거친 바다를 항해하며 배의 선장으로 지내온 앨리스는 런던에 돌아와 참석한 연회에서 나비가 된 압솔렘을 만나게 되고, 거울을 통해 이상한 나라로 돌아가게 된다. 그 곳에서 앨리스는 하얀 여왕을 만나 위기에 처한 모자 장수의 얘기를 듣게 되고 시간의 크로노스피어를 훔쳐 과거로 돌아가 모자 장수를 구하려고 한다. 한편, 하얀 여왕에 의해 아웃랜드로 추방되었던 붉은 여왕 또한 크로노스피어를 호시탐탐 노리고, 앨리스는 붉은 여왕과 시간으로부터 벗어나 모자 장수를 구하기 위한 스펙타클한 시간여행을 시작하게 되는데…
Costume Design
Michael Landon stars in this real life story about a journalist in Laos, and the extent to which he will go for his girlfriend.
Costume Design
Callie was a teenage mother in trouble. Fresh out of the delivery room, her son was taken from her and sold on the black-market. Vowing to find him some day, this is her story.
Costume Design
While investigating the death of a friend and fellow cop, Los Angeles police officer Barney Caine stumbles across evidence that Nazis created a synthetic alternative to gasoline during World War II. This revelation has the potential to end the established global oil industry, making the formula a very valuable and dangerous piece of information. Eventually, Caine must contend with oil tycoon Adam Steiffel, who clearly has his own agenda regarding the formula.
Costume Design
미국 함대 전함 사이그너스는 시공간이 끝나는 광활하고 텅 빈 아무것도 아닌 블랙홀의 가장자리에 위태롭게 자리 잡고 있다. 그 경계를 넘는 모든 것은 미지의 세계로 들어간다. 천재 로봇과 광적인 휴머노이드의 이야기에서 관객들은 자연의 궁극적인 신비 블랙홀 속으로 환상적 모험을 떠난다.
Costume Design
Hall Bartlett directs the rural drama The Children of Sanchez, based on the tome The Children of Sanchez: Autobiography of a Mexican Family written by Oscar Lewis in the '60s. Anthony Quinn stars as the widowed Jesus Sanchez, a poor farmer struggling to provide for his family in Mexico City. Also starring Lupita Ferrer as Consuelo and Stathis Giallelis as Roberto. This is the last film in the 50-year career of international star Dolores del Rio, who plays the Grandma. Jazz-pop performer Chuck Mangione was nominated for a Golden Globe and won a Grammy award for his original musical score.
Costume Design
23세기 지구. 겉으로 보기에는 모든 것이 갖추어진 유토피아지만 인구증가로 인해 자원이 급속도로 고갈됨에 따라 30세가 되면 의무적으로 죽어야만 하는 미래사회. 슈퍼 컴퓨터는 사회의 모든 것을 통제하고 관리한다. 인간의 출생과 죽음까지도...
Costume Design
1971년 멕시코. 인적 드문 산속에서 수인호송차에 타고 있던 한 수인이 살해되었다. 그 사건으로 제이 와그너가 28년의 형을 받았다. 제이는 알 수 없는 죄였다. 제이는 무죄를 밝히기 위해 탈옥하려고 그의 애인인 앤에게 부탁한다. 앤이 넣어준 돈으로 간수를 매수하여 탈옥을 시도했으나 실패로 끝났다. 앤은 니크 콜른이라는 사나이를 찾았다. 돈이면 무엇이든지 하는 사나이였다. 그는 시스나기로 제이를 탈옥시키려고 했으나 또 실패했다. 그 후 니크는 단짝인 호크에게 여장을 시켜 형무소에 잠입시켰으나 그것도 간수에게 발각되고 만다. 한편 제이는 독방으로 이감된다. 최후의 방법으로 니크니 경찰 장관기로 위장해서 형무소 뜰에 착륙한다. 한편 밖에서는 호크와 미루나가 간수의 눈을 돌리게 하는 사이 니크는 건물 출구에 있는 제이를 구해 탈출에 성공하나 그들의 행선지에는 해리스 와그너 일당의 무서운 함정이 기다리고 있었다.
A chronicle of the 1975 International Press Conclave hosted by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer over two days in May 1975.
Wardrobe Designer
A chorus girl comes to the realization that she is not getting any younger and that her longtime relationship with a nightclub singer is going nowhere. She finds herself attracted to an unassuming but attentive--and much younger--delivery boy.
Costume Design
유전을 둘러싼 대회사와 어느 부녀의 사투를 그린 모험극.
Costume Design
A wanderer returns home only to find political turmoil, disease and romantic difficulties.
Costume Design
스카이다이빙 묘기로 살아가는 20대 30대,40대로 나이도 다양한 3명의 남자들 마이크(버트 랭카스터 분), 조(진 헥크만 분 ) ,말콤 (스캇 윌슨 분)은 미 전역을 돌아다니면서 공중곡예 스카이 다이빙을 벌인다. 어느날 이들은 고아였던 말콤의 고향으로 오게되는데, 고향에는 말콤의 양 어머니가 될뻔 했던 이모 브랜돈(데보라 카 분)이 불행한 결혼 생활을 하고 있었고, 세 명의 곡예사들은 당분간 브렌돈 이모집에 머물게 된다. 미모의 브렌돈에 첫 눈에 반해 마음을 빼앗겨 버린 마이크, 이에 브렌돈도 마음이 흔들리고, 둘은 결국 넘지 말아야 선을 넘어서고 만다. 그러나 스카이다이빙 곡예중 불행한 사건으로 마이크는 결국 목숨을 잃게 되는데... 1966년 그랑프리 라는 멋진 카 레이싱 영화를 만든 존 프랑켄하이머 감독이 3년 후에 만든 스카이 다이빙 영화이다. 그는 이 영화를 찍으면서 예전의 명 배우였던 버트 랑카스타와 데보라 카를 불러내 이후 16년 만에 러브씬을 찍었는데, 이번에는 바닷가가 아니고 응접실 쇼파였다. 그러나 나이가 들었던 탓에 그리 격렬하지는 않아다는 후일담도 있다. 1950년 대 TV에서 이미 이름을 알렸고, 60년대에 들어서는 헐리우드에서는 센세이션을 일으켰던 하이머 감독의 전성기때 만들어진 집시나방 (The Gypsy Moths) 은 창공을 배경으로 하는 액션과 재미가 더 하는 작품이다. 영화의 시작과 끝 부분에 스크린을 꽉 채우는 스카이 다이빙 장면은 언제 봐도 간담이 서늘할 정도로 실감이 나고 존 프랑켄 하이머 감독은 이런 소재의 영화를 참 잘 소화 한다는 평을 얻기도 했다.
