Anna has the difficult task of accompanying her mother Eva during the slow death of her father. She wants to gather the family one last time in one room. While she seems to almost break down at this task, her mother finds one reason after another not to enter the room next to the bedside of her dying husband. But Anna doesn't give up and tries to put an end to her mother's flight from reality.
Lydia Goldberg
This historical and analytical documentary draws attention to the background of the roots of "New Austrian Cinema" and presents Austria as a film country to be taken seriously.
The audience gets to see rare early works by well-known filmmakers as well as shots of landscapes that served as a source of inspiration and locations that have produced important Austrian films since the end of the 19th century.
Dahlia Gutbauer
Allmen and the mystery of the dahlias.
As a young stranger enters the life of a rich but emotionally paralyzed family, everything changes.
Lady with Fur Hat
오스트리아 시골 마을의 열일곱 살 소년 프란츠는 가계를 돕기 위해 빈으로 와 담배 가게에 취직한다. 나치 점령 하의 빈은 폭압과 유대인에 대한 반감으로 불안감이 고조되지만, 담배 가게만은 신문과 담배를 찾는 손님들에게 작은 성지로 남아있다. 댄서인 아네츠카와 사랑에 빠진 프란츠는 담배가게의 단골 중 저명한 정신분석가 지그문트 프로이트에게 상담을 요청하면서 점점 친분을 쌓아나간다. 전운이 짙어가는 중 뚜렷한 정치의식을 가진 담배 가게 주인 오토가 나치에 의해 연행되고, 프란츠와 프로이트는 각자 생존을 위한 선택의 갈림길에 선다. 오스트리아 작가 로버트 시탈러의 동명 소설을 원작으로 한 는 나치 치하의 빈이라는 정치적 무대를 배경으로 전개되는 한 소년의 비극적인 성장기다. 이야기 속의 프로이트는 프란츠의 성장을 돕는 조력자인 동시에 소년에서 남성으로 성장하는 프란츠의 변화를 꿈과 현실, 리비도와 죽음 같은 흐름 안에서 바라보게끔 하는 특정한 컨텍스트로 제시되기도 한다. 프로이트 역을 맡은 의 브루노 간츠의 모습이 반갑다. (박진형/2018년 제23회 부산국제영화제)
Oma Julius
Franz Murer, the Butcher of Vilnius, a former Austrian SS officer, established, organized, and ruled the Vilnius ghetto in Lithuania during the World War II. Different survivors of the Shoah testify when he is judged in 1963, hoping to do justice, but, although the evidence is overwhelming, the desire to close this obscure chapter of history seems to surpass the desire for justice.
Luise Weininger
Taxi driver meets love,God,frendship,with bunch of great humor.
Amanda Einstein
아무리 늙어도 돈은 있어야지. 101세 괴짜 전직 스파이가 팔팔한 80대 파트너와 함께 소련산 탄산음료 제조법을 찾아 떠난다. 국경을 넘어 진격하라, 실버 원정대.
Maria Ahorner
A body is found on a frozen village pond in the Waldviertel. Ironically, the former police officer Sepp Ahorner finds the dead man. When the Linz Commissioner Grete Öller and her young colleague Lisa Nemeth arrive in the sleepy village, the case seems clear at first. But then new evidence points to a different track. To clarify the case, the commissioners now need the help of Ahorner, because the villagers are closed to the two women. But soon Ahorner is in the quandary, because his own family is under suspicion ...
Mutter Benedikta
Germany, 1967. Ruby & Martin, a young couple, are rehearsing their uprising. The price is high: expulsion from school, parental violence, and ultimately institutionalization. But they are ready to take on the cause of love.
While Berlin-based businessman Paul Graf is in Shanghai, his nosy busybody mother Maria, who was only to mind his apartment, opens his mail, finds a letter notifying he's to become father and without consulting him travels to see the expectant mother, Nina, at her home, uncle Harald Brandl's farm and stork home. Maria falls in love with Harald but also finds the key to the Graf family's past, fled from Hungary during the Soviet-crushed rebellion. Paul arrives and finds Nina impossible to deal with, yet wants a bond with his unborn son.
