(Voix Off)
Frantz Fanon alone embodies all the issues of French colonial history. Martinican resistance fighter, he enlisted, like millions of colonial soldiers, in the Free Army out of loyalty to France and the idea of freedom that it embodies for him. A writer, he participated in the bubbling life of Saint-Germain with Césaire, Senghor and Sartre, debating tirelessly on the destiny of colonized peoples. As a doctor, he revolutionized the practice of psychiatry, seeking in the relations of domination of colonial societies the foundations of the pathologies of his patients in Blida. Activist, he brings together through his action and his history of him, the anger of peoples crushed by centuries of colonial oppression. But beyond this exceptional journey which makes sensitive the permanence of French colonialism in the Lesser Antilles at the gates of the Algerian desert, he leaves an incomparable body of work which has made him today one of the most studied French authors across the Atlantic.
The film follows a 30-year-old man named Gabriel, a French war reporter who was taken to hostage in Syria and then heads to India after months in captivity.
The story revolves around 22-year-old Laure, who is trying to find her feet. After performing brilliantly in her literature studies, she enrols as a communications officer in the Naval Fusiliers. She will quickly have to adapt to and assimilate the rules that apply within the institution. But Laure is a determined woman, and she has a thirst for knowledge – still. A thirst to learn to get to know and be comfortable with herself, and to find her place.
End Man
사랑에 목마른 중년 여성의 절실한 짝 찾기. 이자벨은 이혼 후 진실한 사랑을 찾고자 하지만 그녀의 주변에는 그녀를 이용해먹는 유부남이나 너무도 다른 환경의 남자들뿐이다. 줄리엣 비노쉬의 존재감과 감칠맛 나는 대사가 돋보이는 수작으로 칸영화제 감독주간 개막작이다. (2017년 제22회 부산국제영화제)
Thomas, an architect, discovers that he made a serious mistake on a building site. As he attempts to destroy compromising documents, it is the world around him that mysteriously begins to disappear. No one seems to escape this fantastic gear, not even Thomas.
Having arrived in Paris in 1985, Hector did everything to be like “them”. In a notebook he finds in his flat, he crosses out a list of things he should do or pay attention to if he wants to become part of the French elite. In a painful dialogue with Martin, his alleged son, Hector notices himself in Martin; a young man full of dreams and ideals that turn out not to be matched by reality. Metropole is a film about migration, about assimilation, about the haunting of one’s past. It is a film about identity; lost, assumed, false. Metropole tells the story of millions of people out there who leave their homes behind in order to find a new one.
19세기 말 벨 에포크 시대. 퇴물 취급을 받던 광대 ‘푸티트’(제임스 티에레)는 새로운 무대를 구상하던 중 식인종을 연기하는 흑인 광대 ‘쇼콜라’(오마 사이)를 만나 콤비를 이룰 것을 제안한다. 모두에게 실패할 것이라 무시당한 그들의 첫 무대는 큰 성공을 이루고, 두 사람은 최고의 권위인 프랑스 파리 누보 서커스단에 스카우트되어 전성기를 누린다. 더 큰 무대와 완벽한 연기를 꿈꾸는 ‘푸티트’와 달리 파리의 화려한 생활과 명성에 취해 방황하는 ‘쇼콜라’. 두 콤비의 쇼가 유명해질수록 이들의 우정은 점점 위태로워지는데… 꿈과 예술의 도시 파리를 사로잡은 두 광대의 환상적인 실화! 그들의 황금빛 무대로 지금 당신을 초대합니다!
Scottie, dans «Madeleine d'entre les morts»
A companion to the director's Le Dos Rouge/Portrait of the Artist. A famous filmmaker works on his next film, which will focus on monstrosity. He is obsessed by the idea of finding a painting that will be central to the film and will crystallize all the power and beauty of monsters.
A famous filmmaker works on his next film, which will focus on monstrosity. He is obsessed by the idea of finding a painting that will be central to the film and will crystallize all the power and beauty of monsters. But what he doesn't show to anyone, not even his wife, is the mark on his back that keeps getting bigger. This red mark worries him, upsets him, and seems to want to tell him something...
