Dimension is a short film written and directed by Lars von Trier, released in 2010. The film was shot in three-minute segments over several years. The original intention was to continue production for a period of 30 years for a final release in 2024. However, von Trier lost interest in the project and it was shelved in the late 1990s. The short film consists of the completed footage at the time the film was abandoned.
Self (archive footage)
Self (archive footage)
The legendary photographer William Klein has designed this fascinating book on fashion photography, with a selection of images from throughout his career, including material from his films. Though Klein claims roots in areas as diverse as painting, street photography, the tabloids, and B movies, his fashion work has been known since the fifties and sixties and has been a constant in his career.
Self / Colonel Harris
Documentary about the making of Lars von Trier's 1991 film.
Lemmy Caution
통일독일을 여행하는 자의 포스트 모던 로드무비.
로셀리니의 47년작 "독일영년"이 2차 대전 직후의 독일에 대한 이야기라면 고다르의 "신독일영년"은 사회주의의 붕괴와 베를린 장벽이 무너진 통일독일 직후를 말한다. 그리고 그 둘은 모두 이방인의 눈에 비친 독일의 현실을 보여준다.
로셀리니와 에이젠슈타인, 무르나우의 이미지와 독일의 현실을 결합시키면서 고다르는 하나의 영화-역사(이야기)를 완성시킨다.
Colonel Harris
2차 세계대전 후 독일, 독일계 미국인 청년 레오폴트 케슬러(장 마크 바)는 전쟁이 끝나자 독일로 돌아온다. 큰아버지(에른스트 휴고 예어가르트)의 소개로 철도 침대칸에서 일하게 된 레오폴트. 그는 우연히 철도회사 사장(유도 키에르) 딸 카타리나(바바라 수코와)와 만나 사랑에 빠지고 결혼하기에 이른다. 그러나 연합군의 지배아래 독일 테러리스트 집단과 연합군의 대립이 격해지자, 레오폴트는 미국장교로부터는 독일의 정보를 캐오라는 요구를, 독일 테러리스트 집단으로부터는 기차를 폭파하라는 지시를 받는다. 레오폴트는 아무 것도 하지 못한 채 테러 집단의 일원이었던 아내로부터도 방관자라는 말을 듣는다. 평범하고 선량하게 살려는 의지가 흔들리기 시작하는 레오폴트. 정신분열을 일으키던 그는 스스로 죽음을 맞이한다.
Mr. Hardayle
Lemmy Caution
The owner of Black Angel is shot by Mamba, a killer in the pay of the Chinese mafia. The victim's daughter, who witnessed the murder and knows she is threatened, refuses to collaborate with the police and prefers to call on an old friend of her father's, Lemmy Caution, but is this man, who lives on an island paradise, still old enough to play the vigilante?
Old Gangster
Alex is a Finnish taxi driver in Berlin. One evening pits two men feel comfortable in his taxi with a briefcase full of money, but unfortunately for Alex's money stolen and a group of gangsters are at the nape of the two. Soon it comes to shooting, and when the two men being killed, is good advice costly for the beleaguered driver. "Helsinki Napoli All Night Long" is Mika Kaurismäki's first major European production. The film features a host of famous names in the cast: The legendary film director Samuel Fuller (The Big Red One), actor Eddie Constantine (Alphaville, Europe), cult directors Wim Wenders (Paris, Texas) and Jim Jarmusch (Dead Man).
A parody of Frankensteinian stories. It is a story of a little boy, an orphan who arrives at the Castle of Count Frankenstein - a world inhabited by mysterious and sometimes a bit ridiculous scary creatures. Although each one of them is different, they all share one thing: they feel lonely and they are desperate for a little love and affection.
Lemmy Caution
When Italian Vincenzo comes to Norway to open a restaurant, Norwegian drinking habits and alcohol politics are seen with southern European eyes. Vincenzo dies trying, and his brother seeks revenge.
Charlie Davis
In a situation of political crisis, an immobilist group prepares to carry out a coup d'état by assassinating the president of the government, for which an American mercenary is hired.
Boy Pappa
The actual life and the fiction created by a successful pulp author begin to blend together.
Leo, a young filmmaker, quarrels with the screenplay author about the explosive plot, has problems with his girlfriend Katrin, and to top it all, the department of education doesn't want to subsidize his film although the television people are interested in it. In other words, a lot of problems for Leo. An influential politician who thinks he has recognized himself in the film story is responsible for it all.
