Iván Aledo

참여 작품

Window to the Sea
Faced with life changing news, María, a fifty-five-year-old Spanish woman from Bilbao, chooses to take a trip to Greece with her closest girlfriends against the advice of her son and doctors. A spontaneous decision leads her to the island of Nisyros, a tiny haven of peace and calm that immediately feels like home. While exploring the beautiful island and soaking in its hidden treasures, she meets Stefanos and finds herself falling in love against all odds.
내일의 안녕
남편과의 별거 중 느닷없이 마그다에게 찾아온 시한부의 삶. 그러나 불행의 시간에 허덕이기보다는 홀로 남게 될 아들과 주위 사람들의 아픈 가슴을 보듬어줌과 동시에 여성으로서의 의미 있는 삶을 택하는데... 마침내 찾아온 새 생명에 대한 설렘 속에서 불행을 행복으로 바꾸어 내는 마그다. 당신의 텅 빈 가슴을 어루만져줄 그녀의 이야기가 시작된다.
Óscar and Fon are friends and war reporters. They are kidnapped in a basement, in a foreign country, over three thousand miles from home.
Fatimetu returns to the Wilaya of Smara for the funeral of her mother, after 16 years living in Spain. There she meets her brother Jatri, who is expecting his first child with Aichetu his wife, and her sister Hayat. Jatri tells her that she has inherited the family Khaimah and must care for her sister. Fatimetu reluctantly accepts the last will of her mother, though she is not sure how to take care of her sister as she can barely take care of herself.
Captain Thunder
The story of "Captain Thunder and the Holy Grail" is set during the Third Crusade in Palestine, when Captain Thunder finds in the dungeons of a fortress a dying Christian named Juan de Ribera, who entrustes him the mission to restore to Spain a cup which is the Holy Grail, stolen from an ancient order. Thunder, with his inseparable friends Crispin and Goliath, and a Viking princess named Sigfrid, will face an evil feudal lord and his black "devils", who are terrorizing the population of low Aragón.
Javier Lopez is an actor. Like so many others. Like nobody else.
Mortadelo & Filemon Mission Save the Planet
The planet is facing a great threat. During the worst drought ever known, a group of wrongdoers are in the process of finishing all the reserves of water that remain on Earth. The best secret agents in the world meet urgently, but they don't even have a clue. To make things even worse, the evil Botijola plans to sabotage the meeting. His intention is to convert the water into a substitute. In order to do this, he also tries to kidnap mad Professor Bacterio and get him to work for him. However, there are two things Botijola wasn't expecting. On the one hand, Bacterio, before being kidnapped, hid the parts of his invention in different historical moments, using a time machine. On the other hand, there are two international agents who haven't turned up at the sabotaged meeting, two agents who become the world's only hope: Mortadelo and Filemón.
보르히아:역사상 가장 타락한 교황
체사레 보르히아가 성전을 위해 교황의 축복을 받고 출정하지만 이는 교황의 음모이며 그가 감옥에 갇히는 장면에서 시작된다. 곧, 발렌시아의 추기경 로드리고 보르히아가 콘클라베에서 교황으로 선출된다. 이때부터 발렌시아의 귀족 보르히아가의 영욕은 시작된다. 교황이 된 알렉한드르 6세는 수단과 방법을 가리지 않고 숙적을 처단한다. 그리고 자신의 숙소에 여자를 끌어들이고, 자신의 아들들을 추기경과 공작으로 만들며, 딸을 여기저기 시집 보내면서 정략 결혼을 일삼는다. 그리고 자신의 목적이 달성되면 자신의 사위를 죽이는 악행을 통해 절대권력을 만들어 간다. 하지만, 형제들간의 반목과 끊임없이 계속되는 근친상간으로 이탈리아를 지배하겠다는 보르히아 가문의 야심찬 계획에는 조금씩 금이 가기 시작한다. 결국, 교황 알렉산드르 6세는 독살을 당하고 그렇게 보르히아 가문도 쓰러지기 시작한다.
IMF-세계은행 합동총회가 열리는 마드리드에서는 세계화에 반대하는 8백여 단체와 수많은 시민이 신자유주의에 반대하는 시위가 한창이다. 그 와중에 한 건물에 자리 잡은 유명 회사 신입사원 선발 면접에 7명의 지원자가 모인다. 회사 측은 이들에게 ‘서바이벌 토론’을 통해 신입 사원을 선발할 것을 통보한다. 지원자들은 서로에게 갖가지 인신공격을 퍼붓고, 탈락자가 늘어가는 가운데 하나의 생존자만을 위한 최후의 토론이 시작되는데…. 무한 경쟁의 시대, 승지와 패자의 모습들을 통해 철저한 경제 논리가 인간의 존엄성을 얼마나 짓밟을 수 있는가를 보여주는 작품이다.
