Michael Pataki

Michael Pataki

출생 : 1938-01-16, Youngstown, Ohio, USA

사망 : 2010-04-15


​From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Michael Pataki (January 16, 1938 – April 15, 2010) was an American character actor. Description above from the Wikipedia article Michael Pataki, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.

프로필 사진

Michael Pataki

참여 작품

Cans Without Labels: Bonus Treats
George Liquor (voice)
A collection of animations in various states of production featured on the Cans Without Labels DVD.
Cans Without Labels
George Liquor (voice)
George Liquor and his nephews eat food from cans without labels. An animated epic with a budget of $136,723.
A misguided personal trainer struggles to clean up his life after he's sued by one of his clients, knocks up two women and suffers a major heart attack. Stars Jonathan Wade-Drahos, Ryan Bottiglieri, Bruce Dern.
Family Guy Presents: Something, Something, Something, Dark Side
Nicoli Koloff (archive footage)
Peter makes good on another power outage at home by retelling Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back.
Boo Boo Runs Wild
The Chief (voice)
Boo-Boo gets fed up with the rules imposed on bears by humans and decides to return to his “wild” roots.
The Goddamn George Liquor Program
George Liquor (voice)
The Goddamn George Liquor Program was the first cartoon series to be produced exclusively for the internet.
The Making of a Hollywood Madam
Bernie Cornfield
The real-life California family doctor -- facing a jail sentence for money laundering and tax evasion -- recalls the events leading to the arrest of his notorious daughter, Hollywood madam Heidi Fleiss.
Stranger Than Love
Dr. Binderman
While in a mental ward, Johnny, a young amnesia-ridden man, befriends Laura, a blind middle-aged woman. However, as their friendship develops, so do feelings far more than that. Against the rules of the ward, the pair set out to elope at any cost. And even still, the dark truth of Johnny's true identity still awaits him.
록키 5
Nicoli Koloff
모스크바에서 소련 선수 드라고를 이기고 돌아온 록키는 몸에 이상이 생긴 것을 알게되고 곧 은퇴하려고 한다. 그런데 자신이 집을 비운 사이 회계사가 자신의 전재산을 가로챘음을 알아챈다. 할 수 없이 교활한 권투 흥행주 듀크가 주선한 캐인과의 시합을 치르려고 하는 록키. 그러나 의사로부터 뇌에 이상이 생긴 것으로 진단을 받고 출전 자격을 박탈당한다. 무일푼 신세로 슬럼 가의 옛집으로 돌아와 허름한 권투 도장에서 트레이너 일을 하는 록키에게 듀크가 출전자격증을 꾸며 주겠다며 유혹하지만 아내 애드리안이 급구 만류한다.
Hollywood Hot Tubs 2: Educating Crystal
Professor Drewton
A rich sheik tries to steal hot tub business by marrying the owner. Her daughter and others foil the plot.
Zombie Death House
Franco Moretti
A renegade federal agent uses a new drug to create an army of unbeatable warriors.
할로윈 4: 돌아온 마이클 마이어스
Dr. Hoffman
1988년 10월 30일, 할로윈 데이의 전야. 마이클 마이어스를 이송하던 차에서 끔찍한 살인 사건이 발생한다. 10년전, 할로윈데이에 가면을 쓴채 16명이나 되는 사람들을 처참히 살해했던 마이클 마이어스가 탈출한 것이다. 당시 마이어스는 여동생마저 죽이려다 담당 의사인 루미스 박사에 의해 잡혀 정신병동에서 감금생활을 하고 있었는데..
The Underachievers
Danny Warren is a former minor-league shortstop that becomes a narc to uncover drug dealing in this situation comedy. Investigating at a high-school adult-education class, he falls for the tempting teacher. He joins a colorful group of characters that includes ex-cons, illegal aliens, and brain-dead baby boomers that cause more trouble than their younger counterparts. Swimming classes and wine tastings serve as background for a series of comic catastrophes.