Ms. Sedlacek
1932년 빈 근교. 500년간 첫사랑을 잊지 못한 채, 병적으로 아름다움을 확인 받으려는 아내와 함께 어둠 속에서 따분하고 무기력한 삶을 살아가고 있는 뱀파이어 ‘폰 쾨즈뇜’ 백작. 그러던 어느 날, 첫사랑을 꼭 닮은 여자 ‘루시’를 본 그는 그녀의 사랑을 쟁취하기 위해 최면술 등 여러 방법을 써보지만 상황은 점점 꼬여만 간다. 결국엔 아내에게 발각되어 ‘루시’와의 달콤한 사랑의 꿈은 점점 멀어져만 가는데… 뱀파이어의 오싹하고 코믹한(?) 첫사랑 되찾기 프로젝트는 성공할 수 있을까?...
Frau Ecker
One morning police storms into the house, where Karl lives with his mother to arrest the young man. Whatever the charge is, it seems to be something nobody has the slightest understanding for. Months before: Karl is working in a hospital. He is fascinated by a strong willed old lady, A friendship develops with this patient becoming more and more romantic. One night the two of them get closer, closer than allowed.
Gerhard Polt's new comedy.
Wolfgang's Grandmother
“나는 나타샤 캄푸쉬. 8년전 납치당했습니다” 1998년3월2일, 열살 나타샤 캄푸쉬는 등교길에 납치당한다. 지하의 1.5평 작은방에 갇힌 나타샤. 범인은 그녀에게 “복종”만을 강요하고, 상습적인 구타와 폭언, 굶김으로 그녀를 사육하기 시작한다. 그가 누구인지, 왜 납치했는지 이유를 모른 채, 기아와 학대를 견디지 못하고 점점 그의 완전한 소유물이 되어가는 나탸샤. 8년뒤 어느 날 범인이 잠시 방심한 사이 탈출을 시도하는데…
Alte Lechner Bäuerin
Does luck have a use by date? Both thought that at eighty they have experienced everything until, like a bolt of lightening, Rosa and Bruno come together and immediately fall head over heels. There are two obstacles to their happiness though: Bruno’s marriage, which has long been routine, and Rosa’s illness; she has cancer and not long left to live. Despite the difficult circumstances, the two decide to breakaway – Bruno from his relationship and Rosa from her retirement home. Against the advice of carers, doctors and relatives, the pair moves into a new apartment together. ANFANG 80 shows with a great deal of unequivocal humour how insensitively and sometimes desperately overburdened society reacts to love among the elderly.
Frau Lechthaler
Gundula Glöckner is very worried about the salvation of her daughter Lena. Again and again, the young woman gets to the wrong men. To help her child's happiness, the resolute widow shortly sets out on a pilgrimage: in Padua she wants to pray for Lena at the tomb of St. Anthony. However, the illustrious Pilgrims on their way to Italy are struggling with a whole series of mishaps and complications. Especially the brash bus driver Benno brings the God-fearing Gundula again and again to the white heat - until she realizes that hides behind its rough shell a vulnerable core.
Old Woman
A tragicomic story about an old woman, who, to the horror of her son, is cooking up a meal in the middle of the night for her long-deceased friends. Fantasy, dream or reality? What is the difference? When people get old...
Kurt Herders Mutter
Mutter Ziwoda
Grandmother Schneider
From her on-screen triumphs to her off-screen tribulations, this biopic focuses on the captivating life and career of actress Romy Schneider.
Johanna Clemens
Alma Lukas
Grossmutter Kurz
아이거 북벽은 알프스의 3대 북벽 중 하나로 현재까지도 가장 등반하기 어려운, 등반 역사상 사망자가 가장 많은 곳이다. 1936년 독일은 올림픽 개회를 앞두고 국위 선양을 위한 죽음의 아이거 북벽 초등을 위해 전세계 등반가들을 부추긴다. 군에서 산악병으로 복무 중이던 토니 (벤노 퓨어만)와 앤디(플로리안 루카스)도 처음엔 너무 위험한 일이라 망설이지만, 아이거 북벽 초등에 성공하고 싶다는 일념으로 등반을 결심한다. 이 사실이 알려지자 기..
