Jaq / Gus (voice) (archive footage)
Created for Disney's 100th anniversary, the short sees Mickey Mouse corralling a gallery of legendary Disney characters for a group photo.
Chip (voice)
In Donald Duck’s Christmas Favorites you’ll be treated to some of the best and most hilarious cartoon shorts from the days when Walt Disney himself added his magical touch to each film. The full effect of his presence can be felt in these sparkling gems that for generations have brought joy and laughter to kids and families everywhere. Want to find out how a real snow ball fight is done? Discover how to replace snow with popcorn? Learn how an alpine expedition should not be done? You’ll get all the answers you need in this collection of Donald Duck’s Christmas Favorites – a delightful winter collection from all of us to all of you. Features: Hockey Champ (1939), Snow fight (1942), Rescue dog (1947), Chip an' Dale (1947), Winter storage (1949), Toy Tinkers (1949), Corn Chips (1951), On ice (1935), Alpine climbers (1936), The art of skiing (1941)
The Bear (voice) (archive footage)
루카스필름 산하의 그래픽 부서로 출범해 세계 최고의 3D 애니메이션 스튜디오로 성장한 픽사. 토이 스토리의 성공, 유능한 인재를 대접하는 픽사의 정책, 디즈니와의 관계, 그리고 놀라운 8개의 히트작에 이르기까지, 픽사 애니메이션 스튜디오의 뒷이야기를 초창기부터 살펴본다. 픽사의 창립 멤버였던 존 라세터와 에드윈 캐트멀, 그리고 스티브 잡스가 픽사에 미친 영향 또한 소개한다.
Chip (voice)
A special yuletide collection of classic moments with Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy, Chip 'n' Dale, Cruella De Vil and many other Disney favourites. The movie contains: Mickey's Mixed Nuts (2000), A Christmas Cruella (1997), Snow Place To Hide (1996) and of course the ever so funny classic, Toy Tinkers (1949) starring Chip and Dale in a battle against Donald.
Chip (voice)
The most mischievous characters to ever come out of Disney studios, Chip ‘N’ Dale are cute, cuddly and always in the centre of trouble. Here is a special collection of their adventures that will have you and your family laughing again and again. Donald Duck goes nuts when he finds himself "Out On A Limb" as he tries to prune Chip ‘N’ Dale’s tree home! In "Corn Chips", Donald convinces them to shovel his snowy sidewalk but ends up shovelling popcorn! Next, it’s Christmas and Chip ‘N’ Dale fight with Donald over the goodies under his tree in "Toy Tinkers". Guess who invite themselves over for Donald’s pancakes in "Three For Breakfast"?
Chip (voice)
The most mischievous characters to ever come out of Disney studios, Chip 'N' Dale are cute, cuddly and always in the centre of trouble. Here is a special collection of their Adventures that will have you and your family laughing again and again. It's double trouble in 'Chip 'N' Dale Go Nuts' when Donald tries to chop down their house for firewood, along with their supply of nuts. Then Chip 'N' Dale make themselves at home in Donald's train set in 'Out Of Scale'. It's romantic mayhem when Chip 'N' Dale like the same girl in 'Two Chips And A Miss'. In 'Food For Feudin", Pluto wants to hide his bones in the same tree where Chip 'N' Dale store their acorns.
Wolf / Lambert (roaring) (voice)
Six more animated stories from the Disney studios. 'Three Blind Mousketeers' follows the misadventures of the outrageous trio. In 'Three Little Pigs', the Big Bad Wolf is doing his best to cunningly snare the guileless little pigs, while in 'Three Little Wolves' he goes one step further and decides to disguise and train his own offspring to lure them into his fold. 'Funny Little Bunnies' explores the mystery of the Easter Bunny. 'Lambert the Sheepish Lion' is a lovable, shy lion who plucks up the courage to protect his adopted family of ewes and rams. 'Ferdinand the Bull' gets in a scrape at a Madrid bullring when he gets stung by a bee and the crowd mistake him for a fighting bull.
Donald, the world's most loveable duck from Walt Disney gets a DVD all about his web-footed, quacking white-feathered silly self. He's irritated by a bee in "The Inferior Decorator," and he gets to show off his dance moves with a lady-friend in "Mr Duck Steps Out." A funny and duck-filled cartoon compilation.