Costume Design
Chautauqua manager Walter Hale and his loyal business manager struggle to keep their traveling troupe together in small town America.
Costume Design
Down-on-his-luck race car driver Jim Douglas teams up with a little VW Bug that has a mind of its own, not realizing Herbie's worth until a sneaky rival plots to steal him.
Costume Design
The eponymous wraith returns to Earth to aid his descendant, elderly Emily Stowecroft. The villains want to kick Emily and her friends out of their group home so that they can build a crooked casino. Good guy Steve Walker gets caught in the middle of the squabble after evoking Blackbeard's ghost.
Costume Design
할아버지 밀루니와 함께 시애틀로 여행 간 로드니와 베스는 삼나무 숲을 지나가다 900세 먹은 난쟁이 노비와 제스퍼를 만난다. 밀루니가 이 고장의 목재 사업을 하고 있는 사실을 모르는 노비는 밀루니 회사로 인해 숲이 파괴되고 있다고 비난한다. 여관에 도착한 일행은 난쟁이들을 바구니에 숨겨 방으로 데리고 가지만, 호기심 많은 고용인 객스턴이 이들을 잡아가 버린다. 이를 안 밀루니는 탐정을 고용해 이들을 찾으려 하지만 오히려 정신병자로 취급돼 정신병원에 감금된다.
Costume Design
A girl on the road to stardom fights the dehumanizing effects of Hollywood life.
Costume Design
Passengers on a ship traveling from Mexico to Europe in the 1930s represent society at large in that era. The crew is German, including the ship's Dr. Schumann, who falls in love with one of the passengers, La Condesa. A young American woman, Jenny, is traveling with the man she loves, David. Jenny is fascinated and puzzled by just who some of the other passengers are.
Costume Design
전직 교사 캣 벌루(제인 폰다 분)는 교수형을 앞둔 악명 높은 기차 강도. 철창 안에서 교수대를 바라보며 그녀가 옛날 일을 회상한다. 캐서린 벌루라는 이름으로 교사로 일하던 그녀가 오랜만에 아버지의 농장이 있는 와이오밍 주의 농장으로 향한다. 하지만 정든 고향에 도착한 그녀는 아버지가 예전 같지 않음을 알게 된다. 보안관을 위시한 동네 사람들이 아버지(존 말리 분)의 목장을 빼앗기 위해 고의로 목장의 우물을 오염시키고 그걸로 모자라 총잡이를 보내 아버지를 협박하고 있었던 것. 캐서린은 이런 아버지를 보호하기 위해 총잡이 키드 셸린(리 마빈 분)을 고용하지만 왕년에 잘나가던 총잡이 셸린은 술이 없으면 총을 쓰지 못하는 술꾼이 돼 있다. 결국 아버지를 잃은 캐서린은 우연히 만난 가축 도둑들과 또 셸린과 함께 복수를 기약하며 무법자들의 땅으로 떠나며 새로운 인생을 살게 된다.
Costume Design
American sailor Charlie Madison falls for a pretty Englishwoman while trying to avoid a senseless and dangerous D-Day mission concocted by a deranged admiral.
Wardrobe Designer
어빙 월레스(Irving Wallace) 원작의 스파이 스릴러물로 노벨상 시상식을 둘러싼 음모에 주인공이 휘말려들어 겪는 모험을 그린 작품이다. 히치콕 영화의 아류같은 구성을 가지고 있지만, 의외로 탄탄한 구성을 가진 작품으로 에드워드 G. 로빈슨의 1인 2역을 비롯하여 연기진들의 조화도 좋고, 액션과 수수께끼와 로맨스에 유머까지 곁들여져서 제법 볼만한 작품으로 만들어졌다. 아기자기한 스토리와 뉴만 특유의 능청스러운 연기에 노벨상이라는 색다른 배경으로 재미가 있는 영화다.
Costume Design
사막의 고속도로를 맹스피드로 달리고 있던 차가 벼랑으로 떨어진다. 현장에 있었던 4대의 차로부터 5명의 남자가 도와주러 내려가지만 숨이 끊어지기 직전의 남자가 '주립공원에 35만달러의 현금이 묻혀있다'는 말을 남기고 직전의 이 말을 들은 이들은 눈색깔이 변하고 숨겨진 돈을 찾기위해 제각기 떠나게 되는데 식품운송사업에 실패한 휫치와 그의 아내. 치과의사와 그의 처, 극작가, 가재도구를 운반하던 사람들이 이들이다. 또한 영국육군중위가 가세하여 이 돈을 먼저 차지하기 위해 갖가지 방법을 동원해 나간다.
Costume Design
Julian Berniers returns from Illinois with his young bride Lily Prine to the family in New Orleans. His spinster sisters Carrie and Anna welcome the couple, who arrive with expensive gifts. The sisters hope Julian will help with their expenses, and he tells them that while his profitable factory went out of business, he did manage to save money.
