ADR Editor
1997년 LA. 무기와 숫적으로 우세한 마약 범죄집단과의 전쟁과도 같은 총격전으로 연일 시달리는 강력계 마이클 해리건 경사는 또 한 건의 총격전을 해결하는데 현장에는 무참히 찢긴 시체와 천장에 거꾸로 매달린 시체들이 있었다. 기관총을 든 4사람을 맨손으로 죽이고 포위되어있는 경찰의 눈을 피해 달아난 것이다. 그런데 해리건은 상관으로부터 특수요원 피터 키즈가 지휘하는 연방기동대가 이 사건을 맡게 되니 손을 떼라고 하자 기분이 상한다. 수상히 여긴 해리건과 그의 수사팀 대니, 리오나, 그리고 새로 온 제리 람버트는 방해를 무릅쓰고 수사를 펼친다. 얼마 후, 킹 윌리라는 자메이카 부두교 책임자와 그 부하들이 이상한 무기를 들고 침입한 괴물에게 또다시 무참히 살해된다. 사건에서 밀려나 연방수사원 몰래 수사현장을 조사하던 대니가 괴물에게 살해당하고 해리건은 경고를 받는다. 15년을 같이 일한 파트너를 잃은 해리건은 분노하고 죽인 놈을 꼭 찾아내겠다고 벼른다. 피터 키즈의 뒤를 쫓던 제리는 이들을 도살장 부근에서 놓쳤다고 한다. 해리건은 마약왕인 부두교 두목 킹 윌리를 만나지만 아무런 단서를 얻지 못하고 돌아오는데 킹 윌리도 괴물에게 살해된다.
ADR Editor
음악과 여자, 멋진 스포츠 카만 있으면 부족한 게 없다고 느끼는 포드 페어레인은 음악계의 사건을 전문으로 해결하는 사설 탐정이다. 어느 날 그에게 '쥬쥬 페들스'란 괴상한 이름을 가진 여자를 찾아달라는 고객이 찾아오면서 시작된 사건은 죠니와 콜린이 살해되면서 점점 미궁에 빠져든다. 한편 공연 도중 급사한 인기 록스타 보비 블랙의 장례식장에서 쥬쥬와 만나게 된 포드는 연예계의 큰 손인 그랜든이라는 사람이 그 자신의 비리를 알고 돈을 요구하던 죠니와 콜린을 살해했다는 사실을 전해 듣는다. 그리고 이와 동시에그랜든은 결정적 단서를 가진 쥬쥬와 포드의 목숨까지도 노리고 있다는 사실을 알게 된다.
ADR Editor
흉악 살인범 찰스 리 레이(브래드 듀리프 분)는 형사 마이크 노리스(크리스 서랜든 분)의 추격을 받으며 시카고의 와버쉬 거리 사이로 도주하고 있다. 공범인 에디 카푸토에게 버림받고 부상입은 레이는 닫혀진 장난감 가게로 뛰어든다. 뒤쫓아온 마이크가 쏜 총에 맞고 쓰러진 그는 배신한 친구 에디와 형사 마이크의 복수를 외치면서 '착한 애(Good Guys)' 인형에 매달려 주문을 외우자, 밖에서는 불길한 천둥과 폭풍이 몰아쳐면서 가게는 폭발한다. 백화점 점원으로 혼자서 어린 아들 앤디(알렉스 빈센트 분)을 키우고 있는 캐런(캐서린 힉스 분)은 아들의 생일 선물로 인형을 사다준다. 아들 앤디가 그렇게도 원하던 말하는 인형 척키(Chucky: 에드 게일 분)는, 어른들 앞에선 천진스런 인형이다가, 앤디하고만 있게 되면 살아나서 말도 하고 행동도 하며, 더 나아가서는 소름끼치는 살인의 향연을 벌이기 시작한다. 아무도 인형이 살인을 하리라곤 믿지않기 때문에, 의심의 화살은 앤디에게 쏟아지고, 앤디의 힙겹고 외로운 투쟁은 시작된다. 앤디가 척키에 대한 사실을 밝히려 애쓸수록, 그는 이상한 아이로 취급받아 결국 격리당해 정신과 의사의 관찰까지 받게된다. 그러나 캐런이 인형상자에 건전지가 그대로 있는 것을 발견하고, 척키가 건전지 없이 말하고 움직인 것을 알게되자, 척키는 본색을 드러내는데...