The Fartiste
A fake documentary about the rise and fall of the (real life) “flatulist” performer Le Pétomane, who narrates his story from Purgatory.
American Anthem
Coach Soranhoff
Steve is a talented gymnast who has given up competition and is working at his father's bike shop. Julie is the new girl at his old gym, who has moved to town to train with their powerful coach. Inspired by Julie, Steve resumes training. While dealing with the conflicts in their personal lives and the stress of training, they prepare for the US Olympic Trials.
록키 4
Nicoli Koloff
록키는 친구 아폴로 크리드와 러시아 출신 복서 이반 드라고의 경기를 참관한다. 드라고는 소련이 정책적으로 키운 복서이며 첨단의 인체공학을 응용한 초현대식 훈련장비를 사용하여 강력한 파워와 테크닉을 갖춘 강철같은 사나이였다. 그는 록키에게 공공연히 도전하면서, 미국의 자존심을 건드린다. 록키를 대신해 크리드가 나서지만, 드라고의 적수가 되지 못한 크리드는 드라고에 의해 경기 도중 사망하게 되고, 록키는 크리드의 매니저에게 도움을 받아 크리드의 원한을 갚고 드라고와 맞서기 위해 소련으로 가는데...
Jim Wilson
그린베레 출신으로 뉴욕시 경찰관으로 근무하는 레모(Remo Williams: 프레드 워드 분)는 정부의 특수 공작에 참여 비밀 첩보원으로 발탁된 뒤, 첩보원 메클리어리(Conn MacCleary: J.A. 프레스톤 분)의 습격을 받아 일단 사망한 것으로 처리된다. 되살아난 레모는 특수 첩보원으로 신분을 감추기 위해 성형 수술로 얼굴을 뜯어 고치고 한국인 전노인(Chiun: 조엘 그레이 분)으로부터 무기가 필요없는 '시난주'라는 무술을 배워 그로브 일당(George Grove: 찰스 치오피 분)이 건설하고 있는 미래의 우주방어 시스템에 관한 비밀을 캐낸다.
A group of people who were the inspiration of an author's fact-based, best-selling book are invited to a party at a mansion in the Hollywood hills to celebrate the making of the book into a movie which a series of situations, and bed-hopping begins between all persons involved.
Sheriff Grover
A man from the city returns to his small home town in the countryside to live like a farmer. He finds couple of friends among the locals, but people running the town want his land.
Sweet Sixteen
George Martin
A beautiful lonely girl named Melissa tries to make new friends from a town she's currently living in. The only problem is, each of the boys that she spends time with end up brutally murdered. Her sixteenth birthday is on the way, but Melissa turns out to be a suspect when it seems she's the last person who has seen her boyfriends alive.
뉴욕의 사랑
Courtroom Mooner
시체 안치소에서 밤에 근무하는 척과 조수 빌은 콜걸에게 정부가 없어서 장사가 잘되지 않는 것을 알고 그들의 사무소와 차를 제공하는 것으로 정부가 되는 것을 생각한다. 이로써 이들의 장사는 순조롭게 되어지나 척이 베린다에게 당하고 암흑가의 손들이 그들을 덮친다.
Terror at Alcatraz
Tom and Dick Smothers play Bones Howard and Ryan Fitzgerald, a TV cameraman and intrepid reporter, respectively, involved in the race to find the buried treasure of Al Capone on Alcatraz Island at the former prison where he was imprisoned.
Associate Producer
The musical uses the premise of a mysterious performance troupe, led by a Leading Player, to tell the story of Pippin, a young prince on his search for meaning and significance. In 1981, a stage production of Pippin was videotaped for Canadian television. The stage production was directed by Kathryn Doby, Bob Fosse's dance captain for the original Broadway production, and David Sheehan directed the video adaptation, with Roger O. Hirson in charge of the music. Ben Vereen returned for the role of Leading Player, while William Katt played the role of Pippin. However, this version was a truncated adaptation and several sections of the play were cut. An extended version running 135 minutes is also available.
