Consalvo Dell'Arti

출생 : 1914-11-21,

사망 : 2005-11-30

참여 작품

Meet Him And Die
Ray Lovelock stars as Massimo, a young undercover cop with a taste for violence and a thirst for revenge! Massimo gets himself arrested and quickly infiltrates the ranks of the underworld figure serving a sentence. Eventually a breakout is planned and Massimo is to be included. Just about as soon as they hit the street an attempt is made on the boss' (Martin Balsam) life. Massimo acts quickly in helping to save him and that's the in he has been waiting for
Stream Line
Amico casa Rossetti
Rome, October 16, 1943. The Germans deport the relatives and friends of the little Giacomo Treves who fortunately escapes capture. The child is entrusted by a priest, Don Luigi.
Intimate Relations
Violent City
A detective sick and tired of the rampant crime and violence in his city, and constantly at odds with his superiors, is finally kicked out of the department for a "questionable" shooting of a vicious criminal. However, he is soon approached by a representative for a group of citizens who themselves are fed up with what they see as criminals going unpunished, and they make him an offer he may very well not refuse.
La Missione del Mandrillo
Mr. Lagnotti
Pietro Rossini is a strapping young man that unfortunately spends most of his time at work chasing after two pretty young secretaries who are only too happy to return his advances. Tired of this endless chase and work waste, his boss sends him on an errand to Paris hoping this will help productivity around the office. Pietro quickly hits up his friend for a woman he can fool around with while he's in Paris, but Rita, the woman he meets, ends up being an large, boorish, unsightly woman. Once he arrives at his hotel, Pietro meets the young and lovely Nancy and attempts to romance her as best he can, but no matter where he goes, Rita is not far behind.
Return of Shanghai Joe
A sinister town boss called Pat Barnes has exploited almost everyone in the town. If they don't succumb to his demands they normally end up dead. Barnes is finally brought down by Shanghai Joe and a smooth-talking snake-oil salesman.
L'eredità dello zio buonanima
When a rich uncle dies, giving him a great inheritance, Franco will clash with other grandchildren and lawyers.
A corrupt businessman obtains a castle through surreptitious means. He has a series of affairs while his ill wife remains bed-ridden and after her death he marries one of his mistresses. But she was the daughter of the man from whom the castle was stolen and she has her own agenda...
Year One
Ivanoe Bonomi
Rossellini’s biopic of the postwar Christian Democrat leader, Alcide De Gaspari, who was responsible for keeping the Communists out of power in the years that followed the fall of fascism.
A man who has tried to kill his unfaithful wife goes to prison, escapes, ends up in a convent, teaches the nuns to make cookies, captured again and before going back to prison tries to take his long awaited revenge again. Does he eventually succeed in killing his wife?
Little Godfather from Hong Kong
Killer Clan Boss Don Caro
Bruce Liang plays a Chinese Kung Fu movie star, who during his free time carries on a one-man crusade against drug dealers. The villains trick Liang into signing up to appear in a new martial arts movie. The plan is to kill Our Hero while the cameras are running, and make it look like an accident.
Li chiamavano i tre moschettieri... invece erano quattro
Ambassador Pennington
Yet another adventure of the famous musketeers engaged as usual to help the needy. Cardinal Richelieu is always hindering their task.
Beautiful, Rich, Slight Physical Defect, Seeks Soulmate
Il maturo facoltoso
Who Killed the Prosecutor and Why?
Superintendent Portella
Carlo, a young photographer, is making love with his girlfriend at the beach when he witnesses a murder being feebly staged to look like a car accident. Carlo takes incriminating shots of the murderers (the victim turns out to be the local public prosecutor) and attempts to sell them to various interested parties, including a gangster and a newspaper owner. One of the murderers' accomplices, a lowlife criminal, is gunned down by a black-gloved assassin, while another is stabbed to death...
The Sicilian Checkmate
Taking place almost entirely during a murder trial, the film details in significant detail the deep roots sunk by organised crime into the business and political life of Sicily.
