Second Unit Director
세계 각국의 정부를 장악한 거대 기업들의 횡포가 날이 갈수록 심해지고 권력과 이윤만을 열망하던 이들은 끝내 ‘기업 전쟁’을 일으켜 기존 사회를 초토화한다. 이에 정부는 9인 이사회를 설립하고 새로운 법 질서를 만들어나간다. 이사회는 기업들의 무모한 파괴 행위를 응징하고자 화이트 칼라 범죄자들에게 거액의 현상금을 걸고 사형 집행 영장을 발부하여 살인행위를 합법화한다. 현상 수배자 명단에 이름이 올라가는 순간, 바운티 킬러들의 목숨 건 사냥이 시작되는데…
VICKI is a loving, somewhat subtly comedic homage to John Carpenter’s truly underrated Christine, adapted from the novel by Stephen King. It’s also a stand-alone tribute to 80′s horror in general, with very controlled compositions, non-choppy edits, a natural lighting style (like the master, Dean Cundy), and a killer synth soundtrack by Umberto and Time Fighter.
VICKI is a loving, somewhat subtly comedic homage to John Carpenter’s truly underrated Christine, adapted from the novel by Stephen King. It’s also a stand-alone tribute to 80′s horror in general, with very controlled compositions, non-choppy edits, a natural lighting style (like the master, Dean Cundy), and a killer synth soundtrack by Umberto and Time Fighter.
VICKI is a loving, somewhat subtly comedic homage to John Carpenter’s truly underrated Christine, adapted from the novel by Stephen King. It’s also a stand-alone tribute to 80′s horror in general, with very controlled compositions, non-choppy edits, a natural lighting style (like the master, Dean Cundy), and a killer synth soundtrack by Umberto and Time Fighter.
VICKI is a loving, somewhat subtly comedic homage to John Carpenter’s truly underrated Christine, adapted from the novel by Stephen King. It’s also a stand-alone tribute to 80′s horror in general, with very controlled compositions, non-choppy edits, a natural lighting style (like the master, Dean Cundy), and a killer synth soundtrack by Umberto and Time Fighter.