Abigail Mason

출생 : 1989-03-06, Lansing, Michigan, USA

참여 작품

빅풋, UFO와 예수
Young Verna Howard
A lifetime ago in a sleepy Michigan lake town, Hannah Howard (Melissa Anschutz) experienced something otherworldly. For years the event was pushed to the corners of her mind, seemingly forgotten until a trip home starts unlocking her past memories. Can her advice-giving, hippy-mother (Victoria Jackson) or the small town preacher (Don Most) or her newly discovered, bigfoot-hunting brother (Josh 'Ponceman' Perry) help her make sense of it all? To add to the growing mystery, the strange events have started again upon Hannah's return. Strange lights appearing in the sky over a place locals call the Devil's Crossroads.
Wild Faith
Emmett Murphy (Shane Hagedorn) is a Civil War veteran who returns to his Michigan home looking for peace. After his wife dies, he fulfills his promise to a dying soldier and brings the Negro widow, Haddie (Lauren LaStrada) and her daughter to stay with him and his son. The townsfolk aren’t ready for this modern family and a nefarious plot to remove them is hatched. Facing bigotry and greatly outnumbered, Emmett struggles to find faith. But when the circus train comes to town, a mysterious turn of events provide Emmett and his family with the unexpected help they need to overcome.
우주전쟁 : 지구 최후의 날
생존 가능한 행성을 찾아 온 인류가 우주선 생활을 한지 40년 만에 웜홀을 통해 마지막 희망이 될 작은 행성을 발견한다. 위험을 무릅쓰고 낯선 행성으로 떠나는 케이트와 동료들. 하지만 그 행성에는 난폭한 원주민들과 괴물들이 살고 있다. 그들의 위협에 대항하며 조사를 계속하던 중 케이트는 이 행성이 시간의 터널을 뛰어 넘은 수백 년 후의 지구라는 충격적인 사실을 알게 된다! 이제 인류의 희망은 단 하나. 그들은 인류 재건이라는 중대한 사명을 위해 거대한 우주 전쟁을 시작하게 된다.
Ashes of Eden
An "Urban American Graffiti" tale of choices, consequences, redemption and faith all woven into a gritty framework of tested relationships.
Saving Sarah Cain
Lyddie Cottrell
When Sarah Cain, a self-involved big-city newspaper columnist, travels to Pennsylvania for the funeral of her Amish sister, she soon discovers that she is the legal guardian of her five Amish nieces and nephews. Rather than choose to move to Lancaster County to finish raising them there herself, or let them be separated by the foster care system, Sarah decides to take them with her back to Portland where she believes she can make a new life for them. However, she soon realizes that the modern world has forced them to compromise who they are, and that she has moved them there for all the wrong reasons - a motive which is soon exposed - because secrets can really never be kept secret. In order to find her own redemption, she knows she must make a choice to give them back their lives in Amish Country. And whether she remains part of their lives will have a lot to do with how much she has grown to love them.