It turns out that Julian pulled off a real estate scam and took off with the money. Carrie is obsessed with her brother. Her jealousy of Lily pushes her to discover the shady land deal for herself and she does everything she can to wreck their marriage.
Co-Costume Designer
Fred, George, Doug and Howie are quickly reaching middle-age. Three of them are married, only Fred is still a bachelor. They want something different than their ordinary marriages, children and TV-dinners. In secret, they get themselves an apartment with a beautiful young woman, Kathy, for romantic rendezvous. But Kathy does not tell them that she is a sociology student researching the sexual life of the white middle-class male.
Costume Design
Party, enterianment, and Behind the scenes
Costume Design
All roads lead to magical, merry Toyland as Mary Contrary and Tom Piper prepare for their wedding! But villainous Barnaby wants Mary for himself, so he kidnaps Tom, setting off a series of comic chases, searches, and double-crosses! The "March Of The Wooden Soldiers" helps put Barnaby in his place, and ensures a "happily ever after" for Tom and Mary!
Costume Design
영국 런던에서 웨딩드레스 디자이너인 엄마와 함께 살고 있는 애니. 미국 캘리포니아의 포도 농장에서 아빠와 함께 살고 있는 할리. 이제 12살인 두 소녀는 미국에서 열리는 한 여름 캠프에서 만나게 된다. 좋아하는 것도, 잘 하는 것도 같은 이 아이들은 그만큼 생김새도 똑같다. 어느날, 캠프에서 펜싱 대결을 하게 된 두 꼬마 소녀. 그때부터 둘은 경쟁심을 갖게 되고, 서로를 괴롭히기 위해 애쓴다. 그러다 결국 선생님께 장난한 걸 들키게 되고 두 사람만 따로 마련된 숙소에서 머물게 된다. 그때 두 사람은 자신들의 공통점을 발견하게 되고, 할리에겐 엄마가 없다는 것, 애니에겐 아빠가 없다는 걸 알게 된다. 마침내 두 소녀는 그들이 어렸을 때 부모의 이혼과 함께 헤어진 쌍둥이 자매인 것을 알고 애니는 캘리포니아로, 할리는 영국 런던으로 가기로 하는데...
Costume Design
트라키아 출신의 노예 스팔타커스(커크 더글러스)는 검투사를 훈련하는 바티아투스(피터 유스티노프)에게 팔려가게 된다. 경기장에서 훈련을 받던 스팔타커스는 동료 검투사를 이끌고 반란을 주도한다. 반란은 마을에서 마을로 퍼져가고 도망친 노예들이 합류하며 커다란 세력이 된다. 노예들은 스팔타커스를 따라 바다 건너 고향으로 돌아가기 위해 남하를 계속한다. 한편 수도 로마에서는 대립하는 두 원로원이 반란군을 각기 자신의 정치적인 입지를 강화하는 데 이용하려 한다.
Costume Design
An endocrinologist in a dysfunctional marriage with an aging, alcoholic wife journeys to Africa seeking a drug that will restore youth.
Costume Design
A discredited professor and a sophisticated thief decide to join together and pick a team to pull off one last job--the casino vault in Monte Carlo.
Costume Design
A World War II submarine commander finds himself stuck with a damaged sub, a con-man executive officer, and a group of army nurses.
Costume Design
1936년, 영국 사우샘프턴(Southampton, England 1936). 가십 칼럼니스트인 셰일라 그레이엄(데보라 카 분)은 당대 미국 최고의 작가 중 한 사람으로 명성이 높았던 F. 스콧 피츠제럴드(그레고리 펙 분)를 할리우드에서 만난다. 피츠제럴드는 정신 병원에 입원한 아내의 치료비와 딸의 사립학교 비용을 대기 위해 할리우드에서 영화 시나리오 쓰는 일을 하고 있는 중이었다. 시나리오를 쓰는 틈틈이 이전에 누리던 명예를 다시 찾기 위해 "최후의 거물"이란 소설을 구상하고 있던 피츠제럴드와 그의 조수가 된 셰일리는 서로의 글에 대한 평이나 조언을 해 주기도 하고 서로 의지하며 사랑을 키워 나간다. 하지만 예전의 명성에 비해 초라해진 모습이나 경제적인 문제가 주는 부담감, 작품 활동에 대한 부담감 등으로 피츠제럴드가 가끔 술을 마시는 것 때문에 두 사람 사이에 사소한 갈등이 생기기도 한다. 그럼에도 여전히 아름다운 사랑을 쌓아가던 어느 날 갑자기 피츠제럴드가 심장마비로 사망하고 혼자 남게 된 셰일라는 바닷가를 거닐며 눈물을 짓는다.
Costume Designer
배우를 지망하는 백인 미망인 로라와 그녀의 딸 수지는 우연히 흑인 미망인 애니와 그녀의 혼혈아 딸 사라와 같이 살게 된다. 매번 오디션에서 떨어지던 로라는 진심으로 자신을 사랑하는 사진작가 스티브를 만나 프로포즈를 받는다. 그러나 무대에 설 기회를 잡은 로라는 스티브의 손길을 뿌리치고 스타의 길을 선택한다. 몇년 뒤 스타가 된 로라는 스티브와 재회하고 다시 사랑을 이루려 하지만, 불행하게도 수지 역시 스티브를 사랑하게 되는데...
Costume Design
A man must choose between work or his family after he is called back to work during a family vacation. He and his son have set a harmless rabbit trap in the woods near the cabin they are vacationing in. When the family returns home they realize that they forget to retrieve the trap and the son fears that a rabbit will be captured and die a slow death from starvation. The man is in line for a promotion, yet feels that he is under appreciated by his boss. He must choose whether or not to follow his instincts and do the right thing or possibly lose the promotion he has worked long and hard for.
