Lella Cattaneo

Lella Cattaneo

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Lella Cattaneo

참여 작품

허드슨 호크
Board member (uncredited)
1481년 조각가 레오나르도 다빈치는 이태리 밀란 공작의 주문으로 '스포르자'라는 청동으로 만든 거대한 말 조각을 만들 계획을 했다. 그러나 전쟁으로 청동이 귀하게 되자, 다 빈치는 납을 청동으로 만들 기계를 설계한 끝에 결국 완성해 낸다. 그로부터 5백년 후, '허드슨 호크'로 불리는 예술 경지의 벽타기 도둑 에디가 갖 출감한다. '호크'는 겨울에 부는 차가운 삭풍이고, '허드슨'은 이 바람이 부는 허드슨 강가에 있는 호보우큰에서 태어났기 때문이다. 에디는 가석방 경관 게이츠와 뉴욕의 세번째로 큰 범죄 집단 마리오 형제의 위협을 받아 친구인 토미와 밤에 경매장에 침입, 다빈치의 말 조각을 훔쳐낸다. 다빈치의 유일한 말 조각상이라는 명품을 집사가 깨버리자 그 속에서 이상한 행태의 수정체가 나온다. 에디는 다음날 경매장에 갔다가, 가짜 스포르자가 경매되는 것을 발견한다. 더구나 바티칸의 대표로 참석한 미모의 여인 아나 바라플리 박사가 그것을 진품으로 감정하는 것에 더욱 혼란에 빠진다. 이때 갑자기 나타난 다윈 메이플라워라는 사람에 의해 폭탄이 터지면서 그곳은 아수라장이 되는데...
The Comics
parente del defunto (uncredited)
Two silent movie actors escape from their film. Forced to find a way to survive in the real world, they will only cause troubles to the people they will meet along the way.
Mignon Has Left
Woman waiting for the lift (uncredited)
Mignon is a French teenager from a wealthy family who is forced to move in with her much poorer Italian relatives when her own family falls apart. First, she is like a fish on dry land, but soon she forms an unlikely bond with one of her Italian cousins.
My House My House...
Bar customer (uncredited)
Bartoloni from Milan exchanges apartments with his colleague from Rome and moves toa new place. And everything could be good, if not unexpected trouble with which he will have to face ..
Phantom of Death
Woman at Robert's piano concert (uncredited)
Police Comissioner Datti is investigating the murder of a female doctor whose murderer seems to be a thirty-fivish year old man. Soon another murder follows: Pianist Robert Dominici's girlfriend is found killed. The killer also challenges Datti on the phone and says he can't be caught since he has a secret which makes him invulnerable. In the meantime the clues seems to point in strange directions...
Mia moglie è una bestia
Clothes shop customer (uncredited)
Altri desideri di Karin
Customer in clothes shop (uncredited)
An insatiable woman - upon request of her husband - goes to the psychologue, who suggests that she should live out her fantasies.
Animali metropolitani
Monarchist woman (uncredited)
In the year 2030 mankind has regressed to ape form. In order to explain this, a scientist shows a 20th century film about a Roman couple in a society gone mad slightly more than usual to his audience.
I Love N.Y.
Audience member in the theater (uncredited)
Photographer Mario Cotone is hired to cover a big N.Y. actor. When his pretty daughter Nicole Yeats (N.Y.) and Mario fall in love, this angers her father and hurts Mario's work which further infuriates his boss. Will love prevail?
7 Kilos in 7 Days
Cliente del beauty center di Alfio (uncredited)
Two not very clever young doctors open a fitness center and promise to let people lose seven kilos in seven days. When the enterprise fails they open a gourmet restaurant.
Doppio misto
Andrea's assistant (uncredited)
Two married couples horn each other .. choosing the same vacant apartment as the place of the escapade! How many misunderstandings can arise in this continuous game of doors that open and close?
Detective School Dropouts
Airplane passenger (uncredited)
Two bumbling private detectives get themselves hired to find a missing person. They find themselves in the middle of a mob war when it turns out that the missing person is somebody the mob wants to stay missing.
Carefree Giovanni
Spectator at the reading (uncredited)
In this entertaining drama, "Carefree Giovanni" (Sergio Castellitto) is the beleaguered last heir to a dukedom closely associated with the great artist Leonardo da Vinci. As the curtain opens, one of Giovanni's ancestors drops dead when he hears that Leonardo has died. Cut to the present, and the last duke in this line, Giovanni, is miserable in a home shared by two older women who browbeat and badger him without mercy. Giovanni's one solace is to go up on the rooftop and gaze out at the world around him as he daydreams. He has a special passion for the lovely Claire (Eleonora Girogi) who lives next door. To show his sincerity, he zooms off paper airplanes in her direction. However, these missiles are made from actual letters written by the great Leonardo himself. Could this man be last link in the lineage that started 400 years earlier?
Il tenente dei carabinieri
Airplane passenger (uncredited)
Joan Lui
Disco Goer (uncredited)
In a world ravaged by violence, and other serious social problems, Joan - a character that alludes to Christ (which represents the return to Earth) arrives to Italy by train and preaching for the salvation of mankind, condemning the hypocrisy and hedonism.
Spectator at the final parade (uncredited)
In the barracks of the "Settecamini" fire brigade in Rome, the shabby Squadra 17 tackles missions with resounding failures, waiting in vain for a chance for redemption.
Cinemagoer (uncredited)
샤론은 지하철에서 묘한 복장의 사람으로부터 영화 시사회 초대권을 받는다. 샤론은 친구 캐시와 같이 그 영화를 보러 가는데 영화는 다름이 아닌 악마가 꾸민 흉계였고 관객들은 악마의 도구인 악령으로 변한다. 꼼짝없이 극장에 갇힌 샤론 일행. 천신만고 끝에 극장을 탈출하여 외부로 나오지만 도시 전체가 악마의 소굴로 변한 뒤였는데..
Colpo di fulmine
Woman with a magician (uncredited)
È arrivato mio fratello
Poker player (uncredited)
I due carabinieri
Moglie De Salvo (uncredited)
Two deadbeat friends barely pass the entrance exam for the Carabinieri, the national gendarmerie of Italy, but love for the same woman gets in the way.
All for the Moral Majority!
Bar customer (uncredited)
The incorruptible judge Annibale Salvemini, starts investigating over a classic Italian business/politics/corruption affair. He start to operate, as usual, very strongly. He orders numberless arrests. But the reaction of counterparts won't take long. In fact his strong energetic manners, drive him unintentionally on the opposite situation. Who is the real guilty the judge or the corrupted Italian society?
Party Guest with Veil (uncredited)
In late XIX century, rich and bored Maria (Paola Senatore) is after a more sexually interesting life and gets involved with Alessio who shows her other kinds of love. She soon becomes his sex slave but some unexpected consequences will arise from her desperate search for sexual fulfillment.