In Madeleine Among the Dead, Bonello wanted to tell Hitchcock’s Vertigo from the perspective of Madeleine (played by Kim Novak), not Scottie (James Stewart). He only filmed a scene of this project as part of another film by Antoine Barraud, Le Dos Rouge, in which Bonello plays the role of a director by the same name; a director whose films are all either invented or his “ghost-movies.”
With two actors and no sets, master filmmaker Claire Denis traces the arc of a strained relationship, with a focus on race and language. In this fraught arena, words omitted can be as potentially devastating as words used, and what is not seen can have greater political consequences than what is.
In the aftermath of the 2010 earthquake, a middle-aged Port-au-Prince couple come face to face with the stark contradictions of Haitian society when they are forced to rent out their villa to a foreign aid worker and his enterprising local girlfriend.
Rebecca is a cop in the Juvenile Division. One day, Mathieu Francoeur comes to the station, saying his son, Joachim, has been kidnapped by his mother Christelle, with whom he's separated. However Rebecca had seven years earlier witnessed the man being extremely abusive to his ex-wife and child...
Dr. Béthanie
밤비가 추적추적 내리는 파리의 거리, 젊은 여자가 벌거벗은 채 걸어온다. 두 다리 사이로 피가 흐르는 여자. 여자는 어디서 왜 무슨 일을 당했을까? 여동생의 급한 호출을 받고 파리로 돌아온 마르코는 조카의 복수를 결심하던 중 탐하지 말아야 할 여자를 탐하게 되는데…
Aimé Césaire
Maître Walser
A rich industrialist is brutally kidnapped. While he physically and mentally degenerates in imprisonment, the kidnappers, police and the board of the company of which he is director negotiate about the ransom of 50 million euro.
다니엘은 신축 중인 건물에서 잡부로 일하며 먹고 잔다. 자유롭고 반항적인 성격 탓에 가끔씩 침입하는 정체 모를 정신병자 외에 그를 찾는 이도 별로 없다. 소니아와의 순탄치 못한 관계에 괴로워하면서도 서로의 묻혀진 진심을 찾아 파고 들어간다.
공항에 들어선 한 남자. 그를 기다리던 두 사람은 남자에게 성냥갑 하나를 건네고, 스페인에서의 끝을 알 수 없는 임무를 지시한다. 그렇게 남자는 말도 통하지 않는 스페인에서의 여정을 시작하고 언제나 까페에 앉아 두 잔의 에스프레소를 시킨다. 그런 그에게 접근하는 사람들. 그들은 자신에 대한 어떤 소개도, 남자가 해야할 일에 대한 어떤 설명도 하지 않은 채 악기, 영화, 슈베르트, 다이아몬드, 분자 등 오직 자신들의 관심사에 대해서만 이야기하다가 성냥갑 하나를 남기며 사라진다. 그리고 남자는 그 성냥갑으로 다음 사람과의 만남을 이어가는데...
Lionel, a widower, has raised his daughter, Josephine, on his own since she was young. The two are used to living alone, depending solely on one another. But, now that Josephine is older, Lionel is beginning to realize they cannot stay isolated forever.
Carl is about to spend his first day with the police. To facilitate his entry into the trade, the divisional commissioner assigned him with Alain, a man with a strong character.
런던에 살고 있는 이탈리아 출신의 ‘산드라’는 이전에 금융계의 큰손이었던 ‘마일즈’와 연인 관계였다. ‘마일즈’는 연인인 ‘산드라’에게 자신이 접대해야 하는 비즈니스 파트너에게 성상납을 하도록 요청하고 ‘산드라’는 그를 사랑했기 때문에 그런 무리한 요구를 번번히 들어주게 된다. 그녀의 또 다른 연인인 ‘레스터’는 프로 킬러로 한때 금융계의 큰 손이었지만 현재는 투자하는 것들마다 실패를 거듭하면서 많은 빚을 지게 된 ‘마일즈’를 살해해 달라는 청부를 받게 된다. 한편, ‘레스터’의 아내는 ‘산드라’와 남편의 관계를 알면서도 조용히 지켜본다. 그리고 서서히 드러나는 음모와 배신으로 ‘산드라’는 홍콩에서 국제 미아가 될 처지에 놓이게 된다. 하지만 그녀에게 뜻하지 않는 도움의 손길이 나타나지만 그들의 존재마저 믿을 수 없게 된다.