Le inibizioni del dottor Gaudenzi, vedovo col complesso della buonanima
Doctor Gaudenzi, a real Sicilian manly man living in Rome, Italy, married the daughter of a wealthy industrialist. One day, his wife is about to die, and being very religious, she asks for a cardinal to perform the last rites and further demands that her husband pledges not to marry or be with other women after she dies. Constrained by the cardinal's presence, Gaudenzi promises, and she promptly dies. Later, as soon as he is about to fall in temptation when looking at sexy girls, strange things happen, finally convincing him that his jealous wife is watching from "out there". Gaudenzi decides to give up on his lusty life: he's returning to his Sicily home and, to be on the sure side, he asks to be injected with female hormones. That's when he meets a sexy woman no man can resist...
Armiamoci e partite!
Franco and Ciccio work as waiters in an inn in France. The day Ciccio officially takes French citizenship, the First World War breaks out between Germany and France and all citizens are forced to enlist.
Symphony of Love
Maestro in casa Vorokin
Al Bano and Romina bring to the big screen the unhappy love between the composer Franz Schubert and the Hungarian Countess Anna Rostkov. Al Bano sings the immortal 'Ave Maria'.
Ma chi t'ha dato la patente?
Franco and Ciccio are the directors of a driving school. They suffer the theft of the only car they have, and their new car is prone to going completely out of his control.
A Sword to Brando
Indovina chi viene a merenda?
Sicily 1943 to avoid war, Franco and Ciccio are hiding in the mountains. Two American paratroopers steal their clothes leaving him in exchange uniforms, so our "heroes" are captured by the Germans and deported to Germany. Evade, take refuge on a farm and will be involved in mishaps chain. After the war, they thought dead, are safe and sound, up there in Germany.
L'amore è come il sole
Padre di Irina
Torture Me But Kill Me with Kisses
Guest at the Party (uncredited)
When Marino goes to Rome for an event, he certainly does not imagine meeting Marisa, who will become the love of his life. But once love is found, it is a matter of spreading it and here the difficulties begin: first the father who opposes it; then, after the death of his father, the gossips who make Marino believe that Marisa was a little good, so much so that Marisa runs away. Repentant, Marino searches in vain and then, almost by accident, finds her again, Mrs. Ciceri. But love admits no obstacles, not even that of a deaf and dumb husband.
Don Chisciotte e Sancio Panza
Comic version of the famous man of la Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes in which Don Quixote having read an adventure book too many sets out on his own adventures with his servant Sancho Panza.
Brutti di notte
All the Gold in the World
Mr. Castelli
The son of a rich industrialist forces a woman to become his fiancée by threatening to bankrupt her parents — until an unlikely hero steps in.
If You Want to Live... Shoot!
Railway Manager
A young cowboy, Johnny, playing in a rigged poker game is forced to shoot one of the other players. The cowboy takes quick leave as he is accused of murder and a reward for his capture is posted. After being wounded, he finds refuge on a ranch and becomes involved with the family. While he is away, a gang of Mexicans kills the McGowan family except for Sally, who manages to escape and find Johnny who is now out for revenge.
The World's Gold
Father of Giorgio
Aided by a chauffeur and a butler, a student of humble means pretends to be wealthy in order to attract the romantic interest of a rich girl.
Killer Kid
The ruthless and cruel Captain Ramirez hunts down and kills revolutionaries in his search for The Saint, the righteous leader of the Mexican insurrection against the Federales.
Federico, his girlfriend Laura and her cousin, Caterina, are three young people full of hope, united by a great friendship that seems indissoluble. The three work in a department store but, when Caterina decides to attempt a musical career, given her vocal skills, everything changes. Caterina becomes a successful singer and Federico falls in love with her. Caterina, who however does not want to make her cousin Laura suffer, pretends not to reciprocate the young man by making him put his head in order. Meanwhile, the plots of various secondary characters evolve, in particular the fresh marriage between the security guard Antonio and the secretary of the department stores Adelina.
El Cisco
El Cisco is a mysterious Gringo accused of a crime he never committed. With the help of a doctor he pretends to be dead but when the dishonest Vice-Sheriff and his accomplices find out the trick - El Cisco is arrested! Thanks to his long experience and a clever stratagem, our hero escapes... well determined to seek revenge. source: SWDB (
Killers Are Challenged
When a trio of scientists who have discovered an alternative energy source starts dying mysteriously Bob Fleming goes to Casablanca to solve the mystery.
War Italian Style
It's May 1943, and two Italian American soldiers, Joe and Frank, are searching the North African desert for a Nazi general called Von Kassler. Von Kassler's aide captures them, and arranges for them to escape with fake war plans. But, things don't go exactly as planned for either side.
Operation Atlantis
RIU Agent (uncredited)
An American agent discovers that the Red Chinese have built a secret atomic city from which they will attempt to invade America.
Samson and Gideon
Consisting of two segments, the film is centered on two great Israelite leaders found in the Book of Judges.
Un mostro e mezzo
Guardiano aggiunto
A thief steals a suitcase but it contains a corpse and the thief is sentenced, but is released by the robbed doctor, who then subjects him to a facial plastic that makes him equal to a criminal.
Time of Indifference
A penniless countess falls in love with a cad, unaware that he is also involved on the side with her beautiful daughter.
The Little Nuns
il dottore
Two nuns come to Rome to protest to an airline about its jet planes which have been flying over their convent school, disrupting teaching of the little orphans who study there and damaging the ancient fresco of their patron saint through sound vibrations.
Hero of Babylon
Consalvo Dell'Arti
The rightful heir to the throne of Babylon leads a slave revolt against an evil ruler.
Horror Castle
Women are being tortured to death with various torture devices in the dungeon of an old castle by a deformed, hooded, holocaust survivor.
I motorizzati
Roberto (uncredited)
A guy is about to become the millionth citizen to buy a car in Rome. Frightened, he decides to remain pedestrian, and recalls several stories, with new car owners as protagonists. Episodic comedy.
The Rebel Gladiators
Senator Lucius
In order to persuade the Emperor to spare his village, the mighty Ursus is forced to fight the greatest gladiator in Rome in the Roman Arena.
The Masseuses
Hotel Receptionist
Two industry managers from Milan are in Rome to get the contract to build a YMCA hostel. They get in touch with a masseuses ring and one of the masseuses is introduced to the president of the catholic association as the wife of one of the managers. During a vice squad roundup, the president is about to be discovered with one of the girls when he dies of a stroke. How will the others try to hide his death?
Lo smemorato di Collegno
Natale (uncredited)
A man is hospitalized in a neurological clinic, suffering from amnesia. After seeing his photo in the newspaper, Mrs. Ballerini realizes that he is her husband and brings him home; then Mrs. Polacich recognizes him as her husband.
Planets Around Us
An alien race sends cyborgs — made to look like the son of a famous scientist, whom they killed when he landed on their planet — to Earth to help pave the way for an invasion.
His Women
vice commissario Donati
Stefano Garbelli is employed by a pharmaceutical company. One evening Daniela, a young independent prostitute, approaches Stefano pretending to be a nurse. They get together, but Daniela has a sinister plan.
Latin Lovers
padre di Silvia (ep. Le adolescenti)
A dozen sketches: (1) how it is not easy for parents to reveal the mystery of birth to their young children. (2) how the first kiss can be pleasant for teenagers and a worry to their parents. (3) how violent a male ego can be after a woman's rejection. (4) how double standards work in view of a woman's loss of virginity. (5) how modern psichology can influence a pregnant woman to deal with her dilemma. (6) how hiding her sexual past to the bridegroom does not succeed past their nuptial night. (7) how aspiring actresses have to pay a price for success. (8) how a matrimony can be a social hypocrisy by a cheating couple. (9) how a girl eager to marry discovers too late her husband's true nature. (10) how an emigrant's wife shall overcome her sexual need through music, and dancing. (11) how divorce can be a way to settle peacefully a union that no longer works. (12) how a man can overcome the shock of being married to a woman who was raped by some truck drivers
Rome, 1585
The leader of a gang of Spanish mercenaries falls for a beautiful princess. Thing get dicey, however, when an imprisoned leader is freed and comes calling. Paget, as usual, is absolutely stunning.
Siege of Syracuse
Citizen (uncredited)
Syracuse lies between the warring nations of Rome and Carthage; as long as the balance of power between the nations remains intact, both nations are willing to preserve the neutrality of Syracuse. However, Rome has now gotten the upper hand in its struggle for power. The fate of Syracuse lies in the hands of its leader, the famed inventor and scientist Archimedes.