Mickey Mouse
A compilation of classic Walt Disney clips from Mickey Mouse's long and illustrious career as the world's most recognised and best loved cartoon character. Includes "Thru The Mirror," "Hawaiian Holiday," "Lonesome Ghosts," "The Brave Little Tailor," "The Little Whirlwind" and "Mickey Down Under.
Mickey Mouse (The Simple Things) (voice)
Spring (voice)
Humphrey / Lambert / Wolf / Bear / Orville / Tick-Tock (voice)
Through redubbed footage of The Coyote's Lament, the coyote's relationship with man and dog is shown from the coyote's point of view, as seen in various Disney cartoons.
Chip (voice)
Mickey Mouse
Compilation of cartoons raising money for the National Children's Home charity. Featuring Mickey Mouse ("The Simple Things"), Bugs Bunny ("Duck Rabbit Duck"), Tom and Jerry ("The Bowling Alley Cat"), Pluto ("Canine Casanova"), Sylvester and Tweety ("Hyde and Go Tweet"), The Pink Panther ("Sky Blue Pink"), Donald Duck ("Drip Dippy Donald"), Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner ("Hot Rod and Reel") and Daffy Duck ("Ain't That Ducky").
Louie the Mountain Lion (voice)
Bear (Growling) (voice)
엄마 잃은 꼬마 여우 토드는 숲속 친구들의 도움으로 마음씨 좋은 드위드 할머니 댁에서 살게 되고, 이웃집 사냥꾼 에이모스는 어린 사냥개 코퍼를 데려와 키우게 된다. 서로 적이 될 것이라는 사실을 모른채, 어느날, 토드는 바깥 구경을 나갔다가 코퍼를 보게 되고 둘은 금방 친구가 된다. 영원한 우정을 약속한 둘은 코퍼의 기나긴 사냥여행으로 잠시 헤어지게 된다. 시간이 흘러 사냥 여행을 다녀온 코퍼는 의젓한 사냥개가 되었고, 코퍼에게 인사하러 갔던 토드는 늙은 사냥개 치프와 에이모스에게 쫓기는 신세가 된다.
토드는 이리저리 도망치다 결국 코퍼에게 발견되지만, 코퍼는 이번 한 번만 봐주겠다며 그를 놓아준다. 하지만, 뒤늦게 토드를 발견한 치프는 토드를 뒤쫓다가 다리에서 떨어져 다리가 부러지는 부상을 입게 되고, 이에 코퍼는 토드에게 복수를 다짐한다. 한편, 에이모스에게 쫓기는 토드가 걱정된 할머니는 멀리 사냥 금지 구역에 토드를 놓아 준다. 할머니의 품을 떠나서 홀로 야생의 세계에 적응을 하려 애쓰던 토드는 예쁜 여자친구 빅사를 만나서 모처럼 즐거운 시간을 보내는데.
Special Sound Effects
미국 함대 전함 사이그너스는 시공간이 끝나는 광활하고 텅 빈 아무것도 아닌 블랙홀의 가장자리에 위태롭게 자리 잡고 있다. 그 경계를 넘는 모든 것은 미지의 세계로 들어간다. 천재 로봇과 광적인 휴머노이드의 이야기에서 관객들은 자연의 궁극적인 신비 블랙홀 속으로 환상적 모험을 떠난다.
Mickey Mouse (Pluto's Purchase) (voice)
Evinrude (voice)
생쥐 버나드와 비앙카의 직업은 유엔 본부의 지하실에 자리잡은 국제 생쥐 구조대의 비밀첩보 요원. 어느날 마담 메두사에게 시달림을 받고 있던 고아 소녀 페니가 보낸 구조 요청 편지가 도착한다. 그녀는 엄청난 가치의 보석의 행방을 알고 있다는 이유로 악당 마담 메두사에게 납치돼 시달림을 당하고 있는 상태. 딱한 사정을 알게 된 국제 생쥐 구조대는 버나드와 비앙카 요원을 급히 파견하고 둘은 그녀를 구해내기 위한 일생일대의 모험을 시작한다. 신천옹 오빌, 잠자리 에빈루드와 같은 친구들의 전폭적인 도움을 받으며 버나드와 비앙카는 악어들의 호위 속에 접근조차 어려운 마담 메두사의 소굴로 들어가는데...