원스 어폰 어 타임 인 아메리카
Woman in the group photo (uncredited)
1921년, 좀도둑질을 일삼던 누들스는 친구들과 함께 밀수품 운반 일을 하며 돈을 벌어들인다. 누들스 무리에 위협을 느낀 벅시는 누들스의 친구를 죽이고, 분노한 누들스는 벅시를 살해한 후 감옥에 들어가게 된다. 1932년, 출소한 누들스는 어린 시절 첫사랑 데보라와 밀주 사업으로 크게 성공한 맥스를 다시 만나지만, 금주법 철폐로 밀주 사업도 위기를 맞는다. 맥스는 누들스에게 연방준비은행을 털 것을 제안하지만 누들스는 거절한다. 1968년, 베일리 재단 파티에 초대 받은 누들스는 재단 창립 기념 사진 속에서 데보라를 발견하고 그녀를 찾아가는데...
Cinderella '80
Party guest (uncredited)
In this contemporary retelling of the Cinderella story, a feisty 18-year-old Italian-American New Yorker named Cindy is sent off to Rome with her irascible stepmother and vain stepsisters. On the way, she meets, and falls in love with, globetrotting bagpacker Mizio, who eventually turns out to be of Italian nobility. There's a fairy stand-in in the form of a spaced-out astrologer, a dance, and she even loses a shoe at one point. Care to venture a guess how it all turns out?
Stage actress (uncredited)
Salvatore Di Donato is one of the most feared and respected members of the Mafia in Naples. His wife, Assuntina, is a young theater actress. During a pilgrimage to Madonna of the Arch, Salvatore and Assuntina meet Margaret, a woman proud and beautiful. Salvatore falls in love with her, leaves Assuntina and goes to live with his new love. Margaret, however, is a strong woman, free, resistant to bring controlled by Salvatore, and ultimately he is forced to return home, ridiculed in the eyes of all.
Acqua e sapone
Spectator at fashion show (uncredited)
La madre-manager di una giovanissima modella americana cerca un precettore per la figlia che deve lavorare per tre mesi a Roma. Le viene suggerito il nome di padre Spinetti, un sacerdote che insegna in un istituto femminile, ma la telefonata per l'incarico la intercetta Rolando, bidello laureato in cerca di fortuna. Rolando si presenta alla donna vestito da prete e viene assunto, la ragazza però non tarda a rendersi conto che l'impacciato professore non è un vero sacerdote e se ne innamora. Una commedia comico-sentimentale con un irresistibile Carlo Verdone.
Party guest (uncredited)
1940년, 이태리 파시스트 정권이 제2차 세계대전에 참전하려는 때. 은퇴한 전직교수인 니노는 18살 연하인 미모의 젊은 새 아내 테레사, 그리고 파시스트의 청년 조직인 '검은 샤츠' 당원인 딸 리자와 함께 베니스에서 여생을 보낸다. 젊은 시절, 니노를 열광시켰던 학문과 예술, 고상한 인간 영혼에 대한 관심은 이제 늙은 그에게는 모두 허무한 인생의 과거일 뿐이다. 지금은 젊은 아내를 맘껏 사랑하는 것에서 꺼져가는 삶의 의미를 찾으려 한다. 교수의 젊은 아내로서 정숙함과 근면함으로 교육된 테레사는 니노의 집요한 유혹에도 좀처럼 허물어지지 않는다. 아내를 좀더 개방적이고 성적으로 자유로운 여성으로 만들고 싶은 니노는 일기장에 아내에 대한 은밀한 요구를 기록해서 벽장에 감추고, 그 열쇠를 아내가 매일 청소하는 카페트 밑에 숨긴다. 자연스럽게 남편의 일기를 읽게 된 테레사는 남편의 요구에 놀라지만 어느새 남편이 바라는 여자로 변해간다. 남편이 원했던 남편의 제자 라즈로와의 형식적인 밀회가 시간이 지날수록 그녀의 숨겨진 본능을 자극하게 되자 테레사는 갈등과 죄의식으로 고민하고, 자신의 심리적 변화를 남편에게 알리려고 일기를 쓴다. 겉으로는 서로 모른척 하면서도 서로의 내심을 일기를 써서 전달하는 이상한 '부부게임'이 시작되는데..
외로운 법정
Spectator in crowd/Woman in the cinema foyer (uncredited)
작가적 재능이 있던 젤리(Jerilee Randall: 피아 자도라 분)는 학교에서 문학상을 수상하게 된다. 시상식이 끝난 후 친구들과 함께 파티에 간 젤리는 그 곳에서 유명한 극작가 월터 쏘톤(Walter Thornton: 로이드 보흐너 분)의 아들을 만난다. 그리고 아버지를 소개시켜 주겠다는 말에 그의 집으로 가지만 함께 간 일행 중 하나인 죠에게 능욕을 당하게 된다.
The Disco
Restaurant guest (uncredited)
Hired as a pizza chef in a resort town, Nino tries to resist the advances of a hotel owner’s daughter while his true love back home awaits his return.
Rich and Poor
Woman at funeral (uncredited)
Pozzetto is a rich man obsessed by the idea of becoming poor. So, his psychiatric suggests him to leave home and live just like a poor man for some days. He will then become familiar with this way of living, and fear less the idea of becoming poor. So he does, and his old family & friends soon forget about him. They don't miss him at all.
Massimamente folle
Audience member at the literary awards ceremony (uncredited)
The film presents a series of unrelated "pictures": a police commissioner who, faced with four friars stripped by two women, must decide whether they are real or false friars (but he can't); a professor who, suffering from acute dysentery, is dismissed for unworthiness by the Institute Council; a football referee trying to escape the ire of angry fans; an endless marathon in Piazza Navona; a true but crazy producer, a not crazy but fake producer and a group of actors who want to take revenge on one and the other; a "club of toasts" that spends its time toasting to this and that, to elect new members and honorary members; finally, a censorship commission that, aboard an old and very battered car, fails to reach his workplace.
바티칸의 철십자
Party guest (uncredited)
Fr. Hugh O'Flaherty is a Vatican official in 1943-45 who has been hiding downed pilots, escaped prisoners of war, and Italian resistance families. His diplomatic status in a Catholic country prevents Colonel Kappler from openly arresting him, but O'Flaherty's activities become so large that the Nazi's decide to assassinate him the next time he leaves the Vatican. O'Flaherty continues his work in a variety of disguises. Based on a true story. Written by John Vogel
FF.SS. cioè '...che mi hai portato a fare sopra a Posillipo se non mi vuoi più bene?'
Fellini's face (uncredited)
Si Ringrazia La Regione Puglia Per Averci Fornito I Milanesi
Woman in restaurant (uncredited)
Wedding guest (uncredited)
An overweight high school student is relentlessly bullied due to weight. Out of the blue, she wins a trip to New York, where she sheds 80+ pounds and then returns home to take revenge on her tormentors.
The Yellow Panther
Party guest (uncredited)
Pasquale Bellachioma, the unfortunate Police Commissioner, creates a "master stroke" that can finally put it to light before their superiors, but the results is continuous failure.
Forbidden Dreams
Party Guest
Paolo Coniglio is a naive and clumsy employee in a comics publishing house, bullied by his manager and his terrible future mother-in-law. To escape his dreary daily routine, he finds himself living vivid daydreams with "Dalia", the beautiful heroine of the books that he's translating. One day, though, while shopping, Paolo meets a charming blonde that looks like Dalia, and finds himself trapped in a shady intrigue.
