George Cooper

George Cooper

출생 : 1892-12-12, Newark, New Jersey, USA

사망 : 1943-12-09


George Cooper (born George Cooper Healey) was an American stage and screen actor, active in films from 1911 to 1940.

프로필 사진

George Cooper

참여 작품

미스테리 스트리트
Reporter (uncredited)
매사추세츠 해변에서 젊은 여성의 유골이 발견되자, 반스터블 경찰 피터 모랄라스는 보스턴 경찰과 팀을 이루어 하버드 교수의 도움을 받아 법의학을 통해 여성의 신원, 그녀가 어떻게 죽었는지, 누가 죽였는지 알아내고, 모랄라스는 그녀가 어떻게 죽었는지 알고 싶어하는데...
Dick Tracy Meets Gruesome
Stone (Bank Teller) (uncredited)
A gang of criminals, which includes a piano player and an imposing former convict known as 'Gruesome', has found out about a scientist's secret formula for a gas that temporarily paralyzes anyone who breathes it. When Gruesome accidentally inhales some of the gas and passes out, the police think he is dead and take him to the morgue, where he later revives and escapes. This puzzling incident attracts the interest of Dick Tracy, and when the criminals later use the gas to rob a bank, Tracy realizes that he must devote his entire attention to stopping them.
스미스씨 워싱턴에 가다
Waiter (uncredited)
잭슨시를 대표하는 상원의원이 임기 중에 급사한다. 잭슨시의 다른 상원의원인 조세프 페인은 잭슨시 주지사에게 전화를 걸어 새로운 상원의원을 선출하라고 지시한다. 새로운 의원의 조건은 페인과 그의 재정적 후원자인 짐 테일러의 댐건설 계획을 방해하지 않을 인물이어야 한다는 단서가 붙는다. 주지사는 고민 끝에 보이스카웃 단장인 제퍼슨 스미스를 임명한다. 아이들과 다람쥐나 잡으러 쫓아다니는 순박한 촌뜨기야말로 정치판의 꼭두각시 역할로 적격이라는데 의견을 같이했기 때문이다. 스미스는 죽은 아버지의 친구이자 존경하는 정치가인 페인 의원과 함께 워싱턴으로 향한다. 상원의원으로 임명된 제퍼슨은 잭슨시의 월워크 계곡에 소년 야영장을 만들려는 계획을 입안하여 상정하려 하지만 월워크 계곡에 댐을 건설하려는 페인과 테일러의 계획과 맞부딪친다. 이에 페인은 스미스를 등원시키지 않으려고 음모를 꾸미는데...
Released Prisoner Hawley (uncredited)
A fugitive from a chain gang becomes an oil-well firefighter and meets the man who framed him.
Lucky Night
$50 Passerby (uncredited)
Cora, an heiress who gives it all up for the excitement of looking for a job and living on her own, meets up with unemployed and flat broke Dick. The two of them embark on a wild night of gambling and winning, where everything they touch turns to gold. Pretty soon they're in love and, to the horror of Cora's father, married.
Say It in French
Taxi Driver
An American golf pro falls in love with a woman while visiting France; before long they are married and in the US. Upon their arrival, they are dismayed to discover that the golfer's parents have arranged for him to marry a wealthy socialite so they can use her money to support their business....
The Mexicali Kid
Looking for the killer of his brother, Jack saves the outlaw known as the Mexicali Kid who had collapsed on the desert. Jack joins up with the Kid who leads him to Gorson. Gorson is after a ranch and gets Jack to pose as the heir to the ranch. After the papers are signed he plans to have jack killed. But the Kid recognizes Gorson's henchmen as the men Jack is after and decides to help him.
소년의 거리
Tramp (uncredited)
1938년에 MGM(Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer)이 제작한 흑백영화이다. 노먼 토록(Norman Taurog) 감독이 연출하였고 존 미핸(John Meehan)과 도어 쉐어리(Dore Schary)가 각본을 썼다. 시드니 와그너(Sidney Wagner)가 촬영을 맡았고 스펜서 트레이시(Spencer Tracy), 미키 루니(Mickey Rooney), 헨리 헐(Henry Hull), 레슬리 펜턴(Leslie Fenton) 등이 출연하였다. 집 없는 소년들의 보호소 보이스 타운을 운영한 에드워드 플래너건(Edward Flanagan) 신부의 실화를 영화화한 작품이다. 플래너건 신부는 한 죄수의 이야기를 들은 후에 온갖 어려움을 무릅쓰고 보이스 타운을 시작한다. 누군가 조금이라도 관심과 애정을 기울인다면 소년들은 나쁜 길로 빠지지 않고 잘 자랄 거라는 플래너건 신부의 철학은 네브라스카주 오마하시에 보이스 타운을 만들면서 절정에 달한다. 보호소 운영기금을 모으는 데 어려움을 겪던 신부는 가장 든든한 후원자들은 그를 신뢰하는 평범한 사람들이라는 사실을 깨닫는다. 그중에서도 유대인 전당포 업자는 신부가 꿈을 실현하는 데 돕기 위해서 아낌없이 지갑을 연다. 플래너건 신부와 소년들이 악당을 붙잡아 받은 상금으로 보이스 타운을 살리는 자립을 위한 투쟁을 담은 이야기도 펼쳐진다. 그리고 범법자의 동생인 불량스런 소년 마쉬가 처음에는 거만한 반역자로 보이스 타운에서 여러 번 도망쳐서 형이 속한 깡패들 무리에 들어갔다가 신부의 애정 어린 관심으로 새롭게 태어나서 보이스 타운의 자치 정부에서 권위, 책임감, 존경을 받는 위치에까지 오르는 이야기가 감동적으로 엮어진다.
