Nicole Courcel
출생 : 1931-10-21, Saint-Cloud, Seine-et-Oise [now Hauts-de-Seine], France
사망 : 2016-06-25
Nicole Marie Jeanne Andrieu (21 October 1931 – 25 June 2016), better known as Nicole Courcel, was a French actress who achieved popularity through the 1950s and 1960s, though she is mostly unknown outside of France. Born in Saint-Cloud, in the western suburbs of Paris, she appeared in 43 films between 1947 and 1979. After working as an extra in a few films, she won a major role in Rendez-vous de juillet (1949), with Brigitte Auber. In 1970 she turned to television, appearing in different television films and miniseries, in which she continued to work until 2004. Courcel is best known for her role in Serge Bourguignon's Sundays and Cybele (1962). She had notable parts in: La Marie du port (1950, opposite Jean Gabin), Sacha Guitry's Royal Affairs in Versailles (1954), and La Sorcière (1956, opposite Marina Vlady).
Source: Article "Nicole Courcel" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.
Jeanne De Breuil
Milady De Winter, a beautiful femme fatale without scruples, plays with the feelings of her suitors. And sometimes very dangerously.
Olga Talberg
Based on an actual Cold War incident in which a Ukrainian prisoner of conscience was forced to defend his Christian faith while under Soviet interrogation
Charles Moreau, general practitioner, and Hélène, his wife, have four girls aged 11 to 20 years. The eldest, Claire, plays the piano when she does not let her mind indulge in solitary reverie. Bernadette has a real passion for horses, while Cecile, the youngest, plays from a young age to realize all her whims. As for Pauline, at the age of 17, she decided that she would become a novelist. So she writes a book telling the story of family life. One day, when she comes out of high school, she meets Pierre, a penniless painter, from whom she immediately falls.
Florence, the mother
Emma Bovary
A Parisian teacher loses his cool when his teenage daughter tells him she plans to drop out of school and move in with her boyfriend.
Tamara Soulerr
The young Helene searching for love because of missing her dead mother is falling in love with her fathers bisexual girlfriend Tamara who has a strong personality and knows exactly how to manipulate the people under her influence. Tamara involves Helene in a lesbian relationship but still follows her aim to marry Helene's father, a rich citizen in a little French town.
When they realize the times are changing, five crooks decide to switch from bank robberies to personality abductions.
Claire, the prostitute
몰래 집에서 빠져나온 어린 소년 에밀은 한 남자를 만나 밤길을 같이 거닌다. 그들 앞으로 울고 있는 여자가 지나가고, 남자는 갑자기 그녀에게 다가가 에밀의 눈앞에서 여자를 에밀의 목도리를 이용해 목 졸라 죽인다. 이제 삼십 대가 된 에밀. 그는 어린 시절 강렬했던 살인의 광경을 잊지 못한다. 그는 이제 상처 입고 고통받는 여성들을 죽이는 것이 그들의 불행을 끝낼 수 있는 자비로운 행동이라 굳게 믿고 연쇄 살인을 저지른다. 샤칼이라는 미스터리한 남자는 그런 에밀의 뒤를 쫓아 그가 죽인 여자들의 소지품을 뒤진다. 한편 형사인 시몬은 에밀이 연쇄 살인범이라 확신한다.
Clotilde Dumesnil
2차 대전, 전시 중에 살인사건의 수사를 맡은 정보 장교 그라우 소령. 목격자의 증언에 의해 뜻밖에도 범인이 3명의 독일군 장성급 중 하나라는 증거가 드러나 사건은 더욱 중요해진다. 외교상의 외전과정보국의 상반된 증거. 전쟁임무 수행 등 미묘한 상황으로 사건은 더욱 복잡해지는데. 어느 날 수사를 진행하던 그라우 소령마저 살해된다. 비록 점령군이었으나 그라우 소령의 따뜻한 인간미로 도움을 받았던 지배국 폴란드의 수사관은 이 사건을 전쟁이 끝나고 전범 처벌까지 끝난 용의자들을 추적 하여 결국 장군 3명중에 1명을 범인으로 지목, 그를 검거하기에 이르지만... 한스 헬무트 키즈스트의 소설이 원작. 인간의 심리를 예리하게 파헤친 뛰어난 작품으로 명배우 피터 오톨, 오마 샤리프, 필립 느와레의 심층적 연기가 돋보인다.
