Yukijiro Hotaru

Yukijiro Hotaru

출생 : 1951-08-27, Saitama, Japan


Born 1951 in Saitama, Japan, Yukijiro Hotaru (螢雪次朗) is a Japanese actor. He is best known for the role of Gonza Kurahashi in the Garo television franchise.

프로필 사진

Yukijiro Hotaru

참여 작품

Sin Clock
In order to turn their lives around, three taxi drivers living at the bottom rung of society hatch a plan to steal an invaluable art piece. Their plan was supposed to be perfect, but as coincidences pile up it becomes clear that nothing is going to go according to plan.
Naoyuki Kume
개와 고양이의 생명을 구하기 위해 동분서주 하는 수의사들의 이야기를 그린 영화
Nezura 1964
A biopic based on the production of Daiei's Giant Horde Beast Nezura, the scrapped precursor to Gamera.
리스타트는 지금부터
Kumai Haruo
도쿄의 직장을 그만두고 10년 만에 고향으로 돌아온 ‘미츠오미’는 대를 이어 가구점 후계자가 되겠다는 다짐과 달리 방황한다. 그러던 어느 날 ‘미츠오미’는 구마이 할아버지의 양아들 ‘야마토’와 농원 일을 돕게 된다. 동갑내기지만 성격은 정반대인 두 사람이 함께 보내는 시간이 늘어날수록 ‘미츠오미’는 밝아 보이지만 아픈 상처를 지닌 ‘야마토’에게 점점 마음이 쓰이는데…
일본 야쿠자 전쟁
The 7th popular series starring Hitoshi Ozawa. Hitoshi Soma, the leader of the Soma group, went to the third chairman, Goichi Yajima, with his feet settled with Keizo Sakai, who planned to take over the Shinseikai, and asked him about the killing of the same gate. On the other hand, the Hanshin Tigers' Murasame prepares to fight with the Soma group because Sakai's Odai was killed, but the chairman, Harimoto, takes measures. The Soma group and the Hanshin Tigers did not appear at the regular meeting of the headquarters. The stage is moved to Kochi, and the conflict between the Soma group and the Hanshin Tigers begins.
AI 붕괴
In 2030, AI is everywhere including the medical field, finance and security. Artificial intelligence has become essential in people's lives. They have come to completely trust AI, but artificial intelligence becomes out of control and it causes disaster.
GARO - Under the Moonbow
Gonza Kurahashi
Lurking among us are the Horrors, ancient enemies of our kind. Holding the line against them, down through the ages, are the Makai Knights. Assuming the aspect of Golden Knight Garo, Raiga Saezima has vanquished one such demonic creature, but his magical armour has been tainted with evil. Furthermore, a Knight of the dark has materialized, and taken hold of Mayuri, so dear to Raiga. If he hopes to rescue her, Raiga must board a mysterious train destined for the netherworld. As he advances through the cars of this train, Raiga comes ever closer to confronting his own hidden truths…
어느 문구회사의 세일즈맨으로 일하는 어설프고 눈치 없는 미야모토 히로시는 평생 웃거나 영리한 아첨을 떨 줄 모르지만, 정의감이 지극히 강하다. 히로시는 회사 선배의 친구인 독립적 여성 나카노 야스코를 좋아하게 되고, 야스코의 집에 가게 된다. 그 곳에 야스코의 전(前) 연인 유지가 등장한다. 유지를 거절하기 위해 야스코는 미야모토와 잤다고 말한다. 이에 격분한 유지는 야스코를 공격하고, 미야모토는 야스코를 보호하겠다고 맹세하며 야스코를 방어하기 위해 달려간다. 이 사건을 계기로 미야모토와 야스코의 유대감이 깊어지면서 잠시나마 행복을 찾게 된다. 그러나 머지않아 이들의 사랑은 삶에서 궁극적이고 가장 위대한 시험대에 오르게 된다.돈 없고! 연줄 없고! 살아갈 방법은 없어! … 하지만 열정이 넘쳐!열혈 세일즈맨 미야모토 히로시의 삶에 대한 고통스럽고 가슴 찡한 이야기는 인간성의 숭고하고도 즐거운 축하가 된다. 성급한 판매원 미야모토 히로시는, 패배라는 선택을 할 수 없는 싸움을 지속한다.
Hoshi ni katarite
The Great Buddha: Arrival
An all-star reboot of the lost classic 1934 film, The Giant Buddha Statue's Travel Through The Country, made with the cooperation of director Yoshiro Edamasa's grandson. From Japan, a modern kaiju story based on what may be the first kaiju film.
사무라이 선생님
Toyo Yoshida
에도 막부 말기를 주름잡던 사무라이 ‘한페이타’는 ‘요시다 도요’ 암살의 책임을 물어 하옥 당한다. 이어지는 고문에 정신을 잃고 눈을 뜨니... 150년 뒤, 21세기. 이곳에서 ‘한페이타’는 달콤한 초코케익과 아이스크림을 처음 맛보고 감격을 감추지 못한다. 익숙하지 않은 이곳 21세기에서 사무라이는 과연 잘 적응해 갈 수 있을까? 오호~ 150년 후는 극락세계군, 시간을 초월하는 사무라이의 타임슬립!
지정 변호사
지정 변호사가 된 교토의 변호사와 검사가 사건의 진상을 추궁하면서 자신의 길을 나아가는 이야기를 그린 드라마
집에 돌아오면, 언제나 아내가 죽은 척을 하고 있다
어느 날부턴가 ‘준’이 집에 돌아오면 항상 ‘치에’가 죽어 있다. 어제는 악어에 잡아 먹혔고, 오늘은 외계인에 납치당했고, 내일은 공동묘지를 떠도는 귀신이 될 예정이다. 도대체 왜! 치에는 매일 죽어 있는 걸까?
북의 벚꽃지기
The film follows the relationship between a mother and her son. In 1945, the mother played by Sayuri Yoshinaga fled with her two sons from the Russians to Hokkaido. In 1972, her son played by Masato Sakai returns to Japan after finding success in the U.S.
