Original Music Composer
An American lawyer on vacation in Europe is asked by a book publisher to stop by the Austrian town of Salzburg to see a photographer who's taking pictures for a book on picturesque Austrian lakes. Upon his arrival he senses that something is wrong when the photographer seems to have vanished, leaving a near panic-stricken wife and a sinister, secretive brother. Before he knows it, the lawyer finds himself mixed up with spies, assassins, and the hunt for a list made up by the Nazis during World War II of people who collaborated with them.
Original Music Composer
Suspecting that her husband might be having an affair, a wife plots to catch him in the act.
Original Music Composer
In December of 1944, Lionel Evans, an internationally renowned American conductor, is on a USO tour with his 70-piece symphony orchestra in newly-liberated Belgium. While fleeing from a German counterattack, Evans and his orchestra members are captured by a Panzer division and taken to an old chateau in Luxembourg. Despite orders to execute every prisoner, General Schiller, an avid music lover, commands Evans to give a private concert for him.
Original Music Composer
1843년 미주리주 테드락 (커크 더글러스 분) 전 상원의원은 오레곤주로 이주하여 정착하고자 하는 사람들을 이끌 안내인이 필요하다..당시는 이처럼 서부로 떠나던 개척의 시대. 여러 마차들이 행렬을 이뤄 달리기에 이를 Wagon train이라 부르는데, 이들은 The Oregon Liberty Train이라 칭한다. 태드락은 인디언 아내를 잃고 슬픔에 젖어 고립되어 살고 있는 섬머스(로버트 미첨)을 만난다..그러나 섬머스는 서부로 떠나는 길에 어울리지 않는 이들, 즉 가게주인이나 농부들로 구성된 Wagon train을 안내하고프지 않다 말하는데, 이에 태드락은 그래도 희망을 이야기하자 결국 수락하게 된다. 한편 에반스(리차드 위드마크)는 아내 레베카(롤라 얼브라이트)가 반대하지만 황폐한 자신의 땅을 포기하고 약속의 땅인 오레곤으로 떠나고프다. 결국 아내도 남편의 뜻대로 나서는데...
Original Music Composer
In September 1942, the German Afrika Korps under Rommel have successfully pushed the Allies back into Egypt. A counter-attack is planned, for which the fuel dumps at Tobruk are a critical impediment. In order to aid the attack, a group of British commandos and German Jews make their way undercover through 800 miles of desert, to destroy the fuel dumps starving the Germans of fuel.
Original Music Composer
피터는 증기기관 항해선의 일등 항해사다. 그는 항해 도중 폭풍을 만나자 배가 침몰할 줄 알고 비겁하게 승객들이 탄 배를 포기한다. 그러나 배는 천신만고 끝에 침몰을 면하게 된다. 불명예의 멍에를 진 피터는 자신의 명예를 되찾기 위해서 노력하게 된다. 지도에도 없는 동양의 한 원주민들에게 다이너마이트를 배달하는 계약을 하게 된 것이다. 그러던 중 그는 억압받고 있는 마을 원주민들의 편에 서게 되어, 흉악한 유럽인 악당들과 맞서 싸운다. 마침내 스스로 죽을 결심을 하고 싸움에 휘말려든 피터는 결국 원주민 민족의 영웅이 되는데... - ebs 일요시네마 작품해설 20세기 모더니즘의 선구자라 불리는 조셉 콘래드의 소설을 원작으로 완성된 작품이다. 드넓은 세계와 미지의 인생에 대한 동경으로 선원을 지원한 청년 짐이 운행 중에 풍랑을 만나 혼란 끝에 승객을 버리고 탈출한다. 얼마 후 배가 침몰하지 않았음이 밝혀지고, 짐은 법적 처벌과 함께 세간의 도덕적 비난에 시달린다. 선원 자격을 박탈당한 짐은 동남아 각지를 떠돌다 어느 오지 마을에 정착해 새로운 인생을 시작하게 되는 내용. 콘래드는 이 작품에서 성격적 견고성을 결하고 있을 뿐 아니라 난해할 정도로 복잡하며 인격적 분열까지 보이는 현대인의 전형을 훌륭하게 그려냈다. 자신의 꿈과 이상이 현실에서 실현될 수 없음을 깨닫고 절망하는 짐은 서구 사회의 급격한 변화와 심각한 정신적 위기를 대변한다. 현대적 인물의 복잡한 내면을 표현하기 위해서 이야기 속에 다양한 시점과 시간을 도입함으로써 재래 기법의 한계를 극복하고 짐의 행위 속에 개재된 도덕적 의미의 불확실성에 대한 독자의 인식을 부단히 일깨운다. - ebs 일요시네마
Original Music Composer
When the women of America join together on election day and elect a Leslie McCloud as the US President, things get a little awkward. Especially for her husband Thad McCloud. He, as First Husband, must take over the job as The First Lady, in the women's groups and garden parties.
