A British comedy in Japanese clothes, with central character Ginji at once earnest farm boy and entrepreneurial savant, finding ingenious and entertaining solutions in a timeless tale of business and found family.
Segata Sanshiro
The second entry into the Born to Lose video mixtape series, once again full of really dumb videos and humor
Edo, 1863. Aisuke Kajiki, a young blind swordsman, is entrusted the son of his best friend Toramaru Sakakibara, who is about to join the Shogun's Samurai Unit and promises to train him well. However, after Toramaru's death in battle, Eisuke drowns in a river and is transported in time to present-day Tokyo. Eisuke and his descendant, Ryusei, a college student, go to meet Toramaru's descendant, Taiga, a swimmer. The blind samurai's promise to his best friend in Edo is fulfilled 160 years later in present-day Tokyo through para-swimming.
Waichi Sakuraba
"훔치기로 한 건 반드시 손에 넣어야 해” 대대로 내려오는 도둑 집안 ‘L 패밀리’ 딸인 ‘하나’와 경찰 집안 아들인 ‘카즈마’는 물과 기름처럼 섞일 수 없는 서로의 처지를 사랑으로 극복하며 우여곡절 끝에 결혼하게 된다. 비록 수배 중인 탓에 정체를 숨기며 살아가야 하지만 하나뿐인 딸 ‘안’ 덕분에 두 사람의 일상은 행복으로 가득하다. 그러던 어느 날, ‘하나’의 부친인 ‘타케루’가 도둑 은퇴를 선언하며 ‘하나’와 ‘카즈마’에게 신혼 여행을 선물한다. 그토록 바라오던 평범한 일상을 누리려던 것도 잠시, 이 여행이 ‘타케루’가 사상 최대 보석을 훔치려는 계획임을 알아차림과 동시에 적들이 파놓은 함정이라는 사실을 깨닫게 된다. 전설의 왕관을 노리다가 인질이 된 딸 ‘안’과 가족을 구하기 위해 ‘하나’는 다시 ‘L 패밀리’의 수트를 입게 되는데…
Takeshi Hongo / Kamen Rider #1
소설을 집필하는 데 슬럼프를 겪는 ‘서인화(가면라이더 세이버)’는 우연히 ‘유리(가면라이더 최광)’가 추천한 책을 읽는다. 그런데 책을 펼치는 순간 빛에 휩싸이더니 인간과 기계가 공존하는 파워레인저 세계에 도착하고, 그곳에서 ‘전려욱(파워레인저 젠카이저)’을 만나게 된다. 한편, 여러 세계가 뒤섞이면서 멀티버스의 모든 히어로가 소멸되기 시작하고, 히어로들은 이 모든 것이 누군가의 음모일지 모른다는 불길한 예감에 사로잡힌다. 그리고 사건의 열쇠를 쥔 소년과의 만남이 시작되는데...! 모든 것을 제자리로 돌려놓기 위한 역대 가면라이더 X 파워레인저의 마지막 대전쟁이 시작된다!
Takeshi Hongo / Kamen Rider 1
지금으로부터 45년 전, 그 남자는 악의 비밀결사 쇼커에 의해 개조 인간이 되었다. 그날 이래로 인간의 자유를 지키기 위해 그 남자는 계속 싸우고 있었다. 그의 이름은 혼고 타케시. 이 세상에 탄생한 최초의 가면라이더이다. 오랫동안 해외에서 악과 싸워온 타케시는 한 소녀의 위기를 알고 급히 귀국한다. 소녀[3]의 존재는 과거의 최고 간부 지옥 대사를 부활시키기 위해 불가결한 것이었다. 타케시는 가면라이더 고스트 = 텐쿠지 타케루와 그 동료들과 만나 쇼커가 소녀를 노리는 이유를 찾고 있었다. 한편, 너무나도 가혹한 나날을 보내왔던 타케시의 육체는 이미 한계에 다다른 것이었다......[4] 소녀의 위기, 그리고 새로운 조직 ・ 노바 쇼커가 불러온 일본 최대의 위기에 전설의 전사 혼고 타케시가 「변신」한다. 싸움을 계속 해 온 타케시를 기다리고 있는 것은 안식인가, 아니면...