La patronne de la guinguette
Ginette Chaluzac, who has left Central France for Paris, now works as a seamstress in a modest workshop in the Marais district. Her life is quiet and uneventful until the day when, to her surprise, she receives a letter containing a hundred-franc banknote. The sender, who remains anonymous, renews his gift day after day and Ginette grows accustomed to the situation. Her material situation improves but after a while she starts asking herself questions about the one who sends her the money and his/her intentions. Till obsession. To make it clear in her mind she eventually decides to investigate...
Dora Beckmann
A secret agent uncovers four atomic rockets with a lethal gas warhead which have been stolen from a secret factory, and a dastardly plot.
Nurse Kathy
Roaring across the danger zone of europe...A sealed international express, with a human cargo that can explode a continent!
전투기 조종사였던 피에르는 인도차이나 전쟁에서 비상 착륙하는 과정에 한 어린 소녀를 죽이게 되고, 그 충격으로 인해 기억을 상실한다. 프랑스로 귀국한 후 피에르는 자기만의 껍질 속에 갇혀 파리 교외에서 거의 세상과 격리된 생활을 한다. 애인 마들렌의 헌신적인 보살핌에도 불구하고 기억상실증과 가끔씩 떠오르는 단편적인 전쟁의 기억으로 여전히 고통 받던 피에르는 매주 일요일, 근처 고아원에 버려진 열 두 살짜리 소녀 시벨을 찾아가 아버지 노릇을 하면서 행복한 시간을 보낸다. 그런 시간 속에서 시벨은 외로움을 잊고 피에르는 시벨을 통해 무의식 속에 있는 죄책감과 고통을 극복하게 된다. 그러면서 둘은 서로의 상처에서 벗어나 평화롭고 아름다운 삶을 찾아간다. 하지만 피에르가 자신에게 관심을 보이지 않는 것에 대한 서운함과 주위 사람들의 충동에 부추겨진 마들렌이 피에르를 페도필리(pedophile, 나이 어린 이성을 성애의 대상으로 하는 성적 도착자)로 의심하고 경찰에 신고한다. 피에르와 시벨이 근처 숲에서 함께 시간을 보내기로 했던 크리스마스 날, 피에르는 시벨이 보는 앞에서 경찰의 총에 맞아 죽는다.
Two Congolese men and three Europeans are thrown together as they try to avoid the political turmoil of the Congo.
Jacqueline de Bueil
Lucilla, Porcenna's wife
Marching down the Italian peninsula to sack ancient Rome, Etruscan warrior Drusco instead offers to hold back his onslaught if the Romans hand over hostages, including Clelia, the sexy leader of a clan of woman warriors. But before long, intrigue and betrayal unravel the fragile peace. Directors Carlo Ludovico Bragaglia and Vittorio Cottafavi helm this vintage sword-and-sandal epic.
Nicole Lasnier
Les amours de Paris focuses on three disparate couples and their problems in the arena of romantic love. One couple is comprised of a faithful husband and a sick wife whose stay in the hospital is not so bad because she has taken a sudden interest in her doctor. In the second pairing, a womanizer comes to see that the model who is in love with him is worth more than yet another conquest. And to complete the trio, two zany people finally realize they are a couple.
신무사 기자인 쟝과 제과점에서 일하는 로제는 독일 침공에 대항하여 참전했다가 포로가 된다. 독일에서 강제노역을 하게 된 두 사람. 타산적이고 냉정한 쟝은 로제가 일하는 농장의 주인집 처녀 헬가를 유혹하여 탈출하는 데 이용한다. 한편 은근히 헬가를 좋아했던 로제는 그런 쟝의 태도에 분노하여 탈출을 거부한다. 빠리로 돌아와 지하 언론에서 활동하며 탄탄한 기반을 구축해 가던 쟝은 프랑스가 해방되자 영웅으로 추앙받게 된다. 패전의 기운이 감도는 독일에서 사람들을 도우며 사는 데 익숙해진 쟝은 해방을 맞아 프랑스로 돌아오게 되지만, 독일에 남겨둔 헬가를 잊지 못한다. 성공적인 인생을 구가하던 쟝은 자신이 사랑하는 플로랑스가 독일 점령시대에 나치스 친위대 수장의 정부였다는 사실을 알고 괴로워한다. 시랑과 사회적 성공사이에서 갈등하는 쟝, 로제역시 돈밖에 모르는 아내와 매일 반복되는 생활에 재대로 적응하지 못한다. 로제는 쟝에게 독일로 돌아갈 수 있도록 서류를 만들어 달라고 부탁한다. 가벼운 발걸음으로 돌아서는 로제를 바라보던 쟝은 사랑을 택하기로 결심하고 전화를 걸지만, 플로랑스는 쟝의 미래를 위해 떠나버린 후였다.
The Young Mother (uncredited)
‘시인 3부작’의 마지막 작품이자 장 콕토의 유언과도 같은 작품. 콕토 자신이 시인으로 직접 출연하여, 시인의 삶과 죽음, 부활을 보여 준다. 시의 영감을 얻기 위해 다른 세계를 통과하는 여정이 이중인화, 음화, 디졸브, 슬로모션 등 다양한 효과를 통해 판타스틱하게 그려지고 있다. 장 마레, 마리아 카사레스 등 절친했던 배우들은 물론이거니와, 파블로 피카소, 프랑수아즈 사강, 샤를 아즈나부르, 율 브리너 등 쟁쟁한 인물들이 카메오로 출연했다.
Yvonne Steiner - eine Französin
Mr. Buchsbaum, third class taxes employee, lives a peaceful life until the new chief immediately criticizes his work. His only confort is his stamps collection. Sadly, even this consolation and his peace are threatened by a new, charming, neighbour who teaches piano.
Increasingly infuriated, he discovers accidentally one evening that he has the ability to go through walls. With this power, he decides to settle the scores, firstly with his boss who downgraded him.
Georgina Welles
Georgina comes to see her sister Gladys in Paris in order to dissuade her from becoming attached to Rigo, a gypsy conductor. When she meets the latter, it is love at first sight. Louis, Georgina’s husband, does not accept this situation.
Francine Payot
Le Cas Du Dr. Laurent (The Case of Dr. Laurent) stars Jean Gabin as a Paris-based doctor who tries to spread the gospel of Natural Childbirth. Working in a cloistered rural community, Gabin runs up against the stone walls of fear and prejudice. His theories are proven sound when unwed mother Nicole Courcel gives birth within Gabin's methodology. The childbirth sequence is filmed straight-on with a delicate combination of taste and frankness. Nonetheless, the lurid ad campaign of Cas Du Dr. Laurent sensationalized this sequence all out of proportion.
Kristina Lundgren
Brulard, a French civil engineer on assignment in a remote Swedish village, meets Ina, who has been raised in forested isolation by her haggish mother and believes herself to be a witch. He falls in love with her and tries to convert her to civilization; but in the meantime, his female boss, Kristina, has fallen in love with him, while the villagers turn against him for consorting with someone they believe is cursed by the Devil.
Nicole Leroy
A remake of a pre-war French film success, Club de femmes is a seriocomedy centralized in an all-female boarding house. Forced to band together because of a housing shortage, the film's heroines set up camp in a deserted structure, despite the tongue-cluckings of local busybodies and do-gooders. Complications ensue when a huge corporation announces plans to raze the building and erect a factory. Amazingly, the ladies are saved by the very company that wants to evict them.
Catherine Langlois
Robert Langlois is now married to Catherine, the former housemaid. And they would live happily ever after if the housing crisis did not force them to live together with Gabrielle and Fernand, Robert's parents. For, despite the good will on either side, tension soon arises. What else to expect when there is too little space in their Montmartre apartment for four people (then for six then eight, the couple having... two pairs of twins!) ; the continued presence there of Fernand (who loves peace and quiet) after he is driven to retirement ; the difficult beginnings of Robert as a lawyer in a room of the apartment, etc... Other troubles follow and the harried family is on the verge of implosion...