죽음과 매장
댄 오바논이 각색에 참여한 "죽음과 매장"은 겉보기에는 평화로운 시골 마을 포터스 블러프를 배경으로, 지나다니는 여행객을 무차별적으로 살해하는 마을 사람들 이야기다. 외지인을 살해하는 살인마들이란 고전적 클리셰를 활용한 공포영화들은 예나 지금이나 끊임없이 재생산되고 있지만, "죽음과 매장"은 그 테두리 안에서 색다른 변화를 모색함으로써 장르 팬들의 주목을 받았다. 아무래도 한명이 아닌 다수에 의해 저질러지는 계획적인 살인의 배경에는, 무언가 큰 비밀이 숨겨져 있게 마련 아니던가? 조용한 시골 마을에 휴가차 내려온 사진작가. 해변에서 사진을 찍으며 한가로운 시간을 보내던 남자는 매력적인 여성을 만나 그녀를 모델로 사진을 찍는다. 여자는 포즈를 취하는 가운데 별안간 젖가슴을 드러내며 노골적으로 남자를 유혹하고, 남자는 일순 당황하지만 입맛을 다시며 그에 응한다. 그 순간 작가는 어디선가 우르르 몰려든 다수의 사람들에게 몰매를 맞고 그 자리에서 처참한 화형식을 당한다. "죽음과 매장"의 매력은 반전처럼 숨겨두고 있는 또 하나의 장르와 함께 예측불허의 전개에 있다. 정말 이 영화는 느닷없이 사람을 해치워버린다. 관객이 마음의 준비를 하기도 전에 허를 찌르며 일어나는 사건은 강한 흡인력을 발휘한다.
Principal Guglione
학교의 대표 달리기 선수인 로라 램스테드는 시합에서 아깝게 우승를 놓친다. 그 후 그녀는 여동생인 앤과 만나게 되는데 그 때부터 무서운 살인이 벌어지게 된다.
정오의 결투
윌 케인은 프랭크 밀러와 그의 패거리들과의 유명한 총격전 1년 후 해들리빌로 돌아와, 그 마을이 지금 부패한 보안관과 두 측근의 손에 있다는 것을 알게 된다. 케인을 대신한 보안관 J.D. 워드는 벤 아이언스와 그의 부하들이 결백하다는 것을 알면서도 그들에게 현상금을 걸기 위해 그들을 쫓는다. 벤은 도망치고, 워드는 그를 쫓고, 케인은 벤을 돕기로 결심한다. 그러나 벤은 총상으로 죽게 되고, 워드는 벤을 도운 혐의로 케인을 체포하려 하지만 마을에서는 집회를 열어 워드의 체포 영장을 발부해 버린다. 케인은 다시 양철 보안관 뱃지를 달고 워드를 쏘아 죽인다.
타이타닉 인양
To obtain a supply of a rare mineral, a ship raising operation is conducted for the only known source, the Titanic.
The Glove
Harry Iverson
In this actioner, a bounty hunter is assigned to bring back an enormous and angry ex-convict who wears a deadly glove made of leather and steel. Rock'em sock'em mayhem ensues.
Disaster on the Coastliner
A deranged engineer, bent on revenge for the deaths of his wife and daughter, sets two passenger trains on a collision course, and con-man Robert Fuller puts his life on the line to ward off the crash.
Squeek Squalis
A highly romanticized dramatization of the life of Rocky Marciano, the only heavyweight champion to have retired with a perfect record.
어둠이 밝아올 때
District Attorney Dino Fulgoni
An LA police officer is murdered in the onion fields outside of Bakersfield. However, legal loopholes could keep his kidnappers from receiving justice, and his partner is haunted by overwhelming survivor's guilt.