Semen, a Love Sample
A biologist in an insemination clinic unexpectedly falls in love with a free-spirited trapeze artist and the idea of fathering her child. A hilarious romantic comedy about love at first sight, with complications to follow...and more laughs than you could possibly conceive!
El asombroso mundo de Borjamari y Pocholo
In the 80's, Pocholo and Borjamari are kings in the disco "Aguacates". Twenty years later, nothing has changed. Only now, the two brothers are nothing in "Aguacates" disco. Now they are object of derision and mockery. His cousin Pelayo, who used to laugh and abuse in adolescence, reappears in their lives and come to the old cruelties and Pocholo Borjamari announcing that Mecano will meet in a surprise concert...
Mortadelo & Filemon: The Big Adventure
In the Headquarters of the T.I.A. (Terminal Intelligence Agency), someone has stolen Professor Bacterio's most dangerous invention, the D.O.T. (Demoralizer of Troops), an artifact that ends up in the hands of a very short, wacky dictator who is ready to use it for criminal purposes. The T.I.A Chief, though, is firm in his resolve: if he wants to get the D.O.T. back, he must NOT count on his agents Mortadelo & Filemon. But when the crime fighting duo discover that the T.I.A. has engaged a cocky and slimy detective from outside the agency, they decide to act at their own risk, even if that risk involves all of Humanity.
The Biggest Robbery Never Told
Lucas Santos, named El Santo is petty thief going continuously in and out of jail. Tired of small thefts, he aims to strike a blow that makes him famous and become the star of all media. His wife Lucia, a comprehensive and sweet woman, while awaiting the return of her husband, works as a stripper at a nightclub. Finally, Lucas gathers a band of petty thieves and decides to steal, from the National Museum of Art Reina Sofía, its most valuable painting: Picasso's Guernica.
The Biggest Robbery Never Told
Encargado Cementerio Coches
Lucas Santos, named El Santo is petty thief going continuously in and out of jail. Tired of small thefts, he aims to strike a blow that makes him famous and become the star of all media. His wife Lucia, a comprehensive and sweet woman, while awaiting the return of her husband, works as a stripper at a nightclub. Finally, Lucas gathers a band of petty thieves and decides to steal, from the National Museum of Art Reina Sofía, its most valuable painting: Picasso's Guernica.
Noche de reyes
마드리드 도심의 레스토랑 웨이트리스 루시아. 어느 날 6년 동안 동거했던 남자친구 로렌조가 갑자기 떠나버린다. 사랑을 잃은 상실감과 고통에 괴로워하던 루시아는 지중해의 한 외딴 섬으로 여행을 떠난다. 그곳의 신선한 공기와 눈부신 햇살, 빛나는 깊고 푸른 물에 둘러싸여 마음의 위안을 얻게 된 루시아는 로렌조와의 지난 시간을 되돌아본다. 소설가인 로렌조는 6년 전 여름 휴가지에서 만난 낯선 여자와 생애 최고의 섹스를 경험한다. 하지만 서로의 이름도 모른 채 헤어진 두 사람. 그 후 루시아와 사랑에 빠지고 행복한 나날을 보내던 로렌조에게 6년 전의 섹스가 남긴 놀라운 비밀이 밝혀진다. 하지만 위험한 열정은 돌이킬 수 없는 비극을 가져오고, 모든 이들에게 지울 수 없는 상처를 남기는데......
His Master's Voice
Basque Country, Spain, 1980s. In Bilbao, a gray city dominated by political corruption and nationalist terrorism, Charli works as a chauffeur for Oliveira, a businessman engaged in shady deals. Alarmed by a series of threats and attacks, Oliveira decides to entrust Charli with the protection of his daughter Marta.
Mi dulce
Laura is a fifteen-year-old teenager who receives a letter from her mother, of which she had no news a decade ago. Laura decides to try to go to Holland to meet her, in need of answers and alternatives to the hostile environment that surrounds her. For that, he will have to face Angela, his older sister, a young policewoman who, as a child, was forced to take the reins of the family when she was orphaned. Angela will try, by all means, to keep Laura with her and not be alone. Little by little the violence that surrounds him will make him lose control.
The Art of Dying
In Spain a young artist has gone missing, and a hardened detective takes on the case. Six friends become the focus of the investigation, being pressured for their knowledge of the artist's whereabouts. They all deny involvement, and soon they have reason to fear for their lives as it appears a serial killer is hunting them all down. The one friend closest to the artist watches helplessly as his once quiet life is shattered by incrimination, suspicion and ultimately -- horrific violence
Heart of the Warrior
Sicario de la Orden
Beldar and Sonja, a couple of thieves belonging to the legendary world of sword and sorcery, steal a precious stone shaped like a human heart in the gloomy crypt of the Order of the Thousand Eyes, an evil sect of powerful wizards. To flee the scene realize that the gem is cursed and sent them his spell. After losing consciousness, Beldar awakens in another world, metamorphosed into the body of a teenager of sixteen Madrid eaten by acne.
