Adriana Novelli

참여 작품

We'll Call Him Andrea
Paolo and Maria are two elementary teachers, who love each other, but can not have a child.
핀치 콘티니의 정원
1930년대 말, 이탈리아의 작은 도시 페라라. 부유한 유태인 가문인 핀치 콘티니 가의 미콜과 알베르토는 저택에서 파티를 열고 테니스를 즐기며 평온한 나날을 보내고 있다. 무솔리니 정권 하에 민족차별법이 공표되고 전쟁이 임박하는 등 파시즘의 광풍이 몰아치는 가운데, 핀치 콘티니 가문은 세상과 동떨어져 궁전 같은 저택 안에서의 삶을 누린다. 미콜과 알베르토의 오랜 친구인 조르지오는 미콜을 열렬히 사랑하지만, 미콜은 조르지오에게 쉽게 마음을 내주지 않고 오히려 그의 친구인 말나테와 가까워진다. 유태인을 향한 박해는 점점 더 거세지고, 평화로울 것만 같던 이들의 삶에 위기가 닥치는데…
결혼하자마자 제2차 세계대전이 터져, 남편 안토니오(마르첼로 마스트로얀니)를 전쟁터로 보낸 여인 지오반나(소피아 로렌). 소식을 모르던 남편이 어느날 전사했다는 통지서를 전해받고 지오반나는 망연자실한다. 하지만 안토니오가 소속된 군대에서 제대한 군인이 그가 죽음 직전에 눈 속으로 도망쳤다는 이야기를 전해주자, 지오반나는 남편이 살아있다고 믿고 멀고먼 땅 러시아까지 찾아간다. 모스크바에서 우크라이나까지 계속되는 그녀의 여행은 고달프기만 하다. 간신히 묻고 물어 모스크바 북쪽 변두리 지역에 이태리인들이 함께 모여 살고 있다는 말을 듣고 찾아간다. 그녀가 지나가는 우크라이나의 들판에는 해바라기가 끝없이 펼쳐져 있다. 이윽고 그녀는 마샤(루드밀라 사벨리에바)라는 러시아 여인의 집에서 남편 안토니오를 발견한다. 하지만 그는 전쟁의 후유증으로 기억상실증에 걸려 마샤와 함께 살면서 아이까지 있는 처지다. 지오반나는 슬픔에 잠겨 그 집을 떠나 밀라노로 돌아온다. 다시 이태리로 돌아온 지오반나는 남편을 잊기로 하고 나이든 공장 일꾼 에토(마이클 그린)과 결혼하여 가정을 꾸민다. 이들 사이에서 아들이 하나 태어난다. 세월이 많이 흐른 후, 고향에 대한 향수 때문에 안토니오가 그 곳에 나타나 지오반나의 삶을 뒤흔든다. 이미 재혼을 한 지오반나와 재회한 안토니오는 말이 없다. 각자의 길을 가야만 하는 것이다.
연인들의 장소
Globe-trotting clothes-horse Julia, who's harboring a secret, embarks on a 10-day fling with Valerio in Italy.
Caprice Italian Style
The film consists of six short stories created by different directors, but all the stories share one thing: a warm irony to current events.
다섯 마녀 이야기
1967년 개봉한 코미디 옴니버스 영화이다. 다섯 편의 에피소드로 구성되어있으며, 각 에피소드를 다섯 명의 감독이 연출하였다.
빅 건다운
Supervising Editor
조나단 콜벳은 텍사스 지역 최고의 총잡이 중 한 명으로 수많은 악당들을 해치워 왔다. 그 명성에 힘입어 정치에 입문하라는 권유를 받을 정도이다. 하지만 정치적 야심이 없는 콜벳은 또 다른 살인 사건 용의자인 쿠칠로를 잡기 위해 묵묵히 멕시코로 향한다. 그러나 꾀 많은 쿠칠로는 결정적인 순간마다 콜벳을 따돌리고, 콜벳의 여정은 처음 계획보다 훨씬 길고 힘들어진다.