The Missing Guest
Newspaper man "Scoop" Hanlon is looking for a way out of his assigned women's interest column. The one chance he has is to spend the night in the "blue room" of a haunted mansion where a number of people are gathered for a party. When one of the guests disappears from his room, "Scoop" decides to get to the bottom of things.
The Chaser
Man at Calhoun's Auto
A sleazy lawyer gains clients by showing up at terrible accidents. His boss, determined to stop him, hires a pretty girl to cozy up and coerce the truth out of the ambulance-chaser. Unfortunately, the boss doesn't count on the romance factor and sure enough, love blossoms between the girl and the shyster.
The Canary Comes Across
Dutch (uncredited)
A prisoner with a good singing voice escapes, only to grow jealous when an opera singer who looks like him is delivered back to the prison and receives attention, especially from Ann, the warden's daughter who leads the prison glee club.
West of Rainbow's End
Tim Hart (Tim McCoy), a former Texas Ranger, comes out of retirement to avenge the death of Lightnin' Ed (Frank LaRue), his foster father, who had been sent to Rainbow's End, to investigate a series of train robberies. He senses that George Johnson (Walter McGrail) and his henchman, Speck (Bob Kortman), head the robbery gang, especially after Speck makes an ambush attempt on his life.
The Duke Comes Back
After winning the heavyweight championship, boxer Duke Foster (Allan Lane) quits the ring to marry socialite Susan Corbin (Heather Angel). When his businessman father-in-law Arnold (Frederick Burton) loses his fortune, Duke returns to the ring to raise money for him. Susan is furious that Duke is breaking his promise never to box again, and the stakes get even higher when a crooked promoter orders him to take a dive ... or else.
Portia on Trial
Lady lawyer Portia Merryman (Frieda Inescourt) defends woebegone Elizabeth Manners (Heather Angel), who is on trial for shooting her lover Earle Condon (Neil Hamilton). Ironically, Portia herself had once had a relationship with Earle Condon, but Earle's father, powerful publisher John Condon (Clarence Kolb), forced them apart. She has a pretty good idea of what is going on in Elizabeth's head, since she herself was on the verge of killing Earle Condon when his father ruthlessly took custody of her illegitimate son. As Portia toils and strains to free her client, she carries on a romance with Dan Foster (Walter Abel) -- the attorney for the prosecution. LA Law and The Practice have nothing on this one!
That I May Live
Crooks use a man's safe-cracking skills then involve him in more crime after he spends three years in jail. He falls in love with a waitress and they go to work for a traveling salesman.
Think Fast, Mr. Moto
Muggs Blake
When his import/export business infiltrated by international diamond smugglers, Mr. Moto must follow a trail of clues littered with beautiful women, glittering gems and deadly assassins. Making his way from the mysterious streets of San Francisco's Chinatown to the dark and dangerous alleys of Shanghai, Mr. Moto will stop at nothing to bring the culprits to justice...even if it means making the ultimate sacrifice!
Riders of the Dawn
Grizzly Ike
The first of 22 inexpensive Westerns starring Jack Randall (aka Addison Randall and Allan Byron), Riders of the Dawn is yet another in a long series of oaters featuring a lawman masquerading as an outlaw.
Step Lively, Jeeves!
A British butler goes to America duped by mobsters into believing he is the heir to a fortune.
The Man Who Found Himself
Young Jim Stanton is a conscientious surgeon, but spends too many off-duty hours pursuing his passion for aviation to suit his stuffy father. When it is discovered that a passenger killed in a plane that Jim crashes was a married woman, the resulting scandal prompts the hospital to put Jim on probation. His pride wounded, Jim takes to the open road and enjoys the simpler life of a vagabond. In Los Angeles--where he is arrested for vagrancy and put to work on a road crew--Jim runs into old pal Dick Miller, who gets him a job as a mechanic for Roberts Aviation. But maintaining his anonymity becomes more difficult, particularly when a pretty nurse, Doris King, decides to make Jim's redemption her personal crusade.
Adventure in Manhattan
The story of an egotistical crime writer who gets involved with the case of a notorious art thief (who is believed to be dead) while at the same time romancing a lovely young actress who's in a play that also happens to be the cover for massive jewel job. Art connoisseur and criminologist George Melville is hired to track down art thieves, assisted by perky Claire Peyton and goaded by Phil Bane, the roaring newspaper editor who has employed him. The mastermind poses as a theatrical impresario and stages a war drama, replete with loud explosions, to divert attention from his band of thieves, who are cracking safes in a bank adjacent to the theater.
Ride 'Em Cowboy
Chuck Morse
Buck Jones was producing as well as starring in his own western series by the time Ride 'Em Cowboy hit the screen. A heady combination of old and new, this one casts Jones as champeen auto racer Jess Burns, who reverts to his horse when called upon to rout the villains.
Missing Girls
A couple of naïve girls get themselves unwittingly involved in the gambling racket in this Poverty Row production directed by the redoubtable Phil Rosen.
The Phantom Rider
The Phantom Rider helps Mary Grayson thwart a plot to steal her land.
Federal Agent
Agent Wilson
A federal agent sets out to track down his partner's killers.