Achtzigjährige Frau
소련군이 베를린을 침공했던 1945년 여성들은 강간과 폭력의 희생양이었다. 그 중에 한 명이 전직 언론인이자 사진작가(니나 호스)였다. 절망한 그녀는 자신을 보호해줄 수 있는 사람을 찾기로 결심하고, 소련군 지휘관인 안드레이(에브게니 시디킨)을 만난다. 이 만남은 복잡하고 상징적인 관계로 발전하게 되고, 씁쓸한 결론에 이르기까지 두 사람을 계속적으로 남게 한다. 1950년 작가 미상으로 출간되었던 동명의 소설을 원작으로 만들어진 영화로 1945년 소련군이 베를린을 점령했던 시기의 베를린의 모습을 담고 있다.
Frau Danneberg
At some point in the not-so-distant future, an unnamed European city has evolved into a bizarre dystopian metropolis, whose residents inhabit towering utopian high-rises and work, collectively, in a single compound.
Gertrud Orlak
Four years have passed since Bogdan left the Pichlerhof and Anna remained heartbroken. At first glance, the farm with its "three-women economy" is well there. Neighbor Gerhard builds on a common future with Anna. Then suddenly Bogdan reappears. He has made a career and wants to ask Anna - the woman of his life - to come with him. The encounter surprised both and brings everything out of balance.
Karins Mutter
Adolescents in the amphibious situation between child and adult try to cope with their emotions and their environment. Right there they would need limits, a foothold and hope and yet they signalize the opposite. Between loss, extinct love, parental problems and their own needs the parent generation tries to understand or at least to save something.
Kundin Reisebüro
For a long time, Halfried Seelig forced herself not to make use of her special gift for healing. When she does help a sick man one day, the news spreads quickly. Meanwhile, there is a crisis in the marriage of Halfried's daughter Marion. On her wedding day, Marion leaves her husband, fetches her daughter Laura from boarding school and moves with her to her parents in Tyrol. There she wants to take over her father's surgery after his retirement and finally work as a doctor again. At first she is not accepted by the population, Laura also does not find her way in the new environment, Marion in turn resolutely rejects her mother's methods. It also worries Marion that her daughter appears to have inherited Halfried's abilities......
Due to the accidental death of Pichler Bauer his wife Ilse, Granny Burgi and especially the youngest daughter Anna are suddenly alone on the mountain farm. Contrary to expectations and traditions, Anna inherits the farm. A well considered decision of the father: For Anna wants to stay mountain farmer, to preserve the inheritance of her father. In contrast to her mother and her uncle. In order to receive her father's farm and to be able to cope with the heavy and exhausting work, Anna hired a Bosnian guest worker, a Muslim, as a servant. They manage to continue the successful business on the farm.
Franziska 'Franzi'
Aunty Agatha has passed away at a healthy ninety years. She had known all along, that her family wanted nothing more than to get their hands on her riches. That's why she devised a cunning plan before leaving her kin - in a state discord: She hires former journalist Vincent to give her eulogy. Vincent's ex-wife Victoria, who runs an exclusive florist's shop branded "Leaf and Blossom" is to provide the floral arrangements for her funeral. Of course aunt Agatha didn't tell either half of the former couple, whose marriage didn't end too harmoniously either, that their ex was involved. When the will is read Agatha's family doesn't take it well that Victoria and Vincent are also bequested and it doesn't help that the total value of the legacy seems to be much lower than they hoped for. But aunty is sending her avaricious offsprings onto a deviously plotted scavenger hunt that's leading them to the real fortune. Victoria and Vincent of course are given the crucial clues to take the lead.
Josefa Schweighofer
In WWII Munich, Anna works for a Nazi family as a nanny but secretly steals food and cigarettes and bring those to a Jewish family, who hides from the Nazis. One day, the family is discovered and only by chance can Anna save the family's only daughter, Franziska. Together they escape to Anna's native village where Anna tells everybody that Franziska is her daughter...