Oggi, domani, dopodomani
Italian comedy film in three segments
석양의 건맨
Supervising Editor
감옥을 탈출해 나온 산적 두목이자 은행강도인 현상범 인디오는 부하들과 함께 살인과 강탈을 일삼고 다닌다. 회중시계와 뮤직박스에 병적인 집착을 보이는 그는 누군가를 죽일 때마다 회중시계를 꺼내 보는 버릇이 있다. 그를 잡기 위해 두 명의 사나이가 서부의 작은 도시에 등장한다. 한 명은 이름을 알 수 없는 차갑고 냉정한 총잡이인 '이름없는 자'로 현상금을 목적으로 이 곳에 왔으며, 또 한 명은 육군대장인 몰티머인데, 그는 인디오에게 청산해야할 빚이 있어 그것을 완수하기위해 그를 찾아온다. 이 범죄자는 그의 여동생의 죽음과 관련이 있었다. 인디오가 돈을 얻기위해 엘파소의 은행을 털 것이라는 직감을 갖고 이 두 명의 총잡이는 그곳으로 돌린다. 이들은 서로를 믿지 않았으나 보다 효과적으로 인디오를 잡기위해 '이름 없는 자'가 악당과 한 패가 된 것처럼 가장해 그들의 비밀 소굴로 쳐들어가 인디오를 사로잡기로 하는 기막힌 음모를 꾸미는데...
Casanova '70
The amorous adventures of Andrea Rossi-Colombotti, an army officer who finds pleasure with beautiful women in life-threatening situations.
이태리식 결혼
거만하고 이기적인 나폴리의 사업가 도미니코(마르첼로 마스트로얀니 분)는 소문난 바람둥이로 필루메나라는 열일곱살의 매춘부(소피아 로렌 분)에게 빠져 그녀를 매춘굴에서 빼내 그가 경영하는 제과점의 종업원으로 일하도록 일자리를 마련해 준다. 그러나 도미니코는 필루메나와 결혼을 할 만큼 사랑하는 것은 아니었고, 단지 하인처럼 소유하거나, 밤의 연인으로만 곁에 두고 싶어한다. 20여 년이 흐르도록 관계를 유지해오던 두 사람은 그러나 도미니코가 젊은 여공과 사랑에 빠져 결혼하려 하면서 흔들리기 시작한다. 할 수 없이 필루메나는 꾀를 발휘해 자신이 병에 걸려 곧 죽을 것처럼 남자를 속여서 도미니코가 자신의 잘못을 뉘우치도록 만든 뒤 결혼에 성공하게 된다...
High Infidelity
Four different directors present lighthearted stories about married Italian couples and their dilemmas with jealousy, sex and love.
사랑의 변주곡
첫 번째 에피소드인 "나폴리의 아델리나"는 놀고 먹으면서 교도소나 들락거리는 남자와 결혼한 아델리나가 남편을 먹여 살리기 위해 밀수입 담배를 판매하는 내용을 다루고 있다. 아델리나는 수사관들이 수사망을 좁혀올 때마다 임신을 하여 체포의 위기를 모면한다. 1960년대 이탈리아에서는 임신한 여성을 체포하는 것을 법으로 금지하고 있었기 때문. 덕분에 일곱명의 아이들을 갖게 되었지만 더 이상 아이를 낳을 기력이 없는 남편으로 인해 아델리나는 위기에 처하게 된다. 할 수 없이 아델리나는 임신한 것처럼 배를 불룩하게 위장해 위기를 모면해 보려고 하지만 그녀를 체포하기 위해 혈안이 되어 있는 수사관들이 가만있을리 없다. 두 번째 에피소드인 "안나"는 기업가의 응석받이 아내의 이야기를 담고 있다. 물질적으로는 풍요로웠지만 얽매인 듯한 생활에 신물이 난 안나는 남편의 구속에서 벗어나고 싶은 욕망에 시달리고, 그 욕망은 스포츠카를 부수는 것으로 표출된다. 세 번째 에피소드인 "마라"는 로마에서 고급 콜걸 생활을 하던 마라가 순진한 신학도를 만나 사랑에 빠지게 되지만 볼로냐에서 온 마라의 기둥서방으로 인해 신학도가 위험에 처하게 될까봐 그를 져버린다는 내용을 담고 있다.