Sound Editor
용맹스런 사자왕 리차드가 십자군 전쟁에 나간 사이 교활한 존 왕자가 왕위를 차지한다. 존 왕자는 간사한 히스 경을 오른팔로 삼아 백성들로부터 무리하게 세금을 걷어들여 원성이 자자했다. 선량하고 힘없는 백성들에게 유일한 희망은 로빈 후드 뿐. 셔우드 숲 속에 사는 의적 로빈 후드와 그의 부하 리틀 존은 부자들의 금을 훔쳐다가 몰래 가난한 사람들에게 나누어주곤 한다. 어느 날 두 사람이 얘기를 나누고 있는데 돈 냄새가 물씬 풍겨온다. 존 왕자가 탄 황실 마차가 근처를 지나던 것. 집시 점쟁이 여인으로 분장한 로빈과 리틀 존은 한껏 왕자를 치켜올려주며 정신을 빼놓고는 반지와 황금, 의복 등을 모두 빼앗아 달아나는데...
Mickey Mouse (voice) (uncredited)
The Mickey Mouse Anniversary Show originally aired on the Wonderful World of Disney television program.
The Wolf / Pike / Tiger Mim (voice) (uncredited)
영국의 왕이 후계자를 남기지 못한 채 죽는다. 바위에서 전설의 검 엑스칼리버를 뽑는 자가 왕이 될 것이라는 예언에 따라 수많은 사람들이 칼을 뽑으려 하지만 그 누구도 성공하지 못하고, 전설의 검 엑스칼리버는 점차 사람들의 기억 속에서 잊혀진다. 한편 숲속에 사는 마법사 멀린의 제자 아더는 엑토르 경의 성에서 종자 노릇을 한다. 꿈을 크게 가지라는 멀린의 충고에도 어린 아더는 아직 우유부단하기만 하다. 새해 첫날 새로운 왕을 뽑기 위한 대회가 열리고, 대회에 종자로 따라온 아더는 칼을 잃어버린 뒤 바위에 꽂힌 칼을 빼어 갖다주게 되는데...
Party, enterianment, and Behind the scenes
Mickey Mouse / Chip (voice)
Jiminy Cricket is all set to give a testimonial to Donald Duck. But alas, Donald is relaxing at home, with no plans to leave any time soon. Literally dragged to the Disney Studio by his nephews, an outraged Donald relaxes a bit when he realizes that he's the guest of honor. Donald's life is recounted by such colleagues as Daisy Duck (who explains why she and Donald never married), Chip 'n' Dale, Mickey Mouse, Pluto, and even a few guest stars who never made a picture with the duck, including the Three Little Pigs, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Lady and the Tramp.
Drummer (uncredited)
Angered at stern Uncle Daniel, Toby Tyler runs away from his foster home to join the circus, where he soon befriends Mr. Stubbs, the frisky chimpanzee. However, the circus isn't all fun and games when the evil candy vendor, Harry Tupper, convinces Toby that his Aunt Olive and Uncle Daniel don't love him or want him back. Toby resigns himself to circus life, but when he finally realizes that Tupper lied to him, and that his aunt and uncle truly love him, Toby happily returns home once again.
The Biblical story of Noah's ark full of animals gets the Disney treatment in this animated short.
Chip (voice)
Hosted by Jiminy Cricket along with Mickey Mouse and Tinker Bell, this special combines newly produced animation with clips from vintage animated Disney shorts and feature films, presented to the viewer as Christmas cards from the various characters starring in each one.
Humphrey the Bear (voice)
The tourists have left behind lots of trash. Ranger Woodlore enlists his bears to clean up by turning the task into a game (and a dance), but when he takes to his hammock, they see through his ruse. Plan B: bribery no food until cleanup complete. But all the other bears put their trash in to Humphrey's section, so he resorts to a number of unsuccessful ruses to dispose of it
Humphrey the Bear
Humphrey the bear isn't having much luck with his fishing; every time he catches some nice fish, he gets distracted and drops them. So he goes after the catches of the local anglers instead. But ranger Woodlore frowns on this, insisting the bear fish like one.