로쿠로쿠 요괴괴담
성인이 된 후 재회한 소꿉친구 미카와 이즈미 그들은 출구가 없는 호텔에 갇히게 되고 탈출구를 찾던 그들은 어느 방 앞에 멈춰 선다 666 그 때, 방 문이 열리며 기모노를 입은 여자의 뒷모습을 보고 어린 시절 그 곳에서 한 약속이 떠오르는데… “나와의 약속 잊지 않았겠지?" 평범하고 조용한 성격의 이즈미는 부모님과 함께 치매를 앓고 있는 할아버지를 돌보며 살고 있다. 그러던 어느 날, 중학교 동창인 미카로부터 SNS 친구 요청을 받는다. 미카에 대해 나쁜 감정만 있던 이즈미는 마지못해 친구 요청을 수락하고, 그녀를 만나기로 한다. 호텔 레스토랑에서 함께 식사하던 중, 한 통의 전화가 걸려온다. 할아버지가 사라졌다는 어머니의 다급한 목소리에, 두 사람은 바로 자리를 뜨지만, 도무지 출구를 찾을 수가 없다. 그러다 갑자기 이들의 눈앞에 666호라 쓰여있는 방이 나타난다. 방 안에는 목이 길고 붉은색 기모노 차림을 한 여성이 있다. 어디선가 들려오는 소름 끼치는 목소리와 함께, 로쿠로쿠라 불리는 이 여성의 목이 늘어나기 시작하고, 그녀는 이즈미와 미카에게 “ 약속했잖아”라는 알 수 없는 말을 되뇌기 시작하는데…. 는 독특한 스타일과 줄거리가 돋보이는 공포영화다. 터무니없는 내용 그 자체가 매력으로 다가오는 작품으로, 독특한 심야 영화를 찾는 관객이라면 더 없이 좋을 작품이다.
울보 광대의 결혼식
Shinobu Katsumata
광대(피에로) 견습생으로 사람들에게 웃음을 주기위해 수양중인 카나미. 어느 날, 그녀는 투석 환자인 요스케와 만나게 된다. 무거운 병을 안고 자신의 운명을 한탄하며 미소를 잊어버리고 사람과 관련된 것을 피하게 되어버린 요스케에게 조금이라도 좋은 기운을 주고 싶다고 생각한 카나미. 이윽고 두 사람은 결혼을 약속하게 되고 친구인 마키가 따뜻하게 지켜보는 가운데 결혼식을 준비하게 되지만 요스케가 결혼식 전날 쓰러지는 일이 발생한다. 자신이 시한부라는 것을 깨달은 그는 카나미에게 이별을 고하게 되는데......
섬바디스 실로폰
A married woman obsesses over a hairstylist she becomes involved with.
천재탐정 미타라이: 살인사건의 진실
Kohei Tominaga
세토 내해에 맞닿은 에히메 현의 작은 섬에 반년 사이 여섯 구의 신원 불명의 시체가 떠내려 오는 괴이한 사건이 일어난다. 사건을 들은 미타라이는 곧바로 현장으로 향하고, 버려진 시체들이 후쿠야마에서 복잡한 해류를 타고 섬으로 떠내려 왔음을 알아낸다. 그가 도착한 후쿠야마에서는 이미 외국인 여성의 변사 사건뿐만 아니라 살해당한 갓난아기와 함께 부부가 각각 입과 눈이 꿰매어진 채 폭포 아래에서 발견되는 사건 등 기묘한 일들이 연달아 일어나고 있었다. 언뜻 보기에는 별개의 범행으로 보이는 일련의 사건은 과연 연관이 있는 것일까? 그렇다면 열쇠를 쥔 인물은 누구인가? 기묘한 사건에 역사 미스터리까지 더해지며 이야기는 예상하지 못한 결과를 향해 달려간다.
Detective Ushio vs. Case Writer Saeko: Survivors
Kazuyoshi Kawagishi
The body of Kazuyoshi Kawagishi, a construction company worker, is discovered stabbed to death in Shinjuku Central Park in Tokyo. Detective Masanao Ushio of Shinjuku West PD begins an investigation and finds that the murdered Kawagishi was an honest person who didn't have any troubles. Kawagishi worked for a company in Kofu City in Yamanashi, leaving behind his wife and daughter on Awaji Island in Hyogo. He seems to have started working as a laborer 3 years ago, having fallen on hard times when the company went bankrupt. Saeko Kawamura, Ushio's reporter friend, calls him wanting to talk about the case. According to Saeko, Kawagishi was one of the survivors of the "bus hijack arson case" that happened three years ago. In the bus hijack arson case, a man who was hallucinating under the influence of dangerous drugs set fire to an intercity bus going to Shinjuku and departing from Kofu Station...
해난 1890
1890년 일본에서 좌초된 터키해군들을 사력으로 구조한 일본인을 위해 95년 후 중동전쟁에서 일본인을 도운다는 스토리
Osoi Shiawase
Part of the Shûhei Fujisawa New Drama Series.
Ghost Writer's Homicide Coverage 2 - Writing About a Celebrity's Crime
35 Sai no Dotei Otoko
샨티 데이즈 365일 행복한 호흡
시골에서 갓 대도시 도쿄로 왔다가 요가강사에게 반해 요가를 시작한 한 남자, 사기를 당해 전재산을 날리게 되었다가 요가의 길로 빠져들게된 한 여자, 그리고 완벽해보이지만 경쟁 속에서 지쳐 쓰러져가는 모델 겸 요가지도자. 세사람은 요가라는 인연으로 만나게 되는데... 요가는 이들의 삶을 어떻게 바꾸어 놓을까?
작은 집
Liquor Store Old Man
타키는 도쿄의 교외에 위치한 작은 붉은 지붕 집에서 하녀로 일한다. 세월이 지나 노인이 된 타키는 작은 집에서의 기억을 회상하며 당시의 이야기를 적는다. 아름다운 사모님 도키코와 그녀의 남편, 그리고 사랑스러운 아들의 평화로운 가정 생활, 거기에 감춰진 사모님의 안타까운 사랑. 타키가 죽고 난 후 그녀의 친척 청년 다케시는 그녀의 유품을 정리하다가 봉인된 편지가 들어있는 봉투를 발견한다. 이로써 60년 동안 철저히 감춰진, 붉은 지붕 아래서 일어난 은밀한 비밀이 밝혀지는데...
