Mirko Ellis

출생 : 1923-09-04, Locarno, Switzerland

사망 : 2014-09-11

참여 작품

The Medium
A man has psychic premonitions of bad things happening to both a young boy and a young lady in a flaming vehicle.
The Biggest Battle
German Officer in Bar
A story of how World War II affected the lives of a German family and an American family, both of whom had sons and fathers fighting in the war.
Fuzzy the Hero
Shosena, a clever bank robber, is associated with "Jaguar" to take a big hit. They think the town where the bank owned dock Koven, a man who has against all the farmers of the place. His only son, George, is in love with the daughter of Rush, his most angry enemy. And ... coincidentally, Shosena and "Jaguar" to justify their stay in the village, get to work for him.
베아트리체 첸치
베아트리체는 1577년 2월 6일, 교활하고 포악하기로 유명한 이탈리아의 귀족 프란체스코 첸치(Francesco Cenci)와 그의 첫 번째 부인 사이에서 태어났다. 그리고 그녀는 삶이 채 꽃피기도 전에 아버지를 살해한 희대의 살인자로 사형을 선고받고 1599년 9월 11일 짧은 마감했다. 당시 그녀의 가족으로는 오빠인 지오코모와 계모 루크레지아페트로니, 이복동생 베르나르도가 있었는데 어린 베르나도를 제외한 모든 가족이 살인죄로 체포되어 함께 처형됐다. 처형되기 전, 그들을 구하기 위한 노력이 많이 시도됐지만 교황 클레멘스 8세(Pope Clement Ⅷ)는 사면을 허락하지 않았다. 그래서 교황이 그들을 파멸시킬 목적에서 행했던 것이라는 소문도 있다. 프란체스코는 엄청난 부와 영향력을 소유하고 있었는데, 로마의 유테인 게토 끝에 위치한 그들의 저택 첸치성(Palazzo Cenci)말고도 첸치가는 로마 북쪽의 리에티에 가까운 작은 마을인 페트렐라살토에 성을 소유하고 있었다. 그들의 재산은 물론 첸치가 사람들이 사형당하면서 모두 몰수됐다.
Legion of the Damned
Captain Adler
A British Colonel is angry with his superiors after his entire platoon is slaughtered by the Germans in what he saw as a suicide mission. So for his next mission, he takes along a platoon a convicted criminals - to prepare the Normandy beaches for the D-Day landings. Wartime drama from Italy, starring Jack Palance, Wolfgang Preiss and Curd Jurgens.
A Bullet for Rommel
Lt. Robert Mills
During World War II, a tough officer organizes a commando raid into Germany.
Emma Hamilton
John Payne
The Making of a Lady: The Story of Lady Hamilton is a 1968 historical drama film directed by Christian-Jaque and starring Michèle Mercier, Richard Johnson and John Mills.[1] It was based on the novel La San-Felice by Alexandre Dumas and depicts the love affair between Emma Hamilton and Horatio Nelson. It was a co-production between Italy, West Germany, France and the United States.
I Protect Myself Against My Enemies
El Condor
A major of the dissolved southern army gives a dollar to a young cowboy, Alan Burton, telling him that there are two other similar dollars with different figures on them; the three numbers combined show the spot where the Confederate's treasure is hidden. A number of people get involved including a gang leader and Alan's sidekick, Hondo.
Persecución hasta Valencia
Mike 'Max' Hopper
For One Thousand Dollars Per Day
Wayne Clark
Hud's parents were murdered, their land stolen and now Hud will dish out justice to the guilty - the three Clark brothers know they are in danger but they don't know from where the blow will come.
Hate for Hate
After being captured during a bank robbery, a cowboy is sent to a prison located in a swamp, where he contracts malaria. He soon escapes and, with the help of a Mexican, sets out to track down his partner, who escaped from the bank robbery with all the money.