Chip (voice) (uncredited)
Chip and Dale are starving in their tree home when they notice a plentiful supply of acorns on an island in a lake. To get to the island, they borrow a miniature model ship of Donald's to sail on. The irate Donald, however, doesn't appreciate them stealing his ship and makes several attempts to get it back and thwart their scheme to get to their acorn paradise. Chip and Dale are, of course, always one step ahead of Donald.
Chip (voice) (uncredited)
Donald's playing lumberjack, but the targeted tree just happens to be the home of Chip 'n Dale. They give Donald plenty of trouble cutting down the tree, but eventually he succeeds. The wily chipmunks, though, manage to get their revenge on the homewrecker.
Humphrey the Bear (voice) (uncredited)
Beekeeper Donald catches Humphrey the bear raiding his hives. He complains to Ranger Woodlore, who assembles his bears and lectures them. Donald puts up a barbed wire fence, which slows Humphrey down a bit, but doesn't stop him.
Humphrey the Bear (voice) (uncredited)
Park ranger Donald sends his bears off to hibernate, but Humphrey would rather stay in his hammock, run out for a glass of water, etc., than sleep; when he does get to sleep, his snoring gets him thrown out. His search for a new bed leads him right into the ranger's house.
The Lion (roaring) (voice)
The lion is trapped by the safari and brought to New York, where he's accidentally set free, but nobody is intimidated by him.
Humphrey the Bear (voice) (uncredited)
Donald Duck arrives at Brownstone National Park. The park's ranger, J. Audubon Woodlore, asks the bears to participate with the tourists but...no stealing! Humphrey decides to pair with Donald particularly because of the roast ham he has. When Donald doesn't reward the bear with his food, Humphrey tries a variety of means to get the ham finally getting Donald's attention by lying down on the road pretending that Donald ran over him. After Donald pays up with food, he sees through the scheme and struggles with Humphrey. After the ranger makes Donald and Humphrey clean up the resulting mess, he too notices the ham and makes off with it but is scolded for it by Donald and Humphrey.
Chip (voice) (uncredited)
Lost in a book of fairy tales, Dale imagines what it might be like to do battle with a vicious dragon---and thanks to Donald he'll soon get to find out. As Donald moves his hulking steam shovel into position, intent on clearing a path right through their tree for a new freeway, Chip and Dale ready themselves for battle just like the knights of old. With a tuna can for armor and a hat pin for a lance, Chip charges into battle atop his trusty steed, Dale. But with some quick thinking, Donald makes his phony dragon a fire breather. Who will prevail in the medieval battle for the junkyard?
Chip (voice)
In this Lone-Ranger spoof,a cleaned-up version of Pegleg Pete robs a western bank and makes his getaway, and decides to hide his loot in a tree inhabited by two chipmunks, the chattering-and-clattering Chip 'n' Dale. They resent the intrusion but really begin to give Pete a hard time when they discover a reward if posted for his capture. The cavalry arrives but Chip 'n' Dale have the situation well in hand.
Chip (voice) (uncredited)
Chip 'n Dale live next door to a zoo and spot the elephant's stash of peanuts. They go after them, but both the elephant and his keeper, Donald, are too clever. Then the boys realized the visitors throw peanuts, so they put on a song-and-dance act. Then they paint themselves white and pose as albino chipmunks.
Humphrey the Bear (voice) (uncredited)
It's a peaceful day in a national forest...until hunting season begins at which point all the bears hide out in a cave but one bear, Humphrey, doesn't make it. He hides out in a cabin and, seeing hunter Donald Duck approaching, hides the bearskin rug in a trunk and takes its place. Masquerading as the rug tends to be an unpleasant experience for Humphrey as Donald opens nuts and bottles in his mouth and washes him in the washer/dryer among other things. Finally, when hunting season ends and Donald leaves, Humphrey is relieved but makes a startling discovery.