"Tag!" - About the American malaria researcher Nkruma who arrives with a family to Gothenburg for a lecture at Sahlgrenska Hospital. Nkruma ends up in a strange prank. The adults play tag in the streets. Nkruma refuses to participate in the game. This will be fatal for him and his family.
A French couple has been living in Lisbon for years, and they return to Paris for a friend's wedding. They announce to another friend they are having dinner with that they are going to split.
Le prêtre
루이 트레버는 자신이 건강하다고 느끼지만, 사실 그의 심장은 더 이상 버틸 수 없을 정도로 쇠약해진 상태다. 그리고 루이 역시 그 사실을 알고 있다. 고독 속에 파묻혀 지내던 루이는 심장이식 수술 뒤 전혀 다른 인생을 살아가기 시작한다. 프랑스와 스위스 국경에 위치한 산장에서 시작된 여행은 정확한 위치를 알 수 없는 남태평양의 어느 해안까지 이른다. 자신을 괴롭히던 위험을 던져버리고, 청산할 수 없는 혹은 청산하고 싶지 않은 빚을 진 루이는 자신의 과거 그리고 현재와 화해하고자 한다.
Ninth is a promising young rapper whose reputation does not exceed even the few streets of his neighborhood. With his band and supported by Keuj, hairdresser apprentice producer, he tries to attend concerts and trying to break into the music, to the chagrin of his mother, who would see him in a more conventional career at the post office...
Nolton Barnett
Albert Renaud, a young French Canadian dreams of becoming a movie star and take the train to Hollywood. His trip is filled with adventures.
Two childhood friends, Joshua and Flint, are adrift in boredom in their area of Sainte-Rose, Guadeloupe. They're involved in petty theft and ordinary System D, until the arrival of Marcus. Caught in a spiral, the difficult choices has to be done...
Pierre Adélaïde
At the end of 19th century, Doctor Pierre Adélaïde, born in Martinique, gets to a small village in Charente to take over from a colleague. Soon, he is facing something else than racism: fear of foreigner. His office is desperately empty.
Portrait of Nord-Plage, a small neighborhood in the north of Martinique, which is slowly dying, and its last inhabitants, who have put aside their hopes and dreams.
It is the story of a prohibited and perverted identification: how an eight-year-old boy, entrusted to the care of his mother since the separation of the parents, meets and looks at his father, all day long.
시끄럽고 허름한 카페, 로베르토와 스티븐은 커피에 중독되어 덜덜 떨리는 손으로도 연신 진한 커피를 들이켜댄다. 커피와 담배에 대한 예찬으로 일관된 선문답은 희한하게도 계속 이어지고 로베르토는 어이없게도 스티븐의 치과 약속을 대신 가주려고 한다. 불평불만 가득한 이란성 쌍둥이 형제 조이와 쌩께는 어린 아이들처럼 오늘도 투닥거리기 일쑤다. 이들에게 다가온 종업원 스티브 부세미, 그는 이들이 쌍둥이라는 것을 눈치 채고 쌍둥이에 얽힌 자신만의 부세미 쌍둥이론을 털어놓는다. 캘리포니아의 한 카페테리아, 톰과 이기는 테이블에 앉아 금연의 미학에 대해 토론한다. 그들은 금연에 실패한 사람들은 모두 의지박약이라며 비난한다. 그러나 톰은 담배를 끊었으니까 한 대 정도는 괜찮다며 이기에게 테이블에 놓인 담배를 피자고 권유하는데...
Based on the legend of Tiresias, it tells of a transsexual who is kidnapped by a man and left to die in the woods. She is then saved by a family and receives the gift of telling the future.
Alphonse Brown, who firmly believes he is the bastard son of James Brown, meets up with his best friend Scotch after Brown gets out of jail. On their way to Paris to begin careers as recording artists, the pair stumbles across a potent type of marijuana that was engineered by the Nazis. Their decision to begin selling the stuff leads to a variety of people chasing after them.