Sakura Housara
Shonosuke Furukehashi (Hiroshi Tamaki) is a young samurai and the second son of Sozaemon (Bunchin Katsura) of Togane Domain, Kazusa Province. Sozaemon serves as an attendant, but one day, he is suddenly suspected of accepting bribes. Forged documents written in handwriting startlingly identical to his offer incontrovertible evidence. Framed for accepting bribes he knows nothing about, Sozaemon commits ritual suicide for his “crime”. Shonosuke’s elder brother Katsunosuke (Satoshi Hashimoto), an assistant instructor at the domain’s training hall, is placed under house arrest. Because of that, Shonosuke leaves for Edo alone in order to clear the name of his beloved father.
사고로 기억을 잃은 ‘하루미(기타가와 게이코)’는 병원에서 만난 친절한 간호사 ‘레이코(후카다 교코)’와 퇴원 후부터 룸메이트가 된다. 하지만 어느 날부터 둘만 머무르는 집에서 자신과 ‘레이코’ 가 아닌 낯선 목소리를 듣게 되고 연이어 일어나는 이상한 일들에 불안함을 느낀다. 결국 ‘하루미’는 ‘레이코’를 미행하게 되고 ‘레이코’를 둘러싼 충격적인 사실들과 마주치게 되는데…
Fly, Dakota, Fly!
In January 1946 a British military transport plane departs from Shanghai on its to Tokyo, Japan. During the flight the airplane makes an emergency landing on Sado Island. The residents on the island have heard stereotypes of the British soldiers and have mixed feelings about the their new "guest." Nevertheless, for the next 40 days the islanders take care of the crew members until the plane can take off once again. This includes Chiyoko Morimoto who is the daughter of the inn owner where some of the British crew members stay.
The Morning Set, Milk and Spring
Middle-aged salaryman Ichiro Sasaki (Mitsuru Hirata) hears of the death of his childhood friend Okabe (Takeshi Itoh). Okabe left a message for Ichiro right before his death. From the message, Ichiro learns the truth of a sad cast from the past and that Okabe liked Ichiro's first love Sachi (Aoi Kirishima). When they were young, Okabe got everything he wanted, but Ichiro could not do anything about what he wanted. After Ichiro meets a young woman named Haru (Kanako Mizumoto), his passion for the younger days begins to revive.
가로 더 무비: 창곡의 마룡
Kiria (voice)
GARO 마계섬기에서의 가쟈리와의 계약으로 인해 마계섬기 중에 일어난 모든 사건을 정리한 후 약속의 땅으로 향한 코우가의 이야기
조커 게임
All seniors at a high school stay together at a camp, including student Chinatsu. On their first day, the home room teacher announces that all the students must play the card game "Old Maid". In order to reverse the declining academic abilities of its younger generation, the Japanese government planned this camping program. In this card game, the students that lose will meet their deaths.
It's a Beautiful Life - Irodori
Shigeru sugaya
A group of elderly women come together to sell vegetable leaves.
There Is a Lie in Every Woman
A woman is found dead and three other women, incarcerated at a psychiatric hospital. The body belonged to the wife of the hospital President, Dr. Kiriyama who has gone missing since the day of the murder. As Detective Hayashida and his partner start to investigate the case and interview the women linked to the victim, they soon find themselves tangled in a web of the women’s lies and deceptions.
The Parasite Doctor Suzune: Evolution
Set within a city where parasites rage, the parasites settled into their human hosts and increases their power and sexual desires. Dr. Suzune is a parasite expert who works daily to kill the parasites. A sinister demon organization exists behind the parasites. Dr. Suzune also realizes that her father, who went missing when she was a young child, is somehow connected with the group. Violence and madness awaits for her ...
The Parasite Doctor Suzune: Genesis
The city is infested with mysterious parasites that bore into their human hosts to increase their host's power and sexual desires. A beautiful girl, Suzune Arizono is a vet with a specialty in parasites, and who fights daily to end the plague. Before long, she learns that an evil organization, the Kito Zaibatsu, is behind the explosive growth of this ferocious parasite. She also learns that her long-missing father, Dr. Arizono, is also involved. In order to crush the Kito Zaibatsu's ambition and to see her father again, Suzune takes on the fight without regard to the danger involved.
미츠코, 출산하다
Mitsuko is 24, heavily pregnant and estranged from the American father of her child. Her parents believe she is happy and successful in America and are unaware that she has secretly returned to Tokyo. Making the biggest decisions on the slightest whim, she moves back into the tenement street where she lived as a child. The move changes lives, reignites old romances and creates a supportive circle of love that may be exactly what Mitsuko needs.
Our Stardust Dance
A drab middle-aged man with thoughts of committing suicide and an extraordinary child prodigy plan a fake kidnap in exchange for a ransom of 10 billion yen.
A Man with Style
Miyata lost his wife early on and single-handedly raised their two children. One day he notices a change in his physical condition, and decides that it must be stomach cancer.
술이 깨면 집에 가자
다음 주에는 술에 취하지 않은 모습으로 가족을 만나리라. 꼭.... 이라고 백만 번 결심하지만 만취한 채 길바닥에 쓰러져 있기 일쑤인 사고뭉치 아빠 츠카하라(아사노 타다노부). 술 때문에 아내 유키(나가사쿠 히로미)에게도 버림받은 그는 이제 알코올 의존증 생활을 청산하고 가족이 있는 집으로 돌아가고 싶은 귀소본능에 몸부림치며 자진해서 알코올 병동에 입원한다! 소란스럽고 정신 없는 병동 사람들과의 생활에도 점차 익숙해지고 하나 둘씩 친구도 생기면서 하루하루 상태가 호전되어 집으로 돌아갈 날이 코앞에 다가온 어느 날, 그에게 예기치 못한 사건이 벌어지는데… 과연, 츠카하라는 지긋지긋한 알코올 의존증에서 벗어나 사랑하는 가족의 품으로 돌아갈 수 있을까!? 7월, 한잔에 훅~ 가는 코믹 가족드라마가 온다!
SP: The Motion Picture
Shinchi Tananbe
At an event hall in Roppongi Hills, there is a charity event for landmine eradication. Kaoru does security with Security Police officers Soichiro Ogata, Eri Sasamoto, Takahumi Yamamoto and Mitsuo Ishida. Kaoru Inoue senses a threatening existence and starts to suffer a severe headache and becomes dizzy. When Kaoru was young, his parents were killed by terrorists and that incident has had an traumatic effect on Kaoru since.