디즈 씨 도시로 가다
Bob (uncredited)
버몬트 주의 작은 마을에서 축하 카드에 시를 쓰는 일을 하는 롱펠로우 디즈(Longfellow Deeds: 게리 쿠퍼 분)가 얼굴 한 번 본 적 없는 삼촌에게서 막대한 유산 을 물려받고 하룻밤 사이에 벼락부자가 된다. 마을 사람들의 환송을 받으며 뉴욕으로 향하는 디즈, 작은 마을의 시인이자 마을 악단의 튜바 연주가였던 그는 이제 뉴욕에 있는 으리으리한 맨션에서 삼촌의 사업을 돌보게 됐다. 하지만 정작 그가 할 일은 변호사들에게 사업을 맡기고 얼굴 마담만 하면 되는 것. 한편, 냉소적인 신문사 편집장인 맥 웨이드(Editor Mac Wade: 죠지 밴그로프트 분)는 디즈의 순진하고 정직한 이미지에 의심을 품고 베이브 베넷(Babe Bennett: 진 아서 분)이라는 현실적인 여기자를 보내 디즈에 대해 몰래 취재하도록 한다. 한 달간의 유급 휴가를 걸고 디즈에게 접근하는 베이브. 디즈의 집 앞에서 기절한 척한 후 자신을 실업자라고 속여 디즈의 동정과 관심을 산다. 마음 여린 디즈는 아무 것도 모른 채 그녀를 극진히 돌봐주고 다음 날 아침 베이브가 일하는 신문의 1면에 '신데렐라 맨'이라는 제목 아래 디즈를 장난거리로 만든 기사가 실린다. 낯선 환경에, 이런 사건까지 생기자 디즈는 더더욱 베이브에게 의존하고 디즈와 베이브는 뉴욕의 구석구석을 돌아다니며 함께 시간을 보내며 점점 가까워진다. 그러다 디즈는 베이브에게 청혼을 하게 되고 양심의 가책을 느끼는 베이브는 디즈를 떠나려 한다. 그런 와중에 디즈는 베이브의 실체를 알게 되면서 실망한 그는 상속받은 돈을 가난한 이들에게 나눠주려고 한다. 하지만 디즈의 변호사들과 삼촌의 유산을 노리는 친척이 디즈의 유산을 가로채려고 서로 협심해 디즈를 정신병자로 취급하는 사건이 생긴다. 디즈의 정신 상태에 대한 재판이 있는 날. 사람들에게 실망한 디즈는 모든 권리 행사를 포기하고 침묵을 지키고 베이브는 디즈에게 정당하게 싸울 것을 호소하는데....
Doubting Thomas
A husband makes fun of his wife's theatrical aspirations when she agrees to appear in a local production. When she begins to neglect him, he decides to retaliate by also going on stage.
Murder in the Clouds
Wings Mahoney
Bob Halsey is a first-rate pilot who's in love with stewardess Judy Wagner. He's ordered to deliver a secret formula to Washington, D.C., but a spy hears about the assignment and sabotages it by murdering Bob's fellow flyers and making off with the liquid. While the government conducts a vast search for the formula, the spies entangle Judy in their web of deceit, causing Bob to set off on his own in an effort to save his sweetheart and retrieve the missing mixture.
Broadway Bill
Tycoon J.L. Higgins controls his whole family, but one of his sons- in-law, Dan Brooks and his daughter Alice are fed up with that. Brooks quits his job as manager of J.L.'s paper box factory and devotes his life to his racing horse Broadway Bill, but his bank- roll is thin and the luck is against him, he is arrested because of $150 he owes somebody for horse food, but suddenly a planed fraud by somebody else seems to offer him a chance...
Return of the Terror
"The Terror", a killer whose identity is unknown, occupies an English country house that has been converted into an inn.
The Personality Kid
An arrogant boxer (Pat O'Brien) discovers his wife (Glenda Farrell) had a hand in his success.
The Big Shakedown
Former bootlegger Dutch Barnes pressures neighborhood druggist Jimmy Morrell into making cut-rate knockoff toiletry, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical products.
Before Midnight
A detective tries to figure out who killed a man who predicted his own death.
Havana Widows
Paymaster Mullins
Two golddiggers go fishing for millionaires in Havana.
Wild Boys of the Road
Man near Columbus (uncredited)
At the height of the Great Depression, Tommy's mother has been out of work for months when Eddie's father loses his job. Eager not to burden their parents, the two high school Sophomores decide to hop the freight trains and look for work.
하루 동안의 숙녀
Cheesecake (uncredited)
뉴욕의 가난한 사과 장수 애니는 태어나자마자 스페인의 수녀원으로 보내졌던 딸 루이즈에게 늘 편지를 쓰는데, 편지 속 애니는 뉴욕 상류층의 귀부인이다. 어느 날, 결혼을 앞둔 루이즈가 약혼자 카를로스와 예비 시아버지 로메로 백작과 함께 뉴욕을 방문하겠다고 하는데, 애니는 자신의 실체가 드러나면 딸의 결혼이 무산될지도 모른다는 두려움에 떤다. 한편, 애니의 사과는 행운을 가져다 준다고 믿는 멋쟁이 도박꾼 데이브가 기꺼이 애니를 돕기로 한다. 루이즈 일행이 뉴욕항에 도착하는 날, 애니는 E. 워딩턴 맨빌 부인이 되어 그들을 맞이한다. 카프라와 만나 ‘카프리스킨 터치’를 만들어낸 각본가 로버트 리스킨이 데이먼 러니언의 단편을 각색했다. 이 작품으로 카프라는 흥행 감독의 위치를 공고히 했으며, 처음으로 아카데미상 후보에 오르기도 했다. (영화의 전당)
Mary Stevens, M.D.
A woman doctor decides to have a baby without benefit of marriage.
Soldiers of the Storm
Red Gurney
Soldiers of the Storm is a 1933 American Pre-Code crime film directed by D. Ross Lederman.
Uptown New York
Jack Oakie plays Eddie Doyle, a gumball machine salesman who marries Pat Smith (Shirley Grey) knowing full well that the girl is on the rebound from a failed romance with aspiring Jewish doctor Max Silver (Leon Ames). But when Pat is nearly killed in an effort to protect her husband's gumball machines from hoodlums and is in need of a lifesaving operation, Eddie calls on Dr. Max
Forbidden Trail
Happy - Tom's Sidekick
Karger is behind all the cattle rustling. After Tom Devlin catches his man Burke in the act, Burke hides evidence against Karger in his jail cell. Later when Tom is jailed he accidentally finds the evidence, but the Karger encited mob has jailed the Sheriff and is already on the loose.