Original Music Composer
1787년 12월23일 유럽 식량경제를 뒤 바꿔 놓을 지도 모르는 경제 작물인 빵나무의 종자나무를 가져오기위해 영국 포프머드 항구에서 바운티호가 역사적인 출발을 한다. 빌리이 선장(Capt. William Bligh: 트레버 하워드 분) 이하 크리스찬 일등 항해사(Fletcher Christian: 마론 브란도 분) 및 80명의 선원들과 영국왕립식물원의 원예사인 브라운(William Brown: 리차드 헤이든 분)을 대동하고 지구의 반을 돌아야하는 대장정을 시작한다. 출발하자마자 치즈 절도 사건이 일어나고, 선장의 부탁으로 선장의 집에 갖다준 밀즈(John Mills: 리차드 해리스 분)라는 선원이 죄를 뒤집어쓰게 되나 곤란해진 선장의 억지에 의해 상관 모독죄로 밀즈에게 채찍 24대의 체벌이 가해지게 된다. 항상 독재적인 권위로 선원들을 다스리는 발리이 선장은 선원들에게 두려움 말고도 반항심을 불어넣어 주었다. 그리고 빌리이 선장은 부하들을 다스리는 일에서 일등 항해사인 크리스찬과 부딪치게 되고 위험한 날씨에도 불구하고 항로를 바꾼 빌리이 선장에 대해 선원들의 불만은 커져만 간다. 결국 폭풍을 헤치고 킹조지 섬에 닿게 되고 항해의 목적인 빵나무 종자를 채취하는 동안 무단 이탈한 선원을 체벌하다 선원 한 명을 죽이게 된다. 이에 불만 느낀 선원들과 크리스찬은 선상 반란을 일으키게 되고 크리스찬은 선장을 죽이려는 선원들을 만류하고 일주일분의 식량과 나침판 지도 등을 주어 구명정에 태워 망망대해에 내려놓는다. 그리고 타이티섬으로 항로를 돌리게 된다.
Original Music Composer
A popular but naive country singer is elected governor of a southern state and, once in office, decides to dismantle the corrupt political machine that got him elected. Director Daniel Mann's 1961 political drama stars Susan Hayward, Dean Martin, Wilfred Hyde-White, Martin Balsam, Ralph Meeker, Connie Sawyer, William Walker, Ray Teal, Larry Gates and Kathryn Card.
Original Music Composer
American-born Anna Vorontosov teaches school in a remote, primitive section of northern New Zealand. Her experimental teaching methods have won her the love and affection of her pupils and their parents and the admiration of the unhappily married school inspector, Abercrombie. Her personal life, however, is less secure; frightened of love and sexually inhibited, she has always been aloof with men. Eager to break down this barrier is Englishman Paul Lathrope, a somewhat irrational and immature fellow teacher who aspires to be a singer. Though Anna is attracted to him, she refuses to submit to his advances.