Lemmy Caution
Martin Powolny, a down and out actor, calls himself Tiger. He lives in a tree house and practices his characteristic yell. An offer to make a film and an air-travel ticket entice him into the big city of Vienna. The director hopes he can finance the film if Tiger plays the leading role. There is no screen story as yet. Running away from a mean nightclub owner, Tiger is hit by an automobile and lands in a hospital.
The story of Nino, a street boy from Naples, and his friend Matumba, a boy from New York who wants to emigrate to Naples.
A woman is being taken from her German hotel to be interrogated by police agents.
Beppo Bourbon
A thriller-comedy by Torsten Emrich.
Gregori Ustinov
Herbie Melbourne is a poor schlemiel who is inadvertently caught between the Devil and the deep blue sea in this German farce about a cab driver assigned to bring a "comrade" back to the East German side of the Berlin wall, a passenger who is dead to the world, permanently, when he arrives. Herbie the cabbie is recruited by the KGB and East German Intelligence to help them discover who murdered the man in his back seat. After arriving on the West German side of the divide, Herbie is then recruited by the CIA and West German Intelligence to become a counterspy, for double what the other side is paying him. As Herbie seems to have no viable way out of this mess, he goes to a therapist for help. Reaching into her bag of tricks, she gives Herbie a small bottle he can sniff when in need of self-confidence, an act guaranteed to put him on top of any situation. Now Herbie is a cabbie, a KGB agent, a CIA agent, and a bottle sniffer -- and he is falling in love with his gorgeous therapist.
Er (He)
Aging film star Eddie Constantine travels through Germany.
버지니아 울프의 소설 『올란도』와 토드 브라우닝의 영화 에서 착안한 울리케 오팅거 감독의 시간여행 판타지. 남성과 여성을 오가는 여행자 주인공은 다섯 개의 무대를 관통하며 세계의 역사를 이야기한다. 중세 스페인의 종교 재판, 유랑 극단, 그리스 신화, 기형 인간, 카니발리즘적 이야기들은 퀴어적 관점에서 인간의 신체라는 한계를 극복하려 한다. (2019년 한국시네마테크협의회 - 독일 SF 특별전 - 미래는 어떻게 만들어지는가?)
A Berlin woman in her early thirties is trying to handle her psychological problems and childhood trauma with the help of her psychiatrist. She is ashamed and overwhelmed by her masochistic sex fantasies.
그리스도 수난의 기념일, 금요일, 토요일 이틀간의 이야기가 전개된다. 런던 암흑가의 보스 해롤드는 미국 암흑가와 연계하는 거액의 사업 건을 앞두고 있는데 그의 오른팔이 수영장에서 잔혹하게 살해 되고 어머니를 모시고 예배를 드리러 갔던 심복도 차와 함께 폭파되어 죽고 만다. 그리고 그의 영업장인 카지노에서도 폭약이 발견되고 미국 암흑가 보스와 자리를 옮긴 연회장마저 가스 폭발과 함께 날아가 버린다. 조금 늦게 도착한 덕에 구사 일생으로 목숨을 건진 그는 보복을 결심하지만 도대체 단서가 없다. 신흥 미국 계열의 암흑 조직일 것이라는 추측과 내부의 반란 세력을 의심해 보지만 그 또한 오리 무중이다. 전 조직원을 불러 모아놓고 단합 결속을 외치며 범행 세력을 캐려 해 보았지만 실마리가 잡히지 않는다.
10년간 태평성대를 누리던 런던 마피아 조직 해롤드 샌드다 누군가에게 표적이 되고 그 안보이는 상대를 추적해 가는 과정이 흥미진진하게 전개된다.
Lemmy Caution
The musician Udo Lindenberg (played by himself) is kidnapped during the party after a concert. Nobody realises this until the next day, when he doesn't show up in time for a rehearsal. Since the police believes this is only a promotion gag, private eye Kuhlmann (also played by Udo Lindenberg) has to be hired to find him in time.
When designer Robert Meering returns from vacation, he discovers the company he worked for unexpectedly went bankrupt so he decides to visit his old boss. His former employer Banninger liquidated the company and claims that all designs of Robert are his. When Robert's Porsche gets stolen by two thieves, he manages to track them down. When they tell him about 40 Porsche's in a dealer shop garage owned by Banninger things change and suddenly get very interesting.