Mickey Mouse (voice)
Mickey and Pluto go fishing. Pluto has a run-in with a clam, who eventually lodges in Pluto's mouth; Mickey thinks the clam is Pluto's tongue and can't understand why Pluto keeps begging for more food. After they get rid of the clam, Mickey's attempts to use his minnows as bait are thwarted by a hungry seagull; he brings his friends, and they chase our heroes away.
Mickey Mouse / Chip (voice) (uncredited)
Pluto comes bounding outside to help Mickey get a Christmas tree. Chip 'n Dale see him and make fun of him, but the tree they take refuge in is the one Mickey chops down. They like the decorations, especially the candy canes and Mickey's bowl of mixed nuts. But Pluto spots them and goes after them long before Mickey spots them. Minnie, Donald, and Goofy drop by to sing carols.
Mickey Mouse (voice) (uncredited)
It's Pluto's birthday party, but Mickey's dozen or so nephews seem to be having all the fun. Their present is a wagon so Pluto can pull them; the "Pin the Tail on Pluto" game doesn't go quite right, and everything seems to prevent Pluto from having his birthday cake. But Mickey has planned ahead.
Chip (voice) (uncredited)
Chip 'n Dale pretend not to care about nightclubs, but both sneak out to the Acorn Club after pretending to fall asleep, to meet Clarice. They fight over her, pausing to catch her stage show. Chip plays the piano; Dale the bass. She manages not to choose...
Wolf / Lambert (roaring) (voice)
Disney Legend Sterling Holloway narrates this classic animated short. A mix-up by Mr. Stork finds a little lion cub in the care of a gentle flock of sheep. Doted on by his mother, but teased by the other lambs, Lambert soon grows to become a massive lion, but as shy and gentle as the ewe who raised him. When a hungry wolf begins to stalk the herd, will Lambert find the courage to protect his mama?
Chip (voice) (uncredited)
Donald the apple farmer notices his apples have been nibbled on and catches Chip n' Dale in the act. In the ensuing battle, Donald uses a helicopter to spray them (but they have tiny gas masks). And then he brings in the really heavy artillery.
Chip (voice) (uncredited)
작은 기차 세트를 가지고 재밌게 놀던 도날드는 칩과 데일의 나무가 '너무 크다'고 선언하고는 치워버린다. 다람쥐들이 나무를 되찾으려고 하자 도날드가 이들을 뒤쫓는다. 다람쥐들은 장난감 집에서 편히 지낸다.
Mickey Mouse
Mickey's hunting raccoons, with help from Pluto. But the raccoon outsmarts Pluto at every turn, with help from a vine, a stream, and ultimately grabbing Mickey's coonskin cap and puppeteering it as a baby coon.
Dormouse (voice)
나른한 여름 오후, 언니가 읽어주는 역사 얘기를 들으며 졸고 있던 꼬마 소녀 앨리스는 하얀 토끼가 뛰어가는 걸 보고 뒤를 쫓아간다. 토끼 구멍 속으로 따라 들어가 보니 그곳은 완전히 신비한 세계다. 작은 문의 손잡이는 말을 하고, 테이블 위의 약병을 마시니까 앨리스는 병속에 들어 갈 정도로 아주 작아져서, 자기가 흘렸던 눈물의 파도를 타고 열쇠 구멍을 지나간다. 앨리스가 도착한 곳에서는 뱃사람 도도를 비롯한 한 떼의 무리가 파도치는 바닷가를 달리며 젖은 몸을 말리자는 노래를 부르고 있었다. 물 속에서 아무리 빙글빙글 돌아봤자 몸은 마르지 않는다고 얘기를 해 봐도 듣지 않는데...
Chip (voice)
Donald flies his model airplane into Chip 'n Dale's tree. Dale climbs in and proceeds to cause trouble.
Mickey Mouse
Mickey's on vacation at Camp Utopia. At first Pluto thinks it really is utopia: trees everywhere and a cat to chase. But the cabin rules are strict: no dogs indoors, and dogs must be muzzled and leashed. Mickey puts Pluto out to sleep, just out of reach of his food, and the cat comes down and taunts him. Pluto falls asleep and dreams of his "Plutopia" with a subservient cat begging Pluto to bite him and catering to his every need.