É forte un casino
The woman at the airport (uncredited)
Some friends in an earl's mansion (where one of them works), try to get rich quick by scamming an Arab sheik and then invite a rich Californian heiress to Rome, interested in weaving a relationship with an Italian nobleman.
Cuando calienta el sol... vamos a la playa
Woman with the car that makes a little noise (uncredited)
Stefano is a young mechanic who would like to become a discreet boxer by faithfully following the advice of his wise uncle: but in his life Giulia appears, a good girl who happens to be present at a meeting of our hero who immediately falls in love with her
The Paramedic
Hospital patient (uncredited)
At work, Mario Millio is the only male nurse not on strike. At home, his wife is more interested in calling the hot-line of a local TV-doctor. When Mario wins 15 million Lire in the lottery, he buys himself a new car and starts to live out his dreams in secret. All goes well until a criminal steals the car and Mario is blamed for the car thief's crimes
La sai l'ultima sui matti?
Visitor of the asylum (uncredited)
Gian Burrasca
Wedding guest (uncredited)
The Odd Squad
Brothel madam (uncredited)
Sicilia 1943, after the landing, between the invading Us army and the defender Italian army, a 2000 years old roman bridge resist to all kind of attacks. Both the army decides to definitively destroy it before the opponent does. But to the chaotic mad American platoon is opposed an Italian military band exchanged for a terrible special commando. Probably the bridge will survive another 2000 years!
Pierino il fichissimo
Tavern customer (uncredited)
Una vacanza del cactus
Woman with dog in the elevator (uncredited)
A group of five people is going to vacation on the island of Rhodes: among them is the good-natured Augusto, who intends to bring a cactus to the grave of his uncle Michael.
The Honorable with His Lover under the Bed
Woman at the station (uncredited)
An unemployed teacher asks for help from her lover, an MP, and finds out that he is married.
Kenn' ich, weiß ich, war ich schon!
Party guest (uncredited)
Audience member at the horse race (uncredited)
Asso, THE best poker-player in town, was killed in his wedding night, because he won too much against a bad loser. In the 'final' game in heaven the clerk on duty also lost, so Asso can come back to this world as a ghost to search for a good man for his wife (widow). Who is good enough for the wife of Asso ?
The Mafia Triangle
Restaurant guest (uncredited)
A Neapolitan camorra boss has retired from business but when his wife gets killed he gets back into action, and goes to the States to get his revenge.
Uno contro l'altro, praticamente amici
Pilgrim at Piazza San Pietro (uncredited)
A Milanese industrialist goes to Rome to bribe a politician but he loses money. A thief helps him recover them. Milan and Rome in comparison in the duets of the couple Pozzetto-Milian.
Widow (uncredited)
Una vacanza bestiale
Guest at the embassy party (uncredited)
Woman at Pantaleone's funeral and later at party (uncredited)
이탈리아 경찰은 탁월한 지위의 사람들과 관련된 일련의 살인 사건을 조사합니다. 각각의 살인 장면 뒤에는 도롱뇽이 그려져 있습니다. 경찰은이 살인 사건이 정부 통제권을 잡는 음모와 관련이있는 것으로 의심하기 시작했다. (구글번역)
I Fichissimi
Wedding guest (uncredited)
Romeo (Jerry Calà) e Felice (Diego Abatantuono), sono due ragazzi a capo di due band rivali che si sbeffeggiano di continuo. Il primo lavora con l'amico Renato (Mauro Di Francesco) in un garage dove l'avvocato Colombo (Ugo Bologna) lascia in custodia la sua Ferrari, Felice invece fornisce i fruttivendoli di Milano a bordo di un'Ape. Un giorno Romeo conosce Giulietta (Simona Mariani) in metropolitana, la ragazza fa la cassiera in un bar ed è la sorella di Felice, ma questo Romeo lo scoprirà solo dopo. Quando Felice, ad una festa mascherata, scoprirà la tresca, scoppierà il pandemonio: mentre Felice cercherà di far sposare la sorella col il proprietario del bar dove lavora (Renato Cecchetto), Romeo finirà in carcere per tentata rapina. Sarà l'avvocato Colombo a togliere dai guai Romeo durante il processo e quindi a permettergli di precipitarsi in chiesa per impedire il matrimonio della sua amata.
Crime at Porta Romana
Dinner Guest (uncredited)
A police inspector is called to Milan to investigate a murder case since he grew up in the same ghetto as the suspect.
Spectator at the classical music concert (uncredited)
Pallone is not very good at keeping jobs as in ten days he managed to get fired seven times .His big dream is to direct a large symphony orchestra and, as chance would have it, he has a girlfriend who is the daughter of a famous record producer. Could this fact help him to achieve his dream ?
Ciao marziano
Party guest (uncredited)
The inhabitants of the distant planet Gemini send to Rome the extraterrestrial Bix. His task is to transport twelve Earths to the planet so that we can find out if they are suitable for living there. Bix, who's distinguishable from humans only because he has a green face, also has supernatural powers that allow him to repair damages. On the eve of the departure for Gemini, a trap is set for him...
Party guest (uncredited)
L'importante è non farsi notare
Woman behind the scenes of the stage (uncredited)
Three American secret agents, disguised as women, (the flag sisters) are sent to Rome with the task of discovering a well-known biologist, a Russian transfuga ...
Woman at Ceremony (uncredited)
AD 37년, 로마 황제 티베릴우스(Tiberius : 피터 오툴 분)의 폭정 시절, 황제가 입양아인 칼리큘라(Caligula : 말콤 맥도웰 분)보다 친손자인 제멜리스(Gemellus : 브루노 브라이브 분)를 더 귀여워하자, 칼리큘라는 자신이 왕위에 오르지 못하면 죽음을 당할 것임을 알고, 꼭 살아남아서 황제가 되어야겠다고 결심한다. 황제의 심복이며 칼리큘라를 싫어하는 네르바(Nerva : 존 질거드 분)는 그가 황제가 되면 로마가 망한다며 자살을 한다. 이에 충격을 받은 칼리큘라는 생명의 위협을 느끼기 시작하고, 궁정의 수호대장 메크론(Macro : 구이도 마나니 분)은 아내마저 칼리큘라에게 바칠 정도로 그에게 충성하지만 칼리큘라는 그 또한 믿을 수가 없다. 어느날, 티베리우스는 심장마비를 일으켜 침대 위에 누워만 있는 신세가 되자, 칼리큘라와 메크론은 누워있는 그를 베개로 눌러 죽이고 25세에 로마 황제로 즉위한다. 처음에는 치정에 전념하던 그도 점점 주위 사람들을 의심하고, 측근들을 사소한 트짐으로 하나씩 제거하면서 서서히 광기를 드러낸다. 여동생 드루실라(Drusilla : 테레사 안 사보이 분)를 동생 이상으로 사랑하여 동거하는가 하면 음란한 왕비 케소냐(Caesonia : 헬렌 미렌 분)가 낳은 딸을 아들이라고 우긴다. 칼리큘라는 또한 웅대한 이집트풍의 연극을 기획하고 부인과 함께 직접 출연하기도 한다. 칼리큘라의 폭정은 날이 갈 수록 심해져 드루실라가 열병으로 죽자 급기야는 황실 안에 커다란 매음굴을 만드는데...