(segment "Vers Nancy")
스승과 함께 시골길을 걷던 제자가 아름다운 소녀를 만나면서 겪게 되는 낯선 시간의 흐름들. 철학자인 장 뤽 낭시와 그의 외국인 제자 아나가 기차 여행을 하며 대화를 나눈다. 4개의 분할 화면을 통해 시대별로 순환되는 성적 노스탤지어, 고통, 회한. 자신의 영화들 중 가장 독창적인 장면들을 정교하게 몽타주하여 복합적이면서도 아름다운 시간에 대한 탐구를 보여준다. 한때 유명했던, 나이 든 영화배우의 일상과 그의 전성기적 영화를 대조해 가며 인간의 노화, 영화의 역사 등을 유머러스하게 그린다. 80광년의 우주 여행을 마치고 온 비행사가 의학적으로 자신의 신체가 10분밖에 노화되지 않았다는 놀라운 사실을 듣게 된다. 보트에 탄 노인, 해변에 돌을 던지는 소년, 임신한 몸으로 아프리카 남자친구를 소개하는 딸. 시간이란 정확히 무엇일까? <10분 뒤 Ten Minutes After>
행복한 표정으로 생일상을 차리고 있는 중산층 여성. 10분 뒤 그녀의 인생은 확 바뀌어 있다.
A train conversation between an immigrant French woman and novelist Jean-Luc Nancy centering on the idea of intrusion within every foreigner (a more philosophical precursor to L'Intrus). A social commentary on the inherent fallacy - particularly in nations with a strong national identity like the U.S. and France - of the social notion that assimilation and integration embrace cultural differences; rather, it erases them.
This program of short films by Vincent Ravalec (Never twice, Le Masseur and Les Mots de l'amour) deals with themes such as desire and death through the journey of a group of characters.
Dr. Léo
셰인과 준은 파리로 신혼여행 온 미국인 부부. 서로 사랑하는 평범한 부부처럼 보이지만 셰인은 말못할 고민을 안고 있다. 그는 과거 레오 박사의 극단적인 리비도 실험 결과, 상대를 물어뜯어 죽이는 살인 섹스를 하는 이상한 병을 얻은 것이다. 그 때문에 그는 사랑하는 부인과의 잠자리를 계속 피하며 레오 박사를 애타게 찾고 있다. 한편 레오가 보호중인 코어 역시 셰인과 같은 병에 걸려 엽기적인 살인 행각을 계속하지만, 병을 치료할 방법은 묘연한데.
Joseph Mobutu
The true story of the rise to power and brutal assassination of the formerly vilified and later redeemed leader of the independent Congo, Patrice Lumumba. Using newly discovered historical evidence, Haitian-born and later Congo-raised writer and director Raoul Peck renders an emotional and tautly woven account of the mail clerk and beer salesman with a flair for oratory and an uncompromising belief in the capacity of his homeland to build a prosperous nation independent of its former Belgian overlords. Lumumba emerges here as the heroic sacrificial lamb dubiously portrayed by the international media and led to slaughter by commercial and political interests in Belgium, the United States, the international community, and Lumumba's own administration; a true story of political intrigue and murder where political entities, captains of commerce, and the military dovetail in their quest for economic and political hegemony.
A story of the impossible love between one of the Sultan's concubines and one of his eunuchs in a harem at the end of the Ottoman Empire.
A story about the transition from late youth to early maturity, the film follows several friends and lovers as they come to make decisions on how to live their lives--getting a job more in harmony with ones ideals, committing to a lover, giving up a lover that no longer loves you: a film about grown-ups growing up.
Yves Le Guen, a black man with a degree in economics, is hired as a handyman on the property of Mr. Moreau, a rich public works contractor. His arrival is going to upset the daily life of the inhabitants of the house.
A moving world of spirits and ghosts, condemned to brush against one another without really meeting since they have all emerged from a single perpetual dream: that of a young man who no longer wants to wake up, immersed as he is in this world of fascinating spectres.
Teenage siblings Nenette and Boni were raised apart as a result of their parents' divorce. Their mother, who doted on her son Boni, has died. He works for an interesting couple as a pizza baker, and is surprised and enraged when his younger sister, having run away from boarding school, suddenly turns up. There's a problem that they must confront.
In the nightclub where she works, Carole is dreaming. She has always dreamed of leaving her rainy Roubaix, her heavy guys and her lousy prospects. She is dreaming of Goa, India, where she thinks she will soon move with her friend Nora... She is dreaming about this, when Nora wakes her up with a catastrophic face... Nora, her best friend, who also works at the Emergency, and not at the night emergency room as her parents believe... Nora is sure she is pregnant. From Olivier, a rich son of a local family who had promised her marriage and a mansion.... In fact of promises, he is quick to back out, and only Carole's presence of mind allows them to get money from him, price of his cowardice. A little money moreover, that brings closer to Goa...
