Phillip J. Roth

출생 : 1959-06-10, Portland, Oregon, USA


Phillip J. Roth is an American film producer, director and screenwriter who is known for making low-budget films. He is the founder of the Unified Film Organization in America and Bulgaria, which have released various action and science fiction films for television and home video markets.

참여 작품

Love's Greek to Me
When Ilana travels to Santorini with her Greek boyfriend Mike for his sister Alex's wedding, she's thrilled to be asked to be her American Maid of Honor. Mike surprises Ilana by proposing, leaving Ilana gets caught in the whirlwind created by his well-meaning and overly enthusiastic mother Athena.
A Paris Proposal
Emily and Sebastian travel to his hometown of Paris to land the Ad account of famed Durand Diamonds and end up in a tricky situation when the client mistakes them for a happy couple.
The Wedding Veil Journey
Co-Executive Producer
Tracy and Nick agree to set aside work to make time for a long overdue honeymoon to Greece. However, they soon find themselves confronting life choices when they get stranded on a secluded island.
Her Pen Pal
Event planner Victoria can’t wait to attend –- and plan –- her best friend’s wedding in Paris. But when she finds out her ex is bringing a date, Victoria reconnects with her French childhood pen pal.
자헤드: 귀환의 법칙
미국 상원 의원의 아들인 전투기 조종사가 시리아 영공을 비행하던 중 격추된다. 긴급 탈출로 기적적으로 생존하지만 곧 민병대의 포로가 된 상황. 이에 특수 부대원들이 현지로 급파되고, 조종사를 구해내기 위해 위험천만한 작전을 개시한다.
Paris, Wine & Romance
Isabella is the ambitious new owner of her family’s Oregon winery whose dream of becoming world-renowned takes a big step forward when she enters a prestigious wine competition in Paris. Upon arrival, Isabella meets her biggest competitor, Jacques, from one of the world’s foremost winemaking families. Impressed by Isabella and her expertise in wine, a budding romance develops between them.
데스 레이스 4: 비욘드 아나키
더이상 설명이 필요없다. 오로지 죽음의 레이스를 시작하는것이 그들의 목적이다.
인페르노 타워
평소 산악구조대를 꿈꿨던 브리아나는 남편 톰과 함께 유럽 최고층 건물인 UBX에서 만남을 가진다. 아이들 또한 부모님을 만나기 위해 UBX 타워로 오게 되지만, 그 순간 가스 유출 사고로 사상 최악의 화재 참사가 일어난다. 설상가상 아이들은 엘리베이터에 갇혀 버리고, 브리아나는 가족을 구하기 위해 직접 최악의 상황으로 뛰어 들어 우여곡절 끝에 아들 벤을 구해낸다. 그러나 엘리베이터 사고로 추락한 딸 앤의 행방은 아직 알 수 없다. 굳은 결심 끝에 브리아나는 직접 방독면을 쓰고 엘리베이터 사고가 난 곳으로 내려가는데… 주어진 시간이 얼마 없다! 필사의 사투를 벌이는 브리아나 가족은 다시 평범한 일상으로 돌아 갈 수 있을까,
Once Upon a Winter's Date
Katherine endures the worst Valentine's Day date of her life. On her way home a gypsy casts a magical spell on her. The next morning she soon realises she's reliving the day until she finds Mr Right.
스나이퍼: 고스트 슈터
미군 해병대 브랜든 베켓 특무상사(채드 마이클 콜린스)와 리차드 밀러 소령(빌리 제인)은 테러의 표적이 된 조지아의 천연가스 송유관 보호 임무를 맡는다. 지금까지 송유관을 보호해온 국민융합센터 CFC가 호주 에너지 업계 거물 킬리안 그룬의 가즈납 펌프장 시찰에 맞춰 도움을 요청한 것이다. 브랜든 베켓 부대원들은 킬리안 경호 작전에 투입되지만, 적군에게 해병대 저격수들의 위치가 노출되어 공격을 받는다. 브랜든은 테러의 우두머리인 아프가니스탄 군의 로샨 가자코프에게 위치를 알려준 내부의 배신자를 찾기 위해 카프카스 산맥에 위치한 도청기지로 향한다. 그곳에서 만난 보안담당자 조토브 소령의 주선으로 가자코프와 직접 접촉한 브랜든은 아무런 정보를 얻지 못하고 돌아온다. 그 후 본부는 가자코프가 코불레티의 압축장을 공격할 것이라는 첩보를 입수한다. 하지만 브랜든은 가자코프의 작전을 의심하는데...
자헤드 3: 포위 공격
반란군이 미국 대사관을 덮쳤다. 대사관을 지키던 해병대원들은 무방비 상태에서 적들을 마주하게 되는데. 지금부터 민간인을 보호해야 한다. 격렬한 전투에 목숨이 위협받는다 해도.
What starts off as a typical day on the streets of Seattle soon becomes a terrifying bloodbath, when a great white shark devours an alien space probe…and ROBOSHARK is born. The U.S. military comes after it with guns blazing, but it’s the power of social media that puts an ambitious newscaster and her tech-savvy daughter ahead of everyone else in the race to stop the destruction.
What starts off as a typical day on the streets of Seattle soon becomes a terrifying bloodbath, when a great white shark devours an alien space probe…and ROBOSHARK is born. The U.S. military comes after it with guns blazing, but it’s the power of social media that puts an ambitious newscaster and her tech-savvy daughter ahead of everyone else in the race to stop the destruction.
플래시드 vs 아나콘다
웩셀 제약회사는 밀렵꾼 짐 비커만(로버트 잉글런드)이 ‘블랙 레이크’ 야생 동물 보호구역에서 생포한 악어를 대상으로 실험을 실시한다. 열대 희귀 식물 혈난초 추출액과 아나콘다의 탈피 분비물을 혼합하여 개발한 세포 재생 화합물의 부작용을 해결하기 위한 것. 그런데 변형 세포 주사를 맞은 악어가 마취에서 깨어나면서 현장은 아수라장이 되고, 그 틈에 거대한 아나콘다와 전기 철책에 갇혀 있던 악어 떼들이 평화로운 ‘클리어 레이크’ 지역으로 향한다. 한편, 어류 & 야생 동물 관리국의 털리(코린 네멕)는 외동딸이 클리어 레이크로 엠티를 떠난다는 연락을 받는다. 그 후 리바 보안관(얀시 버틀러)을 통해 상황을 알게 된 털리는 그녀와 함께 클리어 레이크로 향한다. 그 사이 클리어 레이크에서는 악어가 여학생들을 습격하고, 곧이어 아나콘다와 악어가 맞서는 상황이 벌어지는데...