The Sheriff and the Satellite Kid
Woman at the firemen's ball (uncredited)
A young humanoid alien who gets stranded on earth hooks up with a grizzled old sheriff in a western town and tries to help him solve a tough case, but the sheriff doesn't want any help from a "kid."
Atrocious Tales of Love and Death
Asylum patient (uncredited)
Naples: Raffaele, a cafe musician, is cajoled into performing a night-time serenade outside an apartment block. However, his mandolin playing is rudely interrupted by gunshots and a falling Jamaican man, who plummets from a window above. A camp character is also ejected from a window and Raffaele is compelled to conduct his own investigation. It transpires that a celebrated maestro, Victor Navarro is being blackmailed. Lucia, Navarro's attractive daughter-in-law, was present at each murder. The amateur detective is drawn to her and becomes embroiled in a mystery involving death threats and a macabre secret...
The Gang That Sold America
Dancer at Gitto Cardone's nightclub (uncredited)
Now an agent of Interpol undercover, the former Inspector Giraldi (Tomas Milian, or Tomas Quintin Rodriguez, born in Havana in 1937), goes to New York to find his friend Salvatore Esposito (Enzo Cannavale), aspiring restaurateur in Little Italy, suffocated by debts with the usurers headed by Don Gerolamo. He will remove the gang and assure her of justice, but she will suffer the advances of the Boss's daughter, the ugly Maria Sole (Margherita Fumero).
SuperAndy - Il fratello brutto di Superman
Woman called by mistake (uncredited)
새장 속의 광대
Woman at the nightclub (uncredited)
이탈리아에서 제작된 에두아르드 몰리나로 감독의 1978년 코미디 영화이다. 미셸 세로 등이 주연으로 출연하였다.
Little Italy
Diner at the Santa Lucia Restaurant (uncredited)
Undercover cop Nico Giraldi travels to New York and Las Vegas to find a crooked cop who gave his squadron back in Italy a bad name.
Emanuelle and the Erotic Nights
Horny woman sitting on a dildo-chair (uncredited)
Emanuelle hosts this peculiar sexploitation Mondo film that looks at several examples of bizarre sexual behavior.
Sexy Night Report
a brothel manager (uncredited)
Laura Gemser introduces herself, "It's your old friend Emanuelle again..." to present a sexy mondo film, with her voice-off narration over the different sketches, and reproaching comments between them.
The Virgo, the Taurus and the Capricorn
Signora Vitaloni (uncredited)
Distressed that her wayward husband, Gianni (Alberto Lionello), forsakes her favors and seduces a series of other women, drop-dead gorgeous Gioia (Edwige Fenech) turns to handsome lothario Patrizio (Ray Lovelock) to help her get revenge. Will her enthusiastic affair help Gianni see the error of his ways? Luciano Martino directs this saucy comedy that also stars Aldo Maccione, Alvaro Vitali and Olga Bisera.
로스트 소울
Woman at Casino (uncredited)
Bizarre events keep occurring in an old mansion, and it's soon become obvious that something mysterious is up in the attic.
Strange Occasion
Nightclub client (uncredited) (episodio "Italian Superman")
Three sexy and comic episodes.
Woman at the banquet near the stables (uncredited)
유럽 각지를 떠돌며 모든 계층의 여성들과 관계를 맺은 귀족 카사노바는 열정의 흔적을 찾아볼 수 없는 차가운 여성 편력만을 가진 인물. 르네상스 시대 부르주아들의 아름답고 엽기적인 호색취향의 세계를 재현해낸 펠리니 후기 걸작.
Tutti possono arricchire tranne i poveri
Woman with binoculars on the beach (uncredited)
Rome, the Other Face of Violence
Party guest who is robbed (uncredited)
Four bandits commit a robbery in a villa. The maid calls the police and Commissioner Carli immediately orders patrols to chase them.
One Way or Another
Capra Porfiri's mother (uncredited)
Set during a retreat of Christian Democrat politicians who practice spiritual exercises together, it is an allegory of corrupted power. Disturbing, claustrophobic settings are the background to a series of mysterious crimes.
스팅 3
Casino patron (uncredited)
Belle Duke, in order to get revenge on her former lover Philip Bang, organize his jail break. But instead of Philip is the Italian Felice Brianza, AKAS Felix, to escape. Now Felix is obliged to help Philip to escape. He will succeeded and from that moment on the two will join to defraud Belle. The swindle plot become more complicate when Felix falls in love for Philip's daughter.
A Common Sense of Modesty
Woman at cinema (uncredited)
A three novels about an ordinary people discovering erotic movies.
살롱 키티
Old Client at Salon Kitty Kissing Girl's Breast (uncredited)
독일 나치 정부의 친위대장, 발렌버그(헬무트 버거 분)는 지나친 충성심으로 여성당원을 선발하여 여러가지 훈련을 시킨다. 그룹 섹스 등 온갖 훈련을 통해 선발된 여자들은 살롱 키티에서 창녀로 일하게 된다. 또한 이들은 살롱에 드나드는 인물들의 성향을 감시 발렌버그에게 보고하고 발렌버그는 각 방마다 도청장치를 설치, 모든 이들을 감시한다. 아름다운 마가리타(테레사 앤 사보이 분)는 반 나치주의자인 한스(베킴 페미우 분)라는 남자를 사랑하게 되고 이를 도청한 발렌버그에 의해 한스는 처형을 당한다. 자신들의 일거수 일투족을 파악하고 있는 발렌버그에게 의심을 품기 시작한 살롱 마담 키티(잉그리드 썰린 분)와 마가리타는 발렌버그의 도청 사실을 눈치채고 평소 마가리타에게 흑심을 품고있던 발렌버그를 유인, 비밀 정보를 누설하도록 만든다. 결국 마가리타의 밀고로 발렌버그는 벗은 채 사살당하고 만다.
Colpita da improvviso benessere
Spectator at the hippodrome (uncredited)
The Diamond Peddlers
Wedding guest (uncredited)
Bumbling crooks Butch and Toby pose as priests in order to elude being arrested by the authorities in Africa. Butch and Toby deliver a statue of the Virgin Mary from Africa to Amsterdam. Unbenownst to the clueless duo, they're really smuggling diamonds. A group of equally inept mobsters give chase.
That Movement Which I Love So Much
Blonde Old Party Guest (uncredited)
Noblewoman Livia and her friend Marquis Cecco Ottobuoni take revenge against politician Fabrizio Siniscalchi, Livia's lover who dumped her for political reasons, by setting him up with a young prostitute Anna to cause a scandal.
Holiday Hookers
Party guest (uncredited)
Madame is running a high class escort (and prostitution) service. She wants to quit the business as soon as she makes enough money to make her dreams come true. However, the relationship with her girls is deteriorating.