Original Music Composer
겉으로는 패션 모델이지만 실은 고급 매춘부인 글로리아는 어릴때 받은 성적 학대로 그 상처를 가슴 속에 안고 있다. 어느날 젊고 핸섬한 실업가 웨스턴 리게트와 관계를 맺으면서 진실한 사랑을 깨닫게 된다. 리게트와 예일 대학에서 법률을 전공했지만 부호의 딸 에밀리와 결혼함으로써 부와 지위를 누리게 되자 상한 자존심을 감추기 위해 방탕한 생활을 하던 남자. 그러나 글로리아가 홧김에 장난처럼 집어 온 에밀리의 밍크코트가 그 사랑을 가로막으면서 과거를 잊고 새 출발을 하기에는, 지난 흔적이 영원히 치유될 수 없는 상처가 되어 글로리아를 괴롭힌다. 결혼신청을 하는 리게트와 함께 간 곳은 그들이 육체적인 욕망만을 민족시키던곳. 갑자기 차를 돌려 나오는 글로리아는 쫓아오는 리케트로부터 또 자신의 과거로부터 도망치다가 글로리아의 자동차는 벼랑을 구른다.
A clergyman travels to Spain to join the Loyalist side during the Spanish Civil War and finds himself attracted to a beautiful entertainer.
Original Music Composer
웨이드 허니컷은 텍사스 동부에서 가장 부유하고 영향력 있는 남자로 여성 편력이 있어 부인 한나와 사이가 좋지 않다. 그에게는 비슷한 또래의 두 아들이 있는데, 첫째 레이프는 혼전에 하녀와 관계하여 얻었고, 부인 한나와의 사이에서 둘째 테론이 태어났다. 한편 테론은 아버지의 곱지 않은 시선 속에서도 한 시골 소녀와 사랑에 빠지는데, 그러면서 부모의 숨겨진 과거를 알게 된다. 일견 텍사스를 배경으로 한 대서사극으로 보이지만, 미넬리는 섬세한 연출력으로 멜로드라마적인 감정선을 놓치지 않고 극을 이끌어간다. 로버트 미첨을 비롯한 주연 배우들의 열연이 돋보이며, 칸영화제에도 진출했다. (시네마테크부산)
An Englishman in France unwittingly is placed into the identity, and steps into the vacated life, of a look-alike French nobleman.
Music Editor
윌리엄 헨리 허드슨의 장편 소설 '그린 맨션'을 영화화한 작품. 유럽인 아벨과 사랑스럽고 신비로운 정글 소녀 리마의가슴 아픈 사랑 이야기이다.원주민들이 살고 있는 땅에서 펼쳐지는 낯설고 아름다운 러브스토리.
Original Music Composer
윌리엄 헨리 허드슨의 장편 소설 '그린 맨션'을 영화화한 작품. 유럽인 아벨과 사랑스럽고 신비로운 정글 소녀 리마의가슴 아픈 사랑 이야기이다.원주민들이 살고 있는 땅에서 펼쳐지는 낯설고 아름다운 러브스토리.
Original Music Composer
아버지가 죽고 패트릭은 아버지의 유언에 따라 뉴욕의 메임 고모 집으로 가게 된다. 또한 니커버커 은행의 드와이트 배브콕이 패트릭의 전 재산을 관리하고 자유분방한 성격의 고모로부터 아이를 보호하도록 되어있다. 자유분방한 고모와 보수적인 배브콕의 성격 때문에 많은 갈등이 생기는데, 결국 메임을 믿지 못한 배브콕의 의견에 따라 패트릭은 메임과 떨어져 기숙학교에 다니게 되는데...
Ryevsk, Russia, 1870. Tensions abound in the Karamazov family. Fyodor is a wealthy libertine who holds his purse strings tightly. His four grown sons include Dmitri, the eldest, an elegant officer, always broke and at odds with his father, betrothed to Katya, herself lovely and rich. The other brothers include a sterile aesthete, a factotum who is a bastard, and a monk. Family tensions erupt when Dmitri falls in love with one of his father's mistresses, the coquette Grushenka. Two brothers see Dmitri's jealousy of their father as an opportunity to inherit sooner. Acts of violence lead to the story's conclusion: trials of honor, conscience, forgiveness, and redemption.
Original Music Composer
Madison Avenue-trained Navy men handle public relations on a South Pacific island during World War II.