A guy having sex with a woman on a rooftop – just to get her coffee-machine.
am Künstlertisch
A sartorially resplendent woman of few words arrives in Berlin with plans to live out the rest of her days as a drunkard.
P. J. Lurz
어느 집단이 있다. 집단 구성원들은 모두 제각각이다. 힐데는 역사 선생이고, 루돌프는 음반 가게에서 판매원으로 일하며, 페트라는 은행장과 결혼했고, 수잔느는 페터의 비서로 일하고, 에드가는 이따금 작곡가로 활동하지만 아버지의 돈으로 산다. 아프리카에서 돌아온 킬러가 집단에 들어온다. 군대서 탈영한 군인 두 명도 가담한다. 하지만 "작전"에 참가하게 되는 사람은 그들 중 꼭 한 명뿐이다. 그러다가 킬러가 경찰에 피살되자 흥분한 집단은 지하조직에 가입한다. 은행을 습격하여 집단은 외국으로 도망갈 비용을 훔친다. 페트라도 경찰에게 피살되자 집단은 자신들 속에 배신자가 있다는 것을 알게 된다.
Dr. Forrest
악마의 아기들의 아버지였던 프랭크는 조디의 임신 파티 날에 그녀의 아기가 악마의 자식인 것을 알게 된다. 그리고 이상한 출산으로부터 태어난 아이들은 정말 악마의 화신이었다. 프랭크는 자신이 경험한 비극이 재현될 것 같은 공포에 빠지고, 태어난 아기들은 연구소에 수용된다. 어느날 수용된 아기들이 열쇠를 탈취하여 연구원을 살해하게 되는데...
A private detective takes on a strange case.
Docteur Goldberg
In 1977 France, the Ministry of the Future chooses two “normal,” white, middle-class citizens, Claudine and Jean-Michel, for a national experiment. They will be monitored and displayed on television for six months in a model apartment outfitted with state-of-the-art products and nonstop surveillance—the template for “a new city for the new man".
A nurse arrives at a small town to discover that the blood supply at the hospital is being raided by a small group of vampires.
Capt. Becaud
Based on a true Military operation by Israeli commandos. An Air France flight is hijacked by the PFLP. The plane has about 100 Jewish passengers. The plane is grounded in Uganda. Israelis would not negotiate. The movie then shows how less than 500 soldiers actually flew so far and rescued the passengers in one of the most successful Military operations in history. The only casualty for Israeli soldiers was Lt. Col. Jonathan "Yoni" Netanyahu..
Frank Cabot
An aging gossip columnist, tired of the social life of the Roman Dolce-vita set, goes to New York with hopes of a literary career. He marries a nurse, but succumbs to his former mistress.
Bernardette is feeling bored in a country house. She decides to send weekend invitations to a lot of people.
Bill Silkstocking
일군의 영화촬영팀이 스페인에서 감독과 주연배우, 제작비가 도착하기를 기다리고 있다. 하지만 배우는 도무지 나타나지 않고, 제작자금과 필름 역시 소식이 없다. 팽팽한 긴장 상황이 지속되면서, 촬영팀 내에는 갈등과 좌절, 공격성, 이기주의, 무기력이 팽배해간다. 마침내 주연배우와 함께 도착한 감독이 혼란을 정리해보려 하지만 뒤얽힌 문제는 쉽게 해결되지 않는다. 촬영현장을 배경으로 다양한 욕망의 갈등을 다루며 영화 만들기의 의미를 묻고 있는 영화.
Party Guest
In this comedy, Iris Berben plays a mysterious, supernaturally beautiful girl from another planet, who confuses and flusters the men on earth, where she has landed. The men follow her wherever she goes. Marquard Bohm is no exception here - he leaves his wife in a lurch and travels with the Supergirl to Spain. The girl doesn't tell much about herself; she reports, though, about an impending threat from outer space.
A biochemistry professor finds an old manuscript with structure and formula of immortality drug.
Enrico Malatesta (Eddie Constantine) leads a group of Latvian dissidents in the siege of Sidney Street. Chief of police Winston Churchill organizes against the anarchist who threaten to disturb the peace to make their demands known to the British aristocracy. Authorities break up the volatile gang and Malatesta is deported to Italy. Constantine gives a sympathetic portrayal of the agitator that organizes the revolt that shocked the Edwardian sensibilities of London in this historical drama.