카자흐스탄 산속에 은둔하면서 독재 정권의 웹사이트를 공격하던 해커 드류(샘 헌팅턴)가 체포되어 CIA 불가리아 본부로 소환된다. 그곳에서 드류는 자신이 개발했던 프로그램 ‘판테온’의 키를 소지한 누군가가 해킹을 통해 시카고에 대규모 정전 사태를 일으켰다는 소식을 접한다. 곧이어 전세계를 마비시킬 수 있는 판테온 키가 경매 사이트에 오르자, CIA는 24시간 안에 회수하기 위한 작전을 계획한다. 총잭임자 홀든(제임스 칸)은 드류의 해킹에 대한 면책특권을 조건으로 작전 참여를 제안한다. 분노 조절 장애를 가진 피셔, 잠자리로 정보를 얻는 글로리아, 겁 많은 드미트리로 팀을 구성하고 작전에 참가한 드류는, 테러 세력의 브로커를 검거할 결정적인 기회를 번번이 놓치는데...
Promethean Kinetics has created Helios, a revolutionary clean coal energy source so powerful it rivals the force of the sun and will solve the energy crisis. But when certain governments start cutting safety measures required by Helios, the highly-explosive product begins to seep deep below the Earth's crust, producing giant blasts of fire and violent earthquakes above the surface. As cities shake and oceans boil, Eve Adams, creator of the Helios technology, rushes to investigate the subterranean phenomenon. As the situation becomes ever more dire, she is the only one who can save mankind, not to mention reputation.
바이킹 퀘스트
Erick, a young Viking warrior, joins forces with a rival clan in order to rescue a kidnapped princess from the great Midgard Serpent. It's a perilous task with a risk far greater than merely their own lives; by rescuing the princess, they might cause Ragnarök - the end of the world.
스나이퍼: 레거시
아프가니스탄에서 수행된 ‘센티넬’ 작전에 참여했던 장교들이 연달아 저격당하는 사건이 발생한다. 용의자는 작전에 참여했다가 변절한 육군 공격대원 데이비드 심슨. 작전을 지휘했던 대령으로부터 심슨을 제거하라는 명령을 받은 비드웰 소령은 타고난 저격수 브랜든 베켓 중사(채드 마이클 콜린스)를 작전에서 제외한다. 브랜든의 아버지인 전설적 저격수 토마스 베켓(톰 베린저)도 심슨에게 희생되었기 때문이다. 비드웰 소령의 팀이 심슨의 다음 표적인 쇼트 소령의 부대로 향하는 동안, 기지를 탈출한 브랜든은 목적지에 도착하여 잠복한다. 그 후 마약을 거래하는 테러범들을 소탕하려다가 실패하고 돌아온 쇼트 소령은 불시에 저격을 당한다. 혼란의 와중에 죽은 것으로 알려진 토마스 베켓이 심슨 앞에 모습을 드러내는데…
데드 캠프 6
대니는 입양된 청년으로 호텔을 상속받게 되서 친구들과 홈 스프링 호텔에 놀러오게 된다. 이 호텔 관리자인 셀리와 잭슨도 대니의 가족이지만 데니는 가족에 대해 아는 바가 없다.대니와 친구들은 옛날 가족사진들을 보다 잭슨에게서 호텔의 역사와 가족에 대해 알게된다. 대니는 잭슨과 함께 활 사냥에 나갔다가 빅은 마운틴맨이 죽은 동물을 먹고있는 걸 보게 되 도망치다 대니와 부딪혀 다치게 된다.
자헤드 2: 전쟁의 영웅들
아프가니스탄에 파견된 해병대원에게 위험천만한 미션이 주어진다. 탈레반에 반기를 들어 유명세를 얻은 여인의 탈출을 돕기 위한 작전이 시작된다.
Crystal Skulls
A millionaire philanthropist collects the famous Crystal Skulls trying to tap into their ancient powers. It is up to a team lead by a college professor whose father disappeared searching for the 13th skull to save the world when the first 12 skulls are united and reek havoc on the earth without the control of the 13th skull.
A scientist working on an energy project discovers his family have undergone strange changes in their personalities, while a series of natural disasters are happening across the globe. He realises that his work has accidentally pushed the planet forward in time seven seconds - and the loss of those few moments has had devastating effects on the world and the human race.
A scientist working on an energy project discovers his family have undergone strange changes in their personalities, while a series of natural disasters are happening across the globe. He realises that his work has accidentally pushed the planet forward in time seven seconds - and the loss of those few moments has had devastating effects on the world and the human race.
Taken: The Search for Sophie Parker
After her daughter is abducted in Russia, an NYPD detective goes out of her way to find and save her.
When a top-secret unmanned spacecraft disintegrates on re-entry, its mysterious military payload crash-lands in the crocodile habitat of a place called Adventure Land, a combination water park, amusement land, and world-famous crocodile exhibit. Following its pre-programmed instructions, the payload—a next-generation nanotech-based combat drone—finds a host in the form of the park’s prize twenty-foot Australian Saltwater crocodile, Stella. She is the largest saltwater croc in captivity. Immediately upon infecting its host, the drone payload’s nanobots begin to transform Stella from an organic living creature into a lethal killing machine with only a single directive: survival!
Invasion Roswell
After the American Army shot down a UFO in 1947, generations of elite commandos were secretly trained to deal with the aliens' feared return. However, the extra-terrestrials never came back and the elite force was disbanded. Sixty-six years after the Roswell crash, the aliens are invading Earth and only the over-the-hill retired commandos can stop them.
Jet Stream
A TV weatherman tries to prove his theory that a series of unexplained catastrophes are the result of powerful winds found in the upper atmosphere coming down to ground level. His claims attract the attention of government scientists, who need his help to control the phenomena before it destroys all life on Earth (
컴퍼니 오브 히어로즈
1944년 겨울. 독일의 마지막 공격이 펼쳐지던 제 2차 세계대전. 미군은 독일이 배후에서 끔찍한 전략을 꾸미고 있다는 사실을 알게 된다. 바로 히틀러가 비밀병기 핵 무기를 만들고 있다는 것! 미군은 히틀러 무기 프로그램의 결점을 찾기 위한 비밀 미션을 수행하게 된다. 이들은 독일군 심장부를 급습하고자 하는데...
Deadly Descent
Friends go on a snowy adventure and come face to face with a deadly creature.
데드 캠프 5
파티를 위해 페어 레이크를 찾은 한여자가 근처 숲에서 조깅을 하고 그러나 10여년의 역사의 산물인 마우틴맨의 등장에 여자는 여지없이 잔인한 방법으로 살해당하고 만다. 축제를 즐기기 위해 마을로 향하던 빌리와 친구들은 갑자기 등장한 노인으로 인해 차가 가로수에 부딪히는 사고를 당하고 문제의 노인은 마운틴맨을 호령하는자로서 그는 빌리와 친구들을 해치려 했지만 근처를 지나던 안젤라 경관에 의해 그들 모두 경찰서로 끌려가게 된다.