The Private Lesson
Tourist (uncredited)
Alessandro has a thing or two to learn. Carroll Baker, in her role, is the perfect teacher.
Son tornate a fiorire le rose
Madwoman (uncredited)
The birth of a nephew upsets the life of Paolo and Carlo who, unable to grow old, try to prove that they are lively.
The Return of the Exorcist
Woman at black sabbath/Woman at funeral (uncredited)
An archaeology student photographs a mysterious naked woman by a waterfall, unaware that she is a female demon called Haggia, who soon takes possession of him via a cursed amulet.
The Night Child
Restaurant guest (uncredited)
The titular medallion is a gift presented to young Nicole Elmi. Once the girl places the gift around her neck, she is possessed by the spirit of a dead child who was a murderess.
Guest at the New Year's Eve party (uncredited)
A good-natured but unlucky Italian is constantly going on a difficult situations, but never lose his mood.
Il giustiziere di mezzogiorno
Party guest (uncredited)
Franco is abandoned by his wife and daughter who wrongly accuse him of being a wimp. Besides he's bossed around and sexually harassed at work. He decides to take justice into his own hands and get rough with the world. He soon gets his family's respect back.
Lo sgarbo
Woman in the bar (uncredited)
A glamorous playboy thug's brutal trail of murder, terrorism and sexual blackmail across Las Vegas, Rome, Paris and London quickly wins him a prominent place in the Rome syndicate loosely run by an aging and decrepit Mafia Don. He even wins over the Don's much younger wife.
The Barons
Party guest (uncredited)
Leopoldo Lalumera, grandson of a wealthy eighty-four-year-old baron, infuriated during a galactic convention with a prosaic maid, discovers, on the eve of the wedding with his cousin Mariantonia, that he has become impotent.
Nobody Move... This Is a Robbery
Party guest (uncredited)
In a luxury hotel in Rome jewelry worth $8 million is put on display. At the orders of a fake waiter, the orchestras put all the guests to sleep and flee with the huge booty.
Il lumacone
Woman at the reunion with white hat (uncredited)
Italian comedy.
The Last Desperate Hours
Woman in gambling hall (uncredited)
Paolo Mancuso is a gang boss whose rivals want dead. During a failed assassination attempt, he is bitten by an infected lab rat. In the short time he has left to live, he tracks down his enemies and kills them one by one.
Il generale dorme in piedi
Spectator (uncredited)
A colonel in the Army has a problem: when resting lying starts screaming anarchist and antimilitarist phrases. Because of his fitful sleep is therefore forced to sleep standing up.
The Household
Woman in airport (uncredited)
A butler for wealthy clients has a problem--he can't seem to stop getting sexually involved with the wives and daughters of his bosses.
To My Dear Mother on Her Birthday
Woman in church (uncredited)
Count Fernando, called Didino, a shy and sexually repressed man, lives under the oedipal authority of countess Mafalda, his bloodsucking and over-controlling mother, until their family hires a new young maid that changes his life.
Shoot First, Die Later
Woman at art gallery (uncredited)
Luc Merenda gives the performance of his career as a highly regarded police detective who is taking syndicate money in exchange for departmental favors. His father, a simple man, also works for the department but on a lower rung; he isn't jealous of his son, but rather proud of him, little knowing that he's a crooked cop. A series of events leads the young detective to ask his father for a favor (he wants a certain police report that is desired by the syndicate) and it doesn't take long for the detective's father to realize his son is on the take... which leads to numerous complications.
Madeline, Study of a Nightmare
Party guest (as Angela Bassi Cattaneo)
A young woman is tormented by nightmares of her miscarriage. She becomes unfaithful to her husband and meets various lovers. Eventually, reality begins to unfurl around her.
Naked Fists
Wedding guest (uncredited)
A young man comes out of a reform school properly reformed, but life outside will bring him to the underworld again. His second reform will be short-lived.
The Profiteer
Woman at the hotel (uncredited)
In the city of Ostuni in Puglia, the mute seminarian Ercole is designated to be the driver and nurse of Parsifal, the paraplegic son in a rich and sanctimonious family of landowners. Ercole soon becomes the lover of his master's wife, the beautiful Baroness Clotilde. In a familial and social context where only money, sex and power count, everyone tries to take advantage of everyone, but the real saprophyte turns out to be Ercole.
Kiss of a Dead Woman
Woman in cabaret (uncredited)
The Countess Clara is in love with Andrea Valverde but agrees to marry the Count Guido when he learns that Andrew is his brother from his mother’s side. Clara partotisce a daughter, Guido leaves ensnared by chanteuse Yvonne and Andrew goes to war in Libya. Yvonne, to seize the goods of Clara makes the poison. Clara is buried but thanks to a kiss of his brother wakes up. Yvonne tried to turn the events in his favor but she is sentenced.
Il sergente Rompiglioni
Old prostitute (uncredited)
A satire of army life in which a tough army sergeant who loves opera clashes with his soldiers who love rock music and have formed a band.
Mean Frank and Crazy Tony
Rich lady going to the beautician (uncredited)
There's trouble in Frankie Diomede's criminal empire in Genoa. A French gangster has moved into his territory, so he flies home to take care of business. He promptly has himself arrested so that he'll have the perfect alibi when the bodies start piling up. But it turns out his enemies have enough juice to keep him in prison, his associates start dying and the attempts on his life start. Cue Tony Breda, a wannabe wiseguy, who has a plan to spring Frankie from jail.
The Flower with Petals of Steel
Asylum patient (uncredited)
A doctor accidentally kills his girlfriend, when he causes her to fall onto an ornamental flower which has metal spikes. He disposes of her by chopping up and then dissolving her corpse. The woman's sister accuses the doctor and an investigation begins. In the meantime, a second woman is killed and the doctor begins to receive metal petals through the post...
Io e lui
Party guest (uncredited)
Rico is a not too successful screen-player. He is also a repressed sex addict. His life changes when he starts to talk to his own penis, which incredibly answers him! All his relationships and views about reality are seriously impacted by his new "friend", his penis! The "two" in fact, often have different opinions, and sometimes the personality of "it" is stronger than its owner.
Mr. Hercules Against Karate
Nightclub patron who falls from her chair (uncredited)
A skinny troublemaker and his good-natured, bemuscled sidekick find trouble in Hong Kong.
Giovannona Long-Thigh
Woman on the train (uncredited)
When a judge shuts down a high profile cheese factory for violating pollution standards, the owner bribes a monsignor to fix the problem. After they discover the judge has a predilection for married women, the owner employs a prostitute to pose as his wife in an attempt to seduce the judge.
우리는 대령을 원한다
Party guest (uncredited)
이탈리아의 리보르노에서 열정적으로 극우 정치 활동을 펼치는 트리토니. 그런데 그는 최근 당의 행보가 너무 온건한 점에 불만을 품고 있다. 결국 이를 참지 못한 그는 자신이 직접 행동에 나서기로 하고, 여기에 전략과 힘을 보태 줄 은퇴 군인을 찾아 나선다.
