Costume Designer
필립 글래스의 오페라 "사티아그라하" 프로덕션으로 엄청난 성공을 기록한 연출가 펠림 맥더모트가 글래스의 새 프로덕션 "아크나텐"으로 메트에 돌아왔다. 지휘자 카렌 카멘세크는 이번 작품으로 메트에 데뷔했다. 타이틀 롤인 이집트의 파라오 아크나텐 역은 앤서니 로트 코스탄초가 맡았다. 그는 오래 된 신들에 대한 숭배를 그만두고 새로운 종교를 믿으라고 백성들을 부추긴다. 아크나텐의 아내가 되는 네페르티티 역은 즈나이 브리지스가 노래하며, 디젤라 라루스도티르는 아크나텐의 어머니 치에 역을 맡았다. 간디니 저글링 컴퍼니가 음악과 완벽하게 일치하는 신체 움직임으로 관객에게 대단한 시각적 즐거움을 제공한다. 이 "아크나텐"의 프로덕션은 원래 LA오페라에서 제작한 것으로, 잉글리시 내셔널 오페라에서 초연되어 2017년에 올리비에 어워드의 ‘베스트 뉴 오페라 프로덕션 상’을 수상했다.
Costume Design
Following the success of his first foray into opera, Einstein on the Beach, revolutionary American composer and musician Philip Glass soon turned to another great figure of the 20th century for inspiration. Set to lines from the Hindu Bhagavad Gita, Satyagraha depicts scenes from the life of Gandhi as he developed his philosophy of non-violent resistance in South Africa between 1896 and 1913. The opera became the second installment of Glass’s Portrait Trilogy, focused on innovators from across history. Satyagraha arrived at the Met during the 2007–08 season, when director Phelim McDermott made his debut with a production that employed everyday materials like newspaper and corrugated tin to create towering puppets and striking tableaus. In 2011, his staging returned, this time recorded live in HD. In this performance, tenor Richard Croft gives a moving performance as Gandhi, leading a remarkable ensemble cast conducted by Dante Anzolini.
Costume Supervisor
A morality tale of xenophobia, religious prejudice, mob violence, poverty, and their effect on two children in Liverpool during the Depression. When a shipyard closes, Liam and Teresa's dad loses his job. Liam, who's about 8, making his first Holy Communion, gets a regular dose of fire and brimstone at church. Teresa, about 13, has a job as a maid to the Jewish family that owns the closed shipyard. The lady of that house is having an affair, and Teresa becomes an accomplice. Liam stutters terribly, especially when troubled. Dad comes under the sway of the Fascists, who blame cheap Irish labor and Jewish owners. A Molotov cocktail brings things to a head.