플래시드: 더 파이널 챕터
블랙 레이크에 또다시 악어철이 시작됐다. 환경보호국 수렵국 직원 리바와, 보안관 테레사는 호수로 정찰을 나갔다가 비정상적으로 거대해진 악어들을 목격한다. 늘어가는 악어로 주민들은 공포에 시달리고 미 육군에서는 전기 철책을 세운다. 먹잇감을 부족해진 악어들은 더욱 흉포해지고 서로를 잡아먹는다. 육군 공병대에서 파견나온 리안 로플린 중위의 아들 맥스는 전기 철책 게이트에서 일하고, 리안은 그런 아들이 불안하다. 어느 날, 수렵국 직원 데니스는 악어의 DNA를 체취하기 위해 밀렵꾼들과 함께 몰래 철책 안으로 숨어들어가고, 수상한 소리에 이끌린 맥스 또한 철책 안으로 사라진다. 한편 테레사의 딸 클로이는 친구들과 함께 졸업여행으로 캠핑을 떠난다. 운전사가 잘못 안내한 그 호숫가는 악어들의 출현지였고 먹잇감 냄새를 맡은 악어들이 하나씩 본색을 드러낸다. 젊음의 열기로 가득했던 캠핑장은 순식간에 아수라장이 되고 잔혹한 피로 물든다. 목숨을 건진 맥스와 캠핑장에서 구사일생으로 살아남은 클로이 일행은 악어에게 쫓기며 구조를 기다리고, 테레사와 리안, 리바는 아이들을 찾아 나선다. 한편 악어알을 노린 짐 비커맨은 맥스 일행을 이용하려 하는데….
A group of young boys inadvertently free the creature from captivity. Going on a rampage, the Boogeyman, whose origin dates back to the time of Genesis, targets an innocent child – whose father is the town Sheriff.
True Bloodthirst
Vampires and humans live in a future world where they co-exist – barely. Now, both groups find themselves under attack by a new species of super vampire. The surviving humans and vampires join forces to obliterate the vicious man-sized bat vampires which threaten to shatter the uneasy peace between the two species.
Black Forest
Tourists trapped in an enchanted forest do battle with evil fairy tale creatures.
Rage of the Yeti
A team of treasure hunters in the Arctic are attacked by ferocious snow beasts. Before long, the adventure is no longer about finding riches - it’s about getting down the mountain alive.
Ferocious humanoid creatures from the future come back to the present to devour humans.
레드 팩션: 오리진스
In the year 2125, Alec Mason led the Martian Colonies to freedom in the hit action game Red Faction: Guerrilla. Now, Syfy and THQ are teaming up to continue the saga of conflict on Mars 25 years later in an all-new Original Movie, Red Faction: Origins. Stargate Universe's Brian J. Smith stars as Jake Mason, son of revolutionary hero Alec Mason (Terminator 2's Robert Patrick) and a Red Faction ranger. Fighting to preserve Martian freedom, Jake encounters a powerful new enemy in a dangerous and mysterious group led by the charismatic Adam Hale (Torchwood's Gareth David-Lloyd) and holding secrets that will rock the Mason clan. Jake must now battle the relentless regime and somehow reunite a family torn apart by war. Red Faction: Origins also stars Battlestar Galactica's Kate Vernon and The Tudors' Tamzin Merchant, and will feature music from Bear McCreary (Battlestar Galactica).
Super Tanker
A meteorite brings a powerful element to the Earth during the Cold War, too powerful to ever be used it's contained until a decision is made to dispose of it in the depths of the ocean. During transit on the worlds largest and most secure Super Tanker a rogue wave damages the ship and releases the element which triggers a chain reaction in the environment and the political arena.
Cold Fusion
A UFO is shot down over Russia in the 1970s and the wreckage is taken to a secret research facility. When the Soviet Union collapses, the alien technology falls into the hands of a mysterious terrorist organisation, which uses it to create a devastating doomsday weapon. A team of secret agents is sent to stop the carnage.
Triassic Attack
A Native American owner of a kitschy roadside museum accidentally brings to life three dinosaur fossils. Now really annoyed, the giant dinos wreak havoc on the small town and the local university.
플래시드 3
수렵감시관은 그의 가족과 함께 한때 살인 악어들의 본거지였던 레이크 플래시드 인근으로 이주한다. 주민들은 이제 살인 악어는 모두 사라지고 평화롭다고 확신하고 있었다. 그러나 장난끼 많은 어린 아들은 새끼 악어를 발겨하고 비밀스럽게 먹이를 주며 키우기 시작한다. 악어들은 아주 빠르게 성장하고 급기야 서서히 인간사냥을 시작하는데....
Arctic Predator
A team searching for a long-lost ship in the Arctic unwittingly unleash an alien creature that looks like it's made of ice.
Dark Relic
1099 A.D.: A battle-weary knight leads his men home from the Holy Land after years of fighting. But the supposedly holy relic he’s carrying bears a terrible curse…
Annihilation Earth
Two scientists fight to save the planet after a group of terrorists destroy a particle accelerator.
Ghost Town
Reb Halland, who lives in the era of Wild West, has made a deal with the devil to gain immortality alog with his gang. Preacher McCready is trying to protect the small town by placing five totems around the town in the shape of pinnacle. One day, an collector passes by the town and sees one of the totems pinned to the earth and he decides to take it. When the man takes the totem out of ground Halland and his gang arrives and start killing everyone. The film moves to the present day when a group of college students driving back home from another city after a debate contest suddenly find themselves at this town. Soon they start to be murdered one by one, and it will be up to them to find the secret of this town and destroy Halland and his gang.
데드 캠프 3
죄수들을 호송하던 차량이 어떤 미친광이에 의해 전복되고 탈주범들은 교도관들을 인질로 잡지만, 미치광이 살인마에게 희생되고 만다. 한편 그 곳에 캠핑온 젊은 남녀들도 미치광이의 표적이 되는데...
Lightning Strikes
A rural sheriff (Kevin Sorbo) faces a seemingly impossible battle when he is forced to defend his small town from a demon riding bolts of lightning and causing mayhem.
Lightning Strikes
A rural sheriff (Kevin Sorbo) faces a seemingly impossible battle when he is forced to defend his small town from a demon riding bolts of lightning and causing mayhem.
Lightning Strikes
A rural sheriff (Kevin Sorbo) faces a seemingly impossible battle when he is forced to defend his small town from a demon riding bolts of lightning and causing mayhem.
Star Runners
Two space smugglers are caught by the government and told if they deliver a crate to a certain location the charges will be forgotten. Turns out the crate is the key to a cover up and other parties want it to.
부기맨 3
대학교내 방송을 진행하고있는 사라. 어느날 아버지의 장례식에서 돌아온 친구 '오드리'에게 부기맨이 자기의 아버지를 죽였고, 자신도 곧 죽임을 당할거라는 말을 듣게 된다. 두려워 하는 오드리를 달래주던 사라. 하지만 결국 오드리는 부기맨에게 죽임을 당하고 이 장면을 목격하게 된 사라는 기숙사 친구들에게 부기맨의 존재에 대해 말하지만, 모두 믿지 않는다. 그렇지만 기숙사안에서 친구들이 하나둘씩 의문의 죽음을 맞이하면서 기숙사는 큰 공포에 빠지는데...