A series of six dramatic shorts, each from a different African country and all on the broad theme of "love in Africa."
Based on a play by Wole Soyinka, The Strong Breed, SO BE IT offers an emotionally searing allegory of present-day Africa's bloody internecine convulsions.
점차 쇠락해가는 프랑스 영화 감독 ‘르네 비달’은 고전 명작 "뱀파이어"를 리메이크하려는 계획을 세우고 홍콩 여배우 ‘장만옥’을 뱀파이어 집단의 우두머리 ‘이마 베프’역으로 캐스팅한다. 그러나 파리에 도착한 그녀를 기다리는 건 창작의 활기가 사라진 썰렁한 현장과 불편한 의상, 그리고 지친 기색을 감추지 않는 감독뿐. 결국 막다른 골목에 놓인 "이마 베프"는 완성을 눈 앞에 두고 길을 잃게 되는데…
A young woman visiting Paris, misses the last bus home, finds herself stranded on the outskirts of Paris. Entering a local club, she meets a troubled drug addict.
A young investigative journalist is about to publish a book with revelations about power and corruption. Three days before her television appearance, her apartment is devastated by an explosion. Forced into exile, she goes to the countryside where she meets a particularly endearing person.
Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965), the mission doctor, theologian and philosopher who founded a hospital in the rainforests of Gabon, achieved sainthood in his lifetime, at least in the popular imagination. The critical assessment of his life and works in recent years, however, has been slightly more ambivalent. Ba Kobhio Bassek is the first director to examine this medical missionary from a purely African point-of-view.
One of a series of short films inspired by paintings. In this video, Jacques de Loustal's Le Contemplatif or "Duo".
Images of the Port Dauphine subway terminus are accompanied by a text read aloud about masturbation (branler is slang for jacking off) in this short subject.
In 1980s Paris, a series of murders captures public attention. Meanwhile, the gorgeous Daiga moves from Lithuania to Paris, immigrant musician Théo struggles to raise his young son, and Théo's brother, a gay transvestite named Camille, sings and dances in a cabaret for a living. All three grapple with isolation and the problems of modern living, but one of them could be so desperately alienated that they have a hand in the serial murders.
Ibrahim Sow
This drama focuses upon the psychological adjustment problems of a young boy whose family moves him from Africa to Paris, France. Moctar, a boy whose first 11 years were spent in a small village in Mali, is having difficulty adjusting to his new life in Paris. After several years in Paris, Moctar suddenly sees a terrible hyena in the street. When Moctar tries to explain his vision, he becomes the laughingstock of his peers and a patient for the school psychologist. No one believes Moctar, not even his parents, until he is befriended by Paulo who helps Moctar understand.
Four nameless people -- the old man, the woman, the soldier, and the gambler -- journey to a desolate wasteland beyond the limits of an unnamed city.
샹탈 아커만을 포함해 코스타 가브라스, 미셸 피콜리 등 33명의 감독들이 모여 30개국의 양심수들을 사면할 것을 주장하며 제작한 옴니버스 영화. 샹탈 아커만은 5분 길이의 단편 "엘살바도르의 페베 엘리자베스 벨라스퀘즈를 위하여"를 연출했다.
Dah and Jocelyn come from Benin, Africa, to coach their rooster, "S'en fout la mort", for an illicit cock-fight in the basement of a restaurant.
Le chef des 'Blackies'
Good dope is becoming rare in the North of Paris. Drugstores are being raided by junkies and gangs are nervous, fighting each others: the 'Viets', the 'Blackies', the 'Arabs', the neo-nazis 'Justiciers' and some mean gays. Vincent (Daniel Auteuil) is the good cop coming from Marseilles where he was a gangster. He's a soft method guy but also kicks assses hard and throw lethal dialog lines when needed. With the precious help of 'l'Arbalète'* (Marisa Berenson**), a tox' prostitute ex-member of Vincent's former gang, he will try to put order in that mess. There's also a violent and racist cop (Marcel Bozzuffi), Algeria veteran with hard methods, whose role could be more than to protect and to serve.