Takeshi Hongo / Kamen Rider 1
The Underground Empire Badan makes its move, intending to invert the world. Kouta and Mai are pulled through one of these inversions where the discover a boy named Shu, who also holds the power to invert the world. As the Riders fight to protect Shu, Fifteen appears again, seeking Shu. As Kouta flees, past Riders gather and fight one another, split between the Showa and Heisei era Riders. But, the truth of Badan is not as it seems…
Kamen Rider 1 (voice)
괴인과 싸우는 오즈. 하지만 상대는 야미가 아니라 몰 이마진이었다. 거기에 덴라이너가 출현. 코타로가 이마진에 빙의된 소년에게 패스를 대자「1971년 11월 11일」표시가 뜬다. 어째서 이런 아이에게 40년 전의 기억이...? 그 혼잡한 틈을 타 에이지와 앙크는 덴라이너에 올라타 모모타로스들 덴라이너 일행과 함께 40년 전으로 시간을 거슬러 올라간다. 앙크는 다른 그리드가 아무도 눈을 뜨지 않은 시대로 가서 마음대로 메달을 차지하려고 하지만 과거에의 개입은 허락되지 않아 모모, 우라, 킨, 류의 연계플레이에 붙잡혀 버린다. 하지만... 그 직전 NEW 덴오가 몰 이마진을 쓰러뜨린 뒤의 폭발의 충격으로 에이지가 팔 앙크를 눌러버려 셀 메달이 굴러떨어진 걸 아무도 눈치채지 못했다. 그리고 덴라이너가 떠난 뒤 남겨진 메달을 손에 넣는 것은... 때는 2011년 4월 1일, 에이지와 앙크를 기다리고 있던 건 쇼커가 세계의 대부분을 지배하는, 엄청나게 변해버린 현대였다!!! 앙크가 떨어뜨린 메달을 얻은 쇼커가 가면라이더 1호, 2호를 쓰러뜨리고 그 뒤의 가면라이더는 어느 누구도 탄생하지 않은 세계... 그 가운데 특이점 덕분에 과거로부터의 영향을 받지 않는 코타로 = NEW 덴오, 코타로와 함께 있었기에 아직 라이더로서 존재하고 있는 오즈. 그들은 역사의 수복을 시도하지만 사태는 더욱 혼미의 극에 달하고... 우여곡절 끝에 그들 앞을 가로막는 가면라이더 1호, 2호! 과연 오즈&덴오 팀은 세계를 구할 수 있는 것인가?
Reiji Osakabe / R0
Taking place between episodes 38 and 39 of the Tomica Hero: Rescue Force television series, the film features Doktor Madu joining forces with the Neo Thera to hijack the super express train Mach Train with his Metal Train, intending to use the Mach Train in the most Super-Disaster ever.
10명의 천재 감독들이 나츠메 소세키의‘열흘 밤의 꿈’을 원작으로 하여 만든 이 영화는 미스터리하고 꿈같은 이미지를 보여준다. 백년간의 사랑을 나누는 부부의 이야기, 자식을 버리기 위해 숲 속을 배회하는 미친 아버지의 이야기, 외로움에 시달리던 한 남자가 자살을 시도하는 이야기 등.
In the year 2011 the greatest tectonic disaster in the history of mankind has occurred. As a result of the catastrophic earthquakes North and South America, Eurasia, Africa and Australia have sunken underwater while the Japanese islands remain untouched.
A Japanese-American college student travels to her grandfather's beloved homeland to see and experience the "real Japan" she has so often read and heard about. Yet when she arrives she discovers that the Japan of her dreams is so much more different from what she expected and struggles to adapt to her newfound life there.
Phantom (voice)
사막에서 길을 헤매던 지우와 포켓몬 일행은 '포켓몬 레인저 잭 워커(일명 잭)'을 만난다. 잭은 수중 몬스터 '마나피'의 알을 아크셔 신전까지 안전하게 배달하는 미션을 맡았다. 지우 일행은 잭과 함께 하기로 하지만 '마나피'의 알을 노린 바다의 해적인 '팬텀 톨프'의 공격을 받는다. 팬텀 톨프는 전설의 보물인 '바다의 왕관'의 힘으로써 세계정복을 이루려는 야심가! 과연 지우와 포켓몬 레인저 일행은 이 어려운 상황에서 바다의 왕자 마나피를 보호하고, 보물 '바다의 왕관'을 찾을 수 있을 것인가?
From Minoru Kawasaki, the director of "The Calamari Wrestler," "Executive Koala," "The Entire World Sinks Except Japan," and "The Rug Cop," comes the epic story of a giant crab who washes ashore, befriends a boy, finds love, and becomes a sports legend. The film has been described by Kawasaki as being 'like Forrest Gump...but with a crab.'
