Cris Lyra

참여 작품

Cidade; Campo
Director of Photography
Two tales of migration. In the first, after a tailings dam disaster floods her hometown, rural worker Joana (55) moves to São Paulo to find her sister Tania, who lives with her grandson Jaime. Joana enters the universe of insecurity, replying to an application for house cleaning. She bonds with her colleagues, and their struggle for better conditions gives Joana’s life a new meaning. Her relationship with young Jaime brings back old memories. In the second part, after the death of her estranged father, Flavia (32) moves to her farm with her wife Mara. The couple suffer a shock of reality when facing the harshness of rural life. The contact with the abandoned house reveals to Flavia unknown aspects of her father. She begins to suspect that there is something supernatural in the woods.
Like the First Time
A long walk home sets the scene for young romance, a trip to the beach becomes an opportunity for quiet reflection and self-acceptance, a naïve mother uncovers the secret life of her daughter, and a sullen teenager sees a new side to her mother. Re-live the journey of young love through six coming-of-age stories exploring chance encounters and hidden longings.
Three Tidy Tigers Tied a Tie Tighter
Director of Photography
São Paulo, in a dystopian future not so very far from the present. A virus is circulating, one that mainly attacks the brain and the ability to remember. A state that has forgotten a past marked by colonialism and dictatorship desperately awaits some indeterminate “Golden Phase.” Three young queer people drift through a city bled dry by the pandemic and rampant capitalism, remembering each another’s late lovers, sharing their experiences with HIV, getting makeup tips for masked faces and ultimately coming together with others forgotten by society for an antique revue in the salon of a singer named Mirta.
Alice dos Anjos
Director of Photography
Alice dos Anjos is a smart girl who lives in the northeastern hinterland, and who, after running after a running black goat, is transported to a magical place, full of crazy characters. She finds herself, then, in the middle of a war against an influential colonel who wants to discard as traditional communities' land to build a hydroelectric plant. As Alice joins her friends to fight an oppression, she finds herself on a journey of self-knowledge and social awareness.
In the film adaptation of the show “Abominável”, created from texts by different dead authors, a body crossed by war and passion breaks free from a violin case.
Director of Photography
In the film adaptation of the show “Abominável”, created from texts by different dead authors, a body crossed by war and passion breaks free from a violin case.
In the film adaptation of the show “Abominável”, created from texts by different dead authors, a body crossed by war and passion breaks free from a violin case.
A Wild Patience Has Taken Me Here
Director of Photography
Vange, a lonely biker, is enchanted by the relationship and freedom of four girls, with whom she spends a weekend where exchanges about lesbian experiences and culture are present, accompanied by a mutual affection that gradually establishes itself.
Hear Me
Based on letters from 20 lesbian and bisexual women written during the pandemic, a single quarantine letter is made up. An interrupted love story, a shattered country, a persistent living body.
Hear Me
Based on letters from 20 lesbian and bisexual women written during the pandemic, a single quarantine letter is made up. An interrupted love story, a shattered country, a persistent living body.
Hear Me
Based on letters from 20 lesbian and bisexual women written during the pandemic, a single quarantine letter is made up. An interrupted love story, a shattered country, a persistent living body.
Hear Me
Based on letters from 20 lesbian and bisexual women written during the pandemic, a single quarantine letter is made up. An interrupted love story, a shattered country, a persistent living body.
Heightened physical desire can be both liberating and treacherous, as two women observe each other from their towers.
The National Truth Commission, installed in 2011 to investigate crimes committed during a military dictatorship, brought to the public a still very obscure chapter of our history: the existence of an indigenous detention center in the city of Resplendor (MG), called Reformatório Krenak . First installed within the territory of the Krenak ethnic group, and later transferred to Carmésia, it imprisoned and tortured not only Krenak indigenous people, but several other ethnic groups such as the Pataxó, imposing restrictions on their ancestral practices under relentless surveillance by the military. The documentary shows how this concentration camp worked, and the consequences of this collective trauma for the affected indigenous peoples.
