Johannes Nussbaum

Johannes Nussbaum

출생 : 1995-05-31, Vienna, Austria

프로필 사진

Johannes Nussbaum
Johannes Nussbaum
Johannes Nussbaum

참여 작품

Born at the same place, on the same day, Hannes and Moritz grow up to be inseparable friends. But one day a tragic motorcycle accident will change their lives forever, leaving Hannes in a coma with a slim chance of recovery. Moritz refuses to give up on his friend and puts his own life aside to ensure Hannes is always loved and surrounded by life and laughter. Trying to stand his ground, Moritz will then embark on an inspiring and life-changing journey, realizing that every day is worth celebrating and proving their friendship is stronger than ever.
Styrian Death
Daniel Bergmann
A young nurse urgently needs an apartment until his age-old favorite patient offers him to live with her. But then everything turns out differently.
Daniel Bergmann
히든 라이프
무자비한 학살과 의미를 잃어버린 희생의 연속이었던 2차 세계대전, 한적한 오스트리아의 시골 마을에서 농사를 짓던 ‘프란츠’(오거스트 딜)는 나치군에 징집된다. 하지만 평범한 농부이자 독실한 가톨릭 신자였던 ‘프란츠’는 그의 신념에 반하는 군인 선서를 거부하고 이로 인해 투옥된다. 군의 명령에 불복종한 ‘프란츠’는 투옥과 동시에 갖은 고초와 고문을 겪게 되고 평화로웠던 그의 삶은 위태롭기만 한데…
Styrian Cross
Daniel Bergmann
The third case of the successful "Steirerkrimi-Reihe" takes Commissioner Sandra Mohrund and her boss Bergmann to the remote Muerz Valley, where they have to solve a strange death. During the investigation, the unequal duo uncovered the dark secrets of the Fürst family of entrepreneurs and their matriarch Pauline and learned that appearance and existence do not always match. With pointed dialogues and a dash of humor, "Steirerkreuz" offers exciting entertainment based on the novel of the same name by Claudia Rossbacher.
Nineteen-year-old David dreams of being a concert pianist on the international stage. Although his talent made him special in his home town, he soon realizes that at the conservatory he is but one of many talented students.
The second film of the Alpine crime series introduces the unequal investigator duo Miriam Stein and Hary Prinz into the world of skiing: To clarify the murder of the Austrian national coach, the Graz investigators look behind the high-gloss facade, where through competition, intrigue and commerce the team spirit led to absurdity becomes.
Die Hebamme II
The von Trapp Family: A Life of Music
Agathe von Trapp, the eldest daughter of a well-known musical family, overcomes many obstacles to pursue her musical career and move to the United States.
괴테스쿨의 사고뭉치들 2
Mr. Müller is not satisfied with his new work at the Goethe-Gesamtschule. The early getting up and correcting exams annoy him. Director Gerster wants to improve the image of the Goethe-Gesamtschule because she wants to be a symbol of the new company. To achieve this, she wants to take away the partnership from the Schillergymnasium with a Thai school. So, Mr. Müller, Mrs. Schnabelstedt and the 10b must go on a school trip to Thailand.
Die Hebamme
After the death of his parents Hans, 16, provides for his four brothers and his grandmother. He works as a courier for his uncle, who sells counterfeit diamonds to wealthy clients with plenty of illicit funds. Hans fights like Robin Hood against the establishment and the greed of the rich, and for justice for the poor.
Friends Forever
Set in the midst of World War II and interspersed with beautiful choir music, the horrors of the war unfold when the Germans realized one of the boys in the choir is a Jew and they must find him immediately.
수입 수출
Sohn Einfamilienhaus
[수입 수출]은 서로 다른 나라로 향하는 두 사람에 대해 이야기한다. 첫 번째는 젊은 간호사이자 갓난아기의 엄마이며 생계를 짊어지고 있는 올가에 대한 이야기. 그녀는 우크라이나에서 버는 돈으로는 도저히 생계를 유지할 수 없어 결국엔 오스트리아로 떠난다. 그 낯선 나라에서 그녀는 일을 구하지만 번번히 잃고, 가까스로 구한 병원 청소부 일을 하는 올가는 그 곳에서 죽어가는 병자들과 우정을 나누지만 친했던 할아버지가 죽은 뒤 삶의 의욕이 꺾인다. 다른 한 이야기는 젊은 오스트리아인 파울이 풀어간다. 그는 여자친구와의 관계도 원만치 않고, 돈벌이도 시원찮다. 그의 양부는 결국 그를 우크라이나로 데려가 도박게임기 설치하는 일을 맡긴다. 하지만 그들은 사사건건 부딪히고 끝내 파울은 양부를 뒤로하고 나와버린다.