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Charming tale of mountaineer-trapper Murphy's first taste "big city" life with young, sweet Sandra Dee in tow. She flees her family, which tried to trade her for some of Murphy's beaver pelts, and tags along with the reluctant Murphy. They get into all manner of trouble in town, and Murphy has to shoot the sheriff to rescue Dee from her job as a dancehall girl.
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A mysterious epidemic has struck an Old West frontier town and young girls are falling deathly ill. Doc Carter, his lovely daughter Dolores, and preacher Dan Young have their hands full caring for the infirm. When one of the patients dies unexpectedly, Dan notices two puncture wounds on her neck. His investigation leads him to the strange gunslinger Drake Robey, who always seems to be slower on the draw than his opponents, but who—despite being outdrawn, and even shot—always manages to survive these deadly encounters. Dan soon discovers that Drake also has an aversion to crucifixes, sleeps in coffins, and cannot tolerate sunlight...
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An Air Force pilot finds romance with his war buddy's widow.
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로즈버그에 존 갠트(오디 머피)가 온다. 그는 악명 높은 살인 청부업자라 마을이 술렁인다. 그는 사냥감이 먼저 총을 빼게 한 후 공격하므로, 정당방위가 되어 지금까지 사람을 죽여도 죄를 추궁 받지 않았다. 그는 평범하게 지내지만, 사람들에게는 의심이 생긴다. 악덕 은행가는 갠트가 자신을 노리고 있는 것이라 생각하고, 숨어서 권총으로 노리다가 실패하자 머리를 쏘아 자살한다. 친구의 아내와 사랑의 도피를 해 이 마을에서 살고 있는 남자는 아내의 전 남편이 살인 청부업자를 보냈을 것이라 생각하고, 목장의 공동경영자들은 파트너가 이익을 독점하기 위해서 살인 청부업자를 고용했다고 생각해 서로 총격전을 시작하는데...
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A pretty, sheltered teenager falls for a boy from the wrong side of town.
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Ex-army sergeant Jed Givens and his gang rob an army payroll shipment led by Lt. Hemp Brown. Givens kills a civilian woman and all the soldiers, leaving Brown alive to face a military tribunal in which he is branded a coward, stripped of all insignia and drummed out of the army. Brown sets out to track down Givens in an effort to clear his name.
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A movie publicist is assigned to keep the public from learning that a beloved child star is an egotistical little brat.
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Pursued by detectives, Johnny Walters leaves the city to visit his family in a small California town. Among the household: his dead brother's luscious widow Helen, who soon is attracted to him. Ominous events and conflicting evidence leave Helen suspicious, but uncertain about her brother-in-law as tension builds...
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Jim Burton, chronic alcoholic, is cared for by Ellen, his incredibly patient, sexy, hard-working wife. A doctor's warning that Jim could become mentally ill strikes enough fear into him that he really wants to cure himself...but can't. One night, he meets William Tobin, a fellow drunk, and finds that he helps himself by trying to help Tobin. Thus is born, amid setbacks, a group resembling Alcoholics Anonymous.
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An alcoholic captain sails a two-master through danger with a call girl and others on board.
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패색 농후한 1944년 이른 봄, 러시아 전선에서 고향으로 일시 귀환한 독일군 병사 에른스트는 폐허로 변한 거리를 보고 충격을 받는다. 부모님도 행방불명이고, 가까스로 어린 시절의 여자친구 엘리자베스와 재회하지만 어머니의 주치의였던 그녀의 아버지도 게슈타포에 끌려가 소식 불명인 상태이다. 어느덧 사랑이 싹튼 두 사람은 결혼하고 연락이 끊어졌던 부모님과도 연락이 되지만, 그는 다시 전장으로 돌아가야만 한다. 격전지를 전전하던 그는 종전이 가까워진 이른 봄날, 아내로부터 아이의 탄생을 알리는 편지를 받고 기뻐한다.
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A 400 year old disembodied head hypnotizes a female psychic, who recovered it using a dowsing rod, to search for the rest of its body.
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On a stormy night, young woman asks another guest at party to rescue her from her lecherous boss and take her to the train station. When her rescuer suggests that she stop at his place to get out of her wet clothes, she dashes from his car. The door she knocks on for help is the home of a retired actor and there she spends the rest of the night. He makes no passes and next morning she discovers young man who drove her from party is a next door neighbor, before long the two men are competing for her affections.
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A teenager finds her wayward sister running with thieves in San Francisco.
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마크 바르가스는 멕시코의 마약 단속 책임자이다. 아름다운 미국인 아내 수잔과 멕시코 국경에서 짧은 신혼여행을 보내던 바르가스는 미국의 돈 많은 택지 개발 업자가 폭발사고로 죽는 것을 목격하게 되고 정의감 넘치는 바르가스는 스스로 이 사건에 뛰어든다. 그 와중에 비협조적인 부패 경찰 행크 퀸란과 부딪히게 된다. 한편 바르가스는 조만간 마약왕이 그란데에 대한 증언을 하기로 되어 있었고, 그란데는 바르가스의 부인인 수잔을 납치, 협박하여 바르가스의 입을 틀어막으려고 한다. 어딘가 구린 구석이 있어 보이는 행크는 택지 개발 업자의 사건을 멕시코 측으로 은근 슬쩍 넘기기 위해 그란데와 결탁하여 바르가스를 궁지로 몰아넣는데...
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When the testimony of a crippled child sends a murder suspect to prison, a friend of the accused sets out to investigate the crime on his own.
