모모코는 도쿄 교외에서 혼자 사는 75세의 할머니이다. 스무 살 때, 정략결혼을 피해 도쿄로 도망친 이후 지난 55년 동안 모모코는 가족을 이루고 분주한 나날을 보냈다. 이제 남편과 단 둘만의 고요한 노년을 꿈꾸던 중 갑작스럽게 남편이 사망하면서 혼자가 되었다. 그런데 언제부터인가 모모코에게는 세 명의 동반자가 생겼다. 과거와 현재를 오가고 기억과 현실이 교차하며, 모모코의 일상은 다시 분주해진다.
Shizuko Goshirakawa
One day, Hikojiro goes to visit Sayo Kujo, an old lady who has been hospitalized. Sayo has been told that she has a year to live by assistant professor Natsuhiko Moriwaki, and insists on returning to the house she was born and raised in. It so happens that Hikojiro will be the one to treat her at home from now on. At the university hospital, Hikojiro runs into a familiar face - Hazuki, the daughter of Tetsuji Tonoyama, the man who taught Hikojiro how to make takoyaki. Hazuki is now a nurse at the university hospital and Hikojiro is surprised to see a strange poster on the hospital bulletin board that implies she's having an affair with Moriwaki. The hospital is currently preparing to elect a new chief surgeon, and the candidates are assistant professors Moriwaki and Shinsuke Noguchi, heads of the first and second surgical department. Both of their factions have been publishing defamatory statements about each other.
Hanae Furuya
The strangled dead body of Hiroshi Hatano, accounting section chief at the longstanding apparel company Edaka International, is discovered in his apartment in Tokyo. At the scene, Inspector Totsugawa and Detective Kamei find out that a mysterious email stating "I'll be riding the Super Ozora 5 tomorrow" was sent to the victim's cell phone the night before. The sender, Manami Furuya, an employee of Edaka International's Planning Section, has strangely terminated her cell phone service and hasn't shown up to work that very morning. Immediately afterwards, Totsugawa is astonished to receive a report from the Hokkaido police stating that the body of a man, stabbed to death, has been found on the Super Ozora 5 limited express. The man is Yuuki Nakamura, a bar employee from Tokyo, who seems to have flown from Haneda Airport to Sapporo and then boarded the Super Ozora 5, which connects Sapporo and Kushiro. Totsugawa has the feeling that this can't be a coincidence...
Botchan (Kazunari Ninomiya) has sense of strong justice and does not lie. He is offered a teaching job at a middle in a small village far away from his hometown of Tokyo. Botchan accepts the position and begins to work as a math teacher. The assistant principle there wields absolute power. Botchan has a hard time dealing with his fellow teachers and the students.
Shizuko Goshirakawa
One day, Hikojiro receives an emergency call from inn proprietress Shino Ogawa to examine Tadahiko Mori, a guest complaining of stomach pain. Mori, who owns an art gallery in Tokyo, has come to Kyoto on a trip with his only daughter, high school student Nanami. Hikojiro gives him his business card, telling him to contact him if the pain comes back. However, the next day, Mori is found dead...!
Kazuki's Teacher
어릴 때 돌아가셔서 아빠의 얼굴을 모르는 카즈키(여주인공)
카즈키의 엄마에게는 고등학교 때부터 사랑하는 남자(스즈키)가 있었지만
원하지 않는 남자와 결혼을 하여 카즈키를 가지게 된다.
엄마의 사정을 아는 딸..카즈키는 유년 시절부터 외로웠다.
그런 성장기를 거쳐온 카즈키는 점점 마음이 삐뚫어지던 중..
전학 온 에리(카즈키의 친구)의 소개로
타마니 토오루(폭주족 리더)와 하루다 마 히로시(남자 주인공)을 소개받게 되는데..
산골 마을에 간 신이치와 친구들이 기묘한 살인 사건의 미궁에 갇힌다. 전설 속 괴조의 짓이라는 말이 과연 사실일까? 고립된 마을, 커져가는 미스터리. 범인은 누구일까?
