When a fortuneteller predicted Lisa's death on August 15 in midst of fear and violence, she shrugged. Yet, this morning, as the sun rises over a deserted and heat-scorched city, the police is desperate. The killer of three women will strike again by midnight. Suddenly Lisa feels less serene. Especially since she is sure, a man has broken into the empty building. August 15th will be a very hot day….
2016년 10월 12일 밤, 21세의 클라라 로이에가 온몸에 휘발유를 덮어쓰고 산채로 불태워졌다. 누가 이런 야만적인 짓을 저질렀나? 요한과 사법경찰은 클라라 측근을 중심으로 탐문에 나선다. 클라라가 사귀던 남자들 중 한 명이 저지른 보복 행위라는 데에는 의심의 여지가 없다. 수사에는 진척이 없는데 경찰은 설상가상으로 피해자의 개방적인 성격과 자유로운 연애관을 섣불리 판단하려 든다.
Catherine Borowiak, 50 years old, is the head of a conditional release agency. Being in charge of 20 years old Hugo's case, recently released from jail on parole, she starts a relationship with him, a highly risky one.
Marie is eight years old. She comes from a shanty town, near Paris. One day, while hanging around, she passes a house and watches a boy of the same age as her playing in a garden. The day after she's welcomed by the boy and his aunt, Sylvie. Marie strikes up a friendship with them. But Marie is not like the other girls. Sylvie doesn't know how to rescue her...