Sound Re-Recording Mixer
유명 축구 선수의 아내 베로니카는 SNS 인플루언서를 꿈꾸고 있다. 팔로워 200만명을 돌파하면 유명 뷰티 브랜드의 홍보대사가 될 수 있고, 부부 관계도 다시 행복해질 것이고, 온종일 시끄럽게 울어대는 갓난아이도 사랑스러워질 것이고, 10년 전 죽은 딸 사건의 재조사도 해결될 것이다. 그러니 베로니카는 “좋아요”를 받기 위해서라면 무슨 짓이든 할 것이다.
Sound Mixer
A stolen phone, bad decisions and many acts of clumsiness will force three neighbors from Gran Avenida – an area in the south of Santiago – to face each other.
A stolen phone, bad decisions and many acts of clumsiness will force three neighbors from Gran Avenida – an area in the south of Santiago – to face each other.
Sound Mixer
Film inspired by the real story of Rodrigo Rojas de Negri. Killed on July 2, 1986 during the first national protest against the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet.
Sound Mixer
Martin and Charly spend their time making rap music. One night they find a loaded gun on a hill, while Sol searches for her lost dog. Although apparently unrelated, these stories are intimately linked, forming a portrait of teenagers in their difficult passage to adulthood.
Sound Mixer
A young Haitian immigrant living in Santiago de Chile, will see his life balance shaken after a series of unexpected events that will fuel a deep racist reactions in his environment.
Sound Designer
A young Haitian immigrant living in Santiago de Chile, will see his life balance shaken after a series of unexpected events that will fuel a deep racist reactions in his environment.
ADR & Dubbing
1970년 칠레. 술에 잔뜩 취한 밤, 스무 살의 거칠 것 없는 청년 제이미는 욱하는 마음에 가장 친한 친구를 찌르는 사고를 치고 감옥에 갇힌다. 폭력으로 얼룩진 감옥에서 그는 다른 차원의 충성심과 친밀감을 느끼기 시작한다.
Sound Designer
Selva, thirteen years old, discovers that when we die we just shed our skin. We can turn into wolves, goats, shadows, or anything as long as your imagination allows it.
Executive Producer
Sound Designer
In the south of Chile on the Chiloé Island, Carlos Ruiz works as an operator in an industrial cannery. He is one of the cogs that makes the machine turn, except when he is a machine himself, like when he delivers blows on the punching-ball. A machine that dreams of glory. Because in his other life, Carlos is little-by-little becoming “the Guru”, who ceaselessly trains in what little leisure time he has so that he can win his match.
Sound Mixer
In the south of Chile on the Chiloé Island, Carlos Ruiz works as an operator in an industrial cannery. He is one of the cogs that makes the machine turn, except when he is a machine himself, like when he delivers blows on the punching-ball. A machine that dreams of glory. Because in his other life, Carlos is little-by-little becoming “the Guru”, who ceaselessly trains in what little leisure time he has so that he can win his match.
In the south of Chile on the Chiloé Island, Carlos Ruiz works as an operator in an industrial cannery. He is one of the cogs that makes the machine turn, except when he is a machine himself, like when he delivers blows on the punching-ball. A machine that dreams of glory. Because in his other life, Carlos is little-by-little becoming “the Guru”, who ceaselessly trains in what little leisure time he has so that he can win his match.
Dialogue Editor
남편과 네 아이와 함께 살아가는 평범한 주부 이레네. 큰 아들이 프로 핸드볼 선수로 스카웃되어 독일로 떠나게 되면서 이레네는 아내나 엄마가 아닌 그녀 자신으로서의 삶을 준비하기 시작한다. 일상에 찾아온 변화를 통해 나와 가족의 의미를 잔잔한 감동으로 전해주는 드라마.
Dialogue Editor
술김에 스와핑을 해버린 네 친구의 막장불륜멜로! 구스타보와 돌로레스 부부의 집에 파산위기인 친구 커플 페드로와 카밀라가 얹혀 살기로 한다. 어느 날 아침, 술에 취해 기억을 모두 잃은 채 알몸으로 일어나게 된다. 그날 밤 대체 무슨 일이 있었는지 친구들은 혼란에 빠진다.
Sound Effects Editor
Pancho Veloso, an old writer of celebrity articles, returns to his hometown of Chilean Patagonia after more than 40 years of having fled. When trying to write "salable" stories about that area so called "the end of the world", he will face his past and leave his imposture.
Dialogue Editor
The Amateur Soccer Referee Federation has a new board of directors, who face the challenge of renewing their image after a 90-year history. But these leaders receive a broke organization and headquarters that are in precarious conditions. They have also aged, but have nothing to lose and will work together to reinvent themselves.