Dialogue Editor
As a baby, Bobo gets separated from his family during a camping trip. After being raised by wild dogs for twenty years, Bobo is discovered by animal researcher Penny, who brings him back to his family and attempts to teach Bobo how to readjust to life with humans. While his mother is overjoyed to see him again, Bobo's older brother Henry is more worried about losing his share of the inheritance. As Bobo progresses with Penny's lessons, Henry plots to have him eliminated.
ADR Editor
특수부대 코만도의 대령 매트릭스(아놀드 슈왈제네거)는 은퇴 후 산 속에서 10살 된 딸과 함께 생활한다. 그러나 딸은 납치 당하고, 매트릭스에게 딸의 교환 조건으로 남미 한 나라의 대통령을 제거해 독재 정권 수립을 도우라는 지시가 내려진다. 매트릭스는 비행기에서 탈출하고 착륙 전까지 딸을 구해야 하는데...
A biological experiment in Florida goes awry. The result: 8-foot long land crabs which roar loudly and kill everything in sight.
A group of motorcyclists on a "treasure hunt" are terrorized by a gang of murderous psychopaths.
A man accidentally learns that he has a mystical connection with sharks, and is given a strange medallion by a shaman. Becoming more and more alienated from normal society, he develops an ability to communicate with sharks telepathically, setting out to destroy anybody who harms sharks. People enter into his strange world to exploit his weird passion, and he uses the animals to gain revenge on anybody who double crosses him.
A young soldier who was thought to be killed in the line of duty in Vietnam returns home shortly thereafter, much to the confusion of his family. Upon his return, he exhibits strange, withdrawn behavior and begins wandering the streets at night.
A young couple decide to live together and they wind up having a baby. They decide they should give the baby up for adoption. The baby's Mother's parents wind up adopting the baby using a fake name.
광고연출가인 폴 그로브즈(Paul Groves: 피터 폰다 분)는 이혼의 시련을 극복하기 위해 LSD를 하기로 결심한다. 그는 마약이 자기 자신과 자신의 감정에 보다 충실하게 만들어준다고 믿는다. 그는 마약 딜러인 맥스(Max: 데니스 호퍼 분)로부터 LSD를 구하게 되고, 친구인 존(John: 브루스 던 분)과 함께 환각을 경험하게 되는데...
Stock car racer Tommy Callahan is forced to join Pete Madsen's thrill circus after his blackouts cause a fatal accident that gets him thrown off the circuit.
The scheming mad scientist Dr. Goldfoot (Vincent Price) plots another mad scheme to take over the world by killing off the major military leaders of every country; to that end, he creates in his secret lab a bevy of bodacious girl bombs; full-length, life-size robots that explode when embraced.
Live performances by some of the top rock-and-roll acts of the mid 60s. Includes Ray Charles, The Byrds, Joan Baez, Ike and Tina Turner, Donovan, The Lovin' Spoonful, and several more.
In this campy spy movie spoof Dr. Goldfoot (Vincent Price) has invented an army of bikini-clad robots who are programmed to seek out wealthy men and charm them into signing over their assets. Secret agent Craig Gamble (Frankie Avalon) and millionaire Todd Armstrong set out to foil his fiendish plot.
An astronaut goes into space with a chimpanzee. When they return to Earth after their orbit, it is discovered that the chimp has the brains of the astronaut, and the astronaut has the brains of the chimp. Complications ensue.