Rock Monster
A college student, traveling with his friends to a remote eastern-European village, unwittingly releases the Rock Monster from it's ancient slumber to wreak havoc on the surrounding countryside
Ghost Voyage
A group of passengers plot their escape off a haunted ship to hell.
Monster Ark
Archaeologist Nicholas Zavaterro and his student find an antique vase with an inscription that points to where Noah's Ark is hidden. They decide to go looking, but things get out of control when they encounter opposing forces, including a monster named Tama.
플래시드 2
미 북부 뉴잉글랜드주 플래시드 호수. 샘플 채취중이던 환경보호청 직원이 물에 빠져 알 수 없는 거대한 물체에 의해 죽음을 당한다. 동료인 밀스는 곧바로 그 지역 경찰 서장인 라일리에게 알리고, 밀스와 어류 야생 동물청의 에마가 그와 함께 조사를 나간다. 한편 호수에서 물놀이를 하던 일행이 습격을 받고, 라일리의 아들 스콧은 그 지역 젊은이들과 함께 호수 건너편으로 야영을 가는데...
Reign of the Gargoyles
During World War 2 a group of brave US Airmen are downed in Nazi controlled Europe, after their aircraft is attacked by Nazi-controlled mythological Gargoyles.
베오울프 2 : 전설의 용사
"태고시절 후로스갈 왕이 통치하던 왕국은, 거인 그렌델의 습격으로 멸망의 위기에 처해 있다. 위기를 알게 된 용사 베오울프는 바다를 건너 후로스갈 왕을 방문한다. 베오울프의 지휘 하에 그렌델과의 장렬한 싸움이 시작된다. 베오울프는 그렌델의 약점을 간파하고 한 쪽 팔을 잘라 퇴치한다. 왕국이 환희에 가득 찬 것도 잠깐, 더욱 큰 암운이 왕국에 드리운다. 그렌델의 어미이자 거대한 날개를 가진 야수 허그가 복수심에 불타 습격해 온 것이다. 허그를 쓰러뜨릴 무기는 전설의 검 에일테스 뿐. 베오울프는 왕국의 운명을 짊어지고 최후의 대결에 나선다. "
Basilisk: The Serpent King
Second Unit Director
Two millennia ago, a Lybian king has a basilisk (snake-shaped dragon), which petrifies people, subjected to the same fate with a golden scepter during a solar eclipse. Both these and several victims are dug up by modern archaeologist Harrison 'Harry' McColl's expedition. Despite a cryptic warning from tribal locals, everything goes to his Colorado university's museum. It's all exhibited during another eclipse, which leads to the monster reviving. Harry and some of his friends must try to petrify the monster again.
Basilisk: The Serpent King
Two millennia ago, a Lybian king has a basilisk (snake-shaped dragon), which petrifies people, subjected to the same fate with a golden scepter during a solar eclipse. Both these and several victims are dug up by modern archaeologist Harrison 'Harry' McColl's expedition. Despite a cryptic warning from tribal locals, everything goes to his Colorado university's museum. It's all exhibited during another eclipse, which leads to the monster reviving. Harry and some of his friends must try to petrify the monster again.
Dragon Dynasty
A group of European explorers returning from China battle a pair of dragons sent by an evil wizard intent on keeping his land a secret.
When a volcano expert becomes convinced that a cataclysmic natural disaster is about to unfold, a volcanologist Professor John Shepherd and his graduate students believes that recent unexplainable volcanic activity as all of the volcanoes in the world are going to erupt and kill every living thing on the planet! They try to convince the government that their theory is true not a joke while also trying to figure out how to stop it before time runs out!
During Operation Iraqi Freedom, a US Army Squad is sent to a small Iraqi town to locate a missing news crew, only to find the residents of the town dead and a living weapon of mass destruction, a Manticore, awakened from its long slumber by a terrorist leader wanting to rid his land of the American invaders at any price.
로커스트 토네이도
A group of scientists try to stop a swarm of flesh-eating locusts that escape from a top secret government lab in the USA Midwest.
저지먼트 데이:  지구붕괴
알래스카 앞 바다 유전 기지에서 폭발사고가 발생되고, 글로벌 기업인 스타크에서 극비리에 개발한 나노 입자 ‘셀레나’가 유출되는 사건이 일어나고 만다. 셀레나는 끝없이 자기 복제를 반복하며, 접촉한 물질을 먹어치우는 파괴의 마신 그 자체. 셀레나의 맹위는 사상 최대의 거대한 폭풍이 되고, 온갖 천재지변이 인류를 덮치게 된다. 한편, 글로벌 기업 스타크의 움직임이 심상치 않음을 눈치 챈 전직 리포터 캐서린은 유전회사의 사원으로 일하면서 진실을 폭로하려고 하지만, 사고를 은폐하려는 스타크의 음모로 환경 테러리스트로 몰려 쫓기는 몸이 되고, 스타크의 극비문서 중에 이름이 있었던 기후학자 나단 박사를 찾아간다. 그리고 두 사람은 천재지변과 스타크의 음모를 폭로하고자 군대의 협조를 얻어 맞서게 되나 군의 총력을 기울인 공격에도 불구하고 종말의 시각은 시시각각 다가온다. 유일한 희망은 전자 펄스 폭탄을 이용한 폭파작전 뿐이다.
Phantom Force
The Venture, an old trident nuclear submarine retrofitted for research, has picked up an ancient and powerful artifact off the ocean floor and brought it aboard. Called the Hades Stone, it allows the dead to pass through a portal into the world of the living. No one has entered the portal, but evil things have emerged: phantoms, demons, and an ancient being known as the Stone Keeper, guardian of the Hades Stone. The Stone Keeper and his stone demons promptly attack, killing the entire crew and commandeering the submarine. Now, it is up to the elite Phantom Force team to stop him.
드래곤 스톰
Executive Producer
중세 시대, 외계에서 떨어진 용의 알들이 부화되고 이 용들은 패스트래드 왕의 성을 공격하여 불태운다. 성을 잃은 패스트래드왕은 이웃나라 웬스베리 왕국으로 피신을 하게 되고, 웬스베리 왕은 용을 물리칠 대원들을 모집하기 시작하는데...
다크 라이트
과거의 기억을 잃어버린 엘르는 자신의 출생의 비밀을 찾으면서 평화로운 나날을 보낸다. 그러던 어느 날 엘르는 윌리엄이란 남자로부터 경악할만한 사실을 듣게 된다. 그녀는 늙지도 죽지도 않는 육체와 경이로운 에너지 ‘다크 라이트’를 가진 악마이고 윌리엄이 소속돼 있는 비밀조직 ‘페이스(Faith)'가 그녀의 기억을 지웠으며 그녀의 힘은 봉인되어 있다는 것이다. 그리고 한편으론 수명 연장의 연구를 하던 남자가 ‘다크 라이트’를 손에 넣은 뒤 불사신의 괴물이 되어 살육을 저지른다는 것도 알게 된다. 윌리엄은 괴물에 맞서 엘르가 다시 ‘그린 라이트’를 사용할 수 있게 하기 위해 기억의 봉인을 푼다. 넘치는 파워와 함께 찾아온 악마로서의 기억... 그녀는 과거의 실수를 갚고 세계를 구하기 위해 일어선다.