나는 탈옥수
Vaudevillian (uncredited)
법제도의 허점으로 인해 처참하게 희생당하는 한 사나이의 이야기를 그린 명작 사회고발 드라마
브론디 오브 더 폴리스
O'Brien the Stage Manager (uncredited)
New York City tenement dwelling neighbors Blondie and Lottie are longtime best friends. When Lottie makes the cast of the Follies and moves up in the world, she arranges for Blondie, as well, to join the cast and gain the advantages. But the friendship goes awry when Lottie's sweetheart, wealthy Larry Belmont, falls for Blondie and she for him.
Night Court
Safecracking Thug (uncredited)
A corrupt night court judge tears an innocent young family apart in his efforts to elude a special prosecutor.
Brown is a confident young firefighter. He and his buddy become interested in two girls, after saving their cat. He then fights a fire in the apartment building next door to his new girlfriend.
Sky Devils
Wilkie and Mitchell, trying to desert their draft into the army, stow away on a ship which takes them into the war zone. While AWOL, the rivals for Mary's affections accidently destroy an ammunition dump.
Airfield Mechanic (uncredited)
When Fred Smith's wife dies in childbirth, Emma Thatcher, who has been nanny to the couple's three children, cares also for the family's new addition. Fred becomes rich and successful, then he and Emma marry. When Fred dies, his will becomes a source of trouble between the children and Emma.
The Wide Open Spaces
Louis San Nabisco
A Wild West spoof by The Masquers Comedy Club of Hollywood.
The Hot Spot
In order to capture a murderer, a reporter has his obnoxious brother-in-law confess to the crime.
Laughing Sinners
Ivy Stevens is a cafe entertainer in love with a shifty salesman who deserts her. In attempting to commit suicide, she is saved by Carl, a Salvation Army officer. Encouraged by Carl, Ivy joins the Salvation Army. When her old flame re-enters her life, Ivy finds she is still attracted and begins another affair with him.
Gentleman's Fate
A bootlegger falls apart when his wife leaves him.
Mary Turner gets a three years prison sentence for a crime she didn't commit. Once released, she plots to get back at the man responsible for her conviction.
Harry A. Biloxi
Four one-for-all and all-for-one privates in the French Foreign Legion are all in jail for disorderly conduct, but they break out and rejoin their regiment and fight off a band of marauding Arabs, and are soon in Casablanca getting decorated by the French Minister of War. Deucalion spots Eleanor, a spy who had done him dirt and after tangling with the local gendarmes, they take her and head back for Morocco where they are charged with desertion, and have to go out and defeat some more marauding natives, and dodge the machine-gun fire directed at them by the highly-displeased Eleanor, and one thing just follows another.
The Girl of the Golden West
Trinidad Joe
A hard-bitten saloon girl falls for a dashing outlaw, and tries to keep the local sheriff from catching him and sending him to prison.
Shooting Straight
A gambler wanted for murder hides under the guise of a clergyman.
Numbered Men
Prison drama from 1930. Mary Dane and falsely imprisoned Bud Leonard love each other, but Lou Rinaldo, who framed Bud to get Mary, and escape-minded King Callahan, set events in motion to prove that love and justice will prevail.
Sailor's Holiday
Sailors Pike and Shorty are on leave when a street woman swindles them out of some money by telling them she is looking for her long-lost brother, a sailor.
The Unholy Night
Frey, Lord Montague's Orderly
One dark foggy London night, someone tries to strangle Lord Montague, but he escapes. Only to discover the four other men who did get killed were old regimental comrades in Gallipoli. When Scotland Yard gets Monty to gather the other nine surviving officers at his home, one of them is murdered, and no one else has entered the house. Now, they must determine who the murderer is.
The Devil's Apple Tree
The Barker
Hap Spissel
A successful carnival barker deals with the arrival of his eager son, who he'd hoped would stay far from the carnival world, his son's entanglement with a showgirl, and his own jealous mistress.
Lilac Time
Mechanic's Helper
In France during World War I, a charming farm girl keeps a squadron of English pilots in good spirits as best as she can. She falls for a handsome newcomer who is already engaged.
The Trail of '98
Samuel Foote - The Worm
Fortune hunters from all over the country rushing to the Klondike in 1897 to seek their fortunes in the gold are tested by hardships of the journey.
Sergeant Malone of the Mounties and effeminate Etienne Doray are both in love with Rose-Marie, but she doesn't light up until soldier of fortune Jim Kenyon drifts into the post. Soon Jim is accused of murder but he escapes.
Women Love Diamonds
Snub Flaherty
A young woman can't marry a millionaire because she was born illegitimately.
Tin Hats
"Lefty" Mooney
Three United States soldiers are lost in the Rhineland on Armistice Day and accepted as conquering overlords by a village... except for Lady Bountiful.
Pals First
The Squirrel
Richard Castleman, master of Winnecrest Hall in Louisiana, goes on a sea voyage recommended by his cousin and physician, Harry Chilton, who thereupon begins romancing Castleman's fiancée, Jeanne Lamont. When word arrives of Castleman's death, Chilton prepares to usurp the fortune and property of the dead man. Danny Rowland, who is found wounded by two wandering crooks, Dominie and The Squirrel, opportunely arrives at the estate seeking food and rest; and because of his resemblance to Castleman, he is welcomed as the master. Dominie is introduced as an English cleric and The Squirrel as an Italian count, while Danny falls in love with Jeanne, who believes him to be her fiancé. Chilton, however, suspects the trio and finally unmasks them. It then develops that Danny actually is Castleman, who had decided to reform the two men who befriended him and to expose the dishonesty of his cousin.