반쪽 달이 떠오르는 하늘
Dr. Natsume's boss
동명소설을 원작으로 한 작품으로 병원에서 만난 주인공 소년소녀가 엮어가는 순수한 사랑이야기를 중심으로 삶이 얼마 남지 않은 주인공과 그 주변인물들의 일상적인 모습을 보여준다.
Lust in Hell II - Farewells
In the sequel of this naughty fantasy, Koto recovers from her attack with the help of a doctor. But soon she is forced to fight the black demons in order to protect her new friends.
Saibanchou! Koko wa choueki 4-nen de dousuka
Lust in Hell: Edge of the World
After losing her parents in a tragic traffic accident, Koto develops the ability to communicate with the souls of the dead. Hospitalized for extreme trauma, Koto escapes to return to the place where her parents died. There she meets Shinji, whose lover also died in a car accident, and they begin a torrid and tempestuous affair. The pair embark on an illicit and terrifying journey heightened by lust and death.
웃는 경찰
Tatsuo Uemura
A cop chasing after a female cop killer, but then gets caught in a dark web of departmental corruption.
Deep Sea Monster Raiga
Hajime Edo
When the Earth's ecosystem is disrupted due to global warming, a plethora of prehistoric sea monsters wage war on Japan. Led by the powerful Raiga, the monsters ravage the city of Asakusa.
츠루기다케 점의 기록
Kinsaku Iwamoto
In 1907, a group of men climb an unconquered peak in the last unmapped region of Japan.
더 코드
이 암호를 해독한 자는 반드시 죽는다!! 일본 최초의 탐정 웹시네마 시리즈 의 극장판!! 가와사키에 있는 ‘탐정사무소5’는 창립 60주년을 맞는 유서 깊은 탐정 사무소. 이곳의 탐정들은 이름도 없이 5로 시작되는 세자리 일련번호로만 인지되는 철두철미한 곳이다. 어느 날 가와사키구의 한 극장에서 테러리스트에 의한 건물 폭발사건이 벌어지고, 이어 대도시 번화가 곳곳에 시한폭탄을 설치했다는 범인의 협박에 시당국과 나라 전체가 뒤집힌다. 폭탄의 암호 코드를 해독하는 것이 한시가 급한 상황에서 ‘탐정 507’은 누구도 풀지 못했던 암호 코드 해독에 성공하고, 중국 상해 마피아의 의뢰로 전에 본적 없는 전혀 새로운 암호의 코드를 해독하기 위해 상해로 날아간다. 그러나 의혹의 암호 코드는 다름 아닌 묘령의 여인 메이란의 등에 새겨진 문신 속에 있었던 것. 목숨을 걸고 문신의 암호를 해독하려 하지만, 암호 코드를 해독하려 한 사람들은 모두 죽어 나간다. 새로운 암호 코드를 풀려는 열망과 메이란에 대한 사랑이 교차하면서 예기치 못한 위험에 빠지게 되는데...
Basara ningen
Based on Minoru Nagao's 1969 experimental book Illustrator: Basara ningen.
테케테케 2
1편의 사건으로부터 1년 후. 카나가 테케테케에게 살해당하고 나서 여고생 나츠키와 레이코가 사건 현장을 목격하고 학교에서도 테케테케 괴담이 퍼지는데, 레이코가 날라리 에리카의 그룹에 이지메를 당하다가 우연히 그 그룹의 일원인 사야카가 테케테케에게 살해 당하는 걸 본 뒤로 그걸 이용하여 복수하는 이야기
테케테케 괴담이 퍼진 가운데 여고생 카나가 친구 아야카를 테케테케한테 잃은 뒤 자신 역시 그 표적이 되자 여대생 에리와 함께 그 수수께끼를 풀기 위한 자동차 여행을 떠나는 이야기
A Story of Anna
A young woman escapes from a city in the near future, where people's anger is medically controlled, and drifts away to a lonely island. It is the developer of the emotion-controlling medicine who finds her and marries her. Her memory is erased and she starts an entirely new quiet life as a different person. But an unexpected incident happens; many people get hurt; the truth is revealed; then she falls in love... And this is a comedy after all!
클라이머즈 하이
Jo Oimura
1985년 일본항공 점보기 추락사고가 일어나고 이를 취재하는 한 지방신문의 기자가 부딪히는 회사 내 관계의 암투와 저널리스트의 고뇌를 그린 작품
With stalker crimes on the rise in Tokyo, the Meiji Jingu Gaien police department decides to form an all-female Sex Crime Investigation Unit. As the first order of business a member of the theft division is paired with a member of the community safety division. With no experience in brutal crimes, the pair is obviously unprepared for what they're going to face, so two more experienced detectives are soon dispatched to join the them. However, it's already clear to the public and media that this unit is just a gimmick to improve the station's public image.
Reigo, the Deep-Sea Monster vs. the Battleship Yamato
Hajime edo
Set in World War II, the film depicts the story of the real-life Japanese battleship, the Yamato, which is confronted in the Pacific Ocean by giant monsters, including the most fearsome of them all, Reigo.
마리와 강아지 이야기
일찍 어머니를 여의고 아버지와 할아버지와 사는 두 남매 료타와 아야. 어느 날 버려진 강아지를 만나 마리라고 이름 붙여 키우게 된다. 마리는 곧 세 마리의 귀여운 강아지를 낳게 되는데... 그러던 어느날 마을을 덮친 대지진에 갇혀버린 할아버지와, 아야를 발견해 내는 마리. 마리는 구조대가 주인을 구할 때까지 위험한 곳에서 꼼짝도 하지 않고 그들을 지켜낸다. 이들은 구조되어 안전한 곳으로 대피하지만, 마리와 강아지들은 그곳에 남게 되고 마리는 악천후와 배고픔 속에서 필사적으로 새끼들을 돌보는 생활을 시작하게 되는데...
Kindachi Kosuke: The Devil Comes and Blows the Whistle
이누가미가의 일족
Kokichi Inugami
2006년에 개봉한 '이누가미 일족(1976)'의 리메이크 영화. 76년작을 만든 감독 이치카와 콘과 배우 이시카와 코지가 다시 제작, 출연했다. 노노미야 다마요 역에는 마츠시마 나나코가 출연했다. 76년작과 거의 차이가 없으며 오히려 밋밋해졌다는 평가를 받으며 혹평을 받았다.
