Dafnis Balduz

Dafnis Balduz

프로필 사진

Dafnis Balduz

참여 작품

신의 구부러진 선
Inspector Soto
편집증에 시달린다며 정신병원에 입원하는 사립 탐정. 사실 그녀의 목적은 다른 환자의 미스터리한 죽음을 파헤치는 것이다.
죽은 자들의 골짜기
Comisario Político
스페인 내전 중에 나치의 실험으로 좀비가 탄생한다. 인육을 탐하는 이 괴물들을 맞닥뜨리면서 몇몇 숙적들은 함께 힘을 합쳐야 하는 상황에 놓인다.
Game of Children
Marc is a different boy from the others. He just lost his best friend, the year that he started college. He lives in a society of internet, social networks and the desire of young people to be adult. He decides to question his emotions. In him, he discovers his fears of being an adult and leaving the childhood stage. He scares to grow up unlike the others. With the support of the memory of Oscar, in the middle of the city, between tears and laughter. Marc learns to let go, heal old memories, and redefine his emotions.
El cerro de los dioses
Dafnis Balduz
전쟁의 시간
1936년, 프랑코를 내세운 스페인 군대는 정권을 잡으려는 야욕을 드러내고, 이후 시작된 스페인 내전으로 수많은 사람들이 고통 받는다. 뛰어난 학문적 성취와 인품으로 사람들의 존경을 받던 학자이자 작가인 미구엘은 새로운 정치를 요구했던 자신의 말과 글이 결과적으로 군부를 도운 건 아니었는지 자문한다. 한편 미구엘은 부당하게 탄압받는 한 정치인으로부터 도움의 요청을 받는다.
L'enigma Verdaguer
Mossèn Joan
Jacint Verdaguer, poet and priest, had an exciting life, lived literary glory and became the most prestigious poet of his time. But circumstances and his indomitable and proud character caused his downfall.
Jo, Ramon Llull
Simó de Puigcerdà
TV Movie, nominated for the Gaudí, which adapts the eponymous play written by the playwright Pere Riera. Tense battle in front and behind the cameras between a journalist and a politician. This is not a work on politics. Nor is it a story about journalists. It is not a reflection on the always convulsive relations between the media power and the administration. "Desclassificats" shows us the meeting of three characters with very opposite points of view on ethics, professional integrity and dignity of the individual.
Psychiatrist Dr. Helena Jarra conducts a series of psychological experiments on several patients afflicted with schizophrenia in order to prove that schizophrenia is connected with paranormal phenomena. Jarra takes a handful of schizophrenics to a secluded house that's rumored to be haunted. Parapsychologist Matias Kram documents the events on videotape for posterity.
14 d'abril. Macià contra Companys
"14 d'abril. Macià contra Companys "is a television drama, allegedly recorded in 1932, but with the methods, style and own means 2010. With this temporary license, the stars of one of the episodes of the Catalan capital twentieth century discussed the facts, in first person, while a nosy camera helps us to relive what happened in Barcelona between 14 and 17 April 1931, the three-day duration of the Catalan Republic. All with the aim of showing the greatness and the precariousness of a gesture, half improvised by Companys key sovereigntist corrected by Macià, and that led to a shouting match.
A Thousand Fools
David Guillot
Fifteen stories, contemporary and some historical, where humorous, sarcasm and courage passed bills to pain, old age, death and love, but above all with human stupidity, without concessions, watching her face the difficult life balance and human misery.
My Girlfriend's Family
Biel jove
A family seen at two different periods, some 40 years having passed between the two. A dysfunctional family marked by what used to be called an ugly illness, cancer and death. The characters quarrel, hate each other, and refuse to accept in their predecessors what they will eventually, inevitably repeat in themselves. A family marked by relations of rejection, love and hate of the other, the upstairs neighbors, those strangers from a far-off land, Andalusia in the 1960s, Morocco at present, who will also form part of this repetitive game that is life. To what point is everything a metaphor or symbol of our society? Are we really strangers to ourselves?