Chip (voice) (uncredited)
Donald is shoveling the snow off his walk; Chip 'n' Dale are shoveling their branch. Donald tricks them into shoveling his walk. Angered, they sneak into his house, where he's getting ready to make popcorn. They've never seen this before, but they love it. They stow away in the box, then make off with the bowl of popped corn.
Chip (voice) (uncredited)
Chip 'n' Dale wander into a farmyard to collect acorns. Dale mistakes an egg for a nut, but when he tries to demonstrate to a newly hatched chick how to get back into the egg, a rooster mistakes him for one of his chicks.
Donald's doing a little tree surgery when he spots Chip 'n' Dale gathering nuts. He saws off the branch outside their hole and paints it with tar, which Dale gets stuck in. Then Donald has a little fun with the long-handled pruning shears.
칩과 데일은 견과류를 모아 나무 속에 숨기느라 정신이 없다. 그런데 플루토가 나타나 자기 뼈다귀도 같은 나무에 숨기려 든다. 결국 칩과 데일이 모은 견과류는 플루토의 집으로 옮겨진다. 어떻게든 되찾아야 하는데.
Chip (voice) (uncredited)
도날드와 다람쥐들 칩과 데일이 또다시 서로 맞붙는다! 이번에 다람쥐들은 트레일러에서 휴가를 보내고 있는 도날드와 맞닥뜨리게 된다. 도날드가 수영을 하러 가자, 다람쥐들은 다이빙대를 옮겨 도날드를 속이고, 결국에는 도날드의 트레일러를 엉망진창으로 만든다.
It's the 1890's, and Donald is riding his penny-farthing bicycle to see Daisy when Chip 'n Dale make fun of him. It quickly escalates into a full-fledged war between Donald and the chipmunks.
Gus / Jaq (voice)
친절하고 상냥한 아릉다운 아가씨 신데렐라는 맘씨 나쁜 새 엄마와 시기심 많은 언니들의 구박을 받으면서도 희망을 잃지 않았다. 친구들이라고는 거스와 자크같은 생쥐뿐이지만 그들은 무슨 일이든 신데렐라를 도왔고, 왕자님의 무도회가 열리던 날에는 착한 요정이 나타나 신데렐라에게 아름다운 드레스와 호박으로 만든 마차를 준비해 주었을 때에도 말이 되어 신데렐라와 동행한다. 궁정의 무도회에 참석해서 멋진 왕자님을 만난 신데렐라. 하지만, 시계가 12시를 가리키자 마법은 풀려나고 신데렐라는 유리구두 한짝을 떨군 채 왕자님에게 인사도 못하고 도망치듯 궁전을 빠져나오는데...
Chip (voice)
When Donald Duck chops a Christmas tree, the inquisitive chipmunks Chip and Dale follow and see him decorate it with nuts and sweets. So they sneak in his home, determined to 'harvest' it all, using the toys for the Duck nephews, as if Christmas came early for them, so to say. Donald puts up an equally 'playful' yet grim defense, so it all rapidly escalates into a bitter miniature two-to-one-giant war over the Christmas-treats.
Chip (voice) (uncredited)
Donald steals Chip and Dale's nuts for his nut-butter shop, which is shaped like a giant walnut, Chip and Dale, roll and "shoot" Donald into a nearby lake.
Chip (voice) (uncredited)
It's October 7th and Chip is working industriously to store enough acorns in the tree for the winter. Dale would rather sleep in his matchbox, but an angry kick from Chip gets him working furiously. But there's only so much they can do. Their tree is nearly out of acorns. Luckily, the two semi-intelligible chipmunks happen to see the half-unintelligible Donald Duck, a park ranger, planting acorns. They immediately set to steal his bag of the precious nuts. Donald soon realizes what they are up to, and sets out a box propped up with a stick. It's a crude trap, with an acorn as bait; but it's not too crude to fool Dale, who upsets it and traps Chip. Soon, Donald finds he can have fun instigating a fight between these two quarrelsome chipmunks, but he underestimates their friendship and their ability to work as a team against a common enemy: in this case, a bad-tempered duck.