Midde-aged Woman of Jelly Shop
대학교 8학년인 후미야(오다기리 죠)는 어릴 적 부모에게 버림 받고 홀로 살아가고 있다. 게다가 그는 무려 84만 엔의 빚을 갚아야 하는 신세... 최악의 인생을 살아가고 있는 후미야에게 어느 날 빚쟁이 후쿠하라(미우라 토모카즈)가 찾아오고 그는 후미야에게 빚을 청산할 수 있는 사흘이란 최후의 기간을 통보한다. 약속한 시간이 되기 하루 전, 후미야를 다시 찾아온 후쿠하라는 놀라운 제안을 한다. 그것은 바로 자신과 함께 도쿄산책을 하는 대가로 현금 100만 엔을 주겠다는 것! 돈을 마련할 별다른 방법이 없던 후미야는 결국 후쿠하라의 도쿄산책에 동행하기로 하는데.. 목적지는 카스미가세키! 기간은 후쿠하라가 만족할 때까지! 부적절한(?) 두 남자의 기묘한 도쿄산책이 시작된다! 도서 으로 나오키상을 수상한 작가 후지타 요시나가의 동명소설을 바탕으로 미키 사토시가 각본과 감독을 겸해 완성한 작품. 일본은 물론이고 국내에서도 엄청난 인기를 얻은 시리즈의 명콤비로 잘 알려진 미키 사토시 감독과 오다기리 죠가 이후 또 다시 함께한 작품이란 것만으로도 화제가 되었다. 엄청난 빚을 진 대학교 8학년 주인공 후미야 역에 다양한 매력으로 여전히 최고의 인기를 얻고 있는 오다기리 죠가, 후미야에게 도쿄 산책을 제안하는 빚쟁이 후쿠하라 역에 코믹함과 진지함의 절묘한 간극을 능수능란하게 오가는 연기파 배우 미우리 도모카즈가 맡아 열연했다. 또한, 의 코이즈미 쿄코, 키시베 이토쿠 등의 초호화 배우들이 조연으로 가세했다. 매번 신선한 소재를 통해 소소한 일상의 특별한 행복을 선물하는 미키 사토시 감독의 신경지를 느낄 수 있는 . 후쿠하라와 후미야의 도쿄 산책을 따라 함께 웃고 함께 울다 보면 어느새 잊고 있던 소중한 추억들이 아련히 떠오르는 마법 같은 영화다.
The year is Seitoku 2 (1712), and Japan has a new ruler. But Ietsugu, the 7th Tokugawa shogun, is only four years old. The power vacuum this creates has Edo Castle roiling in political intrigue and personal positioning of all kinds.
An adaptation of the Shotaro Ikenami novels, set in the historical Edo period, and centered on Fujieda Bayan, a medicine man and doctor by day, but ruthless killer for hire by night. His tools of the trade are the same in either job: acupuncture needles that leave no trace.
The wife of a famous resident of Kamakura awakens to carnal passion . . . And when her blood cools down it's because she's been murdered!
Saeki, a doctor at a small local clinic, receives a visit from Sayaka, the younger sister of his late friend, who informs him about her wedding. However, a few days later, Sayaka is found suspiciously dead inside her own apartment with a white ribbon wrapped around her neck!
Dr. Hatano
사이코패스를 다룬 기시 유스케 원작 소설 "검은 집"의 일본판 영화.
A young boy named Gusukō lives in the countryside with his parents and little sister. A string of droughts and other natural disasters tear the family apart, and Gusukō is forced to leave home and seek his fortunes on his own. Driven by a desire to improve the quality of life of his poor countrymen, he eventually joins a group of scientists called the Ihatov Volcano Department; he takes part in scientific projects to fight the natural disasters that drove him from his home.
Sakura (voice)
Lupika, an alien princess, is in love with a tofu seller. To make him love her too (at least, announce his love. He obviously fears the social taboo of a tofu vendor marrying a princess), she needs to get a love potion, which is in a certain temple. Legend has it that the only person that can obtain this love potion is the most lecherous man in the universe. That man turns out to be Ataru Moroboshi. Lupika kidnaps Ataru to make him get the potion, and Lum and her friends go out to search for Ataru.
Sakura (voice)
Ten gives Ataru an alien disease, the contagious "Girl Measles," (which makes the victim's eyes turn big and twinkly, like the eyes of young girls in much of manga and anime), and when Ataru's girl-hunting spreads the virus all over Tomobiki Town, chaos ensues!
Tamiko Yomota (voice)
Theatrical anime movie created from the OVA 'Gosenzosama Banbanzai', written and directed by Mamoru Oshii.
Sakura (voice)
A mischievous spirit gives Ran a heart-shaped candy that causes a magical heart to appear over the head of whoever eats it. And whoever catches that heart captures the heart of the person who ate the candy! And if there's one thing the Urusei Yatsura crowd can do, it's play catch!
Sakura (voice)
Mendou recounts an old story that warns, “Don’t take pictures in front of the statue of Great-Grandfather’s Goat, or terrible things will happen!” When his father does just that, only Sakura and Onsen-mark the Teacher can ward off the horrifying consequences of an ancient family curse… or can they?
The lives of a young yakuza and his girlfriend.
Sakura (voice)
Lum & her girlfriends are invited to Neptune by Oyuki. There she shows them her new business venture at a ranch of flying sherbets, birds capable of producing sherbet cones from their beaks. Ran convinces Oyuki to let her borrow one, her goal is to make some quick cash selling sherbets on Earth. Unfortunately, the combination of being overworked and a hot summer day has made the sherbet extremely cranky, even from its refrigerated cage. It breaks from its cage and escapes, but not before attacking Ran and Lum, and trashing Benten's brand-new bike by shooting sherbet cones at it. Now it's up to Ran to retrieve the sherbet before Benten blasts it out of the sky, and more importantly, before Oyuki finds out.
Ryo, a young former banker, gets beaten up over a debt from gambling. A yakuza boss saves him, and Ryo decides to train to become a yakuza under him.