Dialogue Editor
옛날 어느 한 여행자가 세상의 끝에 다다랐다. 독립한지 얼마 지나지 않은 그 곳, 남미의 끝 언저리에서 그 여행자는 자신만의 왕국을 세웠다. 이 이야기는 1860년대의, '오를리 앙투완 드 투낭'이란 한 미친 프랑스 탐험가의 실화이다. 스스로 헌법을 만들고 국가를 건설한 그는 원주민들을 통합하여 통치자로 선출된다. 실존했으나 허구같은 한 개척자의 이야기. (2017년 제21회 부천국제판타스틱영화제)
Dialogue Editor
One morning in June 2005, the guards of the National Museum of Fine Arts of Chile, noticed that a millionaire Auguste Rodin sculpture had been stolen. 24 hours after the event a shy art student returns the piece arguing that he had stolen it as part of an artistic project. A documentary that explores the dilemmas of the artist and contemporary art.
Sound Mixer
Lissette's favorite aunt Adriana, who lives in Australia, is arrested in 2007 while visiting her family in Chile and accused of having worked for dictator Pinochet's notorious secret police, the DINA, and of having participated in the commission of state crimes. When Adriana denies these accusations, Lissette begins to investigate her story in order to film a documentary about her.
Dialogue Editor
Lissette's favorite aunt Adriana, who lives in Australia, is arrested in 2007 while visiting her family in Chile and accused of having worked for dictator Pinochet's notorious secret police, the DINA, and of having participated in the commission of state crimes. When Adriana denies these accusations, Lissette begins to investigate her story in order to film a documentary about her.
Dialogue Editor
Four high school seniors steal an important college entrance exam and go on vacation to "study," but accidentally lose the exam while partying.
ADR & Dubbing
Since their parents split up, Sara and her younger sister live with their mother, whose new partner is a woman. Everyday life for the four of them is hardly any different than it is for other families. But not everyone sees it that way – Sara's father in particular has his doubts. As Sara’s 13th birthday approaches, she feels rather overwhelmed: her first crush, a body in the midst of changes and to top it off, conflicts over loyalty with her parents.
ADR Editor
After a head injury makes a dimwit stranger out Barbara's beloved Guille, she ceases to feel desire for him. Nearing 35, and longing for motherhood, she settles with a new partner, while the memory of lost love harrows her.
Dialogue Editor
After a head injury makes a dimwit stranger out Barbara's beloved Guille, she ceases to feel desire for him. Nearing 35, and longing for motherhood, she settles with a new partner, while the memory of lost love harrows her.
Sound Editor
Two brothers return to Chile after years in Iraq.
Dialogue Editor
18살의 헤수스는 엄격하고 다소 애정이 없는 아버지와 칠레 산티아고에서 살고 있다. 헤수스와 그의 친구들은 마약을 하거나, 가벼운 섹스를 하거나, TV를 보면서 무의미하게 시간을 보낼 때도 있지만 케이팝 보이 밴드 공연도 한다. 하지만 그의 일상은 어느 날 저녁 술에 취한 친구들과 젊은 게이를 잔인하게 폭행하고 죽게 내버려 두면서 혼란에 빠진다. 헤수스는 심각한 위기에 빠진다.
Sound Effects Editor
마네킹 공장의 매니저로 일하는 후안은 18살짜리 아들 파블로와 둘이 산다. 후안은 파블로가 게이임을 눈치채고 있지만, 아들의 성 정체성에 관해서는 암묵적으로 이야기를 꺼내지도 묻지도 않는다. 그러던 어느날 파블로가 게이라는 이유로 심한 구타를 당해 코마 상태에 빠지는 사건이 발생한다. 지금이라도 아들을 위해 살기로 결심한 후안은 직접 범인을 찾아 나서고 엄청난 병원비를 갚으려 고군분투한다. (2016년 제6회 서울프라이드영화제)
Dialogue Editor
마네킹 공장의 매니저로 일하는 후안은 18살짜리 아들 파블로와 둘이 산다. 후안은 파블로가 게이임을 눈치채고 있지만, 아들의 성 정체성에 관해서는 암묵적으로 이야기를 꺼내지도 묻지도 않는다. 그러던 어느날 파블로가 게이라는 이유로 심한 구타를 당해 코마 상태에 빠지는 사건이 발생한다. 지금이라도 아들을 위해 살기로 결심한 후안은 직접 범인을 찾아 나서고 엄청난 병원비를 갚으려 고군분투한다. (2016년 제6회 서울프라이드영화제)
Sound Effects Editor
A photograph of an unknown Mapuche great-grandmother is the starting point of this documentary essay. Through the analysis of said picture, conversations with family members, a trip to southern Chile cities, and an actress who re-enacts the photo, we see the existing prejudice against indigenous people.