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Change of pace comedy casts Lana Turner and Jeff Chandler as competing pilots who fall in love.
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Judge Jim Scott must contend with the vicious relatives of a murderer he's about to sentence...and his unfaithful fiancee.
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Jaded movie star Vanessa Windsor, saved from a studio accident by handsome extra Chris Farley, pursues him, and soon he's the 'caretaker' of her beach house. Vanessa's sexy, alcoholic adult daughter Penny accidentally meets Chris, who rescues her from an 'octopus' boyfriend. Before you know it, Chris is involved with both mother and daughter, and his only way out is to take a job in a Mexican picture about man-eating orchids...
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In effect, modern cow town Spurline is run by Virgil Renchler, owner of the Golden Empire Ranch. One night, two of Virgil's henchmen go a little too far and beat a "bracero" ranch hand to death. Faced with an obvious cover-up and opposition on every hand, sheriff Ben Sadler is goaded into investigating. His unlikely ally: Renchler's lovely, self-willed and overprotected daughter. Will Ben survive Renchler's wrath?
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제1차 세계대전 참전 당시 일급 비행사로 이름을 날리던 로저는 전쟁이 끝난 후 고작 비행 스턴트맨으로 전락하고 만다. 그는 오로지 비행에만 탐닉할 뿐, 가난에 기달리는 가족들에 대해서는 신경을 쓰지 않는다. 한 신문사의 기자 버크가 전쟁 영웅들의 전후 생활을 취재하기 위해 로저의 집으로 찾아왔을 때, 버크는 몰락한 영웅의 삶에 실망을 금치 못한다. 한편 로저의 아름다운 아내 라번을 사랑하게 된다. (Naver 영화)
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Hughie Mack, a not so nice western singer, is discovered by Clover Doyle as the next movie cowboy hero. His name is changed to Slim Carter and a promotional buildup begins. Leo Gallaher, an orphan boy wins the contest to spend a month with Slim. Leo is a good influence on his cowboy hero. Clover sees the good and more in Slim. Montana Burriss is Slim's double.
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The eccentric Bullock household again need a new butler. Daughter Irene encounters bedraggled Godfrey Godfrey at the docks and, fancying him and noticing his obviously good manners, gets him the job. He proves a great success, but keeps his past to himself. When an old flame turns up Irene's sister Cordelia starts making waves.
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George Nader plays a reporter whose career is ruined by liquor. A comeback opportunity presents itself when Nader is a bystander at the arrest of a well-known criminal.
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A rookie assistant DA is assigned to investigate the murder of a longshoreman, killed for exposing gangster involvement on the piers, and meets up with a "code of silence" amongst all potential witnesses.
Costume Designer
청각장애인을 부모로 둔 체이니(제임스 캐그니 분)는 극장에서 판토마임과 막간 사이의 촌극 연기자로 일하고 있었다. 그러던 어느 날, 클레바 클라이튼(도로시 말론 분)을 만난 체이니는 그녀를 조수로 채용하게 된다. 함께 일하면서 사랑에 빠진 두 사람은 결혼까지 하게 되지만 체이니가 자신의 양친이 청각장애인이라는 사실을 밝히자, 클레바는 혐오감을 감추지 않는다. 심지어는 아들을 낳고 나서도 아기가 청각 장애일 거라며 쳐다보지도 않으려 한다. 아기가 정상이었음에도 클레바는 불안 증세를 보였고, 체이니가 극장에서 성공을 거듭할수록 그녀의 증세는 더해간다. 결국 클레바는 체이니와 어린 아들을 남겨두고 집을 나가버리고, 체이니는 부양할 돈이 없어 아들마저 다른 가정에 빼앗기고 만다. 결국 체이니는 아들을 되찾겠다는 일념으로 헐리우드를 행한다. 그 곳에서 그는 자신의 재능을 이용해 할 수 있는 일이라면 무엇이든 서슴지 않고 모두 다 해낸다.
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부모와 형제를 떠나 악의 세력으로 방황하고 있는 아우를 찾아 서부를 아코디언 하나만을 둘러메고 헤메고 다니는 형 ‘그랜트’ 그리고 폐광을 근거지로 삼고 무법자 ‘하빈’의 부두목으로 있는 아우 ‘키드’. 형과 아우는 어려운 조건속에서 서로 만나지만 마음을 돌리고 형을 돕던 동생 키드는 ‘하빈’의 총에 맞아 쓰러지고 총알이 떨어진 형이 절대절명의 순간에 아우는 단 한발이 남은 총을 형에게 건네 주고 눈을 감는다. 한발의 총알로 그랜트는 하빈을 쓰러 뜨리지만 아우 키드는 형 그랜트의 팔에 안긴채 숨을 거두고 만다. 60년대에 최고의 인기를 구가했던 오디 머피가 검은 가죽 점퍼 복장으로 출연해서 장안의 젊은이들의 우상을 다시 볼 수 있게 되었다는 것은 잊혀진 옛 추억의 감회를 다시 새롭게 한다는데 의의가 깊다고 하겠다. 영화 내내 아름다운 산악 풍경 또한 이 영화의 빼 놓을 수 없는 볼거리이고 세인에서 낯이 익은 ‘브란돈 드 와일드’의 모습은 영화내내 오디 머피와 함께 즐거움을 선사해 주고 있다.
Costume Design
In Moscow 1953, four terrified women prisoners are brought before Joseph Stalin, who chooses the beautiful Dasha. He punishes her by shaving off her long hair. Moments later, a plastic surgeon leads Stalin into the operating room and transforms his face so that he is unrecognizable. He vanishes, but OSS agent Steve Anderson searches for him in Europe.
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A preacher (George Nader) fears for his family (Phyllis Thaxter, Tim Hovey) after killing a teenage burglar whose father seeks revenge.