Beautiful, Rich, Slight Physical Defect, Seeks Soulmate
Woman at restaurant (uncredited)
Metti... che ti rompo il muso
Woman at café (uncredited)
The Italo-American playboy Rocky is an international thief, followed step by step by an FBI Inspector, who manages to keep a "loot" also "claimed" by an international boss belonging to the Sicilian Mafia.
Hotel Guest (uncredited)
미국의 부호 웬델 암브러스터 2세는 이탈리아의 휴양지에서 밀월 여행 중 사망한 부친의 유해를 모시러 이탈리아로 간다. 그는 이스키아 섬까지 가는 동안 번번이 마주치는 파멜라가 거슬리지만, 하루 빨리 모든 운구 절차를 마치고 돌아가고 싶다. 그러나 웬델의 바람과는 반대로 계획은 삐걱대고, 뜻밖의 로맨스가 찾아온다.
Meo Patacca
Citizen (uncredited)
Adapted from the mock-heroic poem in Roman dialect, tells the misadventures of the young trasteverino Bartolomeo Patacca that, because of the ambition of his woman, is having to train a group of beggars to go fight in defense of Christianity in Vienna, besieged by the Turks.
The Last Hours of a Virgin
Woman at art gallery (uncredited)
A student passionate about photography is betrayed by his journalist friend to whom he had given in the interesting material. Disappointed, he makes his girlfriend abort, who dies during the operation.
Shadows Unseen
Woman in gambling room (uncredited)
When a journalist is murdered Inspector Micheli begins to investigate. Although someone comes forward to confess to the crime, Micheli doesn't believe he acted alone and keeps investigating despite coming under pressure to close the case.
Prostitute (uncredited)
펠리니 감독이 자신의 젊은 시절 사건들과 그 시절 로마를, 판타지를 섞어 회고하고 있는 작품. 1930년대 로마의 광란과 산업화가 절정에 이른 1970년대의 현재를 아우르는 펠리니의 여정은 로마에 대한 애정을 듬뿍 담고 있다.
The Eroticist
Spectator at airport (uncredited)
Senator Pupis feels a strong and uncontrollable urge to grab women's bottoms, a habit than can lead to embarrassment, especially if the woman in question is head of another state and the occasion a state visit. In his desperation Pupis turns to the clergy for spiritual and psychological help.
Seven Blood-Stained Orchids
Woman with Hat at Art Exhibit (uncredited)
A woman is fatally stabbed in bed, a prostitute is battered into oblivion and a female painter is strangled with a telephone cord. Another woman, Giulia, who is on her honeymoon, is attacked in a train carriage but the killer flees when her husband Mario comes to the rescue. In spite of his protestations to the police, Mario is accused of being the murderer. He sets out to prove his innocence by conducting his own enquiries. In the meanwhile, a woman in an insane asylum is drowned in a bath and another female victim is power-drilled to death...
The Devil's Lover
The old witch in the woods (uncredited)
Creepy tale about a sorrowful night passed in a nightmarish castle, also the house of the demon. Many horror elements are mixed with erotic atmosphere.
Death Falls Lightly
Hotel Owner's Wife (as Lela Cattaneo)
A drug trafficker discovers his wife dead with her throat cut. He has no alibi so he takes his mistress to an abandoned hotel. As they become claustrophobic, the panicked criminal discovers more murders, one after another until strangers appear in the night and a sinister web of lies and secrets escalate out of control.
회색 벨벳 위의 네 마리 파리
Funerary art exposition visitor (uncredited)
락밴드의 드러머 로베르토는 미스테리 남자에게서 이상한 전화를 받는다. 어느 날 밤, 그는 대화를 하기 위해 그 남자를 잡으려 하지만 되려 붙잡히는 신세가 되고 만다. 로베르토는 달아나기 위해 우발적으로 그를 찌르고 도망친다. 그러나 이 사건이 죽은 남자의 사진이 담긴 봉투를 받은 날부터 시작되었다는 사실을 알게 된다. 누군가 그의 모든 친구를 죽이려 하고 있고, 하나씩 사진을 찍고 있다는 사실도 함께.
튜니티라 불러다오
Restaurant guest (uncredited)
결국 또 다시 빈털터리가 된 밤비노와 튜니티. 집으로 돌아온 두 사람에게 아버지는 곧 죽을 것 같은 시늉을 하며 유언을 남긴다. 밤비노에게 동생 튜니티를 잘 가르쳐 훌륭한 말 도둑으로 키우라는 것. 함께 길을 나선 이 형제는 마차를 떨려다 오히려 이들을 도와주게 되고 얼떨결에 연방 수사관 행세를 하게 된다. 덕분에 무기 밀매 전문인 파커 일당의 음모를 알게 되고, 이들의 무기 밀매 대금을 차지하기 위해 수도원을 무대로 치고 박고 쫓고 쫓기는 일대 활극을 펼치게 된다.
In the Name of the Father
Audience member (uncredited)
In 1958 Angelo, a rich and spoiled boy, enters a religious school, where students are tired of its vice-rector, and the strict rules and old-fashioned teaching methods of priests. Soon, Angelo exerts strong leadership among his peers and incites turmoil among them, helped by intellectual Franco and shy Camma. They expel the prefect from the school, organize a Grand Guignol show, and disappear the corpse of an old professor.
리턴 오브 사바타
Casino gambler (uncredited)
작은 유랑 서커스단에서 특수하게 개조된 권총을 사용하여 스턴트 묘기 사격솜씨를 선보이는 과거 남군 소령 출신 사바타는 한치의 오차가 없을 정도로 정확한 속사 솜씨를 지닌 건맨 이다. 사바타와 이 공연단이 한 마을에서 공연을 끝내고 사바타는 과거 남군 복무시절 부하였던 클라이드 중위를 우연하게 만나게 된다. 정지하지 못한 도박장을 운영하면서 그 마을 주민들을 갈취 하며 유지 행세를 하고 있는 클라이드 중위는 과거 사바타에게 5천 달러를 빚을 졌던 인물이다. 그러던 중 서커스단의 매니저 피클스가 서커스단의 공금을 가지고 도망을 치게 되고 할 수 없이 중위에게 돈을 돌려받기 전까지 이 마을에 머무리로 하지만, 마을을 개발을 한다는 명분으로 도박과 주류, 매춘 등 에 높은 세금을 부과 하면서 주민들을 억압하고 괴롭히는 악덕 지주 맥킨톡과의 충돌에 휘말리게 된다. 결국 사바타는 이런 부당 이익금을 넣어둔 은행을 털고 맥킨톡을 협박하여 한 몫을 챙기려고 마음먹는다. 그러나 위조 지폐를 은행에 예치하고 자신의 비밀 금고에 금화를 감춰 놓고 있던 악당 맥킨톡은 사바타를 죽임 음모로 암살자 총잡이들을 보내게 되는데...
Vengeance Is a Dish Served Cold
Angry townswoman (uncredited)
After witnessing the brutal murder of his entire family by Native Americans as a child, Jeremiah Bridger becomes a merciless Indian-killer and scalp hunter. After saving the life of a beautiful Native American girl named Tune, however, the lone and silent gunman slowly reconsiders his hatred. He starts to doubt his former persuasion, that it was really Indians, who killed his family, and soon has to find out that a greedy and unscrupulous landowner usually blames Native Americans for his own crimes.