I 4 tassisti
Four comedic episodes follows different taxi drivers.
더 붐
Sweet-sour comedy on Italy's 1950s rage to get rich as fast as possible! The businessman wants to satisfy his wife's craving for luxury and a "respectable life" so he becomes heavily indebted. In desperation he agrees to sell a precious part of his body for a large sum of money. But just before the crucial operation he panics...
Adultero lui, adultera lei
Lina, a young woman now tired of the constant betrayals from her husband, decides to cheat on him with a mutual friend, Piero.
The Condemned of Altona
A dying German magnate invites his youngest son and daughter-in-law home to discuss the future of the family's shipbuilding empire. There, the daughter-in-law stumbles upon a secret of the family's Nazi past.
Appuntamento in Riviera
In the study of a lawyer, two young spouses tell their story. The singer Tony manages to reach the much coveted success, and can thus marry his girlfriend. But a clause in his record contract obliges him to remain a bachelor for two years.
An anthology of four adult tales: a young couple tries to hide their marriage and the wife’s supposed pregnancy from their place of employment; a billboard photo of a scantily clad woman comes to life to torment the local censor; an aristocratic couple comes to terms with life and marriage after the domineering husband is caught visiting sex workers by the press; a lottery is held in which the prize is to spend the night with a beautiful woman.
The Last Judgment
The Last Judgement (Italian: Il giudizio universale) is a 1961 commedia all'italiana film by Italian director Vittorio De Sica. It was coproduced with France. It has an all-star Italian and international cast, including Americans Jack Palance, Ernest Borgnine; Greek Melina Mercouri and French Fernandel, Anouk Aimée and Lino Ventura. The film was a huge flop, massacred by critics and audiences when it was released. It was filmed in black and white, but the last sequence, the dance at theatre, is in color.
L'onorata società
Salvatore and Rosalino are sentenced to death by the Mafia because they are accused of having seduced the daughters of a boss. As they are about to be shot they manage to escape with the two girls.
Love, the Italian Way
A group of passengers traveling around the Mediterranean on a luxury liner enjoy various adventures and become romantically involved with each other.
두 여인
남편을 잃은 체시라는 딸 로제타를 홀로 키운다. 2차 대전 중 연합군의 폭격을 피해 체시라는 딸과 함께 로마를 떠나 고향으로 피난을 간다. 고향에서 만난 파시즘에 반대하는 젊은 지식인인 미켈레는 모녀에게 연민을 느끼고, 로제타는 그를 마치 아버지처럼 믿고 따른다. 얼마 후, 미켈레는 철수하는 독일군에게 끌려가게 되고 모녀는 로마의 집으로 돌아가기로 하는데...
Il corazziere
In fascist Italy, Urbano Marangoni aspires to become Corazziere, like his late father, but it is a dream destined not to come true because of his short stature.
Little Girls and High Finance
A low level official and a prostitute both try to commit suicide and fail, afterwards he becomes a pimp and the prostitutes take over the country.
The Passionate Thief
On New Year's Eve, a young woman and an out-of-work actor complicate a pickpocket's plans to ply his trade.
The Great War
Italy, 1916. Oreste Jacovacci and Giovanni Busacca are called, as all the Italian youths, to serve the army in the WWI. They both try in every way to avoid serving the army.
Vacations in Majorca
Ugly, persistent, and (initially) annoying admirer pursues a beautiful actress. At first he is laughed of, especially by his ultra handsome rival, but with his firm insistence, and gradually emerging charm, he seduces the lady, to the total shocked surprise of his rival.
The Moralist
The newly appointed head of a censorship board uses his uncompromising stance against everything "immoral" – from nudity in movies to nightclubs – to hide a rather unseemly double life.
Men and Noblemen
Nicola Peccoli has always nurtured his niece Giovanna, an orphan since the age of two and now of age, but he does not look favorably on her beloved Mario because he is just a simple employee and a lower class of society.