보아 대 비단뱀
거대한 식인 파이톤이 운송도중 사고로 트레일러를 빠져 나와 사냥꾼들을 모두 해치우는 사건이 발생한다. 이에 악명 높은 사냥꾼 이브와 브로드릭은 한 몫 잡으려는 목적으로 프로 헌터들로 구성된 팀을 구성하고 사냥에 나선다. 한편 FBI는 파이톤을 비밀리에 잡기 위해 뇌에 특수 장치를 장착한 베티라고 불리우는 거대한 실험용 뱀 보아를 이용하지만, 베티는 파이톤과 만나 짝짓기를 하여 알을 낳고 보호하려 한다. 하지만 알들이 사냥꾼들에게 파괴되고 파이톤에게 먹혀버리자 추적팀과 헌터들은 베티와 파이톤에게 산채로 먹히거나 죽임을 당하게 되는데.. 연출을 맡은 데이비드 플로레스 감독은 2000년 의 편집에 참여하면서 영화경력을 쌓기 시작했다. 2002년에는 비디오 시장에 폭발적인 센세이션을 일으킨 대형 뱀 와 의 편집자로 장편 영화 제작에 참여한 바 있다. 보아와 파이톤을 대결시키자는 제작자들의 드림 프로젝트는 2년의 기간을 가진 뒤 당시 두 영화를 모두 편집했던 데이비드 플로레스에게 주어진 것이다. (채널 CGV)
Dark Waters
Moneyless, ocean-exploring gigolo and his worldly lady-friend are forced to take part in looking into the possibility that aggression - utilizing marine life - is being planned.
Dark Waters
Moneyless, ocean-exploring gigolo and his worldly lady-friend are forced to take part in looking into the possibility that aggression - utilizing marine life - is being planned.
Dark Waters
Moneyless, ocean-exploring gigolo and his worldly lady-friend are forced to take part in looking into the possibility that aggression - utilizing marine life - is being planned.
Epoch Evolution
10 years since the the first Alien object called Torus arose, two more have risen. The first torus changed the worlds view dramatically not just political but even on a religious basis. Dr. Mason Rand is on the run from religious zealots, Genesis Coalition, who fear the epidemic ramifications that will be brought on because of what DR. Rand knows.
Maximum Velocity
After a comet passes the Earth it causes a cataclysmic storm. Only a disbanded government unit with a secret weather-manipulating weapon can try to stop it.
Maximum Velocity
After a comet passes the Earth it causes a cataclysmic storm. Only a disbanded government unit with a secret weather-manipulating weapon can try to stop it.
Deep Shock
When an unknown underwater object disables an American nuclear-powered submarine and attacks a submerged Arctic research complex, a scientific expedition flies to the North Pole to investigate these incidents as well as the sudden, inexplicable rise in temperature that threatens to melt the ice cap and flood the surface of the world.
Deep Shock
When an unknown underwater object disables an American nuclear-powered submarine and attacks a submerged Arctic research complex, a scientific expedition flies to the North Pole to investigate these incidents as well as the sudden, inexplicable rise in temperature that threatens to melt the ice cap and flood the surface of the world.
Deep Shock
When an unknown underwater object disables an American nuclear-powered submarine and attacks a submerged Arctic research complex, a scientific expedition flies to the North Pole to investigate these incidents as well as the sudden, inexplicable rise in temperature that threatens to melt the ice cap and flood the surface of the world.
Rapid Exchange
To break the plane during flight 747 and steal a quarter of a billion dollars is needed pervaded team, however, the members are given betrayals that can spoil the coup.
Silent Warnings
In a small Oregon town, mysterious crop circles have begun appearing in Joe's corn fields. When Joe's cousin, his five college friends and local Sheriff Willingham happen upon the otherworldly designs, they unleash unfathomable terror.
Dragon Fighter
The movie begins in Southern England in the Middle Ages and then six knights are seen riding in horses towards a destroyed town. They see the remains of burned buildings and dead people until they come upon a mother and her dead baby. She quickly dies and then a rhino-sized dragon flies overhead, the knights follow right behind, vowing to kill the creature.
Dragon Fighter
The movie begins in Southern England in the Middle Ages and then six knights are seen riding in horses towards a destroyed town. They see the remains of burned buildings and dead people until they come upon a mother and her dead baby. She quickly dies and then a rhino-sized dragon flies overhead, the knights follow right behind, vowing to kill the creature.
Dragon Fighter
The movie begins in Southern England in the Middle Ages and then six knights are seen riding in horses towards a destroyed town. They see the remains of burned buildings and dead people until they come upon a mother and her dead baby. She quickly dies and then a rhino-sized dragon flies overhead, the knights follow right behind, vowing to kill the creature.
After a terrorist with an implanted nuclear detonator gets shot, a team of scientists must defuse the bomb by miniaturizing themselves and going into his bloodstream. His organism's antibodies start to mass against them.
Interceptor Force 2
In the not too distant future a new team of specially trained government soldiers called an Interception Team contend with the latest hostile alien encounter. When an alien scout ship crashes in eastern Russia, Sean Lambert and his elite force are dispatched to investigate. They come face-to-face with a seemingly invincible seven-foot tall, shape shifting foe hell-bent on blowing up a Russian nuclear power plant in an effort to destroy mankind through a nuclear winter. The stakes become personal when the alien discovers it was Lambert who killed its mate four years ago (Interceptor Force). A major battle ensues as the Interceptor Team look to save the Earth from alien annihilation.
Interceptor Force 2
In the not too distant future a new team of specially trained government soldiers called an Interception Team contend with the latest hostile alien encounter. When an alien scout ship crashes in eastern Russia, Sean Lambert and his elite force are dispatched to investigate. They come face-to-face with a seemingly invincible seven-foot tall, shape shifting foe hell-bent on blowing up a Russian nuclear power plant in an effort to destroy mankind through a nuclear winter. The stakes become personal when the alien discovers it was Lambert who killed its mate four years ago (Interceptor Force). A major battle ensues as the Interceptor Team look to save the Earth from alien annihilation.
Dark Descent
Deep in the Mariana Sea Trench, a corporate underwater mining complex has been built - an industrial Atlantis. When an accident in a dry-dock chamber kills several miners an investigator is sent to find the cause and immediately finds out that it was not an accident. He becomes caught in the middle of a deadly conflict between the miners and the corporation, and fights to stay alive and uncover the truth.