Original Music Composer
주인공 폴 뉴먼은 뒷골목 건달에서 권투를 배워 세계 챔피언까지 올라가는 사나이이다. 그는 밝고 낙천적인 성격이어서, 항상 모든 일에 잘 될 것이라는 자신감을 가지고 적극적으로 노력한다. 그 이유는 그가 영화의 제목과 같이 생각하기 때문이다. "저 위에 있는 어떤 분이 나를 좋아한다" 여기서 "저 위에 있는 어떤 분"이란 바로 하나님을 말한다.
Original Music Composer
Princess Beatrice's days of enjoying the regal life are numbered unless her only daughter, Princess Alexandra, makes a good impression on a distant cousin when he pays a surprise visit to their palace. Prince Albert has searched all over Europe for a bride and he's bored by the whole courtship routine. He is more interested in the estate's dairy than Alexandra's rose garden. And then he starts playing football with the tutor and Alexandra's brothers. Invite the tutor to the ball that night and watch how gracefully Alexandra dances with him.
Original Music Composer
Susan and Lorenzo have been married for over five years and they are starting to drift apart. So into her life comes an angel, which only Susan can see, to tell her that there will be trouble ahead if they do not work out their problems. Lorenzo is developing insecticide #383 at Finlay Vega Chemical Co. and plans to test it on a camping trip that he takes with Susan, but the trip becomes an obstacle course for him.
Original Music Composer
During the 15th century reign of France's King Louis XI, a young Scottish man is sent by his English Lord to woo a French lady on his behalf. The plan goes awry when the young man falls in love with her. Based on the classic novel by Sir Walter Scott.
Original Music Composer
A wealthy young Hebrew traveling in Damascus renounces his faith after he is seduced by an alluring pagan priestess and cheated of his fortune by the High Priest as well.
Musical adaptation of the story of Cinderella and her magical trip to the prince's ball.
An inexperienced female teacher is hired at a private elite school for boys where she raises a few eyebrows among the all-male faculty.
Original Music Composer
사막에서 무언가에 충격을 받은 소녀가 발견된다. 급파된 수색팀이 발견한 것은 원폭 실험의 결과로 엄청나게 거대해진 개미. 은 1950년대 최고 걸작 SF물 중 하나로 '무모한 과학 실험이 만든 몬스터' 영화의 원형이다
어색한 특수효과 탓에 무서워야할 개미가 인형같아 보이지만 그래도 당시로서는 매우 충격적이었다. 원폭 이후의 시대상을 반영한 이 영화를 적나라한 '안티 커뮤니즘(개미=공산당)'으로 읽는 이도 있다. 1954년 워너 작품 중 최고의 흥행을 기록한 영화이지만 , 등장하는 개미 인형 중 제대로 만들어진 것은 단 두 개 뿐이고 나머지는 움직이지도 않는 것이었다.
Saadia is a wild, strange Arab girl whose life has been dominated by a local sorceress, a vengeful outcast in the community, who has convinced her she has the "evil eye" and brings disaster to all who love her. French doctor Henrik takes her to his clinic, for rehabilitation purposes, and falls in love with her as does his friend, Si Lahssen, the reigning prince of this small Moroccan state. When a plague falls on the town, Saadia is convinced she is responsible, and rides alone into the mountain country to retrieve the plague serum being held for ransom by bandits. The love triangle dominates most of the rest of the film.
Members of a circus troupe "adopt" Lili Daurier when she finds herself stranded in a strange town. The magician who first comes to her rescue already has romantic entanglements and thinks of her as a little girl. Who can she turn to but the puppets, singing to them her troubles, forgetting that there are puppeteers? A crowd gathers around Lili as she sings. The circus has a new act. She now has a job. Will she get her heart's desire?
Original Music Composer
하워드 켐프는 현상금을 노리고 살인자 벤 밴더그로트를 쫓는다. 켐프 일행은 밴더그로트와 그의 연인 리나 패치를 체포하지만, 돌아오는 길에 밴더그로트는 세 남자를 분열시키고 탈출하는데 성공하는데...
Original Music Composer
Burt, a Marine suffering from Battle Fatigue, is deathly afraid of rain and confined to an asylum, but showing improvement. He wants to live with his sister's family, but they have young children.
In the Canadian mountains, a trapper goes on the run accused of a crime and is pursued by a rugged and determined lawman of the Royal North-West Mounted Police.