The Survival of Dana
Arnold Denker
High school student Dana moves to the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles after her North Dakota parents get divorced and falls in with the wrong crowd.
Peter Lacey
Lee Cantrell, a young San Francisco attorney by day, at night becomes a samurai warrior, and battles a crazed multi-millionaire who is planning to destroy the city with an earthquake machine.
드라큐라 도시로 가다
인민위원회에 성이 접수되어 부득이 트란실바니아의 성에서 쫓겨난 드라큘라 백작이 신부를 찾으러 뉴욕으로 온다. 그리하여 사랑하는 여자를 얻을 때까지를 그린 코미디 영화다.
Up Yours
Virgil / Virgil's Father
Tenants share wild times in a Hollywood apartment building.
The Last Word
When politicians try to force out a renter in a corrupt real-estate deal, the man decides to take matters into his own hands. He takes a police officer hostage, hoping to expose the scam and save his home.
Spider-Man Strikes Back
Captain Barbera
At the New York State University, one of Peter Parker's tutors has accidentally given three students all the materials they need to create an atomic bomb. While Peter Parker tries to find out what's happened, the police suspect him of the crime, and Peter has to deal with an attractive journalist determined to get an interview with Spider-Man. Then dastardly millionaire Mr. White shows up, and will stop at nothing to get his hands on the atomic bomb. Spider-Man must defeat this scheming villain and stop him blowing up the World Trade Centre.
어메이징 스파이더맨
Capt. Barbera
When an extortionist threatens to force a multi-suicide unless a huge ransom is paid, only Peter Parker can stop him with his new powers as Spider-Man.
When Every Day Was the Fourth of July
Robert Najarin
A little girl convinces her attorney father to defend a mute war veteran accused of murdering a store owner.
Ruby and Oswald
Ike Pappas
A dramatic re-creation of the four-day span preceding and following the assassination of John F. Kennedy in November, 1963, drawn from authenticated events and eyewitness accounts.
Tony Sicota
It's the biggest event of the year — the Super Bowl! But the star players for the Cougars, gathered in New Orleans for the big game, are preoccupied with some serious off-the-field issues. Dave Walecki's marriage to his wife Nancy is falling apart, while Jim McCauley is involved in a shady deal with a management firm that could destroy his career. But that's nothing compared to the real drama. There's an assassin killing off many of the team's personnel (as well as their chances of winning)!
Jailbait Babysitter
Roger Warfield (uncredited)
Vicki is seventeen and her older friends call her Jailbait. Her boyfriend Robert is frustrated because Vicki doesn't want to do the wild thing, but he's willing to wait. After a party gets out of hand, Vicki escapes with the help of Lorraine, who takes her in as a houseguest. While Lorraine teaches Vicki etiquette, Robert wonders what happened to his girlfriend. And Vicki soon learns more about Lorraine's job as an "executive liaison."
흡혈귀 졸탄
Michael Drake / Count Dracula
수색 정찰 임무를 수행 중이던 군인은 우연히 백작의 성을 발견하게 된다. 성안으로 들어간 대위는 석관이 밀려나오는 것을 느끼게 된다. 이어 사냥개의 시체를 발견하게 된다. 이개는 드라큐라가 아끼던 사냥개였다. 대위는 결국 사냥개에 의해 살해되고 수사관 브랑크 경사가 투입된다.
The Chopped Liver Brothers
Tom and Jay are best friends. Tom is married to Sally and Jay is single. Tom and Jay are also stand-up comedians and their mishaps as they seek stardom as headliners are related.
Cinderella, with the help of her "fairy" godmother, is granted heightened sexual prowess to win over Prince Charming. After a blindfolded orgy at the royal castle, the nerdy Prince must sleep with every willing woman in his kingdom until he finds that one, mysterious lover who so "stood out" on the night of the sex Ball.
