Space, forms, colours and sounds symbolise a recognisable world. New beginnings put an end to familiar patterns.
Do we shape as much as we are shaped?
To escape from the realities of bereavement, two friends travel across Yorkshire to look for David Hockney. Grief heightens their senses and their need for adventure.
Digital Effects Producer
To escape from the realities of bereavement, two friends travel across Yorkshire to look for David Hockney. Grief heightens their senses and their need for adventure.
To escape from the realities of bereavement, two friends travel across Yorkshire to look for David Hockney. Grief heightens their senses and their need for adventure.
To escape from the realities of bereavement, two friends travel across Yorkshire to look for David Hockney. Grief heightens their senses and their need for adventure.
To escape from the realities of bereavement, two friends travel across Yorkshire to look for David Hockney. Grief heightens their senses and their need for adventure.
To escape from the realities of bereavement, two friends travel across Yorkshire to look for David Hockney. Grief heightens their senses and their need for adventure.
To escape from the realities of bereavement, two friends travel across Yorkshire to look for David Hockney. Grief heightens their senses and their need for adventure.
Third Assistant Director
12년 전 깨끗하게 손을 씻고, 가정적인 남편이자, 지역 신문 칼럼니스트로 활동하고 있는 Mr. 폭스. 큰맘 먹고 장만한 새집에서 즐기는 평온한 전원 생활은 오히려 그의 잠자고 있던 야생 본능을 깨우고. 급기야 예전 신기의 절도 기술을 활용, 인간 마을 악질 농장주 3인방의 창고를 습격하고 만다. 이에 분노한 농장주들은 Mr. 폭스의 집을 송두리째 파괴해가며 그를 잡기 위해 혈안이 되고, Mr. 폭스와 가족은 물론 이웃들까지도 식량 하나 없는 지하 세계에 갇혀버리는 위험에 처한다. 이제 생존권을 되찾고 동물 사회 전체를 구하기 위한 Mr. 폭스의 판타스틱한 작전이 시작되는데...