Original Music Composer
Truncated adaptation of Stephen Crane's novel about a Civil War Union soldier who stuggles to find the courage to fight in the heat of battle.
A pretty singer/dancer is becoming an actress whereas the playboy crown prince is becoming a monarch. The both will have their clandestine romance interfered with by their changing circumstances.
Original Music Composer
Opera singer Ina Massine tries to win back former husband Dr. Lincoln I. Bartlett.
Original Music Composer
During the British Raj, the orphan of a British soldier poses as a Hindu and is torn between his loyalty to a Buddhist mystic and aiding the English secret service.
Original Music Composer
Mike Brannon is a former war hero turned midget car racer. His ruthless racing tactics have made him successful but the fans consider him a villain and boo him mercilessly. Independent, beautiful reporter Regina Forbes tries to interview him but is put off by his gruff chauvinism, and when Brannon's daredevil tactics cause the death of a fellow driver, he finds himself a pariah in the sport thanks to her articles. When she finds him earning money as a barnstorming daredevil driver hoping for a comeback, they begin to become mutually attracted.
Original Music Composer
A young woman from Kansas moves to New York City, becomes highly successful at a prestigious modeling agency, and falls in love with a married man.
A captain tries to keep home as tight as his ship.
Original Music Composer
At a mayors convention in San Francisco, ex-longshoreman Steve Fisk meets Clarissa Standish from New England. Fisk is mayor of "Puget City" and is proud of his rough and tumble background. Standish is mayor of "Winona, Maine", and is equally proud of her education and dedication to the people who elected her. Thrown together, the two opposites attract and their escapades during the convention get each of them in hot water back home. Written by Ron Kerrigan
Original Music Composer
After living abroad for several years, journalist John Royer returns to the United States just after the U.S. enters World War II. His boast that he could easily smuggle rubber, a key wartime natural resource, out of Malaya has him tasked with doing just that. He manages to get someone from his past, Carnaghan, sprung from Alactraz and together they head off to South East Asia posing as Irishmen. Once there, Carnaghan lines up some of his old cronies and with Royer and a few plantation owners plans to smuggle the rubber out from under the Japanese army's watchful eye.
Original Music Composer
Soames and Irene Forsyte have a marriage of convenience. Young Jolyon Forsyte is a black sheep who ran away with the maid after his wife's death. Teenager June Forsyte has found love with an artist, Phillip Bosinny. The interactions between the Forsytes and the people and society around them is the truss for this love story set in the rigid and strict times of the Victorian age.
Original Music Composer
A young man succumbs to gambling fever.
Original Music Composer
When Cholera takes the parents of Mary Lennox, she is shipped from India to England to live with her Uncle Craven. Mary changes the lives of those she encounters at her Uncle's remote estate.
Original Music Composer
A former prisoner of war, Frank Enley is hailed as a hero in his California town. However, Frank has a shameful secret that comes back to haunt him when fellow survivor Joe Parkson emerges, intent on making Frank pay for his past deeds.
This documentary, filmed entirely by military photographers, recounts the U.S. Navy's 1946-47 expedition to Antarctica, known as Operation High Jump. The expedition was under the overall command of Admiral Richard E. Byrd, no stranger to the Antarctic. This was a large undertaking involving 13 ships and over 4000 thousand men. The fleet departed from Norfolk, Virginia traveling through the Panama canal and then southward to their final destination. The trip through the ice pack was fraught with danger and forced the submarine that was part of the fleet to withdraw. The trip was a success meeting all of its scientific goals.
Original Music Composer
Self-absorbed Dr. Lee Johnson enlists with the Army medical corps during World War II, more out of a feeling that it's "the thing to do" rather than deep-seated patriotism. On his first day, he's put into place by 'Snapshot', a sassy and attractive nurse. Their initial antagonism blossoms into romance. Lee then finds himself torn with guilt over being unfaithful to his wife, Penny, who's waiting for him back home.
Steven Kenet, suffering from a recurring brain injury, appears to have strangled his wife. Having confessed, he's committed to an understaffed county asylum full of pathetic inmates. There, Dr. Ann Lorrison is initially skeptical about Kenet's story and reluctance to undergo treatment. But against her better judgement, she begins to doubt his guilt.
