local girl team up with the scientist to help recover the device.
Detective Sgt. Peterson
In this crime drama, an escaped convict is recaptured and charged with killing two people in a lonely waystation during a snowstorm. Fortunately, a novelist is around to prove him innocent.
Antonio Riccardi, a rare stamp dealer who is secretly a hired killer, pays for the violin lessons of his gifted brother Giuseppe. To meet the expenses of Giuseppe's concert debut he accepts a further job, but his decision to do so provides Detective Inspector Carson, who has long hoped to ensnare Tony, with an opportunity that might now enable him to bring about his downfall.
A husband cheats on his disabled wife--who has been paralyzed in a car accident--with her sister. When the sister is murdered he is accused of the crime, but it turns out that he may not be the killer after all.
Enemy Scientist (uncredited)
A US newsman and a British entomologist spy on germ-warfare research in a mythical country.