Alice Dunseath


You Could Sunbathe in this Storm
Space, forms, colours and sounds symbolise a recognisable world. New beginnings put an end to familiar patterns. Do we shape as much as we are shaped?
Hunting for Hockney
To escape from the realities of bereavement, two friends travel across Yorkshire to look for David Hockney. Grief heightens their senses and their need for adventure.
Hunting for Hockney
Digital Effects Producer
To escape from the realities of bereavement, two friends travel across Yorkshire to look for David Hockney. Grief heightens their senses and their need for adventure.
Hunting for Hockney
To escape from the realities of bereavement, two friends travel across Yorkshire to look for David Hockney. Grief heightens their senses and their need for adventure.
Hunting for Hockney
To escape from the realities of bereavement, two friends travel across Yorkshire to look for David Hockney. Grief heightens their senses and their need for adventure.
Hunting for Hockney
To escape from the realities of bereavement, two friends travel across Yorkshire to look for David Hockney. Grief heightens their senses and their need for adventure.
Hunting for Hockney
To escape from the realities of bereavement, two friends travel across Yorkshire to look for David Hockney. Grief heightens their senses and their need for adventure.
Hunting for Hockney
To escape from the realities of bereavement, two friends travel across Yorkshire to look for David Hockney. Grief heightens their senses and their need for adventure.
Бесподобный мистер Фокс
Third Assistant Director
Чета Фокс живет счастливой спокойной жизнью вместе со своим эксцентричным сыном по имени Эш и гостящим у них племянником Кристоферсоном. Так продолжается до тех пор, пока Мистер Фокс не решает тряхнуть стариной и организовать самое масштабное в животном мире похищение курятины!