Original Music Composer
Sheltered by her conservative parents, a small-town teenager finally goes out on a date.
Sophie loved Edmund, but he left town when her parents forced her to marry wealthy Octavius. Years later, Edmund returns with his son, William. Sophie's daughter, Marguerite, and William fall in love. Marguerite's sister, Marianne, also loves William. Timothy, a lowly carpenter, secretly loves Marianne. He kills a man in a fight, and Edmund helps him flee to New Zealand. William deserts inadvertently from the navy, and also flees in disgrace to New Zealand, where he and Timothy start a profitable business. One night, drunk, William writes Octavius, demanding his daughter's hand; but, being drunk, he asks for the wrong sister.
Original Music Composer
Penny Addams lives in a constant state of depression stemming from the trauma of her father's death when she was just a young girl. Her brother, Chase, and stepmother, Lee, work to help Penny process her grief through psychotherapy and revisiting their past, but only the revelation of long-buried family secrets -- including her mother's secret lover and the true nature of her father's death -- can bring Penny out of her intense despair.
Original Music Composer
Bill's separated from his litter, making friends with the wild creatures until he's found and adopted by young Kathie. An accident separates him from her, and he's drafted into K-9 duty in the trenches until battle fatigue takes its toll and he turns vicious. And even though he finds his way back home, he may be condemned as a killer.
Original Music Composer
An orphan girl melts the hearts of three crusty old men.
Original Music Composer
프랑스 실존주의 작가 알베르 까뮈의 '이방인'과는 전혀 다른 별개의 작품이다. 프린츠 킨들러는 2차대전 당시 유태인 포로 수용소를 만들었던 악명높은 독일군이다. 전범 재판 위원회는 전쟁이 끝난 후 전범들을 속속 찾아 내지만 워낙 신분이 노출되지 않은 프린츠 키들러의 행방은 묘연하기만 하다. 전범 재판 위원회는 킨들러 밑에서 일하던 마네키라는 전범을 풀어줌으로써 킨들러의 행방을 쫓는다. 그러나 마네키는 미국의 하퍼라는 마을에서 실종된다. 마네키를 추적하던 수사관 윌슨은 이 마을의 이방인으로서 시계 고치는 일을 하는 랭컨 교수를 의심한다. 랭컨은 마네키를 살해하고 판사의 딸 메리와 결혼한다. 윌슨은 메리에게 랭컨의 신분을 가르쳐 주지만 메리는 믿지 않는다. 그러나 윌슨이 자신을 의심하고 있음을 눈치챈 랭컨은 마네키와의 만남을 유일하게 알고 있는 메리를 살해하기 위해 머리를 짠다.
Original Music Composer
Welcome to Fuller Junction, Wisconsin, a friendly small town settled by Norwegian farmers. Here we see the exploits of two young cousins, Selma and Arnold, who learn about their world and experience the ups and downs of life as the season pass.
Original Music Composer
A girl enlists a psychic to get rid of her murderous alternate personality.
Original Music Composer
In World War II Washington DC, scientist Pat Jamieson's assistant, Jamie Rowan, enters a loveless marriage with him. Struggles bring them closer together.
In this family saga, Mrs. Parkington recounts the story of her life, beginning as a hotel maid in frontier Nevada where she is swept off her feet by mine owner and financier Augustus Parkington. He moves them to New York, tries to remake her into a society woman, and establishes their home among the wealthiest of New York's high society. Family and social life is not always peaceful, however, and she guides us, in flashbacks, through the rises and falls of the Parkington family fortunes.
Original Music Composer
A Brooklyn showgirl gets mixed up in a divorce between a soldier and his wife.