Love on the Riviera
It is Summer. It is the right time for love, especially in a most romantic place as Golfo del Tigullio. Different stories: Dorina looking for a rich lover; Clara who takes a fancy to the young Walter while her daughter Lina tries to save her; Aristarco who gave up his career to follow Ada's, but who likes Jacqueline; Renata who is offered by her husband to Ferrari to get money; Marcello who, extraditing Micheline to France, misses the train and falls in love with her.
The Inveterate Bachelor
Marcello is engaged to Gina, the daughter of the boarding house where he lives, but he is undecided whether to marry her or not.
마돈나 거리에서 한탕
한 밤에 자동차를 훔치다 현장에서 검거된 코지모는 구치소에 수감되었다가 그곳에 수감된 다른 죄수로부터 마돈나 거리에 있는 전당포를 털 수 있는 방법을 알게 된다. 한탕에 대한 욕심으로 안달이 난 코지모는 자신 대신 죄를 뒤집어쓰고 형을 살아줄 사람으로 삼류 복서인 페페를 매수하는데 이들의 공모를 눈치 챈 경찰은 코지모와 페페를 교도소에 수감한다. 집행유예를 선고받은 페페는 3년형을 선고받은 것처럼 꾸며 코지모에게 동정심을 유발시켜 그로부터 마돈나 거리에서 한탕에 대한 상세한 비밀을 듣게 되고, 출소하여 좀도둑 마리오, 사진사 티베리오, 시칠리 출신의 미켈레, 그리고 나이 먹고 주책없는 늙은 남자와 코지모의 정부, 페페까지 여섯 명이 모여 전당포를 털 계획을 세우던 중 코지모가 출소를 하게 되는데...
Il conte Max
Alberto, a newspaper man, tries a one-time shot of living the good life with the help of his penniless mentor.
Peccato di castità
Adventures of a young married couple during their honeymoon trip.
Roman Tales
Alvaro is been in jail and so he consider himself the most fit to lead his three friends Mario, Otello and Spartaco. The four young men decide to start a business. They need only a van to start a transport company. But they lack the money. How can they get it?
It Happened in the Penitentiary
A prison warden keeps a diary in which he writes about the convicts he meets and their lives.
Don Paolo, a young parson troubled by his love for Agnese, tries to make peace in a little village in Sardinia where two families are at war.
A Hero of Our Times
Alberto Menichetti lives with an aunt and an old housekeeper, Clotilde; he has a job in a firm and his boss is Mrs. De Ritis, a widow whose husband was killed during a wild boar hunt. She likes him but Alberto likes Marcella; she is under age and he is awaiting her birthday to declare his love. His greater traits are to be fearful of everything and to be selfish. This nature will get him into trouble..
Non c'è amore più grande
While her new husband is away looking for work, the wife loses the child she was expecting and uses another woman's baby as a substitute so she won't have to upset her spouse when he returns.
Good night… lawyer!
A lawyer, married but temporarily alone at home, finds himself in the house a beautiful lady who tries to escape from her jealous husband. Fascinated by the beauty of the unexpected guest, the lawyer is determined to conquer her, in vain. But when the woman leaves, she discovers that she has been stolen some money.
Toto and Carolina
During a police raid at Villa Borghese, the agent, a widower named Antonio Caccavallo, stays to get better acquainted with the young Carolina.
Le signorine dello 04
The lives and loves of five Italian telephone operators. One is betrayed by her husband, one helps a student who wants to take his life, one changes her boyfriend every other day, one is a single mother and the last one tries to inflame a recent-widower accountant.
The Shadow
A painter's wife becomes ill. A friend comes to comfort him,but he falls in love with her.
It Happened in the Park
Villa Borghese, Rome's biggest urban park, is the place where everyday laughs and dramas are consumed. The movie is made of six vignettes set there.
Cinema of yesteryear
While filming in the Roman countryside, some of the workers damage the garden of Caterina. Going to ask for compensation, she meets the director Marcello, who propose her to star working in movies.
Lo scocciatore
A bored civil servant accepts an invitation to visit a glamorous young lady. When she doesn't answer the door, then is later found murdered he panics!
시아모 돈
Five portraits of actresses in their "common" life, seen as women rather than movie stars.