Dark Descent
Deep in the Mariana Sea Trench, a corporate underwater mining complex has been built - an industrial Atlantis. When an accident in a dry-dock chamber kills several miners an investigator is sent to find the cause and immediately finds out that it was not an accident. He becomes caught in the middle of a deadly conflict between the miners and the corporation, and fights to stay alive and uncover the truth.
Python 2
A man, his business partner, and his wife are enlisted to transport an unknown object from a Russian military base, only to discover that the object is a giant, genetically-altered python.
Two teams are in a heated race for the money and the honor that comes with breaking the land speed world record.
New Alcatraz
Paleontologist Robert Trenton is called to Northeastern Antarctica near the Indian Ocean to help the FBI build an underground maximum-security military base and prison for the world's most dangerous criminals and terrorists, which is dubbed "New Alcatrax" by the staff. While building the prison, the staff accidentally awaken and unleash a prehistoric Boa Constrictor from its 200 year hibernation.
New Alcatraz
Paleontologist Robert Trenton is called to Northeastern Antarctica near the Indian Ocean to help the FBI build an underground maximum-security military base and prison for the world's most dangerous criminals and terrorists, which is dubbed "New Alcatrax" by the staff. While building the prison, the staff accidentally awaken and unleash a prehistoric Boa Constrictor from its 200 year hibernation.
Hyper Sonic
In order to win $25 million, Daredevil pilots enter the worlds fastest jet race.
Hyper Sonic
In order to win $25 million, Daredevil pilots enter the worlds fastest jet race.
Hyper Sonic
In order to win $25 million, Daredevil pilots enter the worlds fastest jet race.
Disaster strikes as a specialised team of investigators struggle to find out the truth about a strange monolith which sends out an intercontinental signal.
Disaster strikes as a specialised team of investigators struggle to find out the truth about a strange monolith which sends out an intercontinental signal.
Lost Voyage
Twenty five years ago, the SS Corona Queen disappeared in the region known as, "The Bermuda Triangle". Now, it has returned. Seven people go on board to learn the truth behind her disappearance but the ship did not return alone...
Shark Hunter
The Megalodon shark. A prehistoric killing machine 60 feet long, flashing 200 pounds of teeth and weighing over 20 tons. It's the deadliest predator the world has ever seen. The scientists say it's been extinct for more than 10,000 years. The scientists are wrong. In the darkness of the deep, an underwater research station has been viciously destroyed. Now a tough team of daring divers led by Spencer Northcutt [Antonio Sabato Jr. "Melrose Place"] is taking an experimental sub to war. It's killer instinct vs. sophisticated technology, deadly jaws vs. harpoon-tipped torpedoes, mega-shark vs. modern man is a thrilling extreme deep sea fight to the death.
Shark Hunter
The Megalodon shark. A prehistoric killing machine 60 feet long, flashing 200 pounds of teeth and weighing over 20 tons. It's the deadliest predator the world has ever seen. The scientists say it's been extinct for more than 10,000 years. The scientists are wrong. In the darkness of the deep, an underwater research station has been viciously destroyed. Now a tough team of daring divers led by Spencer Northcutt [Antonio Sabato Jr. "Melrose Place"] is taking an experimental sub to war. It's killer instinct vs. sophisticated technology, deadly jaws vs. harpoon-tipped torpedoes, mega-shark vs. modern man is a thrilling extreme deep sea fight to the death.
Falcon Down
U.S. Air force officer Hank Thomas attempts to expose a military cover-up after a civiian airliner crashes.
Falcon Down
U.S. Air force officer Hank Thomas attempts to expose a military cover-up after a civiian airliner crashes.
Project: Human Weapon
Griffin Michael is the only survivor of a top-secret C.I.A. program that raised five people to become superweapons—human killing machines. Griffin has been trained to use his mind as a weapon: with a small brain impulse he can move objects hundreds of times his own weight, and can kill with a single thought. Now he is about to be released from the remote secret facility where he has been raised, and unleashed on an unsuspecting world...
Project: Human Weapon
Griffin Michael is the only survivor of a top-secret C.I.A. program that raised five people to become superweapons—human killing machines. Griffin has been trained to use his mind as a weapon: with a small brain impulse he can move objects hundreds of times his own weight, and can kill with a single thought. Now he is about to be released from the remote secret facility where he has been raised, and unleashed on an unsuspecting world...
Dillan Johansen is a disorganized transit authority supervisor suffering from a serious personal tragedy. Dillan's bravery is put to the test the day a major earthquake hits Los Angeles and traps Dillan in an underground tunnel with a handful of subway riders. Dillan works underground to save the panicked citizens from raging fire, rushing water, and a secret cache of toxic chemicals.
Deep Core
A powerful laser machine rips the core of the earth causing earthquakes and tsunamis, and only one man and his team can save the planet from destruction. Will they succeed?
Deep Core
A powerful laser machine rips the core of the earth causing earthquakes and tsunamis, and only one man and his team can save the planet from destruction. Will they succeed?
폭풍이 몹시 치던 어느날 밤, 정체를 알 수 없는 화물을 싣고 가던 비행기 한대가 산으로 추락한다. 산 근처 마을에 사는 그렉, 존(John Cooper: 프레인 로사노프 분), 테레사(Theresa: 사라 모넬 분)는 모두 어린 시절부터 같이 자라온 친구들이다. 형과 함께 도금 공장을 운영하는 존은 산악 자전거 타기를 즐기는 역동적인 남자이고, 그렉은 마을 보안관으로 일하고 있다. 하지만 존과 그렉은 최근 크리스틴(Kristin: 다나 바론 분)을 사이에 두고 갈등하는 불편한 관계이기도 하다.
폭풍이 몹시 치던 어느날 밤, 정체를 알 수 없는 화물을 싣고 가던 비행기 한대가 산으로 추락한다. 산 근처 마을에 사는 그렉, 존(John Cooper: 프레인 로사노프 분), 테레사(Theresa: 사라 모넬 분)는 모두 어린 시절부터 같이 자라온 친구들이다. 형과 함께 도금 공장을 운영하는 존은 산악 자전거 타기를 즐기는 역동적인 남자이고, 그렉은 마을 보안관으로 일하고 있다. 하지만 존과 그렉은 최근 크리스틴(Kristin: 다나 바론 분)을 사이에 두고 갈등하는 불편한 관계이기도 하다.
Escape Under Pressure
A luxury cruise liner is requisitioned by the Greek government in an attempt to give safe passage to national treasures worth millions of pounds. The liner is attacked by an art collector who finds out about the plan. During the hijack the liner sinks to the sea floor and so begins a fight for survival as the remaining air begins to run out.
Escape Under Pressure
A luxury cruise liner is requisitioned by the Greek government in an attempt to give safe passage to national treasures worth millions of pounds. The liner is attacked by an art collector who finds out about the plan. During the hijack the liner sinks to the sea floor and so begins a fight for survival as the remaining air begins to run out.