Original Music Composer
세계적인 오페라 가수인 앨리스 엘퀴스트가 자신의 집에서 살해되지만 경찰은 범인을 잡는데 실패한다. 이후 이 집을 물려받은 유일한 상속녀인 조카 폴라는 이탈리아로 성악 수업을 받기 위해 보내진다. 그러나 폴라는 성악 선생님 집에서 반주를 맡고 있던 젊고 잘 생긴 청년 그레고리와 사랑에 빠져서 중도에 공부를 포기하고 만다. 그레고리와 결혼한 폴라는 10년 만에 런던으로 돌아와 앨리스에게 물려받은 집에서 신혼 생활을 시작한다. 그러나 막상 앨리스의 집으로 들어오고 나자 그레고리는 갖가지 구실을 붙여서 폴라의 외출을 막는 한편 그녀를 정신이상자로 몰고 가기 시작하는데...
Original Music Composer
The beautiful wife of a tweedy astronomer becomes convinced that her astrologer's prediction of a new dream man in her life will come true.
Original Music Composer
During Japan's invasion of the Philippines in 1942, Capt. Henry Lassiter, Sgt. Bill Dane and a diverse group of American soldiers are ordered to destroy and hold a strategic bridge in order to delay the Japanese forces and allow Gen. MacArthur time to secure Bataan. When the Japanese soldiers begin to rebuild the bridge and advance, the group struggles with not only hunger, sickness and gunfire, but also the knowledge that there is likely no relief on the way.
Original Music Composer
Two newlyweds spy on the Nazis for the British Secret Service during their honeymoon in Europe.
Original Music Composer
Small-town soda-jerk Peggy Evans quits her dead-end job and moves to New York where she invents a new identity.
Original Music Composer
Famed reporter Stephen O'Malley travels to a small town to investigate the death of a national hero.
Original Music Composer
In Africa early in World War II, a British rubber plantation executive reminisces about his arrival in the Congo in 1910. He tells the story of a love-hate triangle involving Harry Witzel, an in-country station superintendent who'd seen it all, Langford, a new manager sent from England for a four-year stint, and Tondelayo, a siren of great beauty who desires silk and baubles. Witzel is gruff and seasoned, certain that Langford won't be able to cut it. Langford responds with determination and anger, attracted to Tondelayo because of her beauty, her wiles, and to get at Witzel. Manipulation, jealousy, revenge, and responsibility play out as alliances within the triangle shift.
Original Music Composer
Brothers feud over a girl they both fall for while covering World War II.
Original Music Composer
A French diplomat who's recovered from amnesia is blackmailed over crimes he can't remember.
Members of a well-to-do small community become worried when it is revealed that one of their maids is writing a telling exposé.
Original Music Composer
In Chicago, an unemployed actor aims to solve the mystery concerning a string of ax murders, apparently committed by a lunatic.
Humble stamp dealer Otto Becker has little to do with international politics, so when he receives a surprise visit from his estranged twin brother and Nazi spy, Baron Hugo von Detner, his world is thrown into turmoil. Threatening Becker with deportation, Hugo forces him to use his shop as a front for espionage.
A short history of movie music is presented, from silent films accompanied by a single piano, to the elaborate song scores for musicals (with scenes from MGM's musicals) and background music for dramas. Conductor/composer
Original Music Composer
A woman pretends to be her own twin sister to win back her straying husband.
Original Music Composer
A charming racketeer seduces the DA's stepdaughter for revenge, then falls in love.
Mary, a writer working on a novel about a love triangle, is attracted to her publisher. Her suitor Jimmy is determined to break them up; he introduces Mary to the publisher's wife without telling Mary who she is.
Original Music Composer
A variety of predicaments arise to distract Dr. Kildare from his wedding to Nurse Mary Lamont.
The operators of 'Silver Haven', a cultish group bilking gullible rich people out of money, is set to inherit a large sum after the deceased woman's heir also dies. Leader Joesph Jones decides to hurry the process along and kidnaps Wally Benton, his fiancé, and a friend, to further this goal. Wally, 'The Fox', is a radio sleuth who solves murders on the air. Jones wants him to devise a perfect murder, and isn't above killing others sloppily along the way to get his foolproof murder plot.
A gangster hides out on a farm and falls for the farmer's daughter.
Original Music Composer
A female blackmailer with a disfiguring facial scar meets a plastic surgeon who offers her the possibility of looking like a normal woman.
Original Music Composer
A jealous man frames his wife's suspected lover for murder.