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An opportunistic young man from the slums gambles his way to wealth, power and high society.
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A suspected diamond smuggler returns to Istanbul and finds the lady love he thought was dead...or does he?
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Joe Harris, preparing a eulogy for popular radio commentator Herb Fuller, finds that nobody has a good word to say about him.
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A high school rock group enters a band contest.
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카일 해들리는 석유 갑부의 아들이다. 뉴욕에서 루시라는 매력적인 여성을 만난 뒤 카일은 그녀와 순식간에 결혼한다. 이들의 만남을 주선했던 미치는 뭔가 떨떠름한 표정을 짓게 된다. 한편, 오랫동안 미치를 짝사랑했던 이가 있다. 메릴리는 카일의 여동생으로 버릇없는 편이지만 미치를 끔찍하게 사모한다. 메릴리는 미치와 카일의 관계에 끼어들어 둘을 갈라놓고, 집안은 쑥대밭이 된다. 영화는 한 가지 미스터리로부터 출발한다. 우리는 도입부에서 이상한 광경을 목격한다. 누군가 술에 만취한 채 방황하고 있고 어느 대저택엔 거센 바람이 몰아친다. 명백한 살인의 전주곡이다. 다음에 우리는 플래시백, 그러니까 시간을 거슬러올라 과거를 들여다본다. 무슨 일이 있었던 것일까.
Costume Design
Indian Agent sent to try new approach to peace with Apaches based on respect for automomy rather than submission to Army. Wins over reservation chiefs and the Indian widow (Bancroft) given to him as housekeeper. Through use of diplomacy and demonstrations of faith in Apache leaders, reservation is put on the road to automomy. Conflicts arise between Apache widow and Eastern wife but latter has a lot to learn.
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Seeing a certain woman (Ann Harding) makes an airline pilot (Jock Mahoney) think he is a reincarnated World War I pilot.
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Ben Matthews gives up the flashy life of a riverboat gambler, hoping to settle down in Galena with his girlfriend, luscious entertainer Zoe. But Galena's leading citizen is murdered on the boat; Ben, on arrival, finds a lynch mob after his neck, and flees. Three years of wandering later, Zoe's letters stop coming and Ben returns to find her and attempt the hopeless task of clearing himself.
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Congotanga, West Africa, has no extradition laws; the government is controlled by foreign gangsters, headed by Carl Rittner. The latest plane from Europe carries lovely Louise Whitman, fleeing a French murder charge, and Mannering, who pays resident hit man O'Connell to kill her. Through a chain of circumstances Louise, O'Connell, and heroic surveyor David Carr end up alone in the jungle on Carr's mission to determine the true border of Congotanga... in which Rittner is keenly interested.
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A group prison breakout goes from bad to worse when the desperate warden tries to steal the gang's dough.
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A Texan arrives in Oregon and seeks justice for his innocently-hanged brother
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A scrappy fighter from Jersey City named Tommy Shea -- "born in a dump, educated in an alley" -- catches the eye of wealthy businessman, Robert Mallinson, who allows him to train at his Long Island estate. Shea soon falls for Mallinson's daughter, Dorothy, but fears he doesn't have the money to support her in proper style. To get this money, Shea decides to work with crooked fight-promoter Harry Cram, even though this means dropping his honest manager, Dave Bernstein. As the big fight approaches, however, Shea begins to have second thoughts.
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평온한 삶을 살던 여자 주인공이 다른 세계에 소속된 남자 주인공을 만나 사랑에 빠진다. 둘은 결혼하고 싶어하지만 주변 사람들의 만류 때문에 둘의 사랑은 위기에 처하게 된다. 이 영화의 여자 주인공 캐리는 대학생 남매를 두고 있는 상류 사회 출신의 과부이고 남자 주인공 론은 괜히 소로 흉내를 내며 끝도 없이 멋있는 척하는 15살 연하의 근육질 정원사이다.
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In 1899 Alaska, miners have to protect themselves from a phony legal team trying to steal their gold claims.
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A part-Indian mining engineer looks for gold in an Arizona ghost town with his socialite bride.
Costume Designer
While stationed in Asia, six American G.I.'s witness the secret ritual of Lamians (worshipers of women who can change into serpents). When discovered by the cult, the High Lamian Priest vows that "the Cobra Goddess will avenge herself". Once back in the United States, a mysterious woman enters into their lives and accidents begin to happen. The shadow of a cobra is seen just before each death.
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Capt. Harper's cavalry patrol returns to the fort to find it besieged by Ute Indians. The apparent cause is the recapture of Army traitor Brett Halliday, who deserted to the Utes in a previous war; but Brett has a different story. With capture imminent, the only chance for the surviving men (and one woman) is to boat down a wild, uncharted river, where Harper and Halliday must pull together, like it or not.
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A formula brawling-buddies western where one goes bad and then returns to the fold. Pete Menlo owns some gold claims in Nevada where he is joined by his old friend Andy Martin. Crooked mine-owner Bannon wants to merge their interests so they can create a monopoly but is turned down. Pete is interested in "Nevada" Wray, daughter of mine-owner "Jackpot" Wray, but she has eyes only for Andy. The rejected Pete joins forces with Bannon and they learn that, because of location, "Jackpot" Wray may be the owner of all the gold in the respective veins. Bannon and his men try to get rid of Andy.
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방탕한 부잣집 자식이자 바람둥이인 밥 메릭. 밥 메릭은 어느 날 젊은 혈기로 고속 모터보트를 몰다가 사고를 당하고, 그를 구하기 위해 구조활동이 벌어지는 동안 필립 박사가 사망한다. 밥 메릭은 유족인 헬렌에게 미안함을 표시하려 헬렌을 찾아가지만 헬렌은 자동차 사고를 당하고, 그 결과 실명하고 만다. 시력을 잃고 절망한 헬렌에게 밥은 로빈슨이라는 가명으로 접근하여 위안이 되어주려 노력한다. 밥은 헬렌과 함께 스위스로 간 뒤, 그곳에서 중단했던 의학 공부를 다시 시작한다.