Mutter Claire
alte Dame
Mutter Blum
Anna Breitwieser
Vera Dorfmeister
Vera and Erich Dorfmeister benefited from National Socialism . Times may have changed , but their spirit has stayed the same. Daughter Isolde in particular suffered from this , which is why her marriage to jazz musician Paul Richter broke up . Now their daughter Anna is returning Accompanied by her Jewish boyfriend Sidney after a year abroad .
Half-Italian Gioia loves Max, but leaves her son's son to cheat her as a fiancé. When Mama invites the family to the Italian winery for Grandpa's 80th birthday, the feelings are on the table alongside pasta, pesto and vino, because Gioia happens to meet Max again ...
Two rival children groups are trying to find a three postal robbers who kidnapped a young girl.
Alte Frau
Dölken, Ivo and Sichel, three amiable and harmless inmates of a mental asylum are off to spend the summer in an open institution in the country. The trip they have been looking forward to for so long ends abruptly when the driver of their bus suffers a heart attack. The three men quite naturally assume that they have reached their destination and find somewhere to stay in the nearest village.
Palm Reader
프랑스 파리의 소르본느 대학생인 셀린느는 헝가리 부다페스트에 사는 할머니를 만나고, 가을 학기 개강에 맞춰 파리로 돌아가는 길이다. 셀린느는 옆자리의 독일인 부부가 시끄럽게 말다툼하는 소리를 피해 뒷좌석으로 자리를 옮기는데, 거기서 제시라는 미국인 청년과 우연히 얘기를 나누게 된다. 우연히 만난 그들은 짧은 시간에 서로에게 빠져든다. 그림 같은 도시와 꿈같은 대화 속에서 발견한 서로를 향한 강한 이끌림은 풋풋한 사랑으로 물들어 간다. 밤새도록 계속된 그들의 사랑 이야기 끝에 해가 떠오르기 시작하고 그들은 헤어져야만 하는데...
Anna Bäumer
Widow Braine
America 1988. After more than 40 years the elderly widow Braine is unexpectedly confronted with her past. She returns to the village of her youth. - Austria 1988. The Border.
"Studio Schönbrunn" is an ironic play with quotations. Paula Wessely in the Nazi-Wien-Film-production "Heimkehr", Leni Riefenstahl's biography, as well as Nestroy, Mozart, Marx, Frank Sinatra, Jandl. The text is adapted, de-familiarized and de-subjectivized. Consequently, the leading actor shoots the film's author.
Gräfin Rieder
After a nuclear war, what is left of society creates a special police force to ensure that it doesn't happen again. However, things don't go exactly as planned.
In a city of the future, man has triumphed over nature and at the same time destroyed the environment. In the highly mechanized cities, all goods and services are equally available for everybody. Each person recieves an "energy chip" on their 16th birthday which serves to pay for everything: Food as well as transportation, bar visits and other leisure pastimes. When an energy account is used up, the person must die. The "executors" take care of this...
Beleaguered by choppy editing and potholes in the script, this story is about the bond that develops between an aging, former railroad worker living in an abandoned theater and Willie, the wayward, alcoholic architect he shelters (Elliot Gould). The flaws in the script and story development, and the architect's exaggerated character traits, work against the concept of a growing friendship between the two men and leave the main thrust of the film in limbo. A subplot has a gang of street thugs chasing Willie all over the city in order to retrieve some photos of a murder he accidentally recorded. At the same time, Willie is trying to reconcile with his son, left in the care of his neglected wife. ...
Willies Bekanntschaft
Beleaguered by choppy editing and potholes in the script, this story is about the bond that develops between an aging, former railroad worker living in an abandoned theater and Willie, the wayward, alcoholic architect he shelters (Elliot Gould). The flaws in the script and story development, and the architect's exaggerated character traits, work against the concept of a growing friendship between the two men and leave the main thrust of the film in limbo. A subplot has a gang of street thugs chasing Willie all over the city in order to retrieve some photos of a murder he accidentally recorded. At the same time, Willie is trying to reconcile with his son, left in the care of his neglected wife. ...
lady in the Mercedes
Within the span of 48 hours "contemporaries" encounter each other. In the middle is Max, who lost his job years ago because of his affair with the wife of an influential man. The story of an encounter which turns out badly because the people involved can't quite communicate.
