George White

출생 : 1911-08-20,

사망 : 1998-02-15


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia George White (August 20, 1911 – February 15, 1998) first became a Hollywood editor in 1942, spending most of his career at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Among his more well known efforts were the war film Bataan (1943), Vincente Minnelli’s The Clock (1945), Tay Garnett’s steamy version of The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946), the epic special effects extravaganza Green Dolphin Street (1947), for which he was nominated for an Academy Award for Film Editing, and Challenge to Lassie in 1949. The 1950s saw him working on such films as A Life of Her Own (1950), The Naked Spur (1953), generally considered to be one of Anthony Mann’s finest Westerns, and the Biblical epic The Silver Chalice (1954), which helped launch the career of Paul Newman. White’s stock, however, waned considerably in the 1960s and he spent most of the decade working on potboilers. His last film was The Navy vs. the Night Monsters (1966), which has become something of a cult classic. He retired in 1966.

참여 작품

The Navy vs. the Night Monsters
US Navy battles monsters unearthed from the frozen arctic.
Women of the Prehistoric Planet
A space ship crash lands on the third planet of a distant solar system, killing all hands except for a young boy named Tang. The rescue ship arrives some 20 years later. One of the crew, a girl named Linda meets Tang and falls in love with him. They are attacked by the native humanoids of the planet and many of them are killed off. Also, the crew encounters many strange beasts on this strange, but somewhat familiar world.
Mutiny in Outer Space
An expedition to the lunar ice caves contracts a deadly moon-fungus. Stopping en route they contaminate a space station with the fungus, which soon begins to take over the entire place.
Sex and the College Girl
This early 1960s film depicts the trivial pursuits and relationships of two college age girls on a weekend vacation to a luxury resort in Puerto Rico.
Dangerous Charter
The crew of a fishing boat discovers a deserted luxury yacht at sea with a dead body on board. They claim the yacht as salvage, not knowing that a drug smuggling ring has hidden $500,000 worth of heroin on the boat.
Convicts 4
After his death sentence is commuted to life in prison, John Resko is transferred from Sing-Sing to Dannemora where, with the help of a humane prison guard, he becomes a rehabilitated man and a successful painter.
Twenty Plus Two
A famous movie star's fan club secretary has been brutally murdered. She has in her office old newspaper clippings regarding a missing heiress. Did the secretary know something about the mystery of the heiress?
King of the Roaring 20's – The Story of Arnold Rothstein
Gambler Arnold Rothstein marries an actress, avenges his buddy and meets an underworld fate.
Johnny Rocco
Gangster and police look for a gangster's son who witnessed a murder.
Gunsmoke in Tucson
As young boys, two brothers, Jed (AKA: Chip) and John, witness their father being hung by a vigilante gang. Chip, angry and bitter, grows up to be an outlaw and leader of the feared Blue Chip Gang. John goes the other way and becomes a U.S. Marshal. Two brothers on opposite sides of the law, destined to become embroiled in an Arizona range war between cattlemen and farmers.
The Beast of Budapest
Archival footage combined with new footage re-creates the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. It is also a love story between a devout communist woman and the liberal son of a prominent professor. Because of their political differences, the two can never be together.
Man from God's Country