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If you remember Shelley Winters from "The Poseidon Adventure" or "Bloody Mama," you might tend to forget what a knockout she was early in her career. This film will give you the chance to see her as a sexy nightclub singer teaching her just-in-from-the-sticks friend Colleen Miller the ropes in New York City. When Winters finds out that her married boyfriend Barry Sullivan has fallen for Miller, the recriminations...and bullets...start to fly!
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Eddie Darrow, seeking a mobster's widow in Macao, gets involved in a casino owner's affairs.
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Jim Harvey is hired to guard a small wagon train as it makes its way west. The train is attacked by Indians and Harvey, hoping to persuade Aguila, the chief, to call off the attack due to Harvey's having saved his son's life, leaves the train to negotiate. He is captured and the rest of the train is wiped out except for two sisters. Escaping and showing up in town later, Harvey is nearly hanged as a deserter, but gets away. Eventually caught by the sheriff and his posse, they are attacked by Indians. This time the Indians are defeated and Aguila, captured and dying, reveals the identity of the white man who engineered the initial attack on the wagon train, just as the perpetrator rides up behind them.
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The ice-cold diva Paula ruthlessly exploits the guys she dates. While blackmailing the married Don with a recent one-night-stand, she has a secret affair with Henry, who works as researcher for the weekly authentic TV show "Crime of the Week", which Don writes for. When Henry fails to help her to a role, she insults him deadly... and ends up dead herself. Now Don desperately tries to hide his traces, but Henry sabotages his efforts and suggests he write the unsolved murder case for next week's show...
Costume Design
Duke Mullane, manager of a Malayan tin mine, goes to a little-known island to open a new mine in the jungle. Initially, the natives there are friendly, especially dancer Minyora...who proves to be affianced to local ruler King Kiang. Alas, a series of unfortunate incidents changes Kiang's attitude to hostility, and Duke is stranded with his crew, Minyora, and his old flame Lory...who's now engaged to his boss!
Costume Design
Sheriff Lane Dakota captures robbery-murder suspect Greiner just as the latter is wounded in an Apache ambush. At remote outpost Apache River, Lane and his prisoner spend the night with other travelers, including 2 women with a surprising number of fancy dresses. In the morning, who should appear but a band of ostensibly peaceful Apaches strayed from the reservation. And bigoted Colonel Morsby is strongly inclined to shoot first and ask questions afterward...
Costume Design
Gringo miner Gallager is caught up in the Mexican revolution of 1910-11 when corrupt administrator Ruiz appropriates his mine. Gallager saves the life of guerilla leader Raquel, then finds there's a price on his head; he becomes romantically involved with her in the course of a series of rescues and ambushes, leading up to Orozco's march on Ciudad Juarez.
Costume Design
During the war for Texas independence, one man leaves the Alamo before the end (chosen by lot to help others' families) but is too late to accomplish his mission, and is branded a coward. Since he cannot now expose a gang of turncoats, he infiltrates them instead. Can he save a wagon train of refugees from Wade's Guerillas?
Costume Design
During the Civil War, in Wyoming, horse dealers Joan Britton and Stephen Cook are competing to supply the Union Army with horses. A Cherokee is in the area to stir up the Sioux against the Union just as Cook decides to steal a herd of Sioux horses. Ex-army doctor Jonathan Westgate opposes Cook’s unscrupulous methods as well as being Cook’s rival for the affections of Joan. It seems Westgate is the only one able to prevent a new Indian war.
Costume Design
Saloon entertainer Vermilion O'Toole and her former partner in crime Newt Cole escape from a train ride to prison and hide out in logging town Timberline. Meanwhile, the three sons of widower Will Hall come to town in search of a wife for their dad. Vermilion needs to lay low to escape the marshal, so she accepts the boys' offer to visit pioneer community Pine Grove. Once there, she annoys local Mrs. Grundys but eventually starts to fit in.
Costume Design
A commander in the Foreign Legion romances a mysterious and exotic princess.
Costume Design
New York reporter Bob MacAvoy is persuaded by pregnant wife Jane to buy a broken-down weekly newspaper in Eden, California. They have humorous problems with small town mores and eccentric citizens. But their schemes to increase circulation get them in over their heads.
Costume Design
Mark Fallon, with partner Kansas John Polly, tries to introduce honest gambling on the riverboats. His first success makes enemies of the crooked gamblers and of fair Angelique Dureau, whose necklace he won. Later in New Orleans, Mark befriends Angelique's father, but she still affects to despise him as his gambling career brings him wealth. Duelling, tragedy, and romantic complications follow.
Costume Design
A female ex-con falls in love and hesitates to reveal her past.
Costume Design
A rancher who has staked a claim during the California gold rush goes after the gang of murderous claim-jumpers who have stolen his claim and murdered his wife.
Costume Design
A gang of claim jumpers is infesting the territory, gaining ownership of undermanned mining operations through extortion...and leaving no live witnesses. But one victim, quick-drawing gambler Luke Cromwell, escapes. Meanwhille, Marshal Lightnin' Tyrone is also after the gang; recovering from one raid, he meets femme fatale Opal Lacy, who may not be healthy for him to know. When Luke, now calling himself the Silver Kid, joins forces with Marshal Tyrone, the gang had better watch out ...unless something drives a wedge between the new allies.
Costume Design
The Denbow family denies access across their land to homesteaders. To evade a murder charge, Glenn Denbow marries Jane, the only witness who's in love with him. But the woman favors the settlers...