GARO Special: Beast of the Demon Night
In the aftermath events of GARO: Chapter of the Black Wolf, Saejima Kouga sets out to the northern district upon reassignment. While hunting down Horrors, a young priestess named Rin informs Kouga that she's been sent by Priest Amon to save a presumed dead friend in the Makai realm within Kantai, Jabi. Kouga teams up with Rin in a quest to save Jabi as they are hindered by supernatural and Makai forces alike. Meanwhile somewhere in Japan the dark Horror lord Legules was resurrected and plots a means to alter a supernatural event called White Night within Kantai to plunge the world into darkness with his "family." It's the final chapter of GARO as Kouga puts his life on the line to save Jabi and defeat Legules before the world is ruined.
A blind woman acquires a guide dog, and faces prejudice in 1980s Japan.
The iDol
Homeless Man
Ken is a mild-mannered man in his mid-twenties who like many his age has interests that stopped developing during adolescence. On a visit to a local toy collectors shop he acquires a rare alien action figure. Unexpectedly, Ken's world is turned inside out as the somewhat silly looking toy alters his life by benevolently giving him everything he has ever dreamed of, and then callously taking it all back...
오래 전 에도시대에는 인간을 멸종시키려는 귀신들과 귀신들을 없애려는 조직 오니미카도의싸움이 되풀이 되고 있었다. 오니미카도에서 '귀신살해자'로 명성을 떨치던 와쿠라바 이즈모 (이치카와 소메고로)는 5년 전 어떤 사건 이후 모든 것을 버리고 연극배우로 인기를 얻고 잇다. 그러던 어느 날, 이즈모는 신비의 여인 츠바키 (미야자와 리에)와 사랑에 빠지는데 츠바키에게는 자신도 모르는 비극적인 운명이 놓여 있었다.
사이코 연쇄 살인범이 성적이 우수한 예쁜 소녀들을 목졸라 죽이고, 목에 가위를 꽂아놓은 채 사라진다. 그는 또다른 범행대상을 찾다가 자신이 목표한 여자를 누군가가 자신의 범죄를 모방하여 살해한 것을 알게 된다.
The Suicide Manual 2: Intermediate Stage
There has been a surge in the number of people killing themselves; a mysterious DVD is found on the bodies of the victims... Nozomi falls under the spell of a deadly cult. Yousuke, the policeman she is dating, soon realizes that the cult has something to do with the DVD. Then one day all trace of the group disappear--along with Nozomi.
The Glamorous Life of Sachiko Hanai
Toshio Saeki
Sachiko Hanai is a call girl. One day she is caught up in a gunfight and is shot in the forehead. Instead of killing her, the bullet in her head gives her psychic powers. She also accidentally comes into possession of a cylinder containing George W. Bush's finger, whose fingerprint is designed to launch a nuclear missile, and international spies are soon chasing her.
Houseless Home
A Silent independent film by Taro Araki, the "eternal 8mm film youth" of the pink film world. It is a true "independent film" that was made by hand with money from the participants' own pockets without any prospect of theatrical release.
돌입하라! 아사마산장사건
일명 아사마산장 사건이라 회자되고 있는 이 사건은, 실화를 바탕으로 만들어졌으며, 범인으로부터 인질 1명을 구해내기위한, 경찰과 범인들간의 사투를 사실적으로 그려낸 영화.
Sexy S.W.A.T. Team 4
Red alert! A pervert is hanging out in the Tokyo subway and using a hi-tech brain manipulation device in order to molest sexy women! But not to worry, detective Claire is on the case! With the help of world-famous nutty professor and horndog Dr. Honeybar Nectar, Claire will uncover an intricate plot of epic proportions, leading all the way up to the Japanese prime minister. Justice in the form of extreme vaginoplasty (that must be seen to be believed!) is served and Claire will finally be able to silence the sushi rolls screaming in her mind. This sexy, comedic parody of a film with a very similar name stars the sexy Yumika Hayashi, Terumi Minami and Kyoko Kazama.
Mourning Wife
Director Daisuke Goto, the master of the cinematic Pink Eiga, is back with this retelling of the classic film noir, The Postman Always Rings Twice. A married woman, tasked with running her handicapped husband’s failing printing business, meets a drifter and they fall in love. Soon a plan to murder the husband is put into motion and the forces of fate begin to show their hand. Featuring bravura filmmaking, fantastic performances and steamy sex, the Mourning Wife is a worthy follow up for any fan of Daisuke Goto’s masterpiece A Lonely Cow Weeps at Dawn.
Queen Bee Honey
This is another masterpiece by Takao Nakano. A sort of mix of Ed Wood and Russ Meyer. The story ? Well, just a sort of parody of the famous manga/anime "Cutie Honey". If you have liked L.E.G.S, if think that this one will give to you a big big moment of pleasure. No english subs ? Really, I assure you that it doesn't matter at all.
미소녀 여고생 좀비가 나오는 일본산 좀비 공포 영화. 전세계적으로 16살 소녀들이 죽고, 이 죽은 소녀들이 좀비가 되어 사람을 먹는다. 그리고 이 좀비들은 '스테이시'라고 불린다. 스테이시를 영원히 죽게하는 방법은 그녀들의 몸을 165조각으로 나누어서 죽이는 것 뿐이다. 그리고 이러한 방법은 바로 이 소녀들의 가족이나 로메오라 불리는 전문기관에서만 할 수 있게 정해져있는데..
Junko was born with a type of ESP called pyrokinesis which she can use to incinerate anyone and anything at will. Junko is secretly in love with Kazuki, a young man who works with her. His sister is killed and a boy named Masaki suspected but the police don't arrest him. Junko tells Kazuki about her powers and takes revenge.
Boogiepop and Others
Gorô Tadokoro
The story takes place in an unnamed Japanese city, and follows five students at Shinyo Academy as they try to piece together the puzzle of a new drug and recent disappearances among the student populace. While the teachers believe them to only be runaways, the female students whisper among themselves about the urban legend Boogiepop, who is said to be a Shinigami.