Dan Beattie gives up his lawman job to move further west and rejoin his old war buddy Curt Warren in the town of Sundown. At first mistaken for a railroad agent by Beau Santee, a Sundown businessman who wants to keep the railroad away from his town, Dan is nearly killed by Santee's henchman, Mark Faber. Dan discovers that his old pal Curt works for Santee. Even after learning Dan's true identity, Santee considers him trouble and plots to get rid of him. With the help of Curt's son Stony, Dan tries to get Curt to take a stand on the right side of the law.
마이 건 이즈 퀵
Detective Mike Hammer's investigation of a murder puts him in the middle between warring jewel thieves.
Canyon River
A rancher's (George Montgomery) foreman (Peter Graves) schemes against him on a cattle drive from Oregon to Wyoming.
Shack Out on 101
A greasy spoon diner provides a base for a spy smuggling nuclear secrets.
피닉스 시티 스토리
1954년, 앨라배마의 피닉스에서 주 법무장관 후보자인 앨버트 패터슨이 무참히 살해당하는 끔찍한 사건이 벌어진다. 한 리포터가 피닉스 시민들의 목소리를 생생하게 전하며, 패터슨이 살해당할 수밖에 없었던 피닉스의 추악한 모습을 공개한다. 부패한 도시 피닉스는 마피아인 태너 조직이 장악한 지 오래이다. 태너 일당은 홍등가를 중심으로 매춘, 도박 등 온갖 범죄를 저지르며, 필요하다면 경찰이든 누구든 회유, 매수, 협박하기를 일삼으며 도시 전체를 마음껏 주무른다. 그러던 중 앨버트 패터슨이 부패 척결을 기치로 주 법무장관이 되려 하는데, 태너 일당은 부하를 시켜 태너의 아들 존을 공격하고, 무고한 시민들에게도 폭력을 휘두른다. 실제 사건을 바탕으로 한 새로운 형식의 세미다큐멘터리 영화이며, 이를 통해 폭력의 잔혹함을 적나라하게 그리고 있다.
1세기에 로마에 노예로 팔려간 그리스인 조각가는 예수의 제자들로부터 예수가 최후의 만찬에서 마신 포도주 잔을 디자인하라는 주문을 받는다. 하지만 로마인들과 네로 황제는 예수의 은술잔은 파괴하려 한다. 자만심에 가득 차있던 시몬은 네로 황제에게 이 계획을 이룰 수 있게 하겠다고 공언한다. 시몬은 자신의 능력을 과시하려고 바벨탑을 만들어 그 위에서 뛰어내려 하늘을 날아감으로써 하느님에 대항할 수 있다고 단언하는데...
The Great Diamond Robbery
Ambrose C. Park, left on a park bench as an infant with an impulsive need to find his parents, is an assistant to a diamond cutter. Shyster lawyer Remlick, in a strategy to get a fabulous uncut diamond through Ambrose, arranges for Emily Drummon, Duke Fargoh and Maggie Drummon to pose as Ambrose's long-lost parents and sister. The diamond, through many comic situations, is acquired and the gang is going to have Ambrose cut the diamond, and relieve him of the two stones and his parental illusions at the same time. But Maggie, who has no taste for the deception, tips Ambrose off and a wild chase ensues. At the end, Ambrose is very happy as he can now marry his "sister."
Nostradamus and the Queen
An elderly Catherine de Medici reflects back on how the prophecies of Nostradamus accurately predicted the fates of her husband, her three sons and herself.
밴드 웨곤
영화와 무대를 오가던 스타 토니 헌터는 자신이 한물갔다는 느낌을 갖는다. 그의 친구 레스터와 릴리는 토니의 완벽한 컴백 무대가 될 공연을 제안하고, 토니도 동참하기로 한다. 하지만 거물급 연출가 제프리 코르도바가 합류해 극에 ‘파우스트’의 음울한 재해석을 가미하면서 토니는 불안에 빠진다. 뮤지컬과 쇼 비즈니스의 세계를 찬양한 영화로 이미 쉰을 넘긴 프레드 아스테어에 대한 미넬리의 오마주가 담긴 작품. 은막의 스타가 뮤지컬 세계로 복귀하는 과정을 통해 뮤지컬의 매혹을 그리고 있다. 프레드 아스테어와 시드 채리스가 공원에서 달빛을 맞으며 춤을 추는 장면과 필름누아르를 뮤지컬의 춤과 음악으로 표현한 영화 후반부 장면이 환상적이다.
Dream Wife
Clemson Reade, a business tycoon with marriage on his mind, and Effie, a U.S. diplomat, are a modern couple. Unfortunately there seems to be too much business and not enough pleasure on the part of Effie. When Clemson meets Tarji, a princess trained in all the arts of pleasing men, he decides he wants an old fashioned girl. Princess Tarji's father is king of oil-rich Bukistan. Because of the oil situation and to maintain good political relations during the courtship between Clemson & Tarji, the State Department assigns a diplomat to maintain protocol until the wedding - Effie!
운명의 박차
하워드 켐프는 현상금을 노리고 살인자 벤 밴더그로트를 쫓는다. 켐프 일행은 밴더그로트와 그의 연인 리나 패치를 체포하지만, 돌아오는 길에 밴더그로트는 세 남자를 분열시키고 탈출하는데 성공하는데...
Fearless Fagan
A young man brings his pet lion with him when he's drafted into the army. Comedy.
The Sellout
A small-town newspaper editor risks everything to expose a corrupt sheriff.
Mr. Imperium
A pretty singer/dancer is becoming an actress whereas the playboy crown prince is becoming a monarch. The both will have their clandestine romance interfered with by their changing circumstances.