Costume Design
Deaf boxer Paul Callan captures the interest of gold-digging blonde Sonya Bartow and retired fight manager 'Pop' Richardson. For a time, Sonya has the upper hand with Paul, but ultimately a rival appears in the shape of upper-crust reporter Ann Hollis. With a 3-way fight under way for influence over Paul, he takes matters into his own hands, but learns that getting what he wanted isn't necessarily a happy ending.
Costume Design
Alvah, a young GI who happens to own a vineyard, elopes to Las Vegas with Lee, his housekeeper's daughter. But Alvah's chicken pox postpone the wedding night. The rest revolves around more delays to the consummation, caused by Lee's manipulative Mama and the flock of mostly obnoxious relatives with whom she's filled the house.
Costume Design
A lounge singer sees his career skyrocket after he signs a contract for a mobster nightclub owner.
Costume Design
Audie Murphy comes into his own as a Western star in this story. Wrongly accused by crooked railroad officials of aiding a train heist by his old friends the Daltons, he joins their gang and becomes an active participant in other robberies. Betrayed by a fellow gang member, Murphy becomes a fugitive in the end. Seeking refuge at the ranch of a reformed gang member, he hopes to flee with the man's daughter to South America, but he's captured in the end and led off to jail. The girl promises to wait.
Costume Design
Having served a prison sentence for robbery, Pete Carver decides to go back for the hidden loot. But someone is on his trail.
Costume Design
A San Francisco hood is rubbed out by rival Bruno Felkin, who himself reports the crime to Homicide Lt. Kelsey in an alibi scheme which fails. To escape, he stows away on a fishing boat. At sea, skipper Hamil Linder receives Bruno kindly, teaching him fishing; Bruno enlists Hamil's wayward son Carl to tend his slot machines. Then Carl takes an interest in Bruno's girl Connie. Climax in a storm at sea.
Costume Design
Sister Mary presides over a convent where a convicted murderess, who is being escorted to Death Row, is stranded by bad weather. She is slowly becoming convinced that Valerie is innocent so Sister Mary sets about to clear the girl and bring the real killer to justice.
Costume Design
Ex-police/army dog King inherits a fortune from an eccentric millionaire. But someone poisons him for his fortune. He gets to go back to earth as a human detective to bring his killer to justice and protect the girl who used to look after him.
Costume Design
In Coaltown, Pennsylvania, miner Coke Mason hopes to better himself, buy a radio store, and marry Rose Warren. His gambler brother George thinks Coke can be more successful as a boxer, knowing that when he fights he's consumed with a murderous rage that makes him an "iron man." Seeing dollar signs in Rose's eyes, Coke reluctantly agrees, though he's fearful of the "killer instinct" that makes him a knockout success in the ring...and brings him the booing hatred of the fans. Will Coke throw off his personal demon before he kills someone?
Costume Design
An adventurer about to lose his sloop and diving equipment agrees to dive for illegal gold.
Costume Design
An Arabian prince, kidnapped at birth and raised as a thief, plots to regain his throne from his evil uncle in this colorful costume adventure.
Costume Design
A gambler is thrown out of a western town, but returns when the town is suddenly threatened by a band of marauding Apaches.
Costume Design
A group of cadets have assorted problems at the U.S. Air Force Pilot Training Academy.
Costume Design
1866년, 금이 발견되자 미 육군은 이전 조약에 의해 수족에게 양도된 영토에 도로와 요새를 건설한다. 개척단원 짐 브리저(반 헤플린)는 블랙 케틀 추장의 딸이자 죽은 아내의 여동생인 수족 여인과 함께 일촉즉발 상태인 수족 추장 레드 클라우드와의 전면전을 막기 위해 애쓰는데...
Costume Design
Posing as an ex-German medical officer, a U. S. Navy Intelligence Officer sets out to rescue a kidnapped scientist, and sink a Nazi submarine, hiding off the coast of South America.
Costume Design
Outraged by Redleg atrocities, the James and Younger Brothers along with Kit Dalton join Quantrill's Raiders and find themselves participating in even worse war crimes.
Costume Design
After her father is murdered, a girl joins the police force in an effort to track down the killers.
Costume Design
In 1869, the United States begins a railroad mail service to the West Coast which proves highly tempting to train robbers, in particular an organized gang with one of the mail's supposed guardians in their pay. Prizefighter Steve Davis, a former army intelligence man, is hired to track down the gang and save the Territorial Mail Service. Steve goes undercover in territorial prison, leans Morse Code from a fellow prisoner, breaks jail, infiltrates the gang...and finds time to romance dance-hall singer Mary, who proves to have hidden depths...
Costume Design
Carefree Chuck Connor is on his way west and stops off to see an old friend and his four lads. When his host is killed in a riding accident Chuck realises he must take care of the family. They hit the road and he takes a job on a ranch, but he has to keep the children hidden as his boss hates kids. There's also tension with the neighbouring ranch, and when a girl on the run from her nasty uncle joins the family unannounced Chuck wonders what he has done to deserve all this.
Costume Design
A desert guerilla, with flashing scimitar, opposes a tyrannical prince and marries the caliph's daughter.
Costume Design
Roger Quain, escorting two zoo-bound black panthers on the train from Milan to Paris, is unaware that a Western agent, Catherine Ullven, has hidden a microfilm in the collar of one of the animals. But when the train is derailed in the Swiss Alps and the panthers escape, she is forced to involve him in her mission, which now includes enemy agents hunting the microfilm, the animals, Catherine and Roger. Corrected from an original submission by Guy Bellinger.
Two co-workers in a music shop dislike one another during business hours but unwittingly carry on an anonymous romance through the mail.