조직범죄 두목인 로카, 폭파 전문가이자 북아일랜드 공화국군인 스캔런, 위조범 펠, 냉혈한 살인범 듀렐, 그리고 도둑이자 변장의 달인 사발은 사면을 받는 대신 독일이 점령한 유고슬라비아에서 포로로 잡혀 있는 연합군 동조자인 이탈리아 장군을 구출해 오는 임무를 맡게 된다. 작전 지휘를 맡은 리처드 메이스 소령은 위험한 임무에 동생을 투입했다가 자신의 오판으로 빨리 구출해 내지 못한 아픈 사연을 갖고 있다 메이스는 팀원들을 이끌고 어선으로 유고슬라비아에 잠입하지만 도중에 순찰선의 검문을 당한다. 다행히 마르코가 이끄는 현지 게릴라 대원들의 도움으로 여러 팀으로 나뉘어 두브로브니크에 들어가게 된다 미망인 밀라와 한 팀이 된 듀렐은 독일군에게 발각되지 않으려다가 울고 보채는 밀라의 아기의 입을 막게 되지만 그만 아기는 질식하여 죽고 만다. 결국 대원들은 포로로 잡히고 이탈리아 장군이 수용된 같은 요새로 이송되어 고문을 당하지만 가까스로 탈출해 임무를 완수한다. 하지만 안타깝게도 메이스, 펠, 스캔런, 사발은 독일군을 막으려다 죽게 되는데....
A warlock burned at the stake comes back and takes over the body of his great grandson to take his revenge on the descendents of the villages that burned him.
Associate Producer
A warlock burned at the stake comes back and takes over the body of his great grandson to take his revenge on the descendents of the villages that burned him.
A magician who has been turned into a raven turns to a former sorcerer for help.
A film constructed around footage shot of actual Grand Prix races in Europe.
Supervising Film Editor
The twisted Richard III is haunted by the ghosts of those he has murdered in his attempt to become the King of England.
인종차별이 만연한 미국 남부에 잠입해서 혐오를 조장하는 공작을 꾸미는 두 얼굴의 신사 이야기. 로저 코먼은 십만불의 예산만을 썼지만 간결한 연출로 미국 사회 악의 근원에 대한 클래식을 만들었다.
An artist grows distant from his new wife as an irrational horror of premature burial consumes him.
Supervising Film Editor
Teenagers from a small town and their high school science teacher join forces to battle a giant mutant spider, living in a cave nearby and getting hungry.
Supervising Film Editor
Glenn Manning, "The Amazing Colossal Man," believed dead after falling from the Hoover Dam, reemerges in rural Mexico, brain damaged, disfigured, and very angry.
George Kelly is angry at the world and scared to death of dying. A career bank robber, Kelly gets his confidence from his Thompson SMG and his girl Flo. After a botched robbery, Flo, Kelly and his gang try their hand at a more lucrative job: kidnapping.
Supervising Editor
A deranged scientist creates a ray that can shrink people down to doll size.
A group of Viking women build a ship and set off across the sea to locate their missing menfolk, only to fall into the clutches of the barbarian Grimolts who hold their men captive and worship the sea serpent which overturned their ship.
Lt. Col. Glenn Manning is inadvertently exposed to a plutonium bomb blast and although he sustains burns over 90% of his body, he survives. Then he begins to grow, but as he grows he starts losing his mind. By the time he stops he is 50 ft tall, insane and is on the rampage.
Girl loves hot cars and a rich dragstrip racer. Her parents don't like either one.
Deep in the jungles a mad scientist is using the natives' voodoo for his experiments to create an indestructible being to serve his will. When a party of gold seekers stumbles upon his village, the scientist realizes that Marilyn the expedition's evil leader is the perfect subject for his work.
A mysterious hypnotist reverts his beautiful assistant back into the form of a prehistoric sea monster that she was in a past life.
An inmate is persuaded to take part in a breakout by cellmates anxious to cash in on loot they believe she has hidden.
After six years in jail Steve returns to claim a ranch left him in a will. The town is in the middle of a rough election masterminded by saloon owner Marie. Steve is soon on the side of the opposition candidate and his pretty daughter. The town's tough sheriff is on no-one's side, least of all Steve's
An undercover policewoman helps three female convicts escape from prison so that they can lead her to a stash of stolen diamonds hidden in a swamp.
After a nuclear attack, an unlikely group of survivors, including a geologist, a crook and his moll, and a prospector, find temporary shelter in the remote-valley home of a survivalist and his beautiful daughter, but soon have to deal with the spread of radioactivity - and its effects on animal life, including humans.
A government agent ventures west to look into reports that Apaches are behind a recent wave of frontier attacks. Begins to suspect a set-up.
During the Civil War, five condemned Southern prisoners are plucked off Death Row and promised pardons on the condition that they undertake a mission to head west and bring back a double-crossing Confederate spy who has a stagecoach full of Confederate gold.
