The TARDIS arrives on the planet Terra Alpha, where the Seventh Doctor and Ace discover a society in which sadness is against the law - a law enforced zealously by the brightly uniformed Happiness Patrol. The planet is ruled by Helen A with the aid of her companion, Joseph C, and her carnivorous pet Stigorax, Fifi.
"I wish I could write ... about what Spain was like - a real cause. Not just Cornford, Hemingway and Orwell, but the ordinary blokes who went." A confused industrial dispute at a London hospital triggers off in trade unionist George Harley 's mind memories of his days fighting in the Spanish Civil War, when the issues seemed so much clearer.
While on a bird-watching expedition, brother and sister Gordon and Jema Ross lose the oars of their dinghy and are forced to paddle ashore with their hands. They encounter a gang who smuggle immigrants into Britain...
이집트의 흥행사 알렉산더는 주변의 위협과 만류에도 불구하고 소년왕 라안테프의 미이라를 미국과 유럽 등지에서 전시할 계획을 세운다. 하지만 그는 전시회가 열리는 첫날, 라안테프의 관을 뜯는 순간 관이 비어 있는 것을 알게 된다. 몇천년 동안 잠들어 있던 미이라가 관 속에서 되살아 나온 것이다.
Born to twin sisters on the same day in London, France and Margaret are more like brother and sister than cousins. The close relationship between the cousins is suspended when Margaret is sent abroad for schooling. Now a young woman, Margaret returns to London and resumes her intimate connection with France.
A young train spotter heads to Staffordshire for a historic journey through a soon to be condemned tunnel. During his trip, he encounters a series of curious characters.
In Charenton Asylum, the Marquis de Sade directs a play about Jean Paul Marat's death, using the patients as actors. Based on 'The Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton Under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade', a 1963 play by Peter Weiss.
This once controversial British movie that was filmed in ‘62 but released in ‘65 involves the fiancé of a depressed American heiress searching for her whereabouts amongst the Chelsea “beatnik” scene. Answers are hard to come by from the nihilistic hedonist youth that know her - but they provide mysterious hints to wild parties, sex, death and necrophilia.