Original Music Composer
A writer of pulp Westerns cranks out more words than his editor and publisher want to pay for.
Original Music Composer
An American reporter smuggling news out of Soviet Moscow is blackmailed into helping a beautiful Communist leave the country.
Original Music Composer
A dizzy young woman aranges to turn her inventor-boyfriend's vacation into a chance meeting with a possible investor who happens to be her brother's future father-in-law. And Wacky stuff happens.
Original Music Composer
A man violates company policy by getting married.
Original Music Composer
Because of a bad investment, Captain and Mrs. Peabody are evicted from their home. Mrs. Peabody finds lodging at a retirement home, but as only single women are allowed, the Captain has to make other arrangements. However, after witnessing their tearful goodbye, the home's residents vote to allow the couple to move in together. The Captain is a reluctant lodger, uncomfortable at being surrounded by so much femininity, and bristles when his pals start referring to him as "Old Lady". The time has come for Captain Peabody to reassert his manhood!
Original Music Composer
The Roth family leads a quiet life in a small village in the German Alps during the early 1930s. When the Nazis come to power, the family is divided and Martin Brietner, a family friend is caught up in the turmoil.
Original Music Composer
On return from Europe Dr. Decker foils glamour girl Georgi from jumping overboard. At Decker's suggestion to keep busy, she assists at his clinic in the slums.
Conductor (uncredited)
재능은 있지만 가난한 메리가 일자리를 찾고 있다. 클럽 사장 블래키는 메리의 노래를 들은 뒤 바로 메리를 고용하기로 한다. 블래키의 경쟁자인 오페라 하우스의 벌리도 메리의 아름다운 노래에 반해 메리를 탐낸다. 블래키와 메리를 둘러싸고 갈등과 오해가 이어지는 가운데, 강력한 지진이 샌프란시스코를 덮치고 만다. 폐허가 된 도시에서 블래키는 메리를 찾아 헤맨다. 1906년 4월 18일에 발생한 샌프란시스코 대지진을 배경으로 한 작품. 연출진에 이름을 올리진 않았지만, D. W. 그리피스와 에리히 폰 스트로하임이 일부 작업에 참여했다고 한다.
*1937 아카데미 음향상
A decadent prince unhappy over an impending arranged marriage, looking for a good time in London discovers the existence of a secret society called The Suicide Club, and so he seeks to become a member.
A romantic comedy-drama-musical of mistaken identity, infidelity and farce, set in Vienna at the turn of the 20th century.
A young man is kidnapped by his business competitors, but the jailer falls in love with the man she has to keep a prisoner. A lost film.
The already successful tenor Mattei is discovered after he already retired into private life. Der Wiener Staatsoper place a significant part in this musical comedy drama.
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Fred von Wellingen is a wealthy industrialist, part of a large family-owned corporation. Fred has fallen for Lia, a comely bartender in the Berlin Cabaret. He proposes to her, much to the horror of his family, which considers Lia and her unsophisticated father far below their caste. The family convinces Fred to give up the girl in exchange for increased position and income in the company. But Fred's lapse is momentary, and he again pursues Lia. But she, by this time, has learned of his erstwhile agreement and has agreed to marry someone else.
Original Music Composer
A Berlin policeman tracks down a group of diamond thieves in the outskirts by posing as a gang member.
A series of stupid coincidences causes the young Munich painter Paul to convert his uncle's castle into a hotel for four weeks. But he can't complain: business is good and he has plenty of guests. For exmple, there's Theo Muller with his revue troupe. For reasons of "sound", Muller calls himself "Miller", which, of course, causes more confusion. His daughter, the beautiful Evelyn, is confused with Mabel Miller, who has come to the hotel on a mission for her filthy rich father ... namely, to estimate the worth of the castle.
Original Music Composer
A scientist, Professor Jakob ten Brinken, interested in the laws of heredity, impregnates a prostitute in a laboratory with the semen of a hanged murderer. The prostitute conceives a female child who has no concept of love, whom the professor adopts. The girl, Alraune, suffers from obsessive sexuality and perverse relationships throughout her life. She learns of her unnatural origins and she avenges herself against the professor.