The Exam
Togashi, an enthusiastic marathon runner and his wife are occupied with their daughter Mayumi's grade school entrance examinations, but he becomes jobless when his company folds. To regain his confidence Togashi decides to join the marathon that is taking place on the very day of his daughter's examination and the all important interview.
가메라3: 사신 이리스의 각성
Tsutomu Osako
가메라와 갸오스의 싸움(1편)으로 부모를 잃은 중학생 아야나는 가메라를 증오하며 살아가던 중, 마을에 전해 내려오던 전설의 괴수를 만나 ‘이리스’라는 이름을 지어주고 보살핀다. 그러나 ‘이리스’는 아야나의 바람과 달리 점점 거대해지면서 사람들을 공격하고 도시를 파괴하기에 이른다. 이를 저지하기 위해 나타난 가메라! 이제 가메라와 ‘이리스’의 격렬한 사투가 펼쳐진다!
Molester Diary 6 - A man who keeps stroking asses
An unstoppable "ass stroke" experience once you remember it. The crowded train is a fingertip paradise as usual ... However, this time, the the detectives were not the only enemies...
The Bondage Master
A Japanese bondage photographer rescues a woman from the Japanese mafia and sets out to find the woman's missing sister.
Sexy S.W.A.T. Team
Red alert! A crime wave of women groping perverts has flooded the Tokyo train system and only a special all-female, undercover police task force can stop it! The common clue is that all of the victims see a strobing red light before they find themselves on the receiving end of public, sexual humiliation! Asses will be grabbed! Breasts will be kneaded! And crotches will be sniffed! All in the course of duty, for the Sexy SWAT Team!
Molester Diary: A Man Who Kept Stroking Ass 6
This is a criminal act. But I can't stop crying !! Chapter 6 Don't stop ...! Director: Tadafumi Tomioka / Cast: Hanako Kikuchi, Mao Misaki, Hitoe Ohtake Once you remember it, you can't stop it! The 6th younger brother of the series' best ass (Ketsu) is 18 years old !! The crowded train as usual is the same as usual, fingertip heaven ... However, the natural enemy was not only the detective. What a molester-only badger game (Tsukutase) has appeared. Now, such stupid friends declare that they have stopped molesting all at once ?! Kawasaki will be commuting by car, but there is a prosperous story with the local branch manager. A gum man who wants to live with his beloved daughter must stop molesting from his wife. And Sakurada Gate, who got rid of the police, struggles for his beloved woman and his daughter. Which is the "Molester Road" tomorrow for most of Byoki?
Ichiro Kuwano
도쿄 지역에서 동일한 방식의 엽기적인 연쇄 살인사건이 발생한다. 놀라운 것은 체포된 범인들이 하나같이 회사원, 교사, 경찰, 의사 등 평범한 사람들이라는 것. 평소 아무 문제가 없던 사람들이 똑같은 방식으로 살인을 저지른 것에 의문을 품은 다카베 형사(야쿠쇼 고지)는 이들이 모두 한 남자를 만난 후 범행을 저질렀다는 사실을 알게 된다.
Moon Over Tao: Makaraga
A Keeper For Arms
A retired warrior comes to see his former lord and learns that someone is making indestructible swords from some unknown metal. He is sent together with a swordsman to investigate the source. Along the way they meet a young girl working as a beekeeper. She is later witness to the appearance of three strange females from another dimension. They are searching for a lost weapon that has landed on earth and as one of them lay dying she enlists the girl to help them control the strange beast/weapon. Meanwhile the warrior and the swordsman learn that an old nemesis has created the swords from the shell that surrounded the alien weapon. Soon the alien beast/weapon is awakened and battle for control ensues.
Molester Diary 5 - A man who keeps stroking asses
Forbidden! Hentai! Historical! Sensual erotic V-cinema work that you can't miss! Once you taste it, you can't stop it! A lewd, abnormal, sinful act "molest". A veteran of 30 years on the road reveals the secret technique! A super popular series that caused a big sensation.
Virgin Sniper
Toranaga is a good-for-nothing loser. However, he also happens to be the last remaining direct descendant of Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu. When a mysterious ninja threatens Toranaga’s life, the great ninja Hattori Hanzo is hired to protect him. However, it seems that there are a bunch of female ninjas aching to have sex with Toranaga and take his sperm! Now Hanzo must fight for Toranaga’s most precious possession against the leader of the ninjas, Neneko, who bears a centuries-old grudge.
Haunted School 3
Third installment of the "Gakko No Kaidan" series follows the trek of several elementary school students as they wander into an alternate world that exists on the opposite side of a school mirror. Nishida Naomi (the hapless teacher in "Gakko No Kaidan 2") returns as the teacher who accompanies the children on their journey into the surreal universe.
Black Market Emperor: Silver and Gold 7 - Underworld Horse Racing Hell
Ginji (Kiyoshi Nakajo), a man who made a huge fortune by taking advantage of the fierce competition for survival in the Japanese political and business world. Under him, the president of the Japan Horse Racing Promotion Association came to ask for help. Kawai, the former president of the Liberal Democratic Party, who is aiming for a comeback in the presidential election, has demanded 30 billion election funds. So Ginji offers Kawai a horse race for Sashi, who bets 30 billion. What is the whereabouts of a one-shot game in which Ryohei, who has outstanding memory, and Keisuke, who has excellent programming ability, are brought in and bet on Ginji's dark gold life?
Molester Diary: A Man Who Kept Stroking Ass 5
This is a criminal act. But I can't stop crying !! Chapter 5 I feel the joy today too ...! Director: Toshiyuki Mizutani / Starring: Tomoko Mayumi Women who aching in loneliness. Kind heart ?! Molesters. Chapter 5 of the excitement that smells in the fascinating lewdness of the commuter train !! The 5th installment of the "Ass Stroke" series !! Tomoko Mayumi, who was the heroine, and Hitomi Shiraishi, who was Miki Ito, became the prey of the molesters one after another. Kawasaki, Gum Otoko, Sakuradamon, and other familiar members perform a series of divine fingering techniques, and the swaying interior of the car still smells today. And I joined a new group, commonly known as: camera-induced, laughing and crying of "Junjou / Metamorphosis Paper Single" and applauding involuntarily to the erotic love romance. A sensual work that emotionally depicts a sad and strange touch between lonely women and kind-hearted molesters in a corner of a big city.