A top secret government study involving the manipulation of the weather goes awry, leaving L.A. in the path of a destructive hurricane. A meteorologist sets out to save the city.
액션 무제한 죽이지 않으면 내가 죽는다!!! 전직 군인으로 비밀임무를 수행하는 숀과 그의팀 인터셉터 포스는 웨버박사의 명령으로 멕시코의 한 마을 엘 데스칸조에 추락한 전투기의 블랙 박스를 수거하기 위해 박사가 추천한 통신 전문가 지나와 전자기장 전문가 페레즈와 함께 파견된다. 하지만 전투기 추락으로는 도저히 생길 수 없는 거대한 분화구에 대원들은 의문을 품고 대원 중 한명인 데이빗이 뜻모를 죽음을 당한다. 한편 숀 일행은 엘 데스칸조의 갱단과 싸움을 벌이게 되고 싸우던 중 죽은 데이빗이 살아서 벽을 뚫고 나와 갱단을 죽이는 모습을 본 숀과 지나는 놀라움을 금치 못한다. 그러나 데이빗은 진짜 살아난 것이 아니라 무언가가 데이빗으로 위장을 한 것. 숀은 지나와 페레즈를 위협해 그 분화구가 전투기 추락이 아닌 UFO 추락으로 생긴 것이고 미지의 생명체가 인간의 목숨을 앗아가며 활동한다는 사실을 알게 된다. 결국 이들은 처음 계획과는 달리 외계인을 상대로 싸우게 된다. 웨버박사는 정해진 시간 안에 외계인을 처치하고 탈출하지 못하면 숀 일행의 생존 여부에 상관없이 핵무기를 발사하여 완전히 마을을 파괴할 것이라고 말한다. 숀 일행은 외계인이 일반인들까지 노리고 있다는 것을 알고 갱단과 협력하여 외계인을 죽이려고 한다. 괴력을 발휘하는 외계인은 계속해서 다른 사람의 모습으로 변신하며 틈을 보이지 않고 공격하지만 숀과 지나는 다행히 외계인 파괴에 성공한다. 그러나 통신위성의 손상으로 본부와 연락이 끊어지고 그 틈을 타 파괴된 외계인의 시체는 다시 합쳐져 부활해 다른 대원들을 죽인다. 한편 웨버박사는 이들에게 연락이 없자 비행 대대를 급파해 멕시코의 엘 데스칸조에 핵무기를 발사한다. 결국 엘 데스칸조는 영원히 지구상에서 사라지고 폐허 속에서 숀만 살아남는다.
액션 무제한 죽이지 않으면 내가 죽는다!!! 전직 군인으로 비밀임무를 수행하는 숀과 그의팀 인터셉터 포스는 웨버박사의 명령으로 멕시코의 한 마을 엘 데스칸조에 추락한 전투기의 블랙 박스를 수거하기 위해 박사가 추천한 통신 전문가 지나와 전자기장 전문가 페레즈와 함께 파견된다. 하지만 전투기 추락으로는 도저히 생길 수 없는 거대한 분화구에 대원들은 의문을 품고 대원 중 한명인 데이빗이 뜻모를 죽음을 당한다. 한편 숀 일행은 엘 데스칸조의 갱단과 싸움을 벌이게 되고 싸우던 중 죽은 데이빗이 살아서 벽을 뚫고 나와 갱단을 죽이는 모습을 본 숀과 지나는 놀라움을 금치 못한다. 그러나 데이빗은 진짜 살아난 것이 아니라 무언가가 데이빗으로 위장을 한 것. 숀은 지나와 페레즈를 위협해 그 분화구가 전투기 추락이 아닌 UFO 추락으로 생긴 것이고 미지의 생명체가 인간의 목숨을 앗아가며 활동한다는 사실을 알게 된다. 결국 이들은 처음 계획과는 달리 외계인을 상대로 싸우게 된다. 웨버박사는 정해진 시간 안에 외계인을 처치하고 탈출하지 못하면 숀 일행의 생존 여부에 상관없이 핵무기를 발사하여 완전히 마을을 파괴할 것이라고 말한다. 숀 일행은 외계인이 일반인들까지 노리고 있다는 것을 알고 갱단과 협력하여 외계인을 죽이려고 한다. 괴력을 발휘하는 외계인은 계속해서 다른 사람의 모습으로 변신하며 틈을 보이지 않고 공격하지만 숀과 지나는 다행히 외계인 파괴에 성공한다. 그러나 통신위성의 손상으로 본부와 연락이 끊어지고 그 틈을 타 파괴된 외계인의 시체는 다시 합쳐져 부활해 다른 대원들을 죽인다. 한편 웨버박사는 이들에게 연락이 없자 비행 대대를 급파해 멕시코의 엘 데스칸조에 핵무기를 발사한다. 결국 엘 데스칸조는 영원히 지구상에서 사라지고 폐허 속에서 숀만 살아남는다.
A top secret government study involving the manipulation of the weather goes awry, leaving L.A. in the path of a destructive hurricane. A meteorologist sets out to save the city.
Velocity Trap
In a desolate and treachorous region of space known as the Velocity Run, a heavily armored ship passes every six months. It carries billions of Universal Dollars between the colonies and the Central Bank on Earth. Hard currency has returned due to rampant electronic crime. Now a team of highly trained mercenaries are about to commit the perfect crime in a place where evidence and witnesses have no chance of survival. In this deadly corridor of space, a single man must stop them.
Velocity Trap
In a desolate and treachorous region of space known as the Velocity Run, a heavily armored ship passes every six months. It carries billions of Universal Dollars between the colonies and the Central Bank on Earth. Hard currency has returned due to rampant electronic crime. Now a team of highly trained mercenaries are about to commit the perfect crime in a place where evidence and witnesses have no chance of survival. In this deadly corridor of space, a single man must stop them.
Velocity Trap
In a desolate and treachorous region of space known as the Velocity Run, a heavily armored ship passes every six months. It carries billions of Universal Dollars between the colonies and the Central Bank on Earth. Hard currency has returned due to rampant electronic crime. Now a team of highly trained mercenaries are about to commit the perfect crime in a place where evidence and witnesses have no chance of survival. In this deadly corridor of space, a single man must stop them.
Set in some distant future, one man must restore order when a mainframe system crashes in a virtual reality prison where computers control the inmates thoughts.
Set in some distant future, one man must restore order when a mainframe system crashes in a virtual reality prison where computers control the inmates thoughts.
Total Reality
David Bradley, stars as the roguish soldier Anthony Rand, who follows a ruthless general back through time in a last ditch attempt to save the universe.
Total Reality
David Bradley, stars as the roguish soldier Anthony Rand, who follows a ruthless general back through time in a last ditch attempt to save the universe.
Total Reality
David Bradley, stars as the roguish soldier Anthony Rand, who follows a ruthless general back through time in a last ditch attempt to save the universe.
Total Reality
David Bradley, stars as the roguish soldier Anthony Rand, who follows a ruthless general back through time in a last ditch attempt to save the universe.
