Jessica Edwards

Jessica Edwards


Jessica Edwards has a broad background in the film industry as a director, producer, and publicist. She’s the founder of Film First, a production company that creates and distributes documentary features, shorts and new media projects including her directorial debut, Mavis! about soul and gospel pioneer Mavis Staples which won a Peabody in 2017.

프로필 사진

Jessica Edwards

참여 작품

Skate Dreams
Skate Dreams, the first feature documentary about the rise of women’s skateboarding, profiles a group of women whose pursuit of self-expression, equality, and freedom have created an international movement on and off their skateboards. From their boycott of the X-Games, to their defiance of traditional skateboarding gatekeepers, through grueling worldwide skate competitions in the run up to the Olympics, Skate Dreams showcases the charismatic personalities, indomitable spirits and amazing talent of these trailblazing pioneers. Directed by Peabody Award-winning filmmaker Jessica Edwards (MAVIS!).
Skate Dreams
Skate Dreams, the first feature documentary about the rise of women’s skateboarding, profiles a group of women whose pursuit of self-expression, equality, and freedom have created an international movement on and off their skateboards. From their boycott of the X-Games, to their defiance of traditional skateboarding gatekeepers, through grueling worldwide skate competitions in the run up to the Olympics, Skate Dreams showcases the charismatic personalities, indomitable spirits and amazing talent of these trailblazing pioneers. Directed by Peabody Award-winning filmmaker Jessica Edwards (MAVIS!).
The Map
Executive Producer
The Map is a short documentary about a revolutionary redesign of New York City's iconic subway map. Filmmaker Gary Hustwit documents the process as digital agency Work & Co creates a new "live map" — one that updates in real-time — to help New Yorkers and tourists better plan their journeys. The film examines the evolution of wayfinding and user interfaces, and shows how good design and the latest digital technology can simplify one of the world's most complex transit systems. Featuring Felipe Memoria, Rachel Haot, Sarah Meyer, Joshua Gee, Marcela Abbade, Karina Sirqueira, Robert Penner, and Mohan Ramaswamy.
디터 람스
Executive Producer
1932년 독일 비스바덴에서 태어난 디터 람스는 2차 대전이 끝나가던 시기에 유년기를 보내며 전쟁으로 폐허가 된 세상을 다시 재건하는 일에 자신의 꿈과 열정을 바쳤다. 새로운 세상을 만들어가는 것, 새로운 제품을 만드는 것에 사로잡힌 그는 50여년 간 ‘브라운’과 ‘비초에’에서의 작업들로 20세기 산업디자인에서 누구도 따라갈 수 없는 독보적이며 눈부신 족적을 남겼으며, ‘좋은 디자인의 10가지 원칙’을 통해 시대를 초월하여 현재까지도 여전히 유효한 그의 디자인 철학을 이야기한다.
디자인 캐나다
영화는 식민주의의 전초기지에서 활력 넘치는 다문화 사회로 탈바꿈한 캐나다의 변모과정을 그래픽디자인의 렌즈로 살펴보면서 이런 질문을 제기한다. "무엇이 우리를 캐나다인이 되게 하는가? 무엇이 국가적 정체성을 정의하는가? 국가인가? 국기인가? 로고 또는 상징물인가? 이런 요소들은 어떻게 우리의 정체성을 형성하는가? 1960-70년대에 디자인을 통해 국가의 통합을 시도했던 캐나다의 혁신적인 디자이너들에게서 해답을 탐구한다
Associate Producer
Workplace is a documentary made by Gary Hustwit, in association with R/GA, for the 2016 Venice Architecture Biennale.Workplace is about the past, present, and future of the office. It looks at the thinking, innovation, and experimentation involved in trying to create the next evolution of what the office could be. The film follows the design and construction of the New York headquarters of digital agency R/GA (in collaboration with architects Foster + Partners) who have been experimenting with how physical and digital space can better interact. Digital technology has radically changed how and where most of us work, but the physical spaces we work in haven’t kept up with that transformation.
A look at the life and music of legendary singer and civil rights activist, Mavis Staples.
A look at the life and music of legendary singer and civil rights activist, Mavis Staples.
The Landfill
Trash becomes energy at a small New York landfill where people are thinking differently about garbage.
Seltzer Works
In the early 1900s, thousands of seltzer deliverymen criss-crossed the nation, schlepping heavy glass bottles full of fizzy water to millions of thirsty customers. Today, with only a handful of deliverymen left in the country, the siphon machines at Gomberg Seltzer Works don't turn like they used to. Most of the old customers have passed on (or moved to Florida). But there are still bubbles being made by third generation seltzer filler Kenny Gomberg. In the short documentary Seltzer Works, the last bottler in Brooklyn fends off the supermarket seltzer take-over and honors this simple drink's place in history.
Ty, Hector, and Bao are close friends in a tough section of Boston, where they're called "the PG-13 crew." They're 14, decent kids with few skills who've bailed out of school. A small gang of older tough guys, led by Marcus and Tommy, menace them, and when the PG-13s fight back and rob one of the gang, Marcus and Tommy vow to kill them. They seek protection from Derick, a drug dealer, who agrees to help if they'll sell drugs. Meanwhile, Ty is recruited to work at a community center by J.J., its quiet leader. Ty and his friends are in a squeeze: surrounded by violence, drugs, and no opportunities, is there any way out?