A Life of Her Own
A young woman from Kansas moves to New York City, becomes highly successful at a prestigious modeling agency, and falls in love with a married man.
The Reformer and the Redhead
A small-town politician falls for an idealistic zookeeper.
Challenge to Lassie
When Lassie's master dies, an old friend tries to convince a judge that the dog's life should be spared.
B.F.'s Daughter
Wealthy Polly Fulton marries a progressive scholar whose attitudes toward capitalism and acquired wealth puts their marriage in jeopardy.
Sophie loved Edmund, but he left town when her parents forced her to marry wealthy Octavius. Years later, Edmund returns with his son, William. Sophie's daughter, Marguerite, and William fall in love. Marguerite's sister, Marianne, also loves William. Timothy, a lowly carpenter, secretly loves Marianne. He kills a man in a fight, and Edmund helps him flee to New Zealand. William deserts inadvertently from the navy, and also flees in disgrace to New Zealand, where he and Timothy start a profitable business. One night, drunk, William writes Octavius, demanding his daughter's hand; but, being drunk, he asks for the wrong sister.
포스트맨은 벨을 두 번 울린다
여기 저기 옮겨 다니기를 좋아하는 프랭크는 그날도 다른 머물 곳을 찾아 헤매고 있었다. 그러던 중 주유소 겸 식상에 들리게 되고, 그곳에서 주인 닉의 일을 도우며 머무르게 된다. 닉에게는 젊고 아름다운 부인 코라가 있는데, 프랭크는 그녀에게 반하게 되고, 프랭크를 거부하던 코라도 결국 그를 받아들인다. 둘에게 이제 닉은 하나의 걸림돌이 되었고 그들은 닉을 없애기 위해 사고사를 위장한 살인 계획을 짠다. 그러나 이는 수포로 돌아가고 다시 한 번 자동차 사고를 위장하는데...
Yolanda and the Thief
Johnny Riggs, a con man on the lam, finds himself in a Latin-American country named Patria. There, he overhears a convent-bred rich girl praying to her guardian angel for help in managing her tangled business affairs. Riggs decides to materialize as the girl's "angel", gains her unquestioning confidence, and helps himself to the deluded girl's millions. Just as he and his partner are about to flee Patria with their booty, Riggs realizes he has fallen in love with the girl and returns the money, together with a note that is part confession and part love letter. But the larcenous duo's escape from Patria turns out to be more difficult than they could ever have imagined.
The Clock
A G.I. en route to Europe falls in love during a whirlwind two-day leave in New York City.
Andy Hardy's Blonde Trouble
Andy is going to Wainwright College as did his father. He sees a pretty blonde on the train and he is alternately winked at or slapped every time he sees her. Andy is clueless. On the train Andy meets Kay and Dr. Standish who are both headed for Wainwright. Andy likes Kay, but Dr. Standish also seems to take an interest in her. Things are going well at College with Kay, but the blonde is nice one minute and ignores Andy the next. When Andy finds out that the blonde is really identical twins, he tries to help them out with their father but gets caught at their rooming house after midnight.
The Man from Down Under
An Australian blowhard raises two orphaned children as his own in the years leading up to WWII.
During Japan's invasion of the Philippines in 1942, Capt. Henry Lassiter, Sgt. Bill Dane and a diverse group of American soldiers are ordered to destroy and hold a strategic bridge in order to delay the Japanese forces and allow Gen. MacArthur time to secure Bataan. When the Japanese soldiers begin to rebuild the bridge and advance, the group struggles with not only hunger, sickness and gunfire, but also the knowledge that there is likely no relief on the way.
Journey for Margaret
An American newspaperman and his wife, end up in London after several retreats in the opening days of WWII. After a shrapnel wound and loss of her baby she returns to America. War weary, he is forced to do a story about war orphans, where he meets Margaret.