가메라2: 레기온 내습
Tsutomu Osako
훗카이도에 거대한 운석이 떨어지고 삿포로에는 곤충처럼 생긴 괴생물 집단이 출현한다. 가메라는 괴생물 집단과 싸우지만 거대한 괴생물 ‘레기온’으로부터 치명적인 공격을 받고 쓰러진다. 마음의 교감을 통해 가메라에게 힘을 주던 아사기와 어린이들은 죽은 듯 움직이지 못하는 가메라의 힘을 되돌리기 위해 마음을 하나로 모으는데…
The 15 Year Old Bride to Be
A salaryman befriends a runaway bethrothed to a Yakuza Boss
Molester Diary: A Man Who Kept Stroking Ass 4
This is a criminal act. But somehow tears don't stop !! Chapter 4 Ah! A man and a woman ── rubbing encounter ──. Chikan [Molester]? A man who plays pranks on a woman. ?? Stupid (Kojien) Crowded trains are paradise with ass strokes! Even today, the fingers of the "stupid" crawl around the crotch of the beautiful woman. Fascinated by the leader Kawasaki and the chewing gum man, Chicago, an American, volunteered to become a disciple. Furthermore, even the detective Sakurada Gate joined the group, and the Japan-US exchange of unrelenting acts began. The fourth in the series, which welcomed a unique actress Hitomi Shimizu as a heroine, jumps up the index at once by stroking her ass. Molester friends gathered because of the love of a chewing gum man. While tears and laughter are mixed, Ah! A man and a woman ── rubbing encounter ──.
가메라: 대괴수 공중결전
Inspector Tsutomu Osako
일본 근해에서 원자폭탄의 원료인 플루토늄 운반선 카이류마루호가 기이한 산호에 걸려 좌초되는 일이 발생하고 하슈 해양보험사의 쿠사나기와 해상 보안청 순시선의 일등항해사 요네모리가 사건의 수사에 착수한다. 산호는 길이 60미터에 넓이가 45미터나 되는 것으로 조사팀은 산호 내부에서 이상한 모양의 금속조각과 고대 글자가 새겨진 비문을 발견한다. 순간, 산호는 움직이기 시작하고 자취를 감춘다. 이와 동시에 고토 군도의 외딴섬에서 희귀새를 연구하던 한 교수가 실종되는 사건이 일어나고, 교수를 찾기 위해 섬에 도착한 조류학자 나가미네와 경찰들은 처참하게 변해버린 섬을 보고 넋을 잃는다. 사건을 조사하던 그들은 교수와 마을을 습격한 것으로 추정되는 약 15미터 크기의 거대한 새의 자취를 발견하고, 이 새들에 대한 보고를 들은 정부는 희귀 동물 보호차원에서 이들을 생포할 계획을 세운다. 나가미네는 이 새들이 빛에 약하다는 사실을 알아내고 돔구장인 후쿠오카 야구장에 덫을 놓아 새들을 잡기로 한다. 희귀새 생포 작전은 성공을 눈앞에 두고 방위사령부의 실수로 실패하게 되는데, 이때 갑자기 바다에서 나타난 거북 모양의 거대한 생명체가 불을 뿜으며 새들을 공격한 후, 도망치는 이들을 쫓아 바다 너머로 사라진다. 쿠사나기는 산호에 박혀있던 비문의 글자들을 해독하고, 바다괴물은 가메라였으며 그 커다란 새들은 비정상적인 생식능력을 가진 가오스임을 알게 되는데..
Aiyoku Shûdôin: Jukujo, Chijo, Seijo
Heisei Irresponsible Family: Tokyo de Luxe
The members of the Ameya family are all scammers. After their election scheme goes bust in their hometown, they move from Shikoku to Tokyo and resume their fraudulent activities. Everything carries on smoothly until the eldest and the fourth sons' modus operandi go awry, the mother's lover runs off with another woman, and disasters strike one after another. This film is a collaboration between Yoichi Sai and Goro Kishitani following "All Under the Moon." The family business of the Ameya family is defrauding people. The matriarch, who keeps getting married and divorced, has five children with different fathers. The Ameya family chases after fortune and leaves a trail of trouble on their path.
Molester Diary: A Man Who Kept Stroking Ass
A manga artist stumbles into the sleazy world of perverts who stalk trains looking for women to molest. He discovers quickly that he is very much one of them and even finds love along the way. The first in the alarmingly long-running Molester Diary series.
Molester Diary: A Man Who Kept Stroking Ass 2
The familiar Chikan group members who bite into the buttocks of women in the crowd of crowded trains and are absorbed in lewd acts without discipline today. Leader Kawasaki and Gum man, and a manga artist I. For some reason, I took on the role of a bodyguard to protect Kawasaki's daughter from molesting, but what was the father of the molesting young man who was also a molester !? The ties between the parents of the molester are intertwined, and the two are exactly Romeo and Juliet. From an idol to an actress ── Misa Aika fascinates her with her body-hugging performance against Kazuya Takahashi and Yoshiyuki Ohmori. The director is Tadafumi Tomioka, who received high praise for his sensual visual beauty and detailed production in his younger brother's work. A masterpiece that goes beyond the common sense of molester movies! The second installment of the popular metamorphosis pure love movie "Ass Stroke" series, which was praised by the media and film critics!
제이람 2
외계인 현상범 사냥꾼 이리아는 도적 카누트 일당에게 도난당한 귀중품 '카마라이트'를 되찾기 위해 동업자 후지쿠로와 지구로 향한다. 어렵사리 카마라이트를 되찾은 이리아는 다음 임무인 모의전을 위해 떠날 준비를 한다. 하지만 카마라이트에 눈독 들이고 있던 후지쿠로는 이리아의 전송기와 파트너 컴퓨터 밥을 파괴하고, 이리아를 만나러 온 텟페이마저 인질로 잡는다. 한편, 이리아는 카누트가 끌어모은 현상범들에게 포위당해 궁지에 몰린 상태. 그때 모의전의 대상이었던 지원용 전투로봇이 나타나 모든 현상범들을 죽여버린다. 이리아는 전투로봇의 제어 유닛이 그 악명높은 생체병기 '제이람'이라는 사실을 알게되고, 폭주하는 제이람을 잡기위해 또다시 존을 펼친다.