Middle-aged farmer Noda Masao (Daichi Yasuo) is a good, honest man, but his attempts for marriage have all met with failure. Through a friend, Masao meets Liberty (Ruby Moreno), a Filipino woman working in Japan. When they decide to get married, Masao borrows money from his Agricultural Association and travels to the Philippines for the wedding - only to discover that it was all a scam. Stranded in Manila with no money, Masao ends up staying to work. One day he meets a beautiful farmer's daughter, Christina (Alice Dixson), reawakening not only his chances for love, but also his love for farming.
Zangan (voice)
In the events of Last Order, taking place five years before the beginning of Final Fantasy VII itself, Sephiroth was ordered to inspect the Mako Reactor outside the town of Nibelheim with a small entourage, consisting of one other member of SOLDIER and a few Shin-Ra MPs. Among this group was SOLDIER 1st Class member Zack and his buddy, a 16-year-old Shin-Ra trooper named Cloud Strife.
Two brothers must take the helm of their family's company, Armadillo, Inc., after their father steps down from his position as the company's director. Through trials and tribulations, the two slowly begin to learn the true meaning of family.
Iwao Hazuki
On November 29, 1986, Ryo Hazuki returns home to his family dojo to witness his father, Iwao Hazuki, battling with a man dressed in Chinese attire, who demands he hand over an item known as the Dragon Mirror. Iwao is murdered and Ryo embarks on a quest for revenge.
Sakuya's dad
도쿠가와 막부가 세력을 떨치던 에도 시대, 후지산의 분화로 결계가 파괴되면서 요괴들이 쏟아져 사람들이 사는 세계로 내려온다. 막부의 명령을 받아 요괴 토벌에 나선 사카기는 요검 무라마사를 앞세워 요괴를 물리친다. 그러나 무라마사는 사용할 때마다 주인의 혼도 함께 소모시키는 검이었다. 결국 사카기는 숨을 거두게 되고, 그의 외동딸인 사쿠야가 무라마사를 물려받게 되는데...
A difficult request brought to the unlicensed genius surgeon Black Jack. It was supposed to be born as twins, but it was an operation to separate what had been taken into another body. The second in a series depicting the episode of the birth of Pinoko.
Tatsumi, a young doctor who works at Teito University Hospital, will be witnessing the operation of Black Jack, who does not have a doctor's license. Osamu Tezuka's comic of the same name was made into a series with an original video.
Kamen Rider 1 (voice)
A special retrospective of the two franchises, with segments making comparisons between the different characters, their weapons, powers and so forth. The final segment of the special is the short film "Super Battle: Ultraman vs Kamen Rider" The main characters, Ultraman and Kamen Rider 1 appear on the scene separately, each fighting an original kaijin and kaiju. When the two monsters are nearly defeated, they merge into a more powerful kaiju. Ultraman experiences trouble and calls for Kamen Rider 1's help. Kamen Rider 1 is then able to grow to enormous size to fight alongside Ultraman.
Based on the comic of the same name that ran in Manga Pachinkā.
Looks at the lives of Chinese people in Japan.
자기 중심적이고 여성 편력과 성취욕이 강한 변호사 테일러(Taylor Brooks : 마이클 빈 분)와 성실하며 가정적인 물리학자 교수 해럴드(Harold : 맷 크레이븐 분)는 친한 친구 사이로, 함께 암벽 산을 오르는 등산 파트너. 그러나 산을 오르는 이유는 각기 다르다. 자아충족과 강한 성취 욕구로 산을 오르는 테일러와 평범한 삶을 탈피하기 위한 돌파구로 등산을 즐기는 해럴드. 이들은 알레스카를 등반하다가 산악 훈련 중인 K2 탐사대를 만나 함께 야영한다. 세심하고 자상한 해럴드의 지적에도 불구하고 산 중턱에 캠프를 친 탐사대는 비행기의 광음으로 일어난 눈사태로 탐사대원 두명이 목숨을 잃게 된다. 탐사대의 빈자리에 참여하기 위한 테일러. 그러나 알레스카 등반 이후 가족에게 더 많은 신경을 쓰겠다고 약속한 해럴드는 테일러의 일반적인 결정에 화를 낸다. '가족과 산' 중 하나를 택하라는 아내를 설득해, 드디어 K2를 향한다. 장대한 산맥에 깔려있는 거대한 빙하, 햇살에 눈부신 K2봉은 대원들의 등정 욕구를 달구지만, 등반 대장 필립의 고산병으로 일부는 베이스 캠프에 남고 헤럴드와 테일러, 달라스(Dallas : 루카 베코비치 분), 다카네(Takane : 히로시 후지오카 분)만이 정상을 향해 등반을 계속한다. 정상을 향해 계속 오르지만 달라스는 조난당하고 다카네는 목숨을 잃게 되는데...