Digital Man
An out-of-control robot is inadvertently set loose in a small community, and a crack squad of soldiers are sent to hunt it down. Gradually, the members of the squad begin to suspect that some of them are robots.
Digital Man
An out-of-control robot is inadvertently set loose in a small community, and a crack squad of soldiers are sent to hunt it down. Gradually, the members of the squad begin to suspect that some of them are robots.
Digital Man
An out-of-control robot is inadvertently set loose in a small community, and a crack squad of soldiers are sent to hunt it down. Gradually, the members of the squad begin to suspect that some of them are robots.
A time-travel experiment in which a robot probe is sent from the year 2073 to the year 1973 goes terribly wrong thrusting one of the project scientists,into a plague ravaged alternate time-line whose war weary inhabitants are locked in a constant battle with killer robots from the future.
A time-travel experiment in which a robot probe is sent from the year 2073 to the year 1973 goes terribly wrong thrusting one of the project scientists,into a plague ravaged alternate time-line whose war weary inhabitants are locked in a constant battle with killer robots from the future.
A time-travel experiment in which a robot probe is sent from the year 2073 to the year 1973 goes terribly wrong thrusting one of the project scientists,into a plague ravaged alternate time-line whose war weary inhabitants are locked in a constant battle with killer robots from the future.
Rule No. 3
Fact-based story of a con artist (Mitchell Cox, who also scripted and directed) who juggles two swindles while trying to avoid the law.
Los Angeles - 2057 - a lawless, war-torn terrain and home to Chandra, a beautiful but deadly young woman, and Hawkiins, a tough ex-soldier whose career was terminated by crippling wounds. No longer lovers, the pair still share erotic and disturbing psychosexual dreams. After a brilliant research scientist experiments on Hawkins, he is dramatically transformed into the Prototype - half-man, half-robotic machine and all-warrior. But, when the experiment gets badly out of control, the deadly Prototype escapes and goes hunting for Chandra, his prime target for elimination. In an explosive climax, the ultimate battle commences to determine whether mankind or machines will survive to rule the Earth.
Los Angeles - 2057 - a lawless, war-torn terrain and home to Chandra, a beautiful but deadly young woman, and Hawkiins, a tough ex-soldier whose career was terminated by crippling wounds. No longer lovers, the pair still share erotic and disturbing psychosexual dreams. After a brilliant research scientist experiments on Hawkins, he is dramatically transformed into the Prototype - half-man, half-robotic machine and all-warrior. But, when the experiment gets badly out of control, the deadly Prototype escapes and goes hunting for Chandra, his prime target for elimination. In an explosive climax, the ultimate battle commences to determine whether mankind or machines will survive to rule the Earth.
Los Angeles - 2057 - a lawless, war-torn terrain and home to Chandra, a beautiful but deadly young woman, and Hawkiins, a tough ex-soldier whose career was terminated by crippling wounds. No longer lovers, the pair still share erotic and disturbing psychosexual dreams. After a brilliant research scientist experiments on Hawkins, he is dramatically transformed into the Prototype - half-man, half-robotic machine and all-warrior. But, when the experiment gets badly out of control, the deadly Prototype escapes and goes hunting for Chandra, his prime target for elimination. In an explosive climax, the ultimate battle commences to determine whether mankind or machines will survive to rule the Earth.
Los Angeles - 2057 - a lawless, war-torn terrain and home to Chandra, a beautiful but deadly young woman, and Hawkiins, a tough ex-soldier whose career was terminated by crippling wounds. No longer lovers, the pair still share erotic and disturbing psychosexual dreams. After a brilliant research scientist experiments on Hawkins, he is dramatically transformed into the Prototype - half-man, half-robotic machine and all-warrior. But, when the experiment gets badly out of control, the deadly Prototype escapes and goes hunting for Chandra, his prime target for elimination. In an explosive climax, the ultimate battle commences to determine whether mankind or machines will survive to rule the Earth.
Red Snow
When a snowboard instructor uncovers clues to a high stakes robbery, he finds himself in a high speed gun fight with his life on the line. He realizes he is the one pinned for murder and must hunt down the real killer and survive a dangerous glacier.
Red Snow
When a snowboard instructor uncovers clues to a high stakes robbery, he finds himself in a high speed gun fight with his life on the line. He realizes he is the one pinned for murder and must hunt down the real killer and survive a dangerous glacier.
Sitting Target
Cop/ex-special forces officer Tony Rico crosses the mob by refusing to sell-out, even after he finds that his father is on their payroll. In a shoot-out, Tony is trapped in an exploding house that leaves him near death and comatose, with over 90 percent of his body burned. Five years later, a man wakes up in a coma ward—a man with no past, whose face has been reconstructed with plastic surgery. A scientist researching memory recovery begins to piece together the unknown man's past, and consequently, the past of Tony Rico comes to light. But the mob has not forgotten and Tony's life is still in jeopardy. When Tony's father discovers that his son is alive, he attempts to rescue him from a team of mob assassins. It is only when Tony meets up with his original doctor that a final twist in his bizarre life is revealed.
Sitting Target
Cop/ex-special forces officer Tony Rico crosses the mob by refusing to sell-out, even after he finds that his father is on their payroll. In a shoot-out, Tony is trapped in an exploding house that leaves him near death and comatose, with over 90 percent of his body burned. Five years later, a man wakes up in a coma ward—a man with no past, whose face has been reconstructed with plastic surgery. A scientist researching memory recovery begins to piece together the unknown man's past, and consequently, the past of Tony Rico comes to light. But the mob has not forgotten and Tony's life is still in jeopardy. When Tony's father discovers that his son is alive, he attempts to rescue him from a team of mob assassins. It is only when Tony meets up with his original doctor that a final twist in his bizarre life is revealed.
Sitting Target
Cop/ex-special forces officer Tony Rico crosses the mob by refusing to sell-out, even after he finds that his father is on their payroll. In a shoot-out, Tony is trapped in an exploding house that leaves him near death and comatose, with over 90 percent of his body burned. Five years later, a man wakes up in a coma ward—a man with no past, whose face has been reconstructed with plastic surgery. A scientist researching memory recovery begins to piece together the unknown man's past, and consequently, the past of Tony Rico comes to light. But the mob has not forgotten and Tony's life is still in jeopardy. When Tony's father discovers that his son is alive, he attempts to rescue him from a team of mob assassins. It is only when Tony meets up with his original doctor that a final twist in his bizarre life is revealed.
Bad Trip
A small plane sneaks across the Canadian border and drops off a package to a waiting DEA agent. Inside is a million dollars in cash and cocaine, stolen from one of the biggest drug kingpins in the country. A death warrant is issued for whoever gets pinned with its theft. A man, in order to clear up the legal claims against the company he has bought, must travel to a desolate island accessible only by plane. He charters the wrong plane with the wrong pilot to the wrong place. All in all, he embarks on a bad trip.