The Unknown Soldier
The Unknown Soldier is a 1926 American silent drama film directed by Renaud Hoffman and written by Richard Schayer and James J. Tynan. The film stars Charles Emmett Mack, Marguerite De La Motte, Henry B. Walthall, Claire McDowell, and George Cooper. The film was released on May 30, 1926, by Producers Distributing Corporation.
The Wise Guy
The Bozo
A carnival huckster who decides to turn pennies into dollars by passing himself off as a hellfire-and-brimstone evangelist.
The Barrier
Sgt. Murphy
Years after Alaskan storekeeper Gale had rescued his ward Necia from Bennett, her murderous sea-captain father, Bennett shows up seeking his daughter -- and revenge.
Red Dice
Squint Scoggins
This unusual melodrama with comic touches was based on Octavus Roy Cohen's novel The Iron Chance. Alan Beckwith (Rod La Rocque) is a war hero who is very much down on his luck. He makes a deal with big-time bootlegger Andrew North (Gustave von Seyffertitz) -- if North will give him a large sum of money, Beckwith will kill himself at the end of a year's time. He is to marry a girl of North's choosing and take out an insurance policy naming her as beneficiary; North will collect from the widow. The plot thickens when Beckwith and Beverly (Marguerite De La Motte), the girl North has him marry, actually fall in love. Beverly's brother, Johnny (Ray Hallor), teams up with Beckwith to steal one of North's cargos of rum. North and his men catch them and things look bad until revenue officers -- called on by Beverly -- show up. The North gang is rounded up and Beckwith looks forward to a long life with his wife.
Shadow of the Law
A young woman is framed and sent to prison for a crime she didn't commit. When she is released, she sets out to take her revenge on those responsible. -from
The New Commandment
Billy Morrow (Ben Lyon), who comes from a wealthy family, is sailing to Europe with his father (Holbrook Blinn) on their yacht. Along for the ride is Mrs. Parr (Claire Eames) and her stepdaughter. Near the French coast, Billy discovers that Mrs. Parr wants to arrange a marriage between him and the girl, so he escapes and takes a lifeboat ashore.
The Goose Woman
A famous opera singer lost her voice when her son was born, and has drowned her sorrows in drink. When a murder is committed near her house, she invents a story in order to get herself back in front of the public again. However, the story she comes up with results in her son being arrested for the murder.
The Lawful Cheater
Johnny Burns
Disguised as a boy, a young woman gets an inner-city street gang back on the straight and narrow path.
The Great Divide
Alone and unprotected in an isolated wilderness cabin, Ruth Jordan is discovered by three drunken brutes who begin to barter for her. In desperation, she appeals to Stephen Ghent, the least degraded of the desperadoes, promising herself to him if he saves her from the others. Ghent buys off Shorty with a chain of gold nuggets and knocks Dutch senseless. Ghent then sends Dutch off with Shorty and takes Ruth to the next town, where he forces her to marry him. During the 3-day ride across the desert to Ghent's gold mine, the idealistic Ruth learns that he is a man of rough passions.
The Devil's Cargo
Jerry Dugan
John Joyce arrives in Sacramento with his sister, Martha, and aunt to become the editor of a newspaper. He is determined to clear the town of the low-down mining camp types who are flaunting their freewheeling ways. When Joyce meets Faro Sampson, he falls in love, believing that she is the daughter of a minister. Actually she's the daughter of the man who runs a gambling den, "Square Deal" Sampson.
Smouldering Fires
A successful businesswoman falls in love with one of her (much younger) factory workers. She doesn't know that he is in love with her younger sister.
Scarem Much
Edison Watts - Violet's Suitor
Scarem Much is a 1924 comedy short.
No More Women
When Matt Moore was thrown over by vamp Kathleen Cliffford, he resolved to have no more women in his life. But he didn't take account of wealthy Mage Bellamy who is determined to pursue him until he marries her.
Through the Dark
Through the Dark is a 1924 silent mystery drama produced by Cosmopolitan Productions and distributed through Goldwyn Pictures. It is based on a short story "The Daughter of Mother McGinn" by Jack Boyle
Flip Flops
Professor Whiz - Magician
An itching courtship from Mack Sennett.
The Eternal Three
Bob Gray
A doctor's adopted son turns out to be an ungrateful whelp. He beds the doctor's maid, then his secretary, and finally targets the doctor's wife, his own stepmother as his next conquest....
The Nth Commandment
Max Plute
A department store clerk decides to marry a withdrawing colleague with tuberculosis, over another dashing, ambitious suitor, leads to a life of hardship and struggle. Though The Nth Commandment survives incomplete, enough exists of director Frank Borzage’s last film while under contract with William Randolph Hearst’s Cosmopolitan Pictures for scholar Hervé Dumont to declare “it the first truly Borzagian work.”
Little Church Around the Corner
Jude Burrows
A wealthy minister in a mining town is something of an advocate for the miners' safety, but he doesn't really get involved in the issue. He is soon snapped out of that attitude, however, when his daughter is trapped underground in a mine explosion, along with the mine's owner.
The Shriek of Araby
Presto the Magician
An employee in a theater showing Valentino's "The Shiek" daydreams about himself playing Valentino's role.
Matt Patterson
Stationed at the Mexican border, a young lieutenant whose job is to capture a ring of narcotics smugglers, spies his sweetheart, the daughter of a U. S. Customs official, in a cantina suspected of being the headquarters of the dope ring.
Hoping to consolidate their adjoining ranches, Don Fernando and Don Diego betroth their children, Ramón and Dolores, although Ramón is in love with Suzanna, the daughter of a peon on his father's ranch, and Dolores is interested in Pancho, a toreador. When Suzanna learns that she was kidnapped in infancy and is really Don Diego's daughter, she keeps silent; but Ramón finally rebels and steals Suzanna from the altar as she is about to marry Pancho. There are explanations, Ramón marries Suzanna, and Dolores marries Pancho. Suzanna (1923) has been mastered from a good quality but incomplete 35mm print.