A brilliant hitman and a veteran former hitman join forces to take revenge on the murdered woman and challenge the criminal organization.
Takeshi Hongo / Kamen Rider 1 (archival)
A TV special, centered on introduction of Kamen Rider Black RX.
Hiroshi Fujioka
보석상 야마모토가 도쿄에서 보석 전시회를 개최하자, 동맹군 소속 보석 절도단은 테러 자금을 마련하기 위해 전시회장을 급습하여 순식간에 보석을 훔쳐 달아난다. 국제 사범인 2인조 강도단을 추격하던 일본 경찰 히로시의 동료는 적군의 총을 맞고 사망하자 팔을 다친 히로시는 동료의 복수를 위해 강도단을 쫓아 홍콩을 찾아온다. 한편, 도둑을 제압하는 실전에 유능한 양리 일본 경찰 히로시와 힘을 합쳐 보석 탈취범들을 쫓는다. 그들은 야마모토의 수상한 점을 발견하게 되는데...
When skiers in Japan come across the frozen body of centuries-old samurai warrior Yoshimita, scientists secretly whisk the corpse to a high-tech laboratory in California, where they bring him back to life. But when Yoshimita escapes onto the mean streets of 1980s Los Angeles, his ancient and strict code of honor gets him both into and out of trouble. J. Larry Carroll directs this low-budget action fantasy.
Geologist Jiro Tate
Terrorists hijack an oil tanker and threaten to blow it up unless Japan meets their demands.
In the early hours of April 13th, a five year old hemophiliac child was kidnapped by someone from Tanemura General Hospital in Tokyo, Setagaya. Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Inspector Kitahara, who received the report, goes quickly to the Tanemura home, along with other police to speak to the family of the child. Then, suddenly, the phone rings. The kidnapper wants money.
Saburo Sakai
Takeshi Hongo / Kamen Rider 1
The special opens with Tachibana Tōbei taking some children to a Kamen Rider roadshow. Just as he's reminiscing about all the heroic modified humans he's lived alongside- Ichigō, Nigō, V3, Riderman, X, Amazon, Stronger and Tackle- the first seven Riders gradually show up to greet him in their human guises, unrecognised by the crowds. When it's revealed that the kaijin onstage are 'real', not actors, the Riders henshin to save the crowd and Rider actors, uniting their power to defeat the Delzer Army's true leader, Great General Darkness in his hideout beneath the stadium.
Jiro Tate
Thriller about hijackers taking control of an oil tanker and threatening to blow it all up in Tokyo Bay.
Yoshio Tamura
The film deals with the recruitment of race car driver Jiro Miki (Masao Kusakari) and his dog, Caesar, to a group of people who use ESP, psychokinesis, and other special mental abilities to fight crime.
Takeshi Hongo / Kamen Rider 1
During a motocross practice, Keisuke Jin is ambushed by two Myth Cyborgs created by a secret organization that's attempting to control Japan, G.O.D. (Government of Darkness). He transforms into Kamen Rider X, but little does he know that his battle is recorded and analyzed by King Dark, G.O.D.'s commander, to create a super cyborg. Other G.O.D. cyborgs are attacking all over Tokyo and in the middle of the crisis, the original four Riders return to Japan from different countries around the world. The five Riders unite to lead a counter attack against G.O.D.
Kunihiko Date
Japanese crime thriller
Kamer Rider 1
The Hindu god Hanuman teams up with Kamen Rider and his brethren against familiar foes in this rare Thai bootleg Kamen Rider film.
Onodera Toshio
일본열도를 뒤흔든 거대한 지진으로 인해 연쇄적인 화산폭발이 일어나고 이로 인해 일본 전역이 바다 속으로 침몰해가는 엄청난 참사를 생생하게 그려낸 초대형 재난 블록버스터
Akira Funaki
A taut, economical policier-cum-gang-hostage thriller.