Director of Photography
브라질 무토지농촌노동자운동(MST)가들은 공장의 유휴지를 점거한다. 그곳에서 농민과 노동자들은 기업의 이익을 위해 화학비료로 길러진 사탕수수가 아닌, 직접 제작한 유기농 약품을 이용해 농작물을 재배한다. 이를 빈곤한 상황에 놓인 지역주민들에게 나눠주며 토지를 둘러싼 문제를 알린다. 이들은 석유와 곡식을 운반하는 철로를 막고, 토지소유자이자 기업식 농업 생산자인 의원 집 앞까지 찾아간다. 그리고 이들을 공격하는 자본과 공권력의 감시에 맞서기 위해 점거한 땅에 망루를 손수 짓는다. 비어있던 땅은 사람의 손을 타며 사람이 살 수 있는 곳으로 변해간다. (2020년 제24회 서울인권영화제) 브라질은 1%의 대지주들이 45% 이상의 토지를 소유하고 있다. 토지가 필요한 농민들은 브라질 전체 인구의 37%나 되지만 농민이 소유하고 있는 토지는 1% 미만이다. 이는 1965년 군정의 군사쿠데타 통치로 인해 생겨난 토지법 때문이었다. 토지법은 비어있는 땅에 ‘합법’의 이름으로 주인을 붙였다. 이미 그 땅에서 살고 있던 사람들은 쫓겨났고, ‘합법’적인 토지소유자들은 그곳에 대규모 농업을 벌이기 시작했다. 이 과정에서 토지가 ‘없는’ 농민들은 소작농의 형태로 농장에서 일당을 받으며 일하거나 파종, 추수와 같은 막대한 노동력이 필요할 때에만 일할 수 있었다. 농민들이 기업에 속해 생산한 농작물 대다수는 설탕의 원재료인 사탕수수다. 사탕수수 최다 수출국 브라질은 이름을 떨치지만, 기아와 빈곤으로 시달리는 농민과 노동자는 가려진다. 이러한 상황에서 MST(무토지농촌노동자운동)는 1984년부터 농지개혁을 위한 투쟁을 벌였다. 이에 정치인들은 농지개혁을 약속하지만 단 한 번도 제대로 이행하지 않는다. 오히려 정치인들이 지주이자 자본가인 가운데, 현 정권에서는 토지와 주거에 대한 시위를 테러로 규정한다. 국가와 공권력은 법의 이름으로 이들을 삶터 바깥으로 내모는 일에 더 집중했다. 노동자와 농민들에겐 단 몇 초 만에 광활한 밭에 약품을 뿌리는 기계, 투기 목적으로 땅을
A group of friends from São Paulo head for a secluded beach to celebrate New Year’s. Together they relax, sunbathe and make music. And they talk: about their sexuality, their bodies, their hair, their youth, their fears, certainties and uncertainties, as anyone does sometimes with good friends. Along the way, we learn a lot about contemporary Brazil.
A group of friends from São Paulo head for a secluded beach to celebrate New Year’s. Together they relax, sunbathe and make music. And they talk: about their sexuality, their bodies, their hair, their youth, their fears, certainties and uncertainties, as anyone does sometimes with good friends. Along the way, we learn a lot about contemporary Brazil.
Director of Photography
A group of friends from São Paulo head for a secluded beach to celebrate New Year’s. Together they relax, sunbathe and make music. And they talk: about their sexuality, their bodies, their hair, their youth, their fears, certainties and uncertainties, as anyone does sometimes with good friends. Along the way, we learn a lot about contemporary Brazil.
Tea for Two
Director of Photography
Silvia is a middle-aged filmmaker in crisis with her life. The same night that she is surprised by the visit of the ex-wife, who left her a few years ago, meets another woman who fascinates her.
Director of Photography
A Guarani girl begins to question her place in the world.
I Remember the Crows
Director of Photography
Julia Katharine, a Japanese-Brazilian trans woman, opens her door to the filmmaker. Before day breaks, she evokes her relationship with her parents, a young love that never was, her sleepless nights and her passion for cinema.
Sweet Heart
Director of Photography
A teenager grows up in São Paulo.
살인자, 그리고 살인자들
Director of Photography
15세 브라질 여성 ‘엘로아’는 결별 이후, 자신을 스토킹하던 전 남자친구에 의해 감금, 살해되었다. 사건 당사자의 사회적 배경에 따라 확연하게 달라지는 브라질 경찰들의 태도와 단순히 시청률을 올리기 위하여 이 사건을 앞다투어 자극적으로 보도하는 미디어의 행태가 그녀의 죽음을 가져왔다. 영화는 당시 사건을 중계한 미디어 화면을 보며 진행되는 인터뷰로, 문제의 초점을 무너뜨린 사회 속의 다른 살인자들을 꼬집고 있다.