The Love Letter
While working in an overall factory Mary Ann McKee sends mash notes in the overalls prepared for shipment. She is involved in a robbery perpetrated by her boyfriend, Red Mike, but escapes and goes to the town from which she has received an answer to one of her notes.
Turn to the Right
Joe is the son of a poor widow and in love with the daughter of the town’s richest and meanest man. The couple is determined to marry and plan their “dream house.”
The Glorious Fool
Billy Grant, a wealthy young playboy, drunkenly crashes his car and appears near death. Afraid that his greedy and unpleasant relatives will get his estate, he convinces his nurse, Jane Brown, to marry him. When Billy regains his health, Jane finds herself in a situation she never imagined nor intended.
For Those We Love
Berenice Arnold spends her time trying to keep her family happy. This is easier said than done -- her brother, Jimmy, is a gambler and he steals 80 dollars that his father was responsible for. Berenice sets out to get the money back, but winds up causing a scandal because of her association with Trix Ulner, a gambler and thief.
The Fox
K.C. Kid
Santa Fe, a tramp, is saved from a jeering mob in the desert town of Caliente by Annette, the sheriff's daughter; and after adopting Pard he gets a job as a porter in the bank. Santa Fe learns that the leading banker, Coulter, is in league with a band of outlaws, and when Coulter frames Dick Farwell, Annette's fiancé, Dick is suspected of robbery and is captured by the outlaws.
I Am Guilty
Connie (Louise Glaum) is married to attorney Robert MacNair (Mahlon Hamilton). When he leaves town on a business trip, her friend from the old days, Molly May (May Hopkins), invites her to a party. Connie, who misses her old life, decides to go under an assumed name. Teddy Garrick, the host (Joseph Kilgour), makes a play for her and she burns her shoulder trying to get away from him. Dillon, a burglar who is hiding in the house (George Cooper), surreptitiously presses a gun into Connie's hand from behind a curtain. As Garrick comes toward her he is shot dead.
Chains of Evidence
George Brownlow
Edith Sturgis, the daughter of a judge, returns from studies abroad to find her widowed father remarried. The new Mrs. Sturgis does not reveal that she has a son Dick, once unjustly jailed by Judge Sturgis, but now working as a reporter while still maintaining an association with the Brownlow gang. Quarrelling with her stepmother, Edith leaves home, meets Dick and falls in love.
The Birth of a Soul
Joe Barlow
Mountain families feud.
Anne of Green Gables
Anne Shirley, an orphan, is taken into the lives of a generous farmer and his sister. She grows from an adventuresome young lass into a charming and much sought-after young lady.
The Dark Star
Mr. Brandes
A fabulous jewel known as the 'Dark Star' is stolen; a pastor's daughter gets involved, falling into the depths of a spy plot concerning war plans and fortifications...
The Suspect
The Suspect is a 1916 lost silent film directed by S. Rankin Drew. Set in France and Russia, the plot revolves around the cruelties of Russian Grand Duke Karatoff, known to friends and enemies alike as "the butcher." Sophie, leader of a band of revolutionaries, attempts to assassinate Karatoff but accidentally wounds his son Paul instead.
A Night Out
Waldo Deacon
A grandmother has an adventure for the first time in her life when she decides to have a night out.
The Greater Motive
Jimmy Kelly
Bob Hammond, a promising young boxer, is taken east by his manager to meet some of the better men in his class. Bob promises his sweetheart, Maggie Dowling, he will return and marry her. In the past he becomes champion in his class, and is known as "The Battler."
In the Days of Famine
Lt. Walker, R.C.M.P.
Jan De Bar, a young French-Canadian, is sent out from the Hudson Bay Company's post at God's Lake to perform the perilous task of burning the plague-stricken cabins of those who have died of the dreaded smallpox. In one of them he finds Jeanette, a little girl, who, by some miracle, has escaped the plague.
The Wheels of Justice
'Red' Hall, the Burglar
Ralph Brooks, although engaged to Julia Dean, meets and becomes infatuated with Rita Reynolds. She gains his sympathy by telling untrue stories of her husband's brutality. They plan to run away together but while Rita is taking a large sum of money from her husband's safe, he returns early from a business trip and a fight ensues which results in her husband's death.
A Madcap Adventure
Willfull, headstrong and inclined to be sporty, but withal, a very lovable girl, Thomasin Webb (called Tommy for short) keeps her Aunt Sarah, with whom she lives, on the jump. Guy Dunbar becomes deeply interested in Tommy, first from a psychological point of view, then fascinated by her personality. George Hilton, a society rounder, is after Tommy's money
The Man, the Mission and the Maid
Bert Peyson
Living in adjoining homes at Oakdale, Hal Oilman and Alice Blanchard are childhood friends and playmates. Some years later. Hal goes to college, and while there makes a bitter enemy of Bert Peyson by exposing him as a card cheat and a thief.
The Greater Love
Phillip Lane
Shortly after the engagement of John Brown and Hope Avery is announced, he receives an offer of a fine position in South America. She demurs at his going, but he overcomes her objections and after a tender farewell, leaves her with the promise to return within a year and make her his wife. Philip Lane is injured in an auto accident near the Avery home, and Hope discovers him. She has him taken to her home and during his convalescence, he falls deeply in love with her.
Saved from a Life of Crime
Jack Bonner
Becoming imbued with a lawless spirit, Tom, a street waif of twelve, holds up an old woman with a toy pistol, robs her of a dollar and gets away. Exhibiting the money to some of his companions, the boy proceeds to give them all an ice cream treat. The feast is interrupted by the police, who nab Tom.