Takeshi Hongo / Kamen Rider 1
A physicist named Tetsuo Okita discovers a new mineral called "Satanium," which is more powerful than uranium and emits destructive effects to anyone exposed to it. However, Destron abducts Okita in hopes of finding the source of Satanium and collecting more of it to expedite their run for global domination. Kamen Rider V3 must act fast in rescuing Professor Okita and preventing Destron from collecting more of the deadly mineral.
Takeshi Hongo / Kamen Rider 1
During a battle against Destron's forces, Shiro Kazami helps a priest who has been attacked by the evil organization's kaijin Hasami-Jaguar. Little does he know that the church where the priest resides is a front for a Destron hideout. After finding out the organization's latest motive, Kamen Rider V3, along with the Double Riders, must stop Destron from detonating a nuclear bomb in Tokyo.
Takeshi Hongo / Kamen Rider 1
Takeshi Hongo and FBI agent Kazuya Taki fake their deaths when they are attacked by Shocker soldiers during a motocross race. They disguise themselves as Shocker soldiers and infiltrate the main headquarters, but it doesn't take too long for Ambassador Hell to find their whereabouts and trap them. Before he detonates a bomb within the base, Ambassador Hell tells Kamen Rider 1 and Taki that Shocker is preparing a giant laser capable of destroying cities. Our two heroes must escape from the base's self-destruction and stop Shocker from arming their latest weapon. Not only that, they must rescue Tachibana and the racing club, who have been abducted by Shocker's minions.
Takeshi Hongo / Kamen Rider Ichigo
Professor Daidōji has developed a gravity machine called the GX Device. Unfortunately, Shocker wants it; so they attack the professor and destroy his laboratory, but come home empty-handed. Shocker's agents find out that the plans for the GX Device are with Daidōji's daughter, who is celebrating her birthday. Now the Kamen Riders, along with FBI agent Kazuya Taki, must protect Daidōji's daughter and prevent Shocker from obtaining the plans.
Takeshi Hongo / Kamen Rider 1
The Shocker Organization sends two of its Inhumanoids to destroy an atomic plant, but their plan is foiled by an invisible barrier that surrounds the complex. Because of this, they abduct a top soccer player and convert him into Tokageron, a lizard Inhumanoid capable of kicking a 5 kg bomb to destroy the plant's barrier. Kamen Rider must once again combat the Shocker and prevent them from destroying the atomic plant.
Contrast between two outlooks on life: one of a poor factory worker and the other the heir to millions.
Comedy around a motorman and a conductor of a streetcar.
Two men succeed in opening a joint restaurant after hilarious troubles.
Nobuko and five male friends graduate from a high school, promising to remain friends forever. One year later, Nobuko is working as a mediocre actress for TV commercials, and the five men are wearing beards and have formed a psychedelic rock band. One day, Nobuko meets Jun, who draws cartoons based on his experiences.
Five young men have many financial troubles, but this only brings them closer together.
The spaceship AAB-Gamma is dispatched from FAFC headquarters in Japan to make a landing on the planet Mars and investigate reports of UFOs in the area. As they near the red planet, they encounter a mysterious UFO that coats the ship's hull with unusual spores. Taking one of the specimens back to earth, it soon develops and grows into a giant chicken-lizard-alien monster that tramples Japan.
Suzuko, a woman in her twenties who has a brother with political problems (due to communist reprisals), lives for over five years in a love affair with Tate who's a young lieutenant in the Army, ultimately becoming a right-wing fundamentalist revolutionary. She marries another man, one totally dedicated to the rigorous practices of Noh theatre, in an arranged marriage, but the bond that connects her with Tate is too strong.
The story of a selfless mother and her family throughout the decades, from th 1920's to the 1960's.
Also known as "History of a Man’s Face" and "By a Man's Face Shall You Know Him" . Immigrant gangs terrorize a Japanese town with their threats, loud jazz, and tasteless fashion sense, and only the tough but suave Dr. Amamiya (Ando) can stop them, as long as he gets rid of his silly peace-loving ideals.
Based on the autobiography of Noboru Andô .
Okamoto Musashi
Toru Emori leads the cast as Hirate Musashi while a Hiroshi Fujioka competes with him as Okamoto Musashi. They must not only contend with the Yoshioka and Yagyu fencing schools, but have to take on Chiyonosuke Azuma as Sasaki Kojiro, and deal with the women who pursue them for love. Unlike the Yoshikawa Eiji novel which is not historically accurate, this film offers a new view of Japan’s greatest hero! The film is based on the novel by Kosuke Gomi!