Sound Effects Editor
알폰소는 죽어가는 아들을 돌보기 위해 전처와 며느리, 손자가 함께 사는 옛집으로 돌아온다. 재가 대지를 뒤덮는 사탕수수 마을에서 알폰소는 버렸던 가족을 챙기지만, 상황은 나아질 기미가 보이지 않는다. 유려하고 치밀한 촬영과 단순하지만 힘 있는 스토리가 돋보인다. (2015년 제20회 부산국제영화제)
Sound Effects Designer
알폰소는 죽어가는 아들을 돌보기 위해 전처와 며느리, 손자가 함께 사는 옛집으로 돌아온다. 재가 대지를 뒤덮는 사탕수수 마을에서 알폰소는 버렸던 가족을 챙기지만, 상황은 나아질 기미가 보이지 않는다. 유려하고 치밀한 촬영과 단순하지만 힘 있는 스토리가 돋보인다. (2015년 제20회 부산국제영화제)
Sound Editor
알폰소는 죽어가는 아들을 돌보기 위해 전처와 며느리, 손자가 함께 사는 옛집으로 돌아온다. 재가 대지를 뒤덮는 사탕수수 마을에서 알폰소는 버렸던 가족을 챙기지만, 상황은 나아질 기미가 보이지 않는다. 유려하고 치밀한 촬영과 단순하지만 힘 있는 스토리가 돋보인다. (2015년 제20회 부산국제영화제)
Sound Editor
5명의 노부인들은 고등학교를 졸업한 이래, 60년 넘도록 매달 함께 차 마시는 모임을 계속 이어오고 있다. 각자 성격은 딴판이지만, 오랜 세월을 함께 하면서 서로를 깊이 이해할 수 있는 관계가 된 것이다. 함께 지나간 시절을 추억하고, 최근 일에 대한 이야기를 나눈다. 젊음과 나이 듦, 우정, 그리고 지나간 것들에 대한 솔직하고 유쾌한 수다로 가득한 다큐멘터리.
An old bear goes out every day to a busy street corner. Through a tin marionette theater of his own making, the bear will tell us his life story.
Salvador moves to London from Chile to study English and travel around Europe at his parents’ expense. He stays with his aunt María, who makes a rather decent living renting the rooms of her house to other immigrants. Difficult and challenging situations will force Salvador out of his protected bourgeois reality and into the real world.
Sound Editor
A 14-year-old skeptical young man one day discovers that everything he knows about his father is a lie.
Sound Mixer
A 14-year-old skeptical young man one day discovers that everything he knows about his father is a lie.
Gerardo was never detached from his mother. So when he presented his first girlfriend, the gorgeous model Ana Verónica, the mother will do everything possible to get rid of her.
Sound Effects Editor
In the midst of the battle between a humble technical center and a powerful university for the award to build a robot to Chile, love arises.
As she and her family embark on a short vacation, a Chilean teenager slowly comes to the realization that her parents might be splitting up.
Sound Effects Editor
At a house party, a handsome man wanders around catching up with friends he has not seen for some years. A travel writer now based in Berlin, Andre appears to be living an exciting international life, and yet... something has drawn him back home to Santiago. As the night goes on, we realize that a tragedy binds this group - an event that was also the impetus for Andre's departure from Chile years ago. Moreover, there is someone at the party he goes to great lengths to avoid. But she is the very person he most needs to see.
Sound Effects Editor
TV Movie based on the life of Gabriela Mistral. Gabriela's life is reconstructed, her travels as a diplomat, the relationship with her adopted son Yin Yin and her work as a poet until she received the Nobel Prize.
Sound Effects Designer
Mandrill is a high-level assassin whose parents many years ago were slaughtered in cold blood by a ruthless drug lord. Now he finds himself finally in a position to get his revenge. But since it falls in love precisely in the pretty daughter of the ruthless killer. Mandrill now faces the most serious decision of his life ...
Sound Effects Editor
Follows the sexual stories of five Chilean couples.
Sound Effects Editor
Santos, a failed comic book artist, lives in a parallel universe where he's a superhero who has to save the world.
Dialogue Editor
The businessman who sends the first Chilean astronaut into outer space can't quite come up with the money to bring the adventurer back.
ADR Recordist
The businessman who sends the first Chilean astronaut into outer space can't quite come up with the money to bring the adventurer back.
Benzo, Nea, Barry, Walala and Ramón receive an invitation to change their lives forever, they have been nominated for a special international music award.
Sound Effects Editor
Sound Editor
Gaspar is a young, lonely cinematographer. Unable to deal with his sister and sick grandfather he spends his time with Susana, an actress working on a opera. When he meets Alvaro, an idealistic traveler, Gaspar's life changes. They embark on a adventure that help them unearth the fragility and value of human existence