Netty or Letty
The Bellboy
Twins in all but disposition, Netty and Letty quarrel continually. Letty goes to spend a few days at a friend's cottage at a nearby summer resort. Netty also goes later. Freddy meets Netty and they are mutually attracted. They are not allowed to be together much, however, as they are always being interrupted.
Within an Ace
Jack Heriot
On shipboard, Edwin Forrester, a middle-aged Scotchman, makes the acquaintance of Tom Munroe, a confidence man. Forrester discloses the fact that he is going to visit his ranch in western America, also that he has but one relative, a niece, Ethel, in England." Munroe's greed aroused, he determines to kill Forrester, then gain possession of his property
The Love of Pierre Larosse
Pierre Larosse
When Pierre Larosse, a trapper, calls on his sweetheart, Jeanne Coudert, to present her with the skin of a silver fox, he finds a stranger. Jacques Javillier, at the Coudert cabin. Jealousy is aroused between the two men by the girl's evident preference for the stranger. Pere Coudert, her father, is called away and announces that one of the men must accompany him.
Regan's Daughter
Tom Dawson - Strongarm
Known as a saloon-keeper, a politician and a bad man, Regan becomes the sworn enemy of Phil Riordan, a young headquarters detective. The only bright spot in Regan's life is his love for his daughter, Mary, who is being brought up in the Tennessee hills in ignorance of her father's character.
The Unwritten Play
Paul Hesseltine - the Suitor
A new theatrical star is born when Ivy Liversedge, daughter of Silas, an unsuccessful playwright, scores a big success in Paul Hesseltine's new play, "The Fatal Silence." Paul falls in love with Ivy. but her father exhibits an intense dislike for him at their very first meeting.
The Wheat and the Tares
George Collins
In a game of cards, Stillwell, a young Southerner, incurs the hatred of Collins, an unscrupulous scoundrel. Seeing a chance for a double revenge, Collins goes to LaVinge, father of Edith, with whom Stillwell is in love, and demands payment of an old gambling debt.
The Apple
Promising to send for his sweetheart Roza, when he gets settled, Hugo Hunfalvy leaves Hungary for America. In New York he meets Louis Kaplan, an old friend, who owns a fruit store. Louis' sister, Marie, is pretty and flirtatious, and is much impressed by Hugo. He soon falls under the influence of her wiles and buys part interest in Louis' store.
The Soul of Luigi
In the poor Italian quarter of New York lives Luigi, an Italian peasant and inventor, who is so absorbed in his work that he greatly neglects his wife, Nedda. She is younger than he and fond of pleasure. Not understanding his neglect, she strongly resents it.
The False and the True
Dick Saunders
Betty, the only daughter of Jenkins, a wealthy farmer, is secretly loved by Tom Saunders, a farm hand. Tom's scapegrace brother, Dick, returns from the city and is befriended by Tom. Dick later wins Betty's love. While Jenkins is blasting out a tree stump with dynamite, Betty and Dick are passing close by unnoticed, and the explosion destroys Betty's sight.
The Toll
Antonio Perino
While traveling in Italy, John Steele, a young American millionaire, is kidnapped by Antonio Perino, and fellow members of the Camorra. They demand an immense ransom, but he defies them. Marta, Antonio's wife, feels sorry for Steele. She is left to guard the prisoner alone and Steele induces her to help him escape.
The Hero
Very pretty, very attractive, very young; her name is Maude and she has a beau. He is very fat. Maude is simply crazy about him. She will not consider the attentions of Syd, her brother Bert's pal. One day Maude sits dreaming in the parlor, a book of daring adventures lying open in her lap. Syd enters and tries to make love to her.
He Fell in Love with His Mother-in-Law
That the way to a man's heart is by means of his appetite, is strikingly shown. Mother-in-law comes to visit the newly wedded couple and finds the young man somewhat discontented. It is no wonder, for his wife is so engrossed in her "art," although only an amateur, that she forgets all about cooking dinner and such like trivialities.
The Butler's Secret
Barrow's Son
After a serious quarrel with his father concerning his debts, Wallace Dixon leaves the house in anger, declaring that he will live his life as beat pleases him. That night, Alfred Dixon, the father, hears a noise by the safe in his bedroom, where he is sleeping, and shoots at the intruder who escapes unharmed.
Cupid Through a Keyhole
While making preparations for the entertainment of Aunt Maria, who had announced her arrival by telegram, Lila Lane gets herself shut in the storeroom. Here she is found later by her sweetheart, Harry Eschert, who has returned for some forgotten papers.
The Skull
A Robber
Just as the bead clerk and his assistants are closing up the jewelry store for the day, a package containing a very costly necklace arrives by special messenger. The large safe deposit vault has been closed for the night and the time clock set. The head clerk is fearful to leave the necklace in the store and so decides to take it home. His actions have been closely watched by one of the junior clerks, with sinister and stealthy glances.
Getting Up a Practice
Jack - One of the Doctor's Friends
Becoming impatient waiting for patients, young Doctor Bob Lyons is about discouraged. To add to his misery, his sweetheart's father, Mr. Irving, distinctly objects to Emily, his daughter, marrying Bob until he has a practice.
The Mouse and the Lion
A Gangster
John Burling, a detective, rounds up some members of the Night Hawk gang. Bill Hanks, the chief, swears to get even with him. Tim, a little street waif, entering the saloon where the gang are consulting with Maime, a female accomplice, overhears some of their threats. He is discovered and kicked out of the place by Hanks. The next day, Tim, half starving, picks up a purse in the street which he has seen a lady drop. He is tempted to steal it, but in the end gives it back to her. Burling sees this, is struck with the boy's honesty, and being in need of a page boy, hires him and dubs him "Buttons."' Maime visits Burling and leaves him an address to come to investigate a robbery which has occurred at her home. Tim recognizes her as she goes out, follows her and has his suspicions confirmed by seeing her with one of the gang on the street. He goes to warn his master, but Burling has already gone.