Django the Last Killer
Ramon's parents are killed by men of landowner John Barrett. While trying to get revenge, Ramon is wounded but has saved the life of Rezza, an old disillusioned killer. While nursing his wounds, the men become reluctanfriends and Rezza teaches Ramon the art of shooting, surviving and the loneliness a killer has to bear. Ramon becomes threat for Barrett, the landowner engages Rezza to kill Ramon.
Top Secret
A man escapes from a Russian prison and then from a United States embassy, taking with him some very important top secret information from both sides.
Killer Caliber .32
Sheriff Bear
Super cool Silver kills the seven members of a masked gang, one by one. Saloon girls and poker games enliven this action-packed movie which culminates in the unmasking of the evil gang's boss.
Man and a Colt
Dakota Joe is a hired gunman. For that reason he arrives at a border ranch in Mexico hired by the landowner Don Carlos, to eliminate the village doctor, a good man who helps the poor. So Dakota Joe decides not to fulfill his commitment and together with a former outlaw who is now honored, they plan to steal all the money that Don Carlos stores in the safe and to support the revolution of Zapata
Trappola per sette spie
Man From Nowhere
Arizona Colt heads for Blackstone City where Gordon is planning a robbery. When one of Gordon's henchmen murders a saloon girl, Arizona offers to hunt down the killer.
Web of Violence
A journalist goes in search of his missing fiance.
Missione sabbie roventi
How We Robbed the Bank of Italy
Dim-wits Franco and Cicco try to come up with a plan to rob the safes of the Bank of Italy, but with one muddle after another, they find themselves empty-handed after each attempt to do so.
Rebels in Canada
Capitan Robert Doyle
Hudson river fur hunters rebel against their English masters in this pre-Blind Dead effort from de Ossorio. Victor, chief of the rebels, kidnaps Ann from the ruthless landowner, Sullivan, as a bartering tool. Ann and Victor, in love, fight together against Sullivan for a free life together.
Mission Bloody Mary
Agent 077 - Mission Bloody Mary or Agente 077 missione Bloody Mary is a 1965 Italian action spy adventure film. The first of the Secret Agent 077 film series directed by Sergio Grieco.
L'Attaque de Fort Adams (Une aventure de Buffalo Bill)
Samson and Gideon
Consisting of two segments, the film is centered on two great Israelite leaders found in the Book of Judges.
Buffalo Bill, Hero of the Far West
Yellow Hand
Colonel William Cody, alias Buffalo Bill, intends to put an end to the dishonest relations between a gang of white swindlers and the Indian, Yellow Hand. So he goes to the chief of Yellow Hand's tribe, Wise Fox, and tries to convince him to sign a peace treaty with the Federal troops. In order to avoid this, Yellow Hand abducts Wise Fox's daughter, pretending that the soldiers have done it.
Revolt of the Praetorians
Rome chafes under the rule of the Emperor Domitian and his Egyptian mistress, Artamne. A mysterious champion arises to fight against the Emperor -- a masked man known as the Red Wolf. In fact, the Red Wolf is Valerius Rufus, one of the Emperor's trusted centurions who's aided by none other than the Emperor's court jester, the diminutive Elpidion. Rebels in league with Valerius kidnap Artamne, planning to exchange her for two of their imprisoned colleagues, but Artamne escapes and soon both Valerius, (now exposed as the Red Wolf), and his fiancee, Lucilla, are sentenced to be immersed in a cauldron of molten lead. Valerius's friends, however, rise up to rescue him and to liberate Rome.
Old Shatterhand
Joe Burker
Renegades trying to get the army to abandon their fort get the Indians addicted to whiskey, then convince them to attack and drive out the soldiers.
Hercules Against the Barbarians
King Vladimir
The eternal Hercules in this film has gone way beyond his usual time and place in ancient Greece and is now helping Poland free itself of Mongol invaders in the 12th century. Mark Forest is the star of this peplum epic, Hercules Against The Barbarians.
