Samy Halfon

참여 작품

에덴 동산과 그 이후
‘여기보다 어딘가에’를 꿈꾸는 현대 젊은이들의 이상향을 에덴 동산으로 설정한 로브그리예의 야심작. 에덴이라는 거울이 가득한 궁전 속에서 에로스와 타나토스가 공존하는 젊은이들의 동거가 이루어진다. 이 집단에 새로 낯선 이가 도착하면서, 모든 남성들과 여성들이 그에게 정념을 품고, 새로운 의식과 이상한 각성이 그들 사이에 일어난다.
The Royal Chase
Birds, Orphans and Fools
In the aftermath of war, two men and a woman begin acting more like children than adults, leading to tragedy.
The Man Who Lies
A man may or may not have betrayed a resistance fighter during World War II. He has supposedly been shot down by the Nazis and wanders into town. Mourning the death of an unseen comrade, he is taken in by the family of the dead rebel. He engages in a superfluous affair and witnesses the lesbian relationship between the man's sister and a female servant. When passions subside, the family has doubts about the reliability of the man's story.
한 건달의 고독한 여행기를 마약 밀매, 폭력 조직의 생리, 새디스틱한 성적 집착과 함께 보여주는 작품. 파리와 벨기에 앙베르를 오가며 완성한 로브그리예의 두 번째 영화 에는 장 루이 트랭티냥이라는 스타 배우가 출연, 호연을 보여준다. 알랭 로브그리예도 시나리오를 직접 고민하는 영화감독으로 출연하여 ‘영화 속 영화’라는 흥미 있는 구성을 보여준다.
Dead Times
What is man? Man makes war, man kills man, man hunts, man is executed. A montage mixing original drawings by Topor, original shots and stock shots that ironically analyze what man is.
Pehlivan focuses on a three-day wrestling competition, an ancient tradition that dates back over a thousand years to the time of the Ottoman Empire, originating in the games the soldiers would play to entertain themselves in between battles. Maybe that's why there's more than a hint of homoeroticism in the way the wrestlers oil themselves up with grease, making sure to cover every inch of their bodies so that their opponents will be unable to get a grip. Pialat's closeups emphasize the men's muscular bodies jammed together and sliding off one another, posed in intimate, twisted arrangements, struggling desperately for a grip on each other's bodies. Arms are jammed down pants, one of the only places there's some potential for a handhold, and the whole thing is very suggestive and sensual, a form of intimate male contact that's sanctioned as a show of strength and masculinity.
All of Pialat's Turkish films are uniquely interested in the country — especially Istanbul — as it was, not just as it is at the precise moment that Pialat is filming it. History informs these films in a big way, with the voiceover narration (which incorporates excerpts from various authors) introducing tension between the images of the modern-day city and the descriptions of incidents from its long and rich history. Istanbul is probably the most conventional documentary of Pialat's Turkish series, providing a general profile of the titular city, its different neighborhoods, and the different cultures and ways of living that coexist within its sprawling borders. As the other films in the series also suggest, Pialat sees Turkey, and Istanbul in particular, as a junction point between Europe and the East, between the old and the new, between history and modernity.
Byzance uses a text by Stefan Zweig to describe the Ottoman conquest of the city in 1453. Before he turned to feature filmmaking in 1968 with Naked Childhood, Pialat worked on a series of short films, many of them financed by French television. Byzance is one of Pialat’s six Turkish shorts.
Short doc by Maurice Pialat. The first film in the series set at Turkey, Bosphore, is also the only one that was shot in color.
Monkey's Teeth
A slow and ugly fairy tale based on the drawings of inmates at a psychiatric clinic where LaLoux worked.
히로시마 내 사랑
영화 <평화>를 촬영하기 위해 히로시마에 온 프랑스 여배우 '그녀'는 일본인 건축가, '그'와 우연히 만나 이틀간의 관계를 가진다. 그러나 히로시마에 머물러 달라는 남자의 청을 무언가에 사로잡혀 있는 듯한 그녀는 거절한다. 그녀에겐 고향 느베르에서 자신의 첫사랑인 독일군 병사와의 사랑의 대가로 죽음을 목격하고, 그 사랑의 이름으로 지하실에 감금되어 끔찍한 고통을 겪은 상처가 존재한다. 사랑으로 인한 좌절과 고통, 그리고 절망이라는 이름의 과거가 떠나질 않는다. 원자폭탄이 투하된 도시, 히로시마에서 그녀의 고통스러웠던 과거가 현실과 중첩되면서 그와 그녀의 침묵의 대화는 이어진다.
밤과 안개
제2차 세계대전이 끝난 지 10여년이 지나 버려진 수용소의 현재 모습은 흑백의 기록화면으로 이어진다. 12년 전 빈 들판엔 수용소 건설이 진행되었고 ‘밤과 안개’ 작전으로 유대인들이 수감되기 시작했다.
Le voyageur
Symphonie mécanique