Mickey Mouse
Mickey goes into a souvenir shop out west and leaves Pluto with a buffalo bone to chew on. A small dog comes to take it away and runs into a ring of cactus with it; Pluto is too big to enter the same way, so he comes in from above and finds himself stuck inside until the small dog helps.
Mickey Mouse
Mickey accidentally takes a seal home, after it sneaks into his picnic basket. When Mickey takes a bath, the seal is discovered and Mickey returns him to the park. Later, however, Mickey and Pluto discover that the bathroom is filled with seals!
Donald Duck gets into a lot of trouble while he's cooking pancakes for breakfast - Chip and Dale are up to their mischief. Donald tries a number of plans to get rid of them, but they repeatedly foil Donald's plans.
Mickey Mouse
미키의 부탁으로 정육점에 살라미를 사러 간 플루토에게 생각지도 못한 일이 생긴다. 불독 부치가 살라미를 훔치려고 했던 것. 플루토는 살라미를 지키기 위해 부치와 싸운다. 플루토가 살라미를 가지고 집에 돌아오자, 미키는 살라미를 부치에게 생일 선물로 준다.
Mickey Mouse
호주의 오지에서 미키는 부메랑을 던지고 플루토가 입으로 잡는다. 그러다 미키는 에뮤의 알을 발견한다. 불행히도, 어미 에뮤가 미키를 쫓아가지만 플루토와 부메랑이 이들을 앞지르고, 메뮤는 뒤엉커버린다.
Chip (voice) (uncredited)
Donald needs a log for his fire. Unfortunately, the one he picks is occupied by a couple of chipmunks and their stash of acorns. When he cuts it down, Chip and Dale fall out, but their acorns stay behind, so they work at putting out Donald's fire and retrieving their stash. Donald, of course, takes this as calmly and cheerfully as you would expect.
Lumpjaw (voice) (uncredited)
월트 디즈니의 만화. 지미니 크리켓이 소개하는 두 편의 단편. 첫번째 것은 야생으로 돌아간 서커스 곰 봉고의 이야기이며, 두번째 것은 유명한 동화를 변형한 로서 도날드 덕과 구피가 조연으로 출연한다.
Two chipmunks have made a cozy little home for themselves in the wood-burning stove of an empty cabin. They sleep in a matchbox, wash up in an empty acorn shell filled with water and look at their reflections on the back of a spoon, which serves as their bathroom mirror. They even have a staircase made with a pocket comb. Invading their space are Mickey Mouse and his dog Pluto, who are all set for a swell vacation. They don't reckon on the two squatters. Pluto immediately discovers the presence of these two pests, but Mickey never finds out. All he knows is that when he tries to light the stove, the matches go out; he doesn't know the chipmunks are blowing them out. Soon, Mickey is outside chopping wood, while Pluto is alone with the chipmunks. Pluto wants blood, but he'll end up with a bottle of ketchup.
Ajax the Gorilla (voice) (uncredited)
Ajax the killer gorilla has escaped from the zoo. Donald's nephews dress up as a gorilla, but soon Donald encounters the real gorilla, and they chase each other until the radio broadcasts instructions for subduing Ajax.
Pluto is in the infantry guarding a pillbox from saboteurs.
Sound Effects
평화로운 봄의 숲속. 모든 동물들은 숲속의 왕자가 될 밤비의 탄생을 축하하러 몰려온다. 모든 이들의 축복속에 밤비는 걸음마부터 점프까지 모든 것들을 배운다. 아기토끼 덤퍼와 스컹크 플라워를 사귀고 엄마 사슴과 함께 간 초원에서 암컷 아기사슴 펠린을 만나며 숲 속 생활에 적응해 간다. 그러던 여름의 어느 날, 사슴들이 일제히 달려가는 것과 뿔달린 수사슴들이 싸우는 것을 보고 덩달아 따라간 그곳에서 엄마와 함께 숲속의 왕자로 존경받는 수사슴의 위엄을 감상한다. 아름다운 뿔이 달린 커다란 수사슴은 밤비를 의미심장하게 보며 지나간다. 그러던 와중 수사슴은 사냥꾼들이 온 것을 알게 되고 사슴들을 대피시키는데...