Three actors in Hollywood live and love together. A director comes from New York to make a movie about actors and Hollywood.
A gang of young tugs led by Frankie, opens a nightclub just in front of a gangster's hideout. Morelli is his name and he prepares the stealing of the century.
Al Pereira
Al Pereira, a wise-cracking superspy, investigates a series of assassinations being performed by ruthless killers with bronze skin and horn-rimmed glasses. The trail of these mindless automata leads him to the lair of a seductive villainess who has formulated a computer-powered plot to overthrow the governments of Europe. 'Cartes sur table' is at once an homage to classical Hollywood thrillers and a playful riff on the newly-popular James Bond films.
Dan Leyton
Ms. Pendleton is the commander-in-chief of a women's training camp for western spies, recently established in Turkey. CIA agent Leyton receives a mission, to discover and destroy an enemy group operating in the vicinities of that residence. He will manage, with the help, and sometimes extra zeal, of a team of young women recruits.
Nick Carter
A secret agent uncovers four atomic rockets with a lethal gas warhead which have been stolen from a secret factory, and a dastardly plot.
Rudy Hamberg
A couple of hit men set out to kill an old friend.
Lemmy Caution
특별 수사요원 레미 코션은 알파빌의 모든 시민의 자유 표현을 금지하고 억제하는 알파 컴퓨터 개발자인 본 브론 교수를 체포하기 위해 알파빌에 온다. 알파빌은 모든 자유가 제한되어 있고 사랑도 금지되어 있어 그 법을 어겼을 시에는 엄중한 처벌을 받도록 되어있다. 하지만 레미는 나타샤라는 여인을 만나 사랑에 빠지고 이 법률에 맞서 싸울 것을 결심한다.
Mike Warner
A famous American secret service agent tries to rescue a German 17-year-old prodigy scientist who has been captured by the Russians.
Jeff Gordon
Lucky Jo
Lucky Jo and his three friends are little criminals, who try to live from small burglaries. But they never have luck - ever so often something inpredictable happens to Jo and gets one of them arrested. While Jo is in prison once again, they decide they'd better do without him in future. He decides to help them secretly...and unfortunately.
Jeff Gordon
Nick Carter
Didier Formenter, the French scientist, has just put the final touch on an invention that will be able to destroy to destroy any sort of flying apparatus. An international crime gang is very interested in stealing this equipement to sell it to the higher bidder of lawless nations. Menaced, the scientist, who was friends with Nick Carter's father, calls Nick for help. At Nice airport, Nick Carter escapes death, but that night he is unable to stop Formenter's murder. He suspects Bruno, Formenter's adoptive son, and Tonio, the owner of a bar near Formentier's home. Bruno is actually after Formenter's heritage, and for that he tries to kill Catherine, Formentier's granddaughter. Therefore, Nick Carter finds himself against more than a gang, but he will uncover the plots, in time to break every gangster apart.
Jeff Gordon
Jeff Gordon, FBI agent, infiltrates a gang and finds himself in the midst of a gang war.
The brother of a delinquent schoolboy falls in love with his teacher and intrigues to make him reciprocate her love, and succeeds.
Lemmy Caution
In this French espionage thriller, Eddie again plays the role that made him a star, Lemmy Caution. Lots of two fisted action.
Bobby Carao
An FBI agent works to arrest David Griffin, a murderous drug trafficker, and protect Juliette, the beautiful widow of Griffin's late partner.
Eddie Ross
A writer stumbles into a job as a mob enforcer.
Friend of Pin-Up Girl (uncredited)
Comical adventures of two pairs of friends during their stay in Deauville, Normandy.
Friend of Pin-Up Girl
Comical adventures of two pairs of friends during their stay in Deauville, Normandy.
Usually cast as secret agent/private eye Lemmy Caution, Eddie Constantine plays "Eddie" in The Empire of Night. This time, Constantine is a cabaret singer at odds with a criminal gang. When the villains try to take over every nightclub in town for their own nefarious purposes, Eddie sings a new tune with his fists. The story takes several unexpected turns, but Constantine remains in charge throughout.
napoléon Dubois dit Naps
A man inherits an old house in a very bad condition. With the help of a young mechanic, he begins to renovate this house.