에어포트 77
납치되어 바다에 추락한 여객기의 탐색과 구조 과정을 그린 영화로, "에어 포트" 시리즈의 3번째 작품. 제임스 스츄어트는 비행기를 전세 낸 부호로 나온다. 아카데미 미술상과 의상상 후보에 올랐다.
Benny & Barney: Las Vegas Undercover
Sgt. Ross
Two undercover cops find their avocation -- a musical act -- helpful in tapping informants on the Las Vegas Strip regarding the alleged kidnapping of a top entertainer in this pilot for a series that never materialized.
Mansion of the Doomed
An insane surgeon finds himself up to his armpits in eyeballs after guilt prompts him to begin removing the eyes of abducted people in hopes of performing transplants on his daughter who lost her own in a car-accident he caused.
A Touch of Sex
Mark Markson (as Harry Wilcox)
Hired to help launch a new hot rock group called "Tommy and the Penetrations," Mark finds himself dropped into the opulent drug-filled and orgiastic lifestyle of Hollywood. Mark is suddenly haunted by visions of a horny group of people everywhere he goes. Are they some sort of mind-bending fantasy or reality?
Delinquent Schoolgirls
Carl C. Clooney
Three mental patients escape their asylum and sexually assault their way into a girl's private school. The girls education includes wrestling and karate, so the three mad men will find stern opposition when they least expected.
Those Mad, Mad Moviemakers
Two young men wanting to make a porno movie raise money from their family and friends by claiming that they're making a religious film. Complications ensue when the porno is a hit.
The Bat People
Sergeant Ward
Dr. John Beck, recently married, decides to take his wife, Cathy, spelunking in Carlsbad Cavern. While there, Dr. Beck, who specializes in bats, is bitten by a fruit bat. He is then, inexplicably, transformed into a vampire bat. While he escapes and seeks help from another doctor, it is clear the treatments are not working. In fact, they are aggravating his condition. Dr. Beck unwittingly goes on a killing spree, catching the attention of Sergeant Ward.
Last Foxtrot in Burbank
Paul (as Michael Loveman)
Cult director Charles Band brings you this "Last Tango in Paris" spoof with editing by acclaimed filmmaker John Carpenter.
Little Cigars
Garage Mechanic
A gangster's former mistress hooks up with a troupe of circus midgets who, as a sideline, rob banks and casinos.
Sweet Jesus, Preacherman
State Senator Sills
A Black hit man poses as a Baptist preacher in a ghetto church. He decides to take over the local rackets.
The Baby
A social worker who recently lost her husband investigates the strange Wadsworth family. The Wadsworths might not seem too unusual to hear about them at first - consisting of the mother, two grown daughters and the diaper-clad, bottle-sucking baby. The problem is, the baby is twenty-one years old.
The Black Bunch
Mr. Heinke
In Africa, four native women join and are hired to find a wealthy man's son who has disappeared, and use the opportunity to get revenge on a gang of mercenaries who have massacred the inhabitants of the womens' village.
Virgil (as Caleb Goodman)
The antics in a boarding house/nursing home run by mean Miss Victor (Betty Mitchell). Motley crew includes a heavily made-up dying man Mr. Griffin, who’s a vampire, semi-retarded lead Virgil and an ailing beauty Emily who is attended to by lesbian nurse Candy Samples.
The Dirt Gang
A film crew shooting in the desert is terrorized by a vicious outlaw motorcycle gang (on dirt bikes, no less) who are after the women in the company.
A Man for Hanging
A mentally and physically scarred monster rampages through the old west, killing and raping as he seeks to meet up with his cohorts in a bank robbery. He is pursued by a vengeful posse who have no thoughts of bringing him back for justice.
그레이브 오브 더 뱀파이어
Caleb Croft
A vampire awakens from a long sleep to attack a couple making love in a graveyard. He then rapes the woman, who later gives birth to his son. The newborn infant will only drink blood from his mother's breast.