The scene is a tawdry hotel room in Limbo, where several damned souls are gathered. At first, the group fails to comprehend where they are or why they're there. When the horrible truth dawns upon them, they carp and snipe at one another, blaming everyone but themselves for their dismal fate.
Catherine Liseray
Véronique Gaudin
In this French crime drama, a young man gets revenge upon the criminals who caused his grandfather to kill himself. Unfortunately, the fellow doesn't realize how bad the criminals are. Fortunately, a kindly hooker, who does know the crooks, saves him from the same fate.
For Naval officers duty comes first. Navy Lieutenant Favrel is one of these men. He has promised his wife Simone to stay with her all the time but a last mission aboard a training cruiser makes him realize that his life is tied to the sea. For his part, Navy cadet Pierre Hardouin understands that sailing is his vocation. The prospect of staying home alone while Pierre is on mission, frightens Madeleine, the girl of his heart. But the young woman ends up accepting the ordeal and marrying Pierre.
In the early 1950s, the popular radio show "La Kermesse aux Étoiles", hosted by the famous Jean Nohain, mixing lottery games and performances of various artists, will be disrupted by the adventures of a man and his fiancée seeking to recover a dangerous bottle of perfume (explosive) which was unfortunately mixed with the prizes to be won ...
Madame de Chalis
Witty narration follows the history of Versailles Palace; founded by Louis XIII, enlarged by autocratic Louis XIV, whose personal affairs and amours, and those of his two successors, are followed in more detail to the start of the Revolution, after which the story is brought rapidly up to date. A huge cast plays mainly historical persons who appear briefly.
Léone Fassler
Didier's wife is ill, and he does the best he can to take care of her. But he's often absent and he has casual love affairs. But Leone he meets in Bruxelles wants to become his one and only mistress.
Back from the war, Marceau Le Guern remembers. Educated in an orphanage run by Dominican brothers, he fell into misery when he left it. His only asset was his good looks, which did not escape the attention of Madame Alice, a shady woman who persuaded him to pose for pornographic photos meant for lonely aging women. Marceau also served as a gigolo before the war and captivity put an end to this juicy business. Now he wants to start a new life, all the more as ha has found love in the person of a pure young lady named Dominique. But Madame Alice won't hear of it...
Monique Levers
Jean Michaut is a bargeman who lives nearby an old barge cemetery named "Bras-Mort". He is in love with Monique, the daughter of a wealthy boat owner. The girl returns his affection but runs her head against the wall of her family's class prejudices. Her "nearest and dearest" prove indeed prepared to do everything to separate the two lovers. But Monique will not buy in. On the contrary, she leaves her intolerant family to live with Jean among simple, more tolerant bargemen.
Marie Le Flem
Henri Chatelard is well in his forties, owns a restaurant and a cinema in the city, and appreciate women. When he meets Marie, a 18ish stronghead who just lost her father in a small fishermen village, it is not clear who is the hunter and who is the prey.
Christine Courcel
Hopes and love and ambitions and friendship in a group of young jazz-loving Parisians.
A student from the Simon course
Director Jean Delannoy's immediate followup to his brilliant Les Jeux sont Faits was the more conventional Aux Yeux du Souvenir (aka Souvenir and To the Eyes of Memory). The film is based on a true story, wherein an France airliner managed to survive a journey from Rio De Janeiro to Dakar with two of its engines incapacitated. To this already intensely dramatic situation has been added a romantic subplot involving Claire Magny (Michele Morgan) and Jacques Forester (Jean Marais). The love story adds very little to the film; fortunately, neither does it detract from the film's overall quality. As was the case with many French productions of the 1940s, Aux Yeux du Souvenir benefits immeasurably from the Wagnerian musical score by Georges Auric.
La serveuse du restaurant (uncredited)
A beautiful young pianist falls for her mentor.
La serveuse du restaurant
A beautiful young pianist falls for her mentor.
She's working in a big store, he's a typographer and they lost their winning lottery ticket.