A Nigerian musician travels to Brazil to search for his estranged brother, who is living a life very different than the one his family thought.
A Nigerian musician travels to Brazil to search for his estranged brother, who is living a life very different than the one his family thought.
A Nigerian musician travels to Brazil to search for his estranged brother, who is living a life very different than the one his family thought.
The trajectory of a romantic couple of contemporary artists reveals how the limits, contradictions and obsessions of a romantic relationship are reflected in each of their artistic endeavors.
Telmo is a retired theater director that realizes he doesn't remember the time he spent kept in jail during the military dictatorship in Brazil. He decides to stage a play and, with threads of memory, he improvises the lines with his young cast. Telmo dives into his own history and ends up revealing for himself what, being so painful, he'd rather forget.
Executive Producer
Telmo is a retired theater director that realizes he doesn't remember the time he spent kept in jail during the military dictatorship in Brazil. He decides to stage a play and, with threads of memory, he improvises the lines with his young cast. Telmo dives into his own history and ends up revealing for himself what, being so painful, he'd rather forget.
This is a film about Christopher Kirk, an American IT guy who moves to Colombia after reading about Pablo Escobar’s hippopotamuses. It is also a film about the story of V., a story that Kirk obsessively tells and retells about his infatuation with a mysterious Japanese-columbian woman. A story that may or may not have to do with his arrest in 2009 in Brazil for international drug trafficking. Moreover, it is also a film about two directors.
This is a film about Christopher Kirk, an American IT guy who moves to Colombia after reading about Pablo Escobar’s hippopotamuses. It is also a film about the story of V., a story that Kirk obsessively tells and retells about his infatuation with a mysterious Japanese-columbian woman. A story that may or may not have to do with his arrest in 2009 in Brazil for international drug trafficking. Moreover, it is also a film about two directors.
This is a film about Christopher Kirk, an American IT guy who moves to Colombia after reading about Pablo Escobar’s hippopotamuses. It is also a film about the story of V., a story that Kirk obsessively tells and retells about his infatuation with a mysterious Japanese-columbian woman. A story that may or may not have to do with his arrest in 2009 in Brazil for international drug trafficking. Moreover, it is also a film about two directors.
제2차 세계대전 당시 약 3만 명의 브라질 군인들이 추축국과의 전투에 참여하게 된다. 브라질 원정군인들은 대부분 가난한 자들로, 전투에 필요한 훈련을 충분히 받지 못하고 생존을 위해 전투 기술을 익혔다. 캐슬 힐 기슭에서 무자비한 공격을 받고 공황 상태에 빠진 브라질 군 기마, 피아위, 로린도는 산 아래쪽으로 내려오지만 또 다시 공격을 받고 도망친다. 도망자로 낙인 찍혀 군법회의에 설 걱정에 휩싸인 브라질 군인들은 다시 적의 진지로 돌아가 지뢰 지대인 ‘47번 도로’의 지뢰를 제거해 위기를 모면할 계획을 세우는데.... 분초를 다투는 치열한 전쟁 속에서 그들은 살아남을 수 있을것인가?
Biopic about the late Joãozinho Trinta, a self-taught classical dancer who turned Rio's Carnival into an international phenomenon in the 1970s and '80s by directing parades for samba schools and putting focus on costumes and decor.
This delicate and impressive collection of life experiences centers on a group of foreigners -- Chinese, Peruvian, North American, Senegalese, Australians, French -- who are trapped in Brazilian jails.
This delicate and impressive collection of life experiences centers on a group of foreigners -- Chinese, Peruvian, North American, Senegalese, Australians, French -- who are trapped in Brazilian jails.
This delicate and impressive collection of life experiences centers on a group of foreigners -- Chinese, Peruvian, North American, Senegalese, Australians, French -- who are trapped in Brazilian jails.
A group of strangers from different countries end up on Rio's beaches. Seeking self-fulfillment, they look for answers to existential questions. Yet it isn't until their different paths cross that they begin to understand why they came.
A documentary about the crowd of people that commingle throughout the 3.5km of the Minhocão, an overpass in the central region of São Paulo, built during Brazil's military dictatorship.
A pawn shop proprietor buys used goods from desperate locals – as much to play perverse power games as for his own livelihood, but when the perfect rump and a backed-up toilet enter his life, he loses all control.
Post Production Assistant
남미 최대의 감옥 카란디루. 과밀수용으로 폭력과 전염병이 급속도로 번져가던 어느 날 에이즈 치료와 예방교육을 위해 한 의사(드라우지오 바렐라)가 도착한다. 바렐라는 카란디루에 발을 들여놓는 순간부터 거친 수감자들의 칼부림을 목격하고 열악한 환경에 몸서리치지만, 수 많은 환자들을 외면하지 못해 그곳에 남기로 한다. 감옥 한 쪽에 마련된 간이 진료실은 ‘이곳에 죄 지은 사람은 없다’는 수감자들의 각양각색 사연들이 오가는 특별한 공간이 된다. 자기는 원래 좀도둑에 불과했다고 주장하는 우연한 살인범 에보니, 아내‘들’의 사랑다툼이 방화로 이어져 감옥신세까지 지게 되었다는 미워할 수 없는 바람둥이 하이니스, 이름과는 정반대로 트랜스젠더 레이디 디와 사랑에 빠지고 옥중결혼식까지 올리는 행운의 사나이 투 배드(Too bad)... 바렐라는 다양한 죄수들을 만나 각각의 너무나 인간적인 범죄의 뒷이야기에 귀를 기울인다. 얼핏 보면 온갖 범죄자들이 모인 무법천지, 그러나 나름의 엄격한 위계질서를 가지고 움직이던 카란디루의 최대행사인 축구시합이 열리던 날! 축구장 밖에서 일어난 사소한 싸움이 카란디루 전체의 폭동으로 번지게 되고... 경찰기동대의 잔혹한 진압으로 카란디루는 순식간에 끔찍한 피바다를 이룬다. 운 좋게도 비극의 그날 카란디루를 잠시 떠나있었던 바렐라는 살아남은 자들의 생생한 고백을 전해듣는다.