The All American Hustler
Carol's Boyfriend (uncredited)
This bleak, cinema-verite influenced film chronicles the last few days in the life of a sad LA prostitute and her herione addicted friend.
They Call It Murder
Pete Cardiff
A small-town district attorney is saddled with several major investigations, including a gambler's murder and a possible insurance scam.
Brute Corps
A hippy couple travelling cross country run foul of a band of mercenaries.
The Return of Count Yorga
Count Yorga continues to prey on the local community while living by a nearby orphanage. He also intends to take a new wife, while feeding his bevy of female vampires.
Pink Angels
Six rough and tumble motor cyclists meet at the side of an empty highway to plan their adventurous excursion cycling to Los Angeles. The burly bunch are Michael (John Alderman), David (Tom Basham), Henry (Bob Bihiller), Arnold (Bruce Kimbal), Eddie (Henry Olek) and Ronnie (Maurice Warfield). They're deceptive: although they look like the adventure addicted non-conformists of today out to raise Hell as they brawl their way over countryside and local towns, actually the six are on a different type of trip to the City of the Angels.
안드로메다의 위기
쥬라기 공원으로 유명한 스릴러 작가 마이클 크라이튼의 첫 소설을 영화화한 작품. 이 영화 외에 2008년에 TV용 영화로 다시 만들어지기도 했다. 지구에 떨어진 인공위성이 인간에게 치명적인 바이러스를 퍼뜨리고, 과학자들은 그 바이러스의 정체를 알아내기 위해 노력하는데..
Dream No Evil
Rev. Paul Jessie Bundy
Grace is a troubled young lady with some serious daddy issues. She was adopted as a young girl and raised up in a family of traveling faith healers. After the patriarch of that little group passes away Grace's world is thrown into turmoil. The eldest brother turns his back on the family business in favor of medical school despite being engaged to Grace and she is left alone with the shady younger son who puts Grace in a skimpy leotard and incorporates some circus style showmanship to draw in the rubes.
이지 라이더
Mime #4
웨트와 빌리, 장발의 두 젊은이는 미국의 의미를 찾고자 미국을 횡단하는 여행을 시작한다. 그들은 서부 개척 시대에 반항이라도 하듯 거꾸로 동쪽으로 향한다. 마약을 팔아서 여비를 마련하고 가진거라곤 달랑 오토바이 두 대 뿐인 이들의 여행에 계획이란 없다. 여행길에서 이들은 아주 독특한 사람들을 만나게 되는데, 목장 주인과 그의 가족, 히치 하이커와 히피 공동체 사람들, 또 창녀와 남부의 백인 노동자들이 그들이다. 하지만 무엇보다도 눈에 띠는 사람은 바로 변호사이지만 주인공들처럼 정착을 싫어하고 자유롭길 원하는 조지 핸슨이다. 그가 기꺼이 여행에 합류하자 자유를 실천에 옮기는 두 사람에게는 그것을 이론으로 완성시켜주는 이론가를 하나 얻은 셈이었다. 조지는 웨트와 빌리에게 사람들이 그들을 싫어하는 이유는 바로 그들이 누리는 자유 때문이라고 일러준다. 빌리는 그저 자신들의 긴 머리 때문이라고 생각했는데 말이다. 하지만 이런 깨달음을 얻은 그날 밤 그들은 누군지도 모르는 사람들에게 습격을 당하는데...
The Sidehackers
Motorcycle racer Rommel seeks vengeance against JC, a madman who murdered the sidehacker's fiancee.
The Cut-Throats
German Sniper (uncredited)
Captain Kohler recruits an outfit of five American soldiers besides himself (dubbed "The Cut-Throats,") to attack a German stronghold to capture battle plans... although his real motive is to steal a cache of jewels that is Nazi plunder. After the enemy soldiers are gunned down, the beautiful women in the compound treat The Dirty Half-Dozen to a stage show and, later, themselves.