Roaring Lion (voice)
아기 코끼리 덤보는 자신의 커다란 귀 때문에 항상 서커스단 식구들에게 놀림을 받는다. 처음 서커스에 출연하는 날 덤보는 귀엽게 단장을 하고 손님들 앞에서 묘기를 보이지만 커다란 귀 때문에 구경 온 아이들의 놀림만 받는다. 덤보를 끔찍이 아끼는 엄마 점보 부인은 덤보를 놀리는 아이들을 혼을 내주게 되고, 서커스장은 온통 아수라장이 되어 버린다. 이 사건으로 덤보의 엄마 점보 부인은 미친 코끼리로 낙인이 찍힌 채 서커스단을 떠나게 된다. 다른 코끼리들은 이 모든 것이 덤보의 커다란 귀 때문이라며 그를 따돌린다. 엄마 잃은 덤보는 서커스단에서 친구 하나 없는 외로운 신세가 되고 마는데...
Sound Effects
Goofy's in the driver's seat, Mickey's in the kitchen, and Donald's in bed in Mickey's high-tech house trailer. When Goofy comes back to eat breakfast, leaving the car on autopilot, it takes them onto a dangerous closed mountain road. When Goofy realizes this, he accidentally unhooks the trailer, sending it on a perilous route. They come very close to disaster several times, while the oblivious Goofy drives on and hooks back up to them.
Sound Effects
아주 먼 옛날, 왕비는 뱃속의 아이가 눈처럼 하얀 피부에 사과처럼 붉은 입술, 장미빛 뺨을 지닌 공주이기를 빌었다. 드디어 왕비는 예쁜 공주를 낳고 그녀를 백설공주라 불렀다. 백설공주는 모든 사람들의 사랑을 받으며 자라났지만 왕비가 죽고 새로 들어온 계모가 여왕이 되자 혹독한 시달림을 받는다. 계모에게는 신비로운 마술 거울이 있었는데, 어느 날 여왕이 세상에서 가장 아름다운 사람은 누구냐고 질문하자 마술 거울은 백설공주라고 대답한다. 분노한 여왕은 사냥꾼을 불러 백설공주를 죽이도록 명령하지만, 사냥꾼은 백설공주의 순수한 마음씨에 감동하여 그녀를 죽이는 대신 계모를 피해서 도망치도록 일러주는데...
아주 먼 옛날, 왕비는 뱃속의 아이가 눈처럼 하얀 피부에 사과처럼 붉은 입술, 장미빛 뺨을 지닌 공주이기를 빌었다. 드디어 왕비는 예쁜 공주를 낳고 그녀를 백설공주라 불렀다. 백설공주는 모든 사람들의 사랑을 받으며 자라났지만 왕비가 죽고 새로 들어온 계모가 여왕이 되자 혹독한 시달림을 받는다. 계모에게는 신비로운 마술 거울이 있었는데, 어느 날 여왕이 세상에서 가장 아름다운 사람은 누구냐고 질문하자 마술 거울은 백설공주라고 대답한다. 분노한 여왕은 사냥꾼을 불러 백설공주를 죽이도록 명령하지만, 사냥꾼은 백설공주의 순수한 마음씨에 감동하여 그녀를 죽이는 대신 계모를 피해서 도망치도록 일러주는데...
Spring (voice) (uncredited)
미친 듯이 웃을 시간이 왔다. 미키, 구피, 도날드가 거칠게 돌아가는 톱니바퀴, 뒤틀린 스프링, 귀청이 찢어질 듯한 종소리, 잠든 황새와 맞서 싸운다.
King of Hearts (voice) (uncredited)
Mickey has been reading Alice in Wonderland, and falls asleep. He finds himself on the other side of the mirror, where the furniture is alive. He eats a walnut, which makes him briefly larger, then small. He dances around a lot, ultimately doing a major number with a deck of cards. He dances with the queen, making the king jealous. He comes after Mickey with swords, and Mickey defends himself with a sewing needle. Mickey gets the upper hand, and the king calls for reinforcements. Mickey finds himself chased by several decks, which throw their spots at him. He turns on a fan and blows them away, back through the mirror, where his alarm is ringing.