L'Arroseur / Actor in Silent Film
암 진단 결과를 기다리던 가수 클레오는 곧 죽음을 맞이한다는 점괘를 받는다. 불안에 잠긴 클레오는 의사의 최종 진단을 기다리는 동안 끊임없이 파리 곳곳을 배회하기 시작한다.
'파리에서 만들어진 가장 아름다운 영화'라는 평가를 받았던 이 영화는 감독인 아녜스 바르다에게 최초로 국제적인 명성을 가져다주었다. 클레오의 모든 행동과 사건들은 실제로 물리적 시간의 흐름에 따라 묘사됨으로써 그녀가 죽음에 대한 두려움에 사로잡혀 있는 모습과 그 두려움을 벗어나게 되는 과정이 동시적으로 포착된다. 영화 속에서 점차로 그녀는 자기 자신은 물론이고 죽음과 삶에 대한 새로운 시선과 통찰을 향해 나아가기 때문이다. 바르다는 이 작품에서 관습적인 이야기 전개 대신에 사진적인 것과 영화적인 것의 특성을 최대한 활용하고 있는데, 미와 추는 조우하고 그로테스크함(살아있는 개구리를 먹는 남자)과 사랑스러움(클레오의 공적 이미지)은 병치되며, 빛과 어둠, 인공적인 것과 자연적인 것은 시각적 대조를 이루고, 밝은 뮤지컬 코미디와 비극적 드라마가 서로 엮어 들어감으로써 영화는 전반적으로 대립을 통해서 미묘한 결을 구성해간다.
Lemmy Caution
A famous FBI agent's vacation is interrupted by murder. His investigation leads him on the trail of three women of the local upper middle class.
Jean-Luc Godard's short segment made for “Les sept péchés capitaux”.
Self (segment "La paresse")
Seven directors each dramatize one of the seven deadly sins in a short film. In "Anger," a domestic argument over a fly in the Sunday soup escalates into nuclear war. In "Sloth," a movie star would rather pay someone to tie his shoe than bend over to do it himself, and he can't be bothered to accept a starlet's sexual favors. In "Gluttony," a peasant family on its way to the funeral of a relative who died from indigestion stops regularly to eat and drink en route, arriving in time to eat some more. In "Greed," a high-class prostitute refunds the price of a cadet's lottery ticket. In "Pride," an unfaithful wife finds reason to reform. And so on through lust and envy.
Felice Esposito
Lemmy Caution has been assigned by Interpol to work as a double agent. Little does he know how many spies are on to this deception and how dangerous his assignment has become.
Eddie MacAvoy
Eddie Constantine stars as a reporter mixed up in the spy world in this routine espionage actioner by first-time director Pierre Grasset. After taking some illicit photos for a new story he is working on, Eddie (Constantine) is coerced into doing a job for the French Secret Service. There is a mole in the French missile sites who is passing on classified information, and Eddie is enlisted as bait to draw the culprit -- or culprits -- out. Along the way, he finds himself running for his life, fighting, and romancing until the final denouement.
A subtitle warns, "beware of dark sunglasses." Anna and her lover, whose looks in bowler and bow tie are reminiscent of a young Buster Keaton, kiss chastely on a bridge overlooking the Seine. He dons sunglasses and waves as she runs down a stairway to the river's edge, then watches in horror as she's knocked flat and loaded into the back of a hearse. In vain, he gives chase. Disconsolate, he buys a large funeral wreath and a handkerchief from sympathetic vendors. He removes the glasses to wipe his eyes and realizes they are the cause of all his woe. He replays the farewell without the glasses.
John Lewis / John Jarvis
FBI agent John Lewis travels in Europe, from Paris to Lisbon, trying to locate a disappeared fellow secret-agent, Mark Lemoine. Soon he has trouble with a violant gang, and is involved with a young French reporter, Michèle Laurent. Finally, the chief of the Secret Service tells Lewis that Lemoine never existed. Instead of ending his mission there, the real trouble starts.
Eddie (uncredited)
A womanizing pilot who is asked by a friend to intervene in one of the friend's romantic tangles. The pilot is quite willing to help out but then a confusion about the woman who is the target of the intervention causes a series of unexpected circumstances.
Lemmy Caution
American FBI agent Lemmy Caution arrives in France to track down a dangerous spy.
Kapitän Eddie Cronen
In Monte Carlo, a captain tries to raise the money to pay his crew at the gaming table, and meets and falls in love with a Queen.