I due della F. 1 alla corsa più pazza, pazza del mondo
Woman at the fashion show (uncredited)
Two chaps who earn a living repairing household appliances are hired by a formula one manager who has had his best pilot kidnapped. One of them drives the car which is remote controlled by a device invented by the other.
Stanza 17-17 palazzo delle tasse, ufficio imposte
Fabrizi's old wealthy lover (uncredited)
Belle d'amore
Brothel keeper (uncredited)
Amore formula 2
Woman in night club (uncredited)
Defeat of the Mafia
Woman at the contemporary art exhibition (uncredited)
At the Rome airport two men are taken into custody. Inspector Scott Luce thinks their two suit-cases are full of drugs, but the suit-cases contains only white powder. Afterwards the corpse of Susan Palmer is found. She was a drug runner for the Cosa Nostra boss Frankie Agostino. Susan's friend, Jenny Ryan, meets a mysterious man from America, Arthur Ardigan, supposedly her cousin. In the meantime Inspector Luce is investigating.
Mr. Superinvisible
The medium (as Angela Bassi)
A superhero becomes invisible after he swallows an Indian potion.
Tears of love
Woman in corridor (uncredited)
An English singer thinks his Italian wife has cheated on him and goes back to England. He is then involved in drug trafficking and ends up in jail. Luckily enough after a while the real culprit is revealed and he can go back to Italy and his wife.
From Our Copenhagen's Correspondent
Woman of the Organization (uncredited)
Two American soldiers fresh from the Vietnam War are haunted by the atrocities that they witnessed and committed while on a vacation in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Zorro in the Court of England
Party guest (uncredited)
Splendori e miserie di Madame Royale
Woman in bar (uncredited)
A gay man who is trying to protect his wayward ward runs afoul of criminals.
Help Me, My Love
Woman in the concert hall (uncredited)
Giovanni and Raffaella are happily married from ten years, but their relationship goes into crisis when Raffaella falls in love with Valerio Mantovani, a handsome forty-year-old man she knew during the concerts of chamber music she weekly attends with her mother.
Amarsi male
Woman in Nightclub
Anna plays the personal secretary of a rich industrialist who falls in love with her boss' daughter's leftist boyfriend, Carlo. Anna pretty much severs her ties with her boss (who she also had romantic moments with) and after she moves in with the college student Carlo she attempts to provide for both, but soon fails in finding job opportunities and sinks into the sleazy world of drugs and prostitution. Carlo's right wing brother demands Carlo begins his relationship with daughter of the powerful businessman in order to guarantee financial freedom for the rest of his life.
Woman at the opera (uncredited)
로마를 처음 방문하는 일망은 친구 가스통과 발레를 보러 갔다가 공작의 보살핌을 받는 마가렛을 알게 된다. 첫눈에 그녀에게 반한 일망은 접근을 시도하지만 그녀는 도도하면서도 제멋대로인 성격때문에 주위의 남자들에게는 쓴맛이라는 뜻의 까멜로 불리고 있었다. 그러나 일망은 그녀를 만나기 위해 그녀와 절친한 푸로뎅스의 고급 의상실을 방문한다. 그곳에서 마가렛을 다시 만난 일망은 그녀 파티에 초대를 받게 되고. 화려하고 끝없이 환상적인 로마에서 파티. 일망은 파티에서 마가렛과 사랑을 나누게 되고 둘은 사랑을 확인한다. 사랑을 위해 함께 떠날 준비를 하던 마가렛은 자신을 찾아온 일망의 아버지에게서 아들을 위해 떠나 달라는 부탁을 받게 되고 진심으로 일망을 사랑한 그녀는 거짓으로 행동하며 그를 피하기 시작한다. 영문도 모르는 일망은 그녀의 행동에 분노를 갖게 되고 그녀 역시 일망을 잊기 위해 문란한 생활과 약물복용에 빠져들고 마는데...
The Unnaturals
Party guest (uncredited)
Most of the film takes place in an old mansion where the characters participate in a séance while a storm rages outside. During their stay, the film uses an extensive flashback structure to reveal the various criminal acts that each have perpetrated. The man leading the seance (Luciano Pigozzi, the "Italian Peter Lorre") seems intent on holding them responsible for their various crimes, and his seemingly supernatural knowledge of their past gradually cracks the facade of each one. A classic Italian Gothic from Antonio Margheriti. German/Italian co-production, 'old dark house' style.
이프 잇츠 튜즈데이, 디스 머스트 비 벨지엄
Nightclub customer (uncredited)
A group of travelers from the United States race through seven countries in 18 days.
One Night at Dinner
Party guest (uncredited)
A liberal-thinking author watches his wife as she attempts to seduce his best friend at a dinner party. She ends up taking on another man as well, and the writer has an affair with the another dinner guest. Soon the three men and two women are entangled in a confusing series of partner-swapping sex sprees where everyone's morals are challenged in the wake of the sexual revolution.
Woman at museum exhibit (uncredited)
Stuntman Johnny gets tired of putting his life constantly at risk and instead joins up with a bunch of international thieves who are looking to steal a priceless statue, but that's where the trouble starts....
더 리버틴
Woman at the funeral of Mimi's husband (uncredited)
A sexy widow discovers her late husband had a secret apartment where he cheated on her. Now she decides to use the same apartment to explore her own sexuality.
Woman at the post-op party (uncredited)
A high school girl encounters a variety of kookie characters and humorous sexual situations while searching for the meaning of life.
Woman at the ship launching (uncredited)
A businessman is nicknamed "L'avvocato" and his driver, Oscar, is a yes-man. When L'avvocato has a crash while driving his car, Oscar is put in jail in his place. When Oscar gets out, he finds himself married to the beautiful Maria, but he can't even touch her: she is l'avvocato's lover. Afterwards Oscar is appointed manager, but he can't manage a dime. At the end he shall find himself again in jail, hoping that his "sissignore" (yessir) will let him have, sometime, a driver to send to prison in his place. —
The Girl Who Couldn't Say No
Airplane passenger (uncredited)
Childhood friends Franco and Jolanda accidentally meet again after 15 years and both know it is love. This comedy traces their troubled relationship.
A Black Veil for Lisa
Nightclub manageress (uncredited)
Franz Bulon is a police inspector intent on bringing down a major drug ring operating in Hamburg. Thwarted at every turn by an assassin who is systematically killing informants, jealous of his beautiful, younger wife, Lisa, and suspecting her of having an affair (is it real or imagined?), Bulon can scarcely focus on his work. With jealousy nearing the boiling point, Bulon hires Max, the assassin he has arrested for the recent informant murders, to kill his wife...
Man Only Cries for Love
Party guest (uncredited)
Tony and some friends put together a rock band to do some concerts and earn some money. Unfortunately the military service is incumbent, but fortunately the boys will find themselves in the same barracks.