True Story! 82 Days with Amemiya Family
Behind the scenes of Zeiram 2
We Are Not Alone
Businessmen competing for international building contracts in this globe-trotting comedy-adventure.
Suite Room
Ando Chigusa is the editor of 'Weekly Topaz'. She rented a room once a week to her female writer, Aso Tsuyoshi, as a place of affair. Chigusa was surprised to find out about the other person. It was Chigusa's ex-boyfriend, Shinjo Tsuyoshi...!!
외계인 현상범 사냥꾼인 이리아는 도주한 고대의 생물병기 '제이람'을 포획하기 위해 지구상에 제한시간이 있는 무인밀폐공간 '존'을 생성한다. 하지만 우연히 두명의 지구인이 존 내부에 들어오게 되었다. 존은 제한시간이 끝내면 내부가 그대로 소멸되어 버리기에, 이리아는 지구인들을 지키면서도 제이람을 잡아야 하는 복잡한 상황에 놓인다
Network Baby
A grieving young mother employed at a video game company is recruited to test and train a new virtual world. She finds a character in this world of fantasy who becomes her new albeit virtual daughter.
Let's Go to the Hospital
When a hard-driving copywriter (Hiroyuki Sanada) discovers his comely wife (Keiko Saito) is involved in a scintillating game of strip rock-paper-scissors with some guy clad only in a pair of boxer shorts and Mickey Mouse ears, he is less than happy. When the stranger tries to make a run for it, a fight ensues between the two men, and they accidentally tumble down several flights of a concrete stairwell. One hurried ambulance ride later, the copywriter finds himself in a private teaching hospital equipped with the latest gleaming gizmos. Meanwhile, a young internist (Hiroko Yakushimaru) girds herself for her first emergency room case -- the battered copywriter. After giving a curt bow and a nervous "Good Evening," she accidentally jams a syringe into his bloody wound. Soon the absurdity of their situation, along with their medical misery, binds the two men and their blundering nurse together.
Miho Yuki no Madonna Zecchô
The Yen Family
Dance teacher
Set in Japan during the bubble era, this unique home comedy cheerfully and humorously depicts the daily life of a strange family that works together to accumulate a small amount of money, while mixing irony and satire.
Subway Serial Rape: Lover Hunting
A woman is raped on a crowded subway. No one reports it to the police. A TV studio exploits the incident to boost ratings, with tragic results, including the victimization of the reporter sent to harass the gang members who committed the crime.
Welcome to the Ogenki Clinic: Feel Good All Over Again
Sawaru Ogekuri
plot revolves around the quirky (and perpetually horny) Doctor Sawaru Ogenki and his nurse Ruko Tatase, who help patients through their problems, and the cure almost always involves sex. These two intrepid medical professionals operate the Ogenki clinic, tirelessly slaving to solve their patients’ peculiar sexual conditions. From problems that are truly gigantic to those that are just much too small, the clinic’s staff is ready to go to any length to find a cure. Ogeguri’s and Ruko’s special techniques will save the sex lives of their fellow citizens, so everyone can just feel good
Koisuru Onna-tachi: Triple Ecstasy: Keiren
Aids wo Buttobase: Momoiro Puttsun Musume
Aisaku Ijô
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Time Adventure: 5 Seconds Til Climax
Okano (Detective)
A young woman who is prone to romantic dreams involving her supervisor time-travels from 1986 to 2001 and becomes involved with a private investigator who is working on a divorce case and is having his own marital difficulties.
Hamidashi School Mizugi
Pink film about synchronized swimmers
Molester's Delivery Service
No More Comics!
Stuck doing show-biz schlock, an investigative reporter stumbles on a scheme to swindle pensions through an attractive gold futures scam, a potential news-story.
SM Class
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Sexy Battle Girls
School President Fukurokôji
Mirai, a high school girl, is transferred to an upscale private girls school. She soon finds out the school not only cultivates young minds, but also supplies young bodies to rich politicians. Moreover, the school's headmaster ripped apart her family. She undergoes special training, and fights her way to sweet revenge!
The Matchless Girl: Fully Willing
Priest Poirot
Molester Commuter Bus
Heihachi Satsuma - Retired Detective
When the Groper Train director takes the bus ... From director of Serial Rape-Murderer
Wakazuma Misshitsu Bôkô Jiken
Koichiro Uno's Caressing the Peach
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Pink Physical Examination
It is a sexy hospital. After all, how many hospitals do you know where the nurses prostitute themselves to their patients? A cute nurse is asked to offer sexual services to her patients and resists at first. After all, she has a husband back at home. The hospital offers its patients additional amenities and services like you would never believe.
Sex Document: Nakase Jôzu
Molester's Train: 1 Centimeter From The Wall
Shinpei Fukai
Sanjigen tôshi: Sex ultra eye
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Female Prisoners: Brutal Treatment
Molester's School Infirmary
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Motto Hoshii
Goodbye Boy
A budding world champion of boxing and a man who wants to be a comedian move to Tokyo to find opportunity. They soon have problems and things go awry in this gay softcore sex pornographic film.
Sexy Timetrip Ninjas
1615. Ninja Sarutobi Sasuke is assigned the task of finding a hidden treasure that will restore his clan to their full power. However, sexy ninja warrior Kagero stands in Sasuke's way. Complications ensue when a sudden time warp occurs and both Sasuke and Kagero find themselves thrust hundreds of years into the future to Tokyo, Japan in 1984.
Groper Train: Wedding Capriccio
Ippei Kuroda
The world’s greatest detective, Ippei Kuroda, is back and this time hired by a politician to find his estranged daughter. When the daughter is found dead, the mystery deepens. Meanwhile, Kuroda’s assistant tries to stop her arranged marriage to a country hick by shacking-up with a composer who writes symphonies on his calculator — when he’s not groping women on the Tokyo trains!
The Groper Train: Search for the Black Pearl
The world's largest black pearl has vanished without a trace, and it's up to Detective Ippei to track it down. His only clue is the mysterious words of a dying man, who managed to mutter "Pussy Print!" before slipping away forever. Teaming with the man's younger widow Matsuko, Detective Ippei boards a local train and begins taking prints of the female passenger's vulvas in hopes of matching one to the print that Matsuka's husband had in his possession at the time of his death.