This film combines two very different styles: an atmospheric psycho thriller about the ice-cold hired gun (masterfully played by Frank Gorschin), and the bizarre satire of the Austrian TV serial "Kottan ermittelt".
Annaliese Psiko
After the passing of her husband, the commissioned painter Anneliese Psiko decides to travel across the country. In the Austrian province of Styria, she discovers a strange work of art entitled "Weltmaschine" (World Machine). From now on, it will change her life significantly.
A politically naive Viennese butcher (Bockerer) manages to survive the Nazi occupation of Austria and the second world war.
Liesi's mother
Viennese vegetable merchant Karl Kassbach becomes a member of a right-wing extremist organization, which plans numerous attacks on democratic institutions and journalists.
The film attempts to portray a realistic and detail-oriented study of the mind of the "Kleinbürger", trapped between the fringes of the lower and middle-classes.
Edith Trepper
순간적인 충동으로 인해 살인을 저지른 한 남자가 10년형을 선고받고, 한 심리학자로부터 인생과 범행동기에 대한 질문을 받는다. 젊은 벽돌공 페터는 청소년기때부터 음식점을 하는 비교적 부유한 양친으로부터 애정을 받지 못하고 자란다. 부모의 기대를 충족시키지 못한 페터는 결혼을 하고 대도시로 이주한다. 그 후 페터는 주위 사람들을 사귀고 사랑을 얻기 위해 무진 애를 쓴다. 그러나 그럴수록 심리적으로 막다른 길에 처하게 되고 빚은 쌓여만 간다. 그는 일자리를 잃고 한 음식점에서 아버지를 연상시키는 주인 남자를 살해한다.
Fräulein Bibus
Vienna, a few days before the shots in Sarajevo which would trigger what was first called the Great, later simply the First World War: Job seekers from the crown lands flock to the capital of the empire in search of a better life, even if it's the factory hell . A new social class is growing faster and faster, the city overflows with the poor, lower-class workers and the unemployed. Labor fighters can be heard louder, better, clearer, every day. The nobility strongly suspects its end.
Thussy Zwiesel
A young woman pharmacist, Eva, is very friendly with a children's doctor, Dr. Fröhlich. Eva's small nephew Peter lives with her and she is often thought to be his mother. A number of amusing and more serious misunderstandings arise from this situation...
Emma Jellinek
Karla Hofer
A crime reporter (Erik Schumann) uncovers a lurid plot by a Hamburg gang to dose impressionable young girls with LSD in order to enslave them into prostitution. Featuring mad killers, psychedelic acid trips and ladies mud wrestling!
Frau Reindl
Mizzi Manhardt
Hansi Stelzer
Josie Flint
Mizzi Schranz
The story of the Dassau family, a family of artists: Frau Dassau is a composer, her husband is a writer, and their children are equally gifted as painters, poets and musicians. But unfortunately, no one wants to invest money in their art. The family is about to starve when Nicole comes up with a marvelous idea: She is going to write the "most scandalous book", the sex memoirs of a teenager. For this, she hides under the pseudonym of Eva. The book becomes an enormous success indeed, but Nicole's parents are decent people, and the public interest in their sluttish daughter begins to bother them. Things begin to get even more unpleasant when Nicole falls in love with an American publisher who'd prefer a virgin…
gutsituierte Dame
Harriet Hunt
Maxie Mell, Kabarettistin
Liane Neubert
Jutta, Mannequin
Priscilla Pletzak
In Germany during World War II, a well-known psychic decides to collaborate with the Nazis.
Dolly Dobbs
Hanne - Ingrids Schwester
Mariilou Bergeret
Antonie Mannsfeld
An incredibly popular stage performer unknowingly falls madly in love with the lone critic that savaged her performance in the press.
Doris Thaller
Martha Monica Alt
A long time-span of Austrian history (from the late 19th century to the years after world war II) is reflected in the ups and downs of a family of piano-makers in Vienna.