The Ugliest Woman in the World
Somebody has decided to celebrate New Year's Eve 2011 in a very twisted way - by dressing as a nun and brutally dismembering a little old lady. Lt. Arribas, a bald, toothless, one-eyed and lonely detective is called in on the case. His investigations lead him to the door of renegade Doctor Werner, who tells him the strange story of "The Beautiful Otero" the most beautiful woman in the world (former Spanish model Galera) who, before Werner s miraculous surgery, was the ugliest woman in the world! But Lt. Arribas now has a new problem - he is falling in love at a distance with his principle suspect who, because of her traumatic childhood, is planning her vengeance - to sabotage the Miss Spain Beauty Pageant, leaving behind her a trail of dead beauty queens. A super-slick science fiction thriller with a dark and bizarre finale.
북극의 연인들
끝이 시작이 되는 순환적인 구조 속에 두 연인의 비극적인 운명을 마치 퍼즐처럼 직조한 러브스토리로, 주인공들인 오토(OTTO)와 아나(ANA) 이름 또한 바로 읽으나 거꾸로 읽으나 똑같은 ‘회문’으로서 순환 구조의 일부가 된다. 주인공 아나와 오토는 8살 때 처음 만나 영혼의 교감을 나누게 된다. 그러나 두 사람의 만남으로 인해 오토의 아버지와 아나의 어머니가 결혼하는 바람에, 아나와 오토는 비밀스럽고 고통스러운 사랑을 간직하게 된다. 많은 우여곡절 끝에 서로를 떠난 두 사람은 25살이 되어 운명처럼 북극권의 가장자리 핀란드에서 다시 만나지만, 이들에게는 죽음이라는 또 다른 비극이 기다린다.
Spain, 1974. A teenager and his father are traveling in a car that is the only property they have. Their life is a continuous move by desolate coastal apartments in the tourism low season. When forced to change route and get away from sea, their lives will change dramatically.
성서적인 상징과 암시로 가득 찬 아름답고 몽환적인 판타지. 자신이 천사라고 믿고 있는 젊은 청년 앙헬은 스페인의 작은 와인 생산지에서 발생한 해충을 구제하기 위해 파견된다. 이 벌레는 포도에 균을 만들어 포도주에서 흙맛이 나게 만드는 것이다. 마을에 도착한 앙헬은 수줍고 소극적인 유부녀 앙헬라를 사랑하게 되는데, 그와 동시에 대범하고 극단적인 19살의 빨강머리 소녀 마리의 구애 또한 받게 된다. 앙헬과 이 두 여자들의 관계는 조용하던 마을에 파문을 일으키고, 앙헬은 자신의 존재에 대해 고민하기 시작한다. 루이스 부뉴엘의 을 연상시키는 모호하면서도 촉각적인 분위기 속에서 인간의 욕망과 욕구, 좌절과 비애, 삶의 의미에 대해 성찰하고 있는 작품. 전작 과 에서 보여진 메뎀의 영화적 재능이 최고로 빛을 발한 작품으로 90년대 유럽영화 중 가장 뛰어난 작품이라는 평을 받았다.
Todo es mentira
Pablo hates everything. When Lucia comes into his life, he thinks she's the woman he dreams of, and sees the solution to all his problems. But Lucia, who is rather manipulating, is just what will make Pablo explode. Nobody believes in the ideal couple, not even Pablo's friends, who live all in couples, and all with problems: Between Ariel and Lola there is a professional rivalty they don't know how to cope with; Claudio lives on Natalia, and none of them feels good about it; what's wrong with Alejandro and Beatriz is just the big age difference between them two. Nobody is happy with his partenaire, but everyone will let it be, maybe for conformism, maybe for fear, maybe for lazyness, or maybe because Everything is false.
Retrato de Família
Ofelia is the daughter of photographer Miguel and of deceased circus artist Lea. When her father is hospitalised with a nervous breakdown, she decides to find out the reason and in doing so discovers the truth about the relationship between her parents and the true fate of her mother.
El invierno en Lisboa
Jim is the drummer for the great black musician Billy Swann. With him, he plays in a club called San Sebastián, owned by his friend Floro, every summer.
Santa Cruz, the guerrilla priest
Juán Auzmendi, sacristan of a small Spanish village, decides to emigrate to America in search of new horizons. To pay for the trip, he steals the saving of his parish priest and begins the journey to the city of Pasajes, where he hopes to get on a ship. But Spain is again on the verge of a Civil War and the trip to the coast gets complicated.
Ander eta Yul
Two former seminarians meet by chance in adulthood: one has become a dealer, the other a terrorist.
Al acecho