The Falling Man
Woman at hotel (uncredited)
Henry Silva is the police inspector Sterling who is devastated when a gang of robbers kill his son. He then becomes accused of having killed a police informer and is kicked out of the police department. His life seems ruined. To clear his name he will have to take the law into his own hands, and excitement will ensue!
The Sweet Body of Deborah
Woman at the Nightclub (uncredited)
A young newlywed couple from America returns to Geneva to visit Marcel's home town. Once there he is informed of his former lover's suicide and in turn is subjected to threats that accuse him of being responsible for her death and further, threaten his new fiancée's life. George Hilton plays a peculiar neighbor with voyeuristic tendencies who has an obsession with Deborah.
데인저: 디아볼릭
Party guest (uncredited)
International man of mystery Diabolik and his sensuous lover Eva Kant pull off heist after heist, all while European cops led by Inspector Ginko and envious mobsters led by Ralph Valmont are closing in on them.
The Dress Rehearsal
Lou Castel's mother (as Lela Cattaneo)
In La prova generale, Carlo (Carlo Cecchi) interviews with a tape machine and a microphone his young lover while the two wander in the beautiful splendour of a wood on the edge of the city.
God Forgives... I Don't!
Lady waiting for the train (uncredited)
In this violent spaghetti western a murderous robber hijacks a payroll train, murders everyone aboard and then stashes his loot. A gunslinger learns about it and decides he wants the money for himself and so hatches an elaborate plot to get at it. He lures the crook into a rigged poker game, and afterward a gunfight ensues. The quick-drawing gunman makes short work of the robber, then teams up with an insurance agent to look for the hidden fortune. Unbeknownst to them, the robber had an ace up his sleeve...
Il fischio al naso
Slumber party guest (uncredited)
In this unusual offbeat black comedy directed by Ugo Tognazzi, Giuseppe (Tognazzi) is a middle-aged industrialist obsessed with gadgets. When his nose starts to whistle uncontrollably, he checks into a clinic to resolve the problem. What begins as a minor affliction worsens, and Giuseppe is placed on a different floor as his ailments multiply. The sicker he gets, the higher he goes up in the floors of the clinic, until he is near death's door.
Silenzio: Si uccide
Woman who winks at the striptease (uncredited)
Peggio per me... meglio per te
Party guest (uncredited)
The Ten Million Dollar Grab
Party guest (uncredited)
A thief fakes his death in order to steal a 10 million dollar Diamond from his former employer. He has the gem then he looses it and gets it back through various ploys around Europe
Diamonds Are a Man's Best Friend
Woman at the Piccadilly Hotel (uncredited)
Amazing Italian movie written and directed by Vittorio Sala and starring Félix Marten, Liana Orfei and Gastone Moschin. An adventurer steals a valuable diamond known as "Mountain of Light" from the museum. A band of gangsters gets on his trail to take his loot. It's going to be a long battle.
The Treasure of San Gennaro
Woman in customs check at the airport (uncredited)
A pair of Americans want to perform the greatest robbery: the treasure of San Genaro, in Napoli.
How to Seduce a Playboy?
Party guest (uncredited)
A young man is chosen by a magazine company to be a modeled into a public heart-throb while being dogged by a persistant reporter out to expose the fraud the company is putting out.
Delitto quasi perfetto
Cruise ship passenger (uncredited)
How We Robbed the Bank of Italy
Woman at the nightclub (uncredited)
Dim-wits Franco and Cicco try to come up with a plan to rob the safes of the Bank of Italy, but with one muddle after another, they find themselves empty-handed after each attempt to do so.
James Tont Operation T.W.O.
The health spa nurse mistaken for Clarissa (uncredited)
A dangerous criminal group wants to destroy St. Peter's Basilica and the secret agent James Tont is the only one who can help it.
2 Mobsters Against Al Capone
Woman who faints (uncredited)
For a misunderstanding Franco and Ciccio, two Sicilian immigrants of very limited intellectual faculties, are enrolled in the police force in New York.
Me, Me, Me... and the Others
Woman in Church (uncredited)
Sandro is a well-known journalist and he is conducting a survey on human selfishness. Every man and every woman he meets turns into a theme for his inquiry. Even his own wife, Titta.
Operation Counterspy
Casino player (uncredited)
A secret agent is sent to infiltrate the heavily guarded fortress of a madman bent on taking over the world.
판토마 2-전광석화
Costume party guest (uncredited)
프랑스가 낳은 악의 영웅·한토마의 암약을 그린 시리즈 제2탄. 쥬베 경감의 훈장 수여식에서 괴도·판토마로부터 축전이 도착한다. 그때 판토마는 텔레파시 유도 총을 개발했던 마르샤 교수를 유괴하고 이번엔 공동 개발자인 르페브르 교수의 유괴를 노린다. 한편 판토마의 가공할 계획을 일찌감치 깨달은 팬돌은 판토마에게서 얻은 힘을 사용해 르페브르 교수로 변장하고 기다리는데...
Mission Bloody Mary
Client at plastic surgery clinic (uncredited)
Agent 077 - Mission Bloody Mary or Agente 077 missione Bloody Mary is a 1965 Italian action spy adventure film. The first of the Secret Agent 077 film series directed by Sergio Grieco.
The Stone Forest
Oddrun, the witch
The god Wotan gives the young Prince Sigmund of Valhalla and his sister Brunhilde, the leader of the Valkyries, the task of defending the Petrified Forest. This is threatened by the Vikings (led by the aggressive Hunding), who plans an invasion of the forest in search of the secret treasure of the Nibelung, the possession of which gives one unlimited power. After crossing the border and invading Valhalla, Hunding finds an ally in the daughter of one of Sigmund's loyal followers, Erika, who is embittered by unrequited love. She helps the Vikings raid the camp of the Valhalla residents and kill many warriors. Sigmund swears vengeance and pursues them with the remaining men. However, thanks to other traitors in Sigmund's ranks, Hunding succeeds in capturing him and his fiancée Siglinde, Erika's sister. At the end, Sigmund escapes and, with the help of the Valkiries, succeeds in stopping the invaders and defeating Hunding in a duel.
The Passionate Thief
Woman at the New Year's Eve party (uncredited)
On New Year's Eve, a young woman and an out-of-work actor complicate a pickpocket's plans to ply his trade.
Le confident de ces dames
Client of the veterinary clinic (uncredited)
Nel blu dipinto di blu
Woman seeking a man who can cook (uncredited)
Turi, a young Sicilian, makes ends meet by doing some occasional work and singing in taverns in a popular district of Rome.
푸어 걸, 프리티 걸
Party guest (uncredited)
Romolo and Salvatore look for jobs to impress their girlfriends, but things get complicated when their old flame Giovanna reappears.
L'ultimo amante
Institute employee (uncredited)
Maria, a prostitute, meets Cesare in a police station, a drunkard reporter. Cesare falls in love with her and wants to save her from her bleak life but the girl refuses any help.
Are We Men or Corporals?
Prostitute at the police station (uncredited)
These are the years of the Second World War, and Toto is imprisoned in a concentration camp, suffering the harassment of Colonel Hammler, a Nazi cruel and despotic.