Stenographer Troubles
Office Employee
A comic one-act film featuring the character Bunny, which takes place in an office.
Two of a Kind
So much alike, you can't tell t'other from which, Edna and Alice, two twins, are receiving the attentions of two young friends, Wallie and George. Edna receives her caller in the front parlor and Alice in the back parlor.
Lessons in Courtship
A farce in which Dick Edna wants to learn the art of seduction, and takes lessons for this from the brother of his beloved.
The Mills of the Gods
Tano, an Instrument of Lorenzo's
A silent crime film in which the wealthy landowner Lorenzo, who has been taunting poor Miguel and his family for years, eventually gets his comeuppance.
The Toymaker
Bert Avery
An old German toymaker, Hans Greyburg, living in a little flat on the east side of New York, while engaged one day making and dressing dolls, is visited by Dot Avery, the little girl from the flat above. He is fond of children and makes friends with her and gives her an old doll.
The Adventure of the Italian Model
Luigi - the Model's Rejected Suitor
Master detective, Lambert Chase, unravels a case of poisoning
The Cross Roads
Kirke Dundee
A melodrama about a girl who has to marry the landlord in order to save her parents’ home.
Wanted, a Sister
In the college play, Tom and his room-mate, "Bunch," take prominent and successful parts, Tom as the hero and "Bunch" as the heroine, in which he is an excellent female impersonator. The day after the performance, "Bunch" makes an engagement to take a real chorus girl to dinner. Unexpectedly his mother comes to college to visit him and he makes Tom take the girl.
The Foster Child
Dick Kasper - the Son
Mr. and Mrs. Caspar, home-loving, industrious people, long for a little one to bless their lives and their home. Their hopes are not in vain. One night, when they are sitting in the quiet, they hear the voice of a baby. Mr. Caspar, opening the door, finds a deserted child lying on the door-step. Tenderly lifting it in his arms, he brings it to his wife, who cares and nurtures it with a mother's love. Their adopted child is just one year old when a son is born to Mrs. Caspar, and an added joy comes to bless their union.
The Cylinder's Secret
Employed as secretary to Howard Abele, Marjorie Abbott attracts the attention of Sydney, her employer's son, who falls desperately in love with her. Mr. Abele is strenuously opposed to their marriage and he quarrels with his son. Marjorie has a half-brother, Dave, who is of an inventive turn of mind.
The Picture Idol
Howard's Room-Mate
A short comedy about a girl (played by Clara Kimball Young) who is in love with a movie star (Maurice Costello) and who follows him everywhere. Her parents want to teach her ​​a lesson, and invite the actor to their home.
Fortunes of a Composer
Man in Tavern (uncredited)
A drama about a poor composer who is betrayed by his family and left alone.
Mrs. 'Enry 'Awkins
Noah Clayton, an old coster, who has made a bit of money, lives with his daughter Liza. He is very cranky and very gouty. Henry Hawkins, a young coster, and Bill Brown, a teacher of boxing, and an ex-pugilist, are both in love with Liza. Old Clayton favors Bill, because he is well off. Liza likes Henry, and they meet down near the old church and do their love-making. Bill lays siege to Liza, offering her presents, which she refuses. At last he offers to take her to a music hall and she yields and goes with him. There they are seen by Hawkins, who becomes furiously jealous and upbraids Liza. She loses her temper and claims the right to do as she likes. Henry on this swears he will fight Bill, and Liza tells him not to be a fool, that Bill could lick him with one hand, and they part in anger. Hawkins meets Bill and challenges him. The result is a foregone conclusion. Poor Hawkins is knocked out and laid up in bed for repairs, tended by his landlady.
The Struggle
Jerry Grafton
Howard Peyton served two years for forgery. Jerry Grafton, a genteel crook, is on the lookout for him when Howard comes out of prison. He is met at the jail door by his young wife. Jerry also meets him and offers him help, but urged on by his wife, Howard refuses it. When they reach home, his wife, who has a little money, induces him to go to New York and start life anew, and send, for her when he has a position. In New York, he manages to obtain a position in the office of Arthur Jamieson, an importer. Howard sends for his wife to join him. While he is waiting, Grafton finds him and insists that he forge his employer's name, or he will expose his past offense. Naturally weak, Howard yields.
The Meeting of the Ways
A Thief
Tom and Dick are brothers and are being educated at the same college. Tom is a studious fellow and graduates with honors, while Dick is expelled from college through misbehavior. Dick is ashamed to go home, but before leaving Tom gives him a locket containing a picture of their mother. Ten years later Tom, who is a successful lawyer, is married and has two little children. Dick, who has now been reduced through personal neglect to a derelict, overhears a plan to rob his brother's house. Making up his mind to prevent it, Dick climbs through the nursery window, catches the burglars, but effects their escape. His two little nieces, who have been watching him, kiss and hug him before he makes his exit. When their parents return from the reception they attended, the children relate to them what had happened. Dick gets into a scrape with a gambler a month or two later, who laughs at the miniature of his mother that Dick puts up in lieu of cash.
A Reformed Santa Claus
The employees of Harrison's mine have been out on strike for a long time. The men wait for him until he is leaving his office in the evening. They try to state their case but he entirely ignores them. They attack him. In terror, he flees before them, escaping by entering the home of a poor widow with two children.
From Out of the Big Snows
Harris, a young adventurer into the big snows of the Northwest, through an accident, becomes a great friend of Dr. Brandon, who warns him against his fascination for Marie, woman of the dance hall. He tells him of Jean, her half-breed lover, and that he is a bad man. Harris disregards this and Jean, returning from a trapping expedition, finds Marie in his arms. Concealing his hatred, he contrives a fiendish plan, and in pursuance of this, wins the friendship of Harris.