The Ten Gladiators
Servius Galba
Roccia and a band of fellow gladiators join forces with a patrician named Glaucus Valerius to replace Nero, (and his evil henchman, Tigelinus), with a new emperor: Servius Galba. During the course of this bloody struggle, the gladiators lose their mentor and trainer - Resius - and then must rescue Lidia, Resius' beautiful niece, from death on the cross.
The Lion of St. Mark
In 1620 pirates are terrorizing the Adriatic coast. Our hero sets out to defeat them.
The Tyrant of Lydia Against the Son of Hercules
Marcius' companion
Italian sword & sandal thrills as the son of Hercules is pitted against an evil king and his wretched followers.
White Slave Ship
Lord Graveston
The Albatross travels from England to the New World in 1675, with a number of passengers, a couple of political prisoners along with a dozen other women convicts, these to be sold into slavery on arrival. The woman activist frees the dozen of low-cast women, and they take over the ship. After a storm, the captain takes back control of his ship. Since mutiny is punishable by death in the New World, the mutineers try to reroute the course, tossing Desny and Purdom in the brig. A practical male mutineer wants to throw the women overboard to save rations, but the women free Purdom and the captain to battle the mutineers. A British warship comes to the rescue, and the captain pardons Angeli and Purdom for having saved his life.
A Carthaginian general attempts to cross the Alps with an army of elephants in order to conquer Rome.
The Devil's Cavaliers
Captain Richard and a small band of soldiers return home to France to discover the country ruled by horrible nobility.
Noi siamo due evasi
Two inmates escape prison changing clothes with a couple of businessmen. They'll be taken by the financiers and find themselves surrounded by wealth and beautiful women.
Fantasmi e ladri
Tina, an old lady and detective stories buff, moves to town in the house of a god-daughter of hers whose husband is a private dick. She thinks she will be able to help him with his inquests. He does not agree with her and tries to discourage her by any possible means.
Adventure in the city
엘레나와 남자들
19세기 말, 폴란드 왕자의 아내였지만 젊은 나이에 과부가 된 엘레나는 수많은 남자들의 주목을 받으며 파리에서 생활하고 있다. 세계대전이 일어나기 전, 그녀는 새롭게 떠오른 수려한 외모의 장군 롤랑을 만난다. 글로와르 정복에 나서려던 롤랑은 엘레나에게 도움을 요청하고, 엘레나는 롤랑을 위해 음모와 책략을 꾸미는 데에 가담한다.
Ciao pais..!
The Two Orphans
Le Rouge et le Noir
Norbert de La Mole
It's no holds barred for Julian in pursuit of upward mobility. Although expected to channel career aspirations into the Church of the post-Napoleonic era, his intensely romantic liaisons propel him forward at a pace he cannot control.
Bitter Waters
Valerio, a blind man of war, and his little sister Fiorella live with Uncle Mario, who has a shop on the coast.
Bitter Waters
un poliziotto
Valerio, a blind man of war, and his little sister Fiorella live with Uncle Mario, who has a shop on the coast.
Modern Virgin
The young Claudia wants to escape from the gray life of the province and aims rich men but each time with unhappy results. Only the brother will eventually succeed in shaking her from this purpose.
Tripoli, bel suol d'amore
The young Alberto Ruotolo leave the country cottage to go for the sharpshooter. But the command does not pull good air, three riflemen arrogant and unruly bear much disorder as anger Marshal Nero.
Daughters of Destiny
Anthony (segment "Elisabeth")
Three stories, very different in space and time. Lysistrata, a dancer from ancient times, Jeanne d'Arc, medieval warrior and Elisabeth, American war widow who comes on pilgrimage in Italy.
Melody of Love
Renato Scala
A comedy with lots of Neapolitan songs and shots of the Bay of Naples finds Maria Morelli unable to marry her singing sailor/lover, Giacomo because her father, Don Salvatdore Morelli objects. She can't elope because her father has an heart ailment and uses it to hold Maria. Giacomo misunderstands and takes off on a global singing tour.
Trieste mia!