An amnesiac finally learns his true a murder suspect. A mystery thriller based on the novel by Mickey Spillane.
Two aging playboys are both after the same attractive young woman, but she fends them off by claiming that she plans to remain a virgin until her wedding night. Both men determine to find a way around her objections.
Lloyd Hollis
During WWII, when an allied bomber is shot down over Germany, the five surviving crew are captured but cleverly escape detention after learning German secret information and knocking out a Nazi major. With the angry major in hot pursuit, aided by military personnel, Gestapo agents and Hitler-loyal citizens, the five wend their way across perilous Germany, intent on reaching the UK with the secrets they have learned.
The story of courtesan and dance-hall girl Emma Hamilton, including her relationships with Sir William Hamilton and Admiral Horatio Nelson and her rise and fall, set during the Napoleonic Wars.
Jasper King
The last of the four "Five Little Peppers" films finds the children having a hard time adjusting to their new boarding school.
Jasper King
When her doctor advises her to move West because of her health, Mrs. Pepper takes her five kids and relocates to Oregon to live with her sister. But adjusting to a new home and community isn't easy for the brood. Third entry in the "Five Little Peppers" series of four films.
Jasper King
The second entry in the four "Five Little Peppers" films finds the family struggling to keep their copper mine when their elderly business partner becomes ill.
Master Gerald Kilmount
A behind the times Chicago bootlegger goes to England with his lawyer to claim his estate as the Earl of Gorley.
Young Dick
A London artist struggles to complete one last painting before going blind.
Boy King Edward
In the 15th century Richard Duke of Gloucester, aided by his club-footed executioner Mord, eliminates those ahead of him in succession to the throne, then occupied by his brother King Edward IV of England. As each murder is accomplished he takes particular delight in removing small figurines, each resembling one of the successors, from a throne-room dollhouse, until he alone remains. After the death of Edward he becomes Richard III, King of England, and need only defeat the exiled Henry Tudor to retain power.
Jasper King
The first of four films in the "Five Little Peppers" series, based on Margaret Sinclair's popular book, about a widowed mother and her five children. In this one the family inherits co-ownership in a copper mine.
J. Douglas Williamson (uncredited)
A boxer flees, believing he has committed a murder while he was drunk.
Young Ebenezer
Classic Charles Dickens holiday tale of Ebenezer Scrooge, the miser's miser who has a huge change of heart after spirits whisk him into the past, present, and future.
Roger Calverton
Cricket West is a hopeful actress with a plan and a pair of vocal chords that bring down the house. Along with her eccentric aunt, she plays host to the local jockeys, whose leader is the cocky but highly skilled Timmie Donovan. A young English gentleman comes to town convincing Donovan to ride his horse in a high stakes race.
Spud aka Edward, Earl of Grandby
Young Englishman inherits ranch which he wants to sell, but Gene's gonna turn him into a real westerner instead. When new owner Spud arrives from England, Autry convinces him not to sell the ranch but to raise horses for the Army. When both Autry's and Neale's bids are the same, the Colonel calls for a race to decide the winner. But that night Neale has Autry's stable burned.
Ronnie Kimball
A young violin prodigy is assumed kidnapped after he runs away from home.
Michael Fielding (as Ra Hould)
A Doctor's Diary is told through the eyes of Dr. Dan Norris (John Trent), resident physician in a private hospital. In his search for a cure for spinal meningitis, Norris recklessly runs roughshod over the feelings of his colleagues. The doctor's older, wiser supervisor, Dr. Clem Driscoll (George Bancroft), tries to curb Norris' impatience, pointing out that nothing takes place overnight. Angrily, Norris accuses Driscoll of malpractice and is forced to resign from the clinic -- just when a meningitis epidemic breaks out.
Jerry O'Brien
In 1921, British Lord Athleigh arrives in Dublin with his daughter, Helen, to engage in peace talks. As wanted Irish rebel leader Dennis Riordan is not recognized in public, he is able to move about freely and saves the Athleighs from an assassination attempt by a radical faction. Dennis and Helen meet again and, unaware of his position, Helen falls in love with him. Later when Dennis admits his identity, Helen must make a fateful decision.