The World Condemns Them
Forced by her lover to sell her body, Renata is saved from a suicide attempt by Paolo Martelli, an engineer. She asks him to help her find a job. When Paolo's wife humiliates her, Renata gains revenge by seducing the woman's husband.
The Unfaithfuls
A group of "respectable" people are all partly responsible for the suicide of a servant girl. They are pounced upon by a wily blackmailer, who knows that these people will pay dearly rather than inform on themselves or others.
Sunday Heroes
Gino Bardi is a centre-forward in a football team which is about to be relegated to the second division. Just before a very important match a girl he has a relationship with proposes him to rig it. He refuses the offer but he actually begins playing like an amateur and the crowd begin to smell something fishy going on.
Toto and the Kings of Rome
An aging, down-and-out public employee must face the primary school examination.
Love I Haven't... But... But
Gina tries to commit suicide by jumping into the river but is saved by Teodoro, an innocent young man. Antonio, Teodoro's brother, tries in every way to seduce her.
Cops and Robbers
Esposito is a thief who cons tourists in Rome. Officer Bottoni manages to catch him and starts persecuting him. When Esposito manages to flee, Bottoni's superiors inform him that he'll lose his job if he can't catch Esposito.
Last Meeting
The wife of a mechanic and tester of Alfa Romeo cars becomes the lover of a pilot. The two decide to flee together in Argentina.
Porca miseria!
Two friends, Giacomino and Carletto, have no job and no money and are looking for a job, or any device that will help them to meet expenses and especially will give them the opportunity to fill their stomachs.
Outlaw Girl
Beppe Musolino is falsely accused of murder. He is tried and once found guilty is imprisoned. Unexpectedly he escape from prison and to survive he start living like an outlaw brigand. He falls in love for Mara, a village girl, and with her help he hunts down all of the witnesses who lied about him at the trial.
Cuori sul mare
Two young men from the Navy fall in love with an actress.
Miss Italia
Assistant Editor
Lure of the Sila
Returning home after a night of love spent in a woodman's hut with Orsola, Pietro is arrested by the police for a crime he did not commit. His mother and youngest sister, Rosaria, go to Orsola begging her to provide Pietro with the alibi that will clear him. But Rocco, Orsola's brother, dreading a family scandal, constrains Orsola to silence. Condemned despite his innocence, Pietro escapes from prison, but the police track him down and kill him, and his mother, before the eyes of Rosaria. Years pass, and one day Rocco stumbles upon a half-frozen young woman lying in the snow. He takes her home and confides her to the care of Orsola. Later, yielding to the pleas of Orsola, Rocco and Rocco's son, Salvatore, the girl stays on in the house, and Salvatore falls in love with the beautiful stranger, who is careful to keep the family members from learning she is Rosaria, the grown up sister of Pietro seeking revenge for the deaths of her brother and mother.
Woman Trouble
Driven by the constant quarrels with his wife and humiliated by a rich Milanese industrialist after asking him for a job, an unemployed person decides to steal a car from a garage guarded by a friend.
On his way to Africa, Don Pietro, a young missionary priest has his suitcase stolen in the station of Naples. While trying to retrieve his baggage he realizes how miserable the city of Naples is. Then he decides that his mission is there in Naples, He creates his 'The Boys' Town' a shelter for poor kids, aka the 'scugnizzi' (street urchins), with a view to putting them back on the right track. Some of the kids, though, do not play by the rules just using that 'home' as a convenient place for hiding the product of their thefts...
To Live in Peace
Assistant Editor
Vivere in pace is a 1947 Italian comedy-drama war film directed by Luigi Zampa.
Professor, My Son
Assistant Editor
During Fascism and after WWII, a school porter sacrifices himself so his son, who is slightly ashamed of a lowly background, can become a respected professor.The film also takes a few jabs at Italy's rapid governmental reshuffles.
Sound Editor
The film is set in 1941 during the Second World War, when the city of Benghazi in Italian-ruled Libya was occupied by British forces. Italian inhabitants of Benghazi work to resist the British and discover their military plans. One man, Captain Enrico Berti, appears to be collaborating with the British but is in fact working undercover for Italian intelligence. The film ends with the city being recaptured by Italian troops and their Nazi German allies.