A flying boat has to ditch off an island in the Pacific. Along with the injured owner-pilot the passengers include a policeman and his smuggler prisoner, a slimey limey witness against him, a physicist, and a globe-hopping good-time girl. On the island they find a fleet of derelict ships, farm animals tethered, and cameras in a lead-lined bunker and a stark realisation soon dawns.
Larry Brennan
After World War II, an ex-spy returns to Germany to search for a cache of jewels he hid in a Czechoslovakian convent.
Interpol Agent Williams
Vicky de Berlin, a female gangster, haunted by wartime memories , runs a floating night-club in Brussel. Marcel, her partner and lover, is in charge of the banknotes forgery manufacture concealed in the bottom of the boat. He decides to rob the Bank of Belgium and exchange a huge sum of counterfeit money for its equivalent in genuine one. But things get complicated when Yoko, the she leader of another gang and her lover The Bug interfere...
Johnny McVey
British melodrama about a cabbie befriending a girl caught up in the white slave trade.
Eddie Petersen
Robert 'Bob' Stanley
Bob Stanley was an American secret agent during World War II in France. After the war Stanley returns to France as a consul. In reality, he works for the FBI, to roll up the organization that manufactures fake U.S. dollars. A violent confrontation is insurmountable.
Burt Brickford
Eddie F. Morgan, aventurier et bluffeur
A con man comes into possession of an oil well.
Fred Barker
Bob Wellington
A GI on furlough attends a Folies-Bergères show. He falls in love with a dancer, Claudie, the star of the theater.
Howard l'homme attendant Marlène au bar (uncredited)
At Christmastime, the love affairs of five clothing models working for Pierre Roussel, a renowned Paris fashion designer. Marlène hesitates between two suitors. Blanche, who loves Jean, Roussel's son, wants him to talk to his father about their relationship. Catherine learns that her lover has a wife and two kids. Jeannette throws herself into the arms of an Oriental prince. In despair the fifth one attempts to commit suicide...
Jim Esposito
"Thieves We Are" - In flashback, the audience learns why 104-year-old Amedee steals the watch belonging to the town mayor. The story develops into a history of the watch-thievery business, told in anecdotal fashion.
Lemmy Caution
A group of bandits conspire to kidnap a scientist who can help them manufacture diamonds.Unbeknownst to them , the FBI is already on their case.
Barney Morgan
Johnny Jordan
During the 1950s, in Portuguese Mozambique, small-time American hustler, ex-soldier, ex-boxer and adventurer Johnny Jordan is looking for a new gig. His opportunity comes in the form of a local shipping tycoon and importer Moreno who offers Johnny a job after Johnny saves Moreno from an armed mugger on the waterfront.
Larry Blake
Larry Blake is an American airline pilot who loves women and ... trouble! Wherever he goes troubles indeed follow, like this time in Paris. On vacation in the French capital, the happy American decides to discover Paris by Night. As of his first night out, he gets to know Michèle Marley, a beautiful entertainer, and looks forward to a wonderful night of pleasure. But things do not go according to plan. Indeed, Laurent, Michèle's partner is found dead and not only is Michèle accused of killing him but Larry is suspected of being her accomplice as well ...
Franco Cesari
Three jailbirds - a surgeon, a robber and a wrongly convicted man must adjust to their lives once released from prison.
Lemmy Caution
Lemmy Caution is on the trail of a women who may or may not be mixed up in a blackmail scheme.
Lemmy Caution
On the run from international police, Special Agent Lemmy Caution arrives in the South of France and soon becomes embroiled in a scheme with the infamous gangster Siegella. Whilst seeming to co-operate with the underworld boss, Lemmy is secretly acting for the FBI, and intends using Miranda Van Zelden, a wealthy heiress, as bait to trap a gang of crooks and put an end to Siegella's exploits...
Lemmy Caution
FBI Agent Lemmy Caution is sent after a missing two million in Casablanca while mob boss mistress Carlotta plays both sides of the law.
Three tales of life on the Nile River reveal love and vengeance, religion and deception. Each atmospheric vignette offers an eye-opening take on the culture, attitudes and religion of the Middle East. First, a knife thrower's affair threatens his mistress. Then, the plague tests a band of pilgrims journeying to Mecca. Finally, two con men learn a lesson at a Coptic church.