Teacher (voice)
1955년 일본의 아름다운 시골 마을, 상냥하고 의젓한 11살 사츠키와 장난꾸러기에 호기심 많은 4살의 메이 는 사이좋은 자매로 아빠와 함께 도시를 떠나 시골로 이사온다. 자상한 아빠 쿠사카베타츠오는 도쿄에서 대학 연구원이며, 입원 중이지만 따뜻한 미소를 잃지 않는 엄마가 있다. 곧 퇴원하실 엄마를 공기가 맑은 곳에서 맞이하기 위해서다. 숲 한복판에 금방이라도 쓰러질 것처럼 낡은 집을 보며 자매는 새로운 환경에 대한 호기심으로 잔뜩 들뜬다. 그러던 어느 날 사츠키가 학교에 간 동안 메이는 숲에서 정령을 만나다. 메이는 그 정령에게 토토로란 이름을 붙여주는데...
Sakura (voice)
It seems that Lum's grandfather made an agreement that should he have a daughter, she would be married to a traveling merchant that he met. Now, the merchant has come to collect due. Ataru is tricked into thinking that Lum wants to leave, and so, in a moment of anger, says he hates her. Arguments erupt, and Lum decides that she must know the truth of Atarus feelings. As for all the questions of importance for the Onis, a game of tag begins, one that Ataru can win simply by telling Lum I Love You. However, in the end his pride may end up dooming him. So begins the series of events that will at long last decide the future and fate of Ataru and Lum.
It is summertime, and Shinobu laments not having a boyfriend. She then happens upon a young man weak from hunger, and wearing a rabbit costume. She gives him a carrot, he expresses his gratitude by hitting on her... and she hits back. The young man leaves behind a key to another dimension where everybody's possible futures exist. Lum and Ataru join Shinobu to find the bunny boy, and happy futures for themselves.
Midori Washio
Summer 1995. With the arrival of the "Age of Cats", the former Kerberos police unit is now disbanded. However one member remains, a stray dog who returns to his old roost after a three-years exile. This wild dog no longer has a master, but now the "Young Lady of Fate" will guide him on his journey.
Okami (voice)
광산촌 슬랙 계곡의 기계 견습공인 고아 소년 파즈는 어느날 빛이 나는 목걸이를 한 채 하늘에서 떨어지던 소녀시타를 구해준다. 소녀는 대대로 전해져 오던 목걸이(비행석)로 인해 정부군과 해적 도라 일당들에게 쫓기고 있던 신세. 시타가 이들로부터 무사히 도망갈 수 있게 도와주던 중 파즈는 비행석과 하늘에 떠 있는 성 라퓨타가 실제로 존재한다는 사실을 알게 된다. 라퓨타의 존재를 믿고 있던 파즈는 시타와 함께 라퓨타를 찾기로 결심한다. 하지만 파즈와 시타는 그들을 쫓던 군대에게 잡히고, 시타는 정부 비밀 조사관인 무스카에게 파즈를 풀어주는 조건으로 협력을 약속하는데...
Sakura (voice)
While performing in a student film, Ataru cuts down Tarozakura, a large, ancient cherry tree. Strange things begin to happen all across Tomobiki: a mountain appears out of nowhere, spring changes to winter, and Lum loses her powers, while those around her act as if she doesn't exist.
Teruko, Kinuyo's friend
Sakura (voice)
Ryoko throws a tea party for her friends. Flashbacks reveal the pasts of Ryoko's various guests.
Sakura (voice)
The third film finds Ataru transformed into a pink hippopotamus, which sends Lum chasing after the wicked magician responsible, with catastrophic results. With Lum gone, her friends decide that there is no reason to remain, and so Tomobiki slowly returns to normal. The highlight of the film is a high speed chase scene with an angry Lum flying after the mysterious Ruu through the city at night and into a hall of mirrors (and illusion ). Ataru's true feelings for Lum are probably more obvious in this film than any of the others.
As the perpetually lecherous Ataru and his friends prepare for a carnival at Tomobiki High School, they gradually realize the days are literally repeating themselves. Any effort to break the pattern dumps them back where they started.
Six-year-old Ataru steps on Elle's shadow during an impromptu game of shadow-tag; in Elle's culture, this is viewed as a marriage proposal. Eleven years later, Elle returns to Earth in order to marry Ataru — by which time not only had he forgotten the events of his childhood, but he was also going out with Lum. The rest of the plot focuses on Lum's attempts to prevent the marriage. The film was directed by Mamoru Oshii who was mad at the many requests that the producer made of him to alter the movie. Rumiko Takahashi considers this film her favorite and it is the most true to the original series.
Life seems to be good for Shintoto, an up-and-coming rakugo artist who has just had his first sexual experience at a local brothel. Lucky for him, he gets to date the beautiful sex worker he meets that day, and a younger high school rakugo aficionado is also vying for his attention. But for clumsy, heart-on-his-sleeve Shintoto, life doesn’t stay rosy for long.
Hirobe is a lonely man. After witnessing her girlfriend die with a terminal illness, he wanders through the city like a shadow. One day, he meets Masako and they begin an affair. Masako is in an unhappy marriage with Yazawa, who is also cheating on